I'm honestly kinda impressed at how many people Aerellian has managed to piss off in just a few turns.
You can piss off a great many people at once in a few minutes, if you've power and the belief that it gives you the right to do as you please, and that nobody who actually cares will even hear about it, let alone actually have energy to spare to stop you. Aerellian's had near twenty years.
That worthy has a singular talent for being "that guy you kinda want to punch, and probably should, but who hasn't actually done anything really punch-worthy where you can see and or hear about it from a reliable source, so unpunched he remains."
You can piss off a great many people at once in a few minutes, if you've power and the belief that it gives you the right to do as you please, and that nobody who actually cares will even hear about it, let alone actually have energy to spare to stop you. Aerellian's had near twenty years.
That worthy has a singular talent for being "that guy you kinda want to punch, and probably should, but who hasn't actually done anything really punch-worthy where you can see and or hear about it from a reliable source, so unpunched he remains."
And like a paper bag that spewed forth its groceries all over you and the parkinglot, we just aired every last little piece of dirty laundry he has. At once.

He will be lucky if a public humiliation is the ONLY thing he has coming his way from the Laughing God.
And like a paper bag that spewed forth its groceries all over you and the parkinglot, we just aired every last little piece of dirty laundry he has. At once.

He will be lucky if a public humiliation is the ONLY thing he has coming his way from the Laughing God.
Oh, it certainly won't kill him.
Take a sabbatical to work out his frustrations and possibly make him wish they'd just killed him, maybe, but Cegoratch is rather fond of Ironic Punishment when someone annoys him. And "here's what you wanted, but not how you wanted it."
I gotta say, looking up Charnac with Google and finding it to be the name of both an Eldar Exodite World and a Necron Tomb World answers a lot of questions no one wanted to ask.
It might also be a reference to The Coffin of Guilman and his 20 Sisters which is 40k Guilman peggy sued to Charnac right when the (female) Primarchs were scattered and Guilman convinces the Exodites to work with him to build an alliance to fight Chaos and save Isha. They even do an Exodite moot with Not! Malekith showing up (he's actually kind of a good guy).
So, mixed news may mean their safe for now, but the concentration of Aeldari in the Area is lacking, and other races aren't. Sort of a countdown until one of the races builds up enough to threaten local Aeldari's ability to intercede against their acquisition.

The four things I'm thinking of for the dragon lords visions are #1 Bluddflagga,#2 the grand rift and accompanying multi region warpstorm, #3 the imperium of man and the war over the maiden worlds, #4 the Drukhari.

Ahh. Good. Not particularly productive, would have been better to meet them and ask them to send others our way for an even better meeting slot.
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It might also be a reference to The Coffin of Guilman and his 20 Sisters which is 40k Guilman peggy sued to Charnac right when the (female) Primarchs were scattered and Guilman convinces the Exodites to work with him to build an alliance to fight Chaos and save Isha. They even do an Exodite moot with Not! Malekith showing up (he's actually kind of a good guy).
I don't think it's referencing that fic (if you could call it that) at all. We'll see what Mechanis has planned for Charnac.
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Oh, it certainly won't kill him.
Take a sabbatical to work out his frustrations and possibly make him wish they'd just killed him, maybe, but Cegoratch is rather fond of Ironic Punishment when someone annoys him. And "here's what you wanted, but not how you wanted it."
I wonder how the Laughing God felt in OTL, he certainly did not seem quite this busy in the original timeline?

Like was he trying to spur the Aeldari into proactive action instead of merely being reactive?

He must have been very very frustrated with how things shook out if our activities in a mere four turns was enough to put us on his good boy list.
And like a paper bag that spewed forth its groceries all over you and the parkinglot, we just aired every last little piece of dirty laundry he has. At once.

He will be lucky if a public humiliation is the ONLY thing he has coming his way from the Laughing God.
That's what their saying. They have much more than a humbling in mind for him. Personally, my bet is they strand him on an ork infested desert planet for a few decades. Or an Ork infested tundra planet.
Oh, it certainly won't kill him.
Take a sabbatical to work out his frustrations and possibly make him wish they'd just killed him, maybe, but Cegoratch is rather fond of Ironic Punishment when someone annoys him. And "here's what you wanted, but not how you wanted it."
Oh! Fake webway key that traps him in a webway labyrinth for several decades works too. Afterall, he wanted relics. Here's the most valuable relic of all. Enjoy!

I wonder how the Laughing God felt in OTL, he certainly did not seem quite this busy in the original timeline?

Like was he trying to spur the Aeldari into proactive action instead of merely being reactive?

