Ah, I get the question now. @Goldfish? @Artemis1992? @TotallyNotEvil?

Is fighting CR 9 and CR 13 aberrations an appropriate encounter for us or should we be expecting something else?
Well, CR 13+ is appropriate, though in the lower area of it.
And the Gibbering Abomination seems pretty powerful for its CR.

I mean, 4 SLAs per round from Arcane Frenzy is basically Baby's First Beholder Mage (who can cast a lot more and stronger spells per round, but it's a similar style).

Together with Commune saying no more than 3 foes I guess that's all.
We propably would have gotten a master for these monsters by attacking the heart.

Also, the Abomination can't die, so we can go full damage on it without worry about sacrificing it.
I just realized something... the dispell check should have probably applied to the Freezing Glance since what the spell really does it grant the caster a gaze attack for however many rounds it lasts.
Preliminary plan. Suggestions?

[X] Plan "I'm tired of these motherfucking Aberrations on this motherfucking Elemental Plane!"
-[X] Viserys casts Celerity, then casts Freezing Glance to target the Abomination.
-[X] Dany uses her precast Sign spell to gain a +4 Initiative bonus, then Dreamcasts Invoke the Cerulean Sign.
-[X] Richard activates his armor's Holy Aura power as a Swift Action, and places himself between the new foe and everyone else. He will use Spell Turning to reflect whatever SLAs it tries to use against us. If successfully affected by Viserys' or Dany's spells, he uses Shock Trooper and Pounces on the Abomination, Power Attacking as he sees fit.
-[X] Malarys casts as he sees fit, aiming to inflict maximum damage or to incapacitate the Abomination without inflicting friendly fire.
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-[X] Malarys readies an action to finish the Abomination off with a Death effect spell, if he has one prepared.
NO. No killing the sacrifice. :mad:

We have free reign to kill it by any other means and get away with taking it as a sacrifice due to this effect:
When a gibbering abomination is slain, it is not truly dead, and 1 hour later it returns to life at 0 hit points, allowing fast healing thereafter to resume healing it. A gibbering abomination can be permanently destroyed only with death magic or complete incineration of its remains (such as dumping it into a pool of magma).
We are not wasting a sacrifice like this.
Preliminary plan. Suggestions?

[X] Plan "I'm tired of these motherfucking Aberrations on this motherfucking Elemental Plane!"
-[X] Viserys casts Nerveskitter, targets the new foe with Freezing Glance, then uses Greater Shadow Enchantment to duplicate the effects of a Hold Monster spell.
-[X] Dany uses her precast Sign spell to gain a +4 Initiative bonus, then Dreamcasts Invoke the Cerulean Sign.
-[X] Richard activates his armor's Holy Aura power as a Swift Action, and places himself between the new foe and everyone else. He will use Spell Turning to reflect whatever SLAs it tries to use against us. If successfully affected by Viserys' or Dany's spells, he uses Shock Trooper and Pounces on the Abomination, Power Attacking as he sees fit.
-[X] Malarys readies an action to finish the Abomination off with a Death effect spell, if he has one prepared.
Viserys has already acted this round, so I think Dany Richard and Malarys act before he can next round?
Or that was only a swift action and he ahs one Standard left?
GM: "And now I sent them a monster that cannot die."
Standard party: "What were you thinking! It's like the Tarrasque! Unfair!"
ASWAH: "Great! We can start chopping away AND still get our sacrifice!"