A sphere is all around (4pi) - so how does it work when someone is standing on a surface?
Fair point. I guess the sphere just goes through the solid materials that are in the way at the time of casting? But doesn't actually damage/cut them. You can probably tell I'm not well versed in DnD spell mechanics.
Part MDCLXXXIV: The Broken Chant
The Broken Chant

First Day of the First Month 293 AC

I do not trust the stone, a strange thing to worry about with the roiling horror you can hear gibbering madly before you, but you remember all too well what brought you here. "Can you sense any hidden entrances?" you ask your sister. After all, the thing had fallen from somewhere, and who is to say there were not more shoots than the two the Xorn showed you?

Dany whispers a quick spell, commanding the surrounding rock to reveal its secrets to her, then shakes her head. "Nothing from here, with the way it curves. I should come with you." No sooner had she finished speaking that she coils around your shoulders, tiny silver claws digging into your scales for a firm purchase. She knows me well indeed, you think wryly.

There is not much sense in denying your intention to deal with the thing yourself, so instead you explain what you know of the Mouthers, their maddening whispers and power to soften stone, their blinding spittle from which you are thankfully immune by dint of forethought. With every word you speak Ser Richard's expression darkens with worry. Before he speaks up, however, you say, "I do not think that will be the worst we have to fight down here, and the true foe would be all the more deadly coming from behind. I would rest far more easily knowing you guard my back, ser."

"Bastards are probably going to come through the walls now," he grumbles, about as close to mollified as he is going to get you would say.

Thus you advance into the tunnel just as the horrid mutterings begin to subside.... not that they will stay that way for long.

"There!" Dany hisses in your ear just as you carefully turn the last bend that would reveal the monster. "A hidden path opening into the upper part of tunnel... and the door is not what it seems, either."

Looking more carefully where she had pointed, you realize a patch in the stone above is not merely fused black stone, but a piece of the 'rotstone' you sought, betrayed only by the slight oily glistening in the faint light of Oathkeeper's flames. You slow your steps, considering your options.

The maddening whispers grow again... different this time as though filled with splinters of spells, not from ahead but above. Before you can open your mouth to shout the tainted stone door swings open on silent hinges to disgorge yet another thing of twisted flesh, this one smaller than the first, but rather than raw, pink and glistening with vitriol, this monster's flowing form is made up of a far more horrific patchwork: the fiery eyes of fiends stare out of patches of flayed angel-skin, stone teeth within round and lipless mouths of deep sea things, blasphemy upon blasphemy and horror upon horror.

Even as the creature spills out onto the stone you speak a word of power to grant yourself swiftness of thought... but you are just an instant too slow: scores of eyes filled with hate and badness turn upon you and in the from the dreadful din of half formed spells twisted magic is born.

Target: Viserys

Extended Persisted Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Holds

Reached Extended Persisted Spell Resistance Breaks

Extended Persisted Mass Conviction Holds

Chained Reached Extended Superior Resistance Holds

Chained Resist Energy(Acid) Breaks

Freezing Glance Breaks


Extended Persisted Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Breaks

Reached Extended Persisted Spell Resistance Holds

Extended Persisted Mass Conviction Holds

Chained Reached Extended Superior Resistance Holds

Chained Resist Energy(Acid) Holds

In a whirl of chaotic lights and half-spoken spells you feel some of your arcane protections being stripped away just as the ice in your gaze dies, though more of the wardings managing to resist. Thus do you draw upon the fabric of time itself... the world shimmers before your eyes but it does not slow, the mad ravings of the beast swallowing up the spell as though it had never been. A wave of unseen force passes by you and a moment later you hear Ser Richard being pushed perhaps a few inches back along the tunnel. Somehow you suspect the creature had meant to do much more.

What do you do?

[] Write in battle plan

OOC: Just to be clear, Disruptive Cacophony is not active right now since the Abomination just used its SLAs. Fluff-wise it is still making noise, but it is not mechanically disruptive.
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Fair point. I guess the sphere just goes through the solid materials that are in the way at the time of casting? But doesn't actually damage/cut them. You can probably tell I'm not well versed in DnD spell mechanics.
Funny thing - a lot of the 'wall' spells have something like 'if something is in the way (like people) when casting the spell, the spell fails'. Others have 'take damage'. Others have 'we don't talk about that because we forgot to think about it'.
The maddening whispers grow again... different this time as though filled with splinters of spells, not from ahead but above. Before you can open your mouth to shout the tainted stone door swings open on silent hinges to disgorge yet another thing of twisted flesh, this one smaller than the first, but rather than raw, pink and glistening with vitriol, this monster's flowing form is made up of a far more horrific patchwork: the fiery eyes of fiends stare out of patches of flayed angel-skin, stone teeth within round and lipless mouths of deep sea things, blasphemy upon blasphemy and horror upon horror.
So this thing is made up of Fiendish and Celestial parts, do that mean if we take it alive, we could harvest morally right Celestial grafts from it?
Glad I put that Detect Secret Doors spell in the plan! That would have been a nasty thing to drop down right on top of us.
If we finish this quickly, maybe we have enough time left to scout out a cevern with deposites nearby. If nothing else they could quarry various rare stones. There is stuff like the mirror hall the party passed through here afterall.

A miner's town and keep, protected and protecting a Heart Tree would not be bad. Add permanent daylight. :p
If we capture both of these things, we'll have 35.1 HD. That's 0.9 HD shy of a Tier 2 Heart Tree at 36 HD, and 18.9 HD short of the 54 HD we need for the Tier 3 Heart Tree for Lys.
Is there something else missing for CR-appropriate?
Not really. Old Gods only care about HD. It's Yss who awards extra for CR-appropriate sacrifices. (I'm not entirely sure how the Merling King operates yet.)

These things each start with 13 HD as a base, but they get a 35% bonus for being aberrations/true outsiders, bringing them both up to 17.55 HD.