He must have been very very frustrated with how things shook out if our activities in a mere four turns was enough to put us on his good boy list.
Well when you tally it all up, it makes sense. We haven't accomplished one thing, we've accomplished half a dozen or so things, and set our race up as a whole to accomplish a few dozen more much less costly than they were achieved in canon or things that were failed to be accomplished. He has something in mind for Aeldari Bane for now, but afterwords, he likely has his servants track down something nice as an Aeldmoot bi centennial anniversary gift.
So it seems like the purpose of the moot pre-meetings is to basically unlock various quests we can jump on.

The Talismans of Vaul unlocked a quest, and Nacretinei unlocked a quest. Who else and what else might we talk to unlock more quests we can work on?
The troupe-master simply laughed, and stated that merely being oneself would be more than enough.
Not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one. I'm hoping good; that at the moment our plans and wishes align enough with the Laughing God that he doesn't want to overcomplicate the punchline.
They did, however, offer that even as you yourselves are in good odor with the Fool's servants, one Aerellian Lightningblade is most definitely not. Not, perhaps, to the point where they would, ah, intervene, but certainly that worthy can expect none but the most necessary aid from those who serve the Laughing God. Aerellian, it seems, has a talent for making enemies who don't quite dislike him enough to outright attack him.
Wow, just... wow. There's being a jock warmonger, and then there's pissing off the Harlequins. That's just stupid.
Given what measure of the man you have at this point, you are not at all surprised the man was foolish—or perhaps overconfident—enough to think he could annoy the servants of the Laughing God and get away with it. You are certain that the humiliation he will doubtless be in for come the morrow is but the first phase of their revenge…
I am very very very much looking forward to the first part proper of the Aeldmoot now that the prepwork has all been set up.
Well, let's take a look at that actually.

Assault Ketches look like this.

Two turns each, cannot be built in parallel, cost of 25 NEP for the main guns, I don't know how the subsystems shake into it and I can't find the reference offhand.

Now, here's the War Ketch redesign

Major difference is that we trade out one of the Plasma Thrusters for another Aethersail, and add a Holo-Field and a Grav-Shield. Again, I can't find where the NEP costs for each of these are, but after the first turn tax, every additional one we build in a batch takes another turn it seems, up to a total of 4 started in parallel which takes 4 turns. If anything, the War Ketch should be more costly in NEP, but...

In turns of time effectiveness? The important thing to keep in mind is that once we've started a build, it goes on it's own until it's done. It doesn't eat up extra BAP I don't think aside from the general "Keep the docks running" cost. Every additional War Ketch after the first one is effectively produced at half price in time investment.

Which means that, ideally, if we're not going to be in a life or death war imminently, we want to do as large a batch as we can in any given stretch. Because building 4 Assault Ketches would take us 8 turns if we did them one by one. In contrast, building 4 War Ketches when we did them in a parallel batch costs us 5 turns of time, saving us 15 years despite a War Ketch presumably costing more in everything but Exotics.

Realistically, we don't even want to mass produce War Ketches though, outside of our refits. Because the very incentives that let us parallel-build them means that we need to spend a much larger overlay of material to field them. 350 Starcrystals and 50 Psy-Scopes is nasty but affordable if you're only doing them one at a time.

1,400 Starcrystals and 200 Psy-Scopes on the other hand is almost two turns of production on both exotics, just for a single squadron of escorts! I wouldn't be surprised too if there's a "Fiddliness" penalty involved either, because comparing our Lance Cutters (2 Las Lances, 2 Aethersails) to our Nettles (3x Spike Cannons, Lascannon PD, 2 Aethersails, Holofields), on paper, this should be expensive as fuck compared to Lance Cutters. And it is more expensive.

But not by as much as you'd think.

2 turns to produce a set of 5 Lance Cutters, which are weak, incredibly fragile destroyers with zero self-defense ability beside Going Fast.

2 turns to produce a set of 3 Nettles, which are just as fast, dramatically better armed, carry Point Defense which lets them serve as anti-torpedo and anti-fighter screens for heavier warships, and even have a Holofield to boot! For something that should cost probably close to twice as much on paper, Nettles only seem to actually be 130% the cost of a Lance Cutter, which tells me there's things we don't see yet.

TL;DR: NEP isn't free, but it's a lot cheaper than Exotics, especially when you scale things up to industrial quantities.
I don't think it's the exotics increasing the build time (at least not the main reason).

I looked over batch build times after you brought this up but that batch build weirdness isn't exclusively a thing for ships armed with Exotics.

