I want Viserys to have True Seeing active the moment the Bilestone is purged. I want him to see exactly what goes on there.

That'll need to be part of another vote. Dany's True Seeing will last 12 minutes, but what Viserys gets from the earring will only last 1 minute. Activating the earring is only a Swift Action, so we can use it quickly, when needed.
I really like that Shaper-philosophy, it's both fitting and very practical for the Xorn.

Unfortunatly not something humans can adapt for themselves, because change and activity are a normal state for us, rather than something to work towards against our nature. Even the most settled and inflexible human is still going through the dayly motions after all, or we die.
Humans are all about transient desires and needs, always changing. Even "content" is really just window dressing on "bored" and "ennui".

Humans are just better at lying to themselves and others about what they need or want.
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Feb 1, 2018 at 1:58 AM, finished with 147043 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan Ant Lions, Dire Tigers, and...Gibbering Abominations?
    -[X] Accept Echo Caller's offer of help, but not as a scout. There is no need to risk his health or safety against such vile creatures when we have a much safer alternative available.
    -[X] Richard grants himself 12 Temporary Hit Points using his amulet, uses his earring to gain Darkvision and See Invisibility, then takes point to intercept anything that approaches from the tunnels up ahead.
    -[X] Viserys assumes MHD form, casts Mage Armor on the Xorn, then casts Shield, Mirror Image, and Greater Shadow Enchantment to duplicate the effects of a Grand Destiny spell on himself. Using the Staff of the Old Gods, Viserys sends an unkindness of ravens to scout the tunnel, especially the vertical shafts which have allowed ambushes in the past.
    -[X] Dany casts Chained Resist Energy(Acid) on everyone. She then casts Sign, Blessed Aim, and True Seeing, followed by placing Greater Magic Fang on Echo Caller.
    -[X] Malarys casts Magic Circle Against Chaos (if he has it prepared), along with any relevant buffs he can place on himself and the others with a duration of at least one minute per caster level.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 1, 2018 at 2:53 AM, finished with 147045 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Ant Lions, Dire Tigers, and...Gibbering Abominations?
    -[X] Accept Echo Caller's offer of help, but not as a scout. There is no need to risk his health or safety against such vile creatures when we have a much safer alternative available.
    -[X] Richard grants himself 12 Temporary Hit Points using his amulet, uses his earring to gain Darkvision and See Invisibility, then takes point to intercept anything that approaches from the tunnels up ahead.
    -[X] Viserys assumes MHD form, casts Mage Armor on the Xorn, then casts Shield, Mirror Image, and Greater Shadow Enchantment to duplicate the effects of a Grand Destiny spell on himself. Using the Staff of the Old Gods, Viserys sends an unkindness of ravens to scout the tunnel, especially the vertical shafts which have allowed ambushes in the past.
    -[X] Dany casts Chained Resist Energy(Acid) on everyone. She then casts Sign, Blessed Aim, and True Seeing, followed by placing Greater Magic Fang on Echo Caller.
    -[X] Malarys casts Magic Circle Against Chaos (if he has it prepared), along with any relevant buffs he can place on himself and the others with a duration of at least one minute per caster level.
Part MDCLXXXIII: Unclean Flesh
Unclean Flesh

First Day of the First Month 293 AC

"Gladly will I accept your help, my friend," you answer after a moment. "But not as a scout to then risk tainted stone and whatever vile things it may have spawned." So saying you armor yourself in scales of crimson and a shroud of sorcery you take up, a gleaming shield at your side. The shadows do you call also to whisper fate's secrets in your ear.

Beside you the others prepare each after their own manner, to see the threat and to slay it. What was it Vee had said to you once? Ah yes: Better that the trap you spring is the one you see coming.

You strike your staff against the stone and call forth a storm of black wings and gleaming eyes. The cawing of ravens echoes against stone where its like had never been heard, then heedless of whatever instinct held other simple creatures at bay they pass into the tunnel at your behest. Echo Caller gives them a startled but approving look before melding into the stone, likely seeking to ambush whatever may come through the tunnel as Rock Shaker had done the spawn of Tiamat.

Thus for a few brief moments the others wait, sword and seals of power in hand while you scout ahead on a hundred wings and peering though a hundred eyes.

The tunnel is eerily quiet, even the sounds of wing-beats and feathers brushing against stone lost entirely, even the croaking voices of the ravens are muffled as though the stone hungers for the sound of living things... then without warning a dreadful babble that sounds as though it is spoken in all the tongues of the world at once erupts from somewhere above and beneath it the horrid wet sound of flesh dragging over stone.

A wave of screeching screaming, horridly pleading flesh and mouths and eyes tumbles onto the farthest of your ravens which are simply buried under warped flesh. The rest of the birds are driven mad by the cacophony, tearing into each other and themselves attacking flesh and stone with mindless horror. Yet you still see far more of the monster that now fills the tunnel like a canker in the earth's belly.... screaming in madness beyond mortal ken, as spittle and tears of vitriol flow outwards.

This foulness you know, though no thinking race has ever thought it deserving of any name past the most basic, perhaps to shield themselves from the horror of its existence: That Which Gibbers or simply Mouthers.

"Are they coming out?" Ser Richard asks calmly, hearing the horrid sounds of the creature, though thankfully muffled by the stone.

