The DM ended one session with angry blue dragon lightning-breatheing the roof of our inn as part of a "TEACH THESE STUPID MONEYS (plus cat person plus rat) THE FOLLY OF MESSING WITH MY MINIONS" (we found an ancient temple with kobolds, lizardmen and serpentfolk). Cue frantic searching to try and figure out how to survice this Oh shit.jpg.
So session opens, I fail my save against the frightful prescne even though I have like +12/13 to the will save whomp whomp. DM Gleefully tells me I am now panicked and might run away screaming. While dropping everything I have, which kinda doubly sucks since I am a Dual-Cursed Covetous/Haunted Oracle (sue me I wanted to get UMD as a class skill, be blingy and get more spells known) and I dont wanna loose my bling.
Me: Wait, you sure its panicked? Not shaken or frightened?
DM: *Looks it up* Wait, yeah its just shaken you can use abilities
Me: Cool, I'm gonna use one of the two Rope Trick Scrolls I insisted on buying like 4 months ago and we never used and fuck off into Rope Trick Space.
DM: Haunted means retreiving the scrolls is a standard, so you'll have to wait to activate it!
Me: Wait, is the lighting breath a surprise round?
DM: yes
Me: Cool, temporal celerity means I always act in a surprise round, so I use my surprise round actions to get the scroll act, and then during normal initiative, I go first, immediately activate it (while using an 1 gp worth of Magnesism to boost the duration) and fuck off into Rope Trick space. FuckDissuShittuIMOut.
DM: Fair
Dragon rolled pretty bad for initiative and so everyone else decides fucking off into Rope Trick Space is the bees knees and does so. Rope Trick says it can hold a max of 8 creatures. Well, our adventuring party had
* Me Half-Elf Oracle
* Ratfolk Alchemist (Grenadier archtype)
* Human Barbarian
* Catfolk Rouge
* Summoner + Eidolon (not there for the battle, but there in spirit I guess)
* DMPC Scholar Bard meant to give us some exposition on our temple crawling
* A Level 2 Kineticist DMPC. He's a rando slave we saved and brought along since we didn't have anywhere to drop him off essentially. i kept on encouraging him to find his inner strength and after enough session of making him shoot at things from afar with a crossbow+other trauma the DM finally decided to humor me and make him a particularly sweaty kinesticist. He is not optimized in the least.
So yeah exactly 8 people. And now we have 9 hours to freak out about this and try to plan. I have taken Arcane Eldritch Heritage for the familiar (our party has kinda been collecting pets, but thats another story) and decide to Paragon Surge myself Calcific Touch with Greater arcan Eldritch Heritage. I start freaking out about surpassing the Dragon's SR and start to look into various drugs that might boost Caster level. I find this thing called
Mumia and ask the DM if the alchemist could whip up a dose from the "Crafting Reagants" Pool (thanks thread for that idea!). The DM reads the page and then agrees.
So during the 8-9 hours we spend in Rope Trick space, we all rest (our sleep was interupted) except for the alchemist who didn't use spells anyways and I desperately ask people to see if they have some way of inflicting Dex Damage. No go. We buff up (protection against energy, protection from evil, etc). So the Dragon found us because one of its serpentfolk Mesmerists sucessfully cast Dominate Person on the Catfolk Rouge and used the ability to look through his eyes to rack us down. (And yeah, we went straight from the temple to here and when I asked about the days of travel we couldve used to fix it DM said too late, too bad--used soul soap and other stuff to fix it in Rope Trick space). Dragon gets bored and decided to completely wreck the town we're inn before flying off to the sea to get some fish. During this serpentfolk is tasked with watching the rope trick space. The rougue decides to go invisible and shank muderize the sperpenfolk mesmerist. Dragon sees and DM rolls, says it'll take 3 rounds to get back. Rouge manages to kill the serpentfolk and not get re-Dominated, and then uses his Ring of the Earth to hide in a demolished wall. Dragon is now super pissed and starts to demolish the wall.
I use a wand of mage hand, give myself Calcific Touch and cast Sure Casting. The rest of us head out. Time for the moment of truth! I roll for the SR and I get a 17 on the die. Whooo I beat the SR
DM: Lol You didn't need the Mumia, by the way did you roll for addiction?
Me: Yes. I failed. I am super addicted, but thats future me problem
DM: Cool, just checking
Sweet, time to roll for that sweet sweet Dex Damage! I get a 1 in a 1d4. Okay, next time should be better, right?
Alchemist attempts to use stink bombs on the dragon, doesn't work cause sky high Fort, Barbarian uses a single move action to get closer to the dragon, but decides to not go right next to it since Full Attacks are Bad (we aren't really sure what to have him do), Rouge continues hiding and the bard sticks his head out to sing at us. Level 2 Kineticist continues to hide and cower.
The dragon sees us finally coming out and decides to use its mighty Breath Weapon! Which putters out on our Energy Protection. I respond by Bad Touching it again and yet again only get a 1 on the Dex damage die. Shit.jpg. Dragon does something else on the next round I don't really remember? But it decides to use its mobility adavantage and fly 200-feet up. To pick us off. Well shit, thats out of the range for my Ghost Hand until next round. The alchemist asks if she can still toss bombs at the dragon. Per rules as written she can at like a -9 to -10 penalty. DM finds the idea a touch attack could actually miss now amusing and lets her try. The dragon ends up rolling a 2 on the Fort save and is now nauesated! At this point its late, the dragon's demoralized from puking its guts out , its AWEOMSE BREATH WEAPON doing nothing, + while it didn't roll Spellcraft to determine Calcific Touch, the DM rules that since the spell has the specifcal petrifying effect, the Dragon could feel shit was going wrong in its bones, it decides to just fuck off with its 200 foot fly speed and fuck us over another day. We have no good way of following.
DM: Cool, through careful planning (?) you've managed to survive. Now the Oracle is addicted
Me: Yup I guess it's future me's time
DM: This drug has a cumulative 5% chance of turning you into a goul every week you stay addicted. And Fort DC is 18.
Me: Fuck
DM: And you didn't even need it! Lets resolve this next session.