"No," you answer, thankful that this form gives you a strong stomach. "It is staying in place, but it's blocked the tunnel entirely." There must be some manner of intelligence guiding or controlling the creature, or else its hunger would drive it out seeking warm blood.

What do you do?

[] Write in plan

OOC: The reason a huge creature can fit into a space a large one would have to squeeze through is that a Gibbering Mouther is just a roiling mass of flesh. Also no pictures for this one because they are rather disturbing and I did not know if they would have been acceptable on the site. Better safe than sorry in cases like this.
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So I am really curious how a Xorn would react to the weirwood staff allowing the wielder to listen to stone.

They dont seem to revere gods, but respect their power. They'd resonate with the idea of no worship needed beyond what are fair laws, while the Heart Treed grants boons and allows ancestors to guide them from the afterlife. Hivemind afterlife-esque.

I think they'd like gods whose domain include magic, strength, and time. Although they seem timeless, the Old Gods do change by whom worship them.

Also how theyre described as the gods of earth, stone, and tree - presumably the protection and strength domain comes from stone?

Edit: We need only find a cavern big enough to raise a fortress around a godswood. Add daylight permanency and alot of everflame latern. Then glass the ceiling of the cave to reflect as much light as possible. Perfectly liveable miners town.

Not sure if I rather have the pech in PoE or a Vale mountain though. There are drawbacks in letting them loose in PoE if they grow strong enough to split off from our protection. Atleast partially.
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The Vale option would allow us to get a headstart on developing that region. Drawing resources from those peaks would be difficult without supernaturally skilled miners. The same could be said, perhaps moreso, of the PoE, but we have trade contacts in Earth already. We want more industry happening in the comparatively underdeveloped Westeros, since Essos has a massive head-start.
Negatory. Are you linking some kind of creature advancement page? You mentioned it earlier.

That might be what's messing it up.
Refreshed it. Does it work for you now?
type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
    com.jspbook.GZIPFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)

root cause

    com.dnd.controller.MonsterAdvanceController.doAdvancement(Unknown Source)
    sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor456.invoke(Unknown Source)
    com.jspbook.GZIPFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
OK will C&P it. Edited bellow:

Huge Gibbering Mouther (Advanced Hit Dice) CR 9
Usually Neutral Huge Aberration
Init -1 (-1 dex)
AC 20 FF 20 Touch 7
(-2 size, -1 Dex , +13 natural)
HD: 13
HP: 188 (13d8+130)
Fort +14 Ref +5 Will +9
Speed 10ft, swim 20ft
Base Atk +9 Grp +25
Attack: Bite (w/Improved Grab) +15 1d4+8
Attack: Spittle (see special ability) +6
Grapple Attack: Grapple or Swallow Whole +25
Full Attack: 6 Bites +15 1d1+8, Spittle (see special ability) +6
Space 15 ft. (3 squares) Reach 10 ft. (2 squares)
Abilities Str 26(+8) Dex 9(-1) Con 30(+10) Int 4(-3) Wis 13(+1) Cha 13(+1)
Stat Points Gained From Advancement: 2
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse(Bite)
Skill Points: 16
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +13
Gibbering(Su): Will save DC 17(+6 HD, +0 Racial, +1 Cha, +0 Feat) avoids
As soon as a mouther spots something edible it begins a constant gibbering as a free action. All creatures within 60ft radius must make a save or be affected as though by a confusion spell for 1d2 rounds.
Spittle(Ex): Fortitude save DC 26(+6 HD, +0 Racial, +10 Con, +0 Feat) avoids blindness (but not acid)
As a free action each round a mouther fires a stream of spittle at an opponent w/i 30ft. On a hit it deals 1d4 acid damage and target must save to avoid blindness for 1d4 rounds
Blood Drain(Ex): A swallowed opponent automatically takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage each round
Ground Manipulation(Su): At will, as a standard action, a gibbering mouther can cause stone and earth in all adjacent squares to become a morass akin to quicksand. Softening earth, sand, or the like takes 1 round, while stone takes 2 rounds. Anyone other than the mouther in that area must take a move-equivalent action to avoid becoming mired (treat as being pinned).
Amorphous(Ex): Not subject to critical hits and cannot be flanked.
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Man, that sucker is a damage sponge.

Hahaha. It's really noticeable when our mechanical gurus aren't available around here. Total like of tactical depth discussion.
That thing has a mean grapple and can change stone to slow down adjacent people.
But it's slow as hell.

If we get no other surprises I'd say Dany and Viserys in wyrmling shapes can easily kite and shoot it to death, just keep the melee away.

There's propably a surprise nearby though.
[X] Dany and Viserys turn into Wyrmlings and attack the Mouther from maximum visible distance with Elemental Darts (Fire) and Streamers
-[X] The Rest stays a bit behind but in sight of Viserys, ready to back away if they retreat from the Mouther or to charge in if they are attacked by a different foe as needed.
I say that we go for a freezing glance while everybody else looks for the other thing controlling the mouther.

It has a 75% chance to fail the will save anyway
I say that we go for a freezing glance while everybody else looks for the other thing controlling the mouther.

It has a 75% chance to fail the will save anyway
But freezing it doesn't help us much.
It still blocks the way by its size and if we attack it it gets extra chances to get free.

We might as well leave it where it is, frozen or not makes little difference.