Here was the QM's comment regarding build times when the comparison was made between the Lance Sloop, Lance Cutter, and the Nettle:
The primary resource for ship construction is time, because they're expensive enough is 'stuff' that the difference between "expensive stuff" and cheap stuff" is mostly in "how long does it take for us to make these." Sloops are essentially exactly 1/turn for all reasonable batch sizes for the current turn scale, Nettles meanwhile are not.
That suggests to me that certain pieces of equipment take more "time" to construct than others regardless of actual NEP cost. In the case of the Sloop it cannot be batch built period despite costing less than the Nettle on paper (20NEP vs 24NEP).
Lance Sloop
• 1x Heavy Las-Lance (8NEP)
• 1x Lascannon Point Defense (12NEP)
• 2x Æthersails
Total: 20NEP
Construction Time: 1 Turn

• 3x Spike Cannon Weapons Batteries (9NEP)
• 1x Lascannon Point Defense Weapon Battery (12NEP)
• Holo-Field (3NEP)
• 2x Æthersails
Total: 24NEP
Construction Time:
  • 1 Turn (single ship)
  • 2 Turns (batch of 3)
  • 3 Turns (batch of 5)
  • 4 Turns (batch of 7)
My initial suspicion was that Heavy Weapons Batteries like the one the Sloop carries but the Nettle does not requires more time to build despite being cheaper from a NEP perspective due to the greater size of the weapons used for that weapons battery.

This explanation obviously doesn't work for the Ketch example you brought up since they both have the same ship to ship weapons but then I realized that the Assault Ketch uses CIWB's while the War Ketch uses PD.

CIWB batteries use superheavy vehicle weapons and take up 2 System slots compared to PD batteries which use vehicle weapons and only take up 1 System slot.

Since CIWB weapons are bigger than PD weapons that would actually fit with the theory that larger weapons take up more "time" than smaller weapons especially since the CIWB eats up more System slots than the PD battery which indicates they take up more space despite having fewer weapons and costing less on paper (1000EP for 10 SH Starlances vs 1200EP for 60 Las-cannons).

I don't think we will actually get a definitive answer to this until we actually design a cruiser and see how long it takes to build but I strongly suspect that just using exotic resources does not actually increase the build time.
I wonder how the Laughing God felt in OTL, he certainly did not seem quite this busy in the original timeline?

Like was he trying to spur the Aeldari into proactive action instead of merely being reactive?

He must have been very very frustrated with how things shook out if our activities in a mere four turns was enough to put us on his good boy list.

QM mentioned it before but he+followers are stupidly busy.

He himself is fighting Slaanesh all the time over the webway more or less.

Meanwhile, his clowns are running all over the place playing courier and/or constantly running around trying to put out fires or prevent them from showing up in the first place.

Part of the good will is that we have been helping pretty much everyone we could reach, doing a lot of work that would have otherwise required attention from the clowns either now or in a bit.
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I wonder how the Laughing God felt in OTL, he certainly did not seem quite this busy in the original timeline?

Like was he trying to spur the Aeldari into proactive action instead of merely being reactive?

He must have been very very frustrated with how things shook out if our activities in a mere four turns was enough to put us on his good boy list.
The Aeldmoot is a big deal. Craftworlds trying to proactively solve problems is good; a craftworld trying to bring all of the other craftworlds (and some exodite worlds!) together to cooperate on the biggest problems in a timely fashion is great.

It's also a concrete symbol of humility and pragmatism, a rejection of the pride and aloofness that Cegorach opposes.

It would have been easy for Vau-Vulkesh to act like the more prideful aeldari, focusing on its own problems, expanding its production/industry, building up its fleet, expanding its influence when opportunity arose. Instead, we've been stretching ourselves somewhat thin trying to save a bunch of people's lives while also trying to grapple with the big problems all Eldar face.

Case in point: if we manage to figure out Soul-Forging in a reasonable time frame, we might be able to prevent the Dark Eldar from truly becoming sadistic torture-murder vampires--because we can present a scaleable solution to the problem the sadistic torture is created to solve, except that it's even better because it doesn't result in eternal hell at the hands of Slaanesh if you ever do die. In the OTL, the alternative for the Dark Eldar was either having a Soul Stone (a rare resource that was very difficult and dangerous to obtain more of) or the Paths, which even the proponents of find to be extremely difficult to bear at best, excruciating and unbearable at worst.
Case in point: if we manage to figure out Soul-Forging in a reasonable time frame, we might be able to prevent the Dark Eldar from truly becoming sadistic torture-murder vampires--because we can present a scaleable solution to the problem the sadistic torture is created to solve, except that it's even better because it doesn't result in eternal hell at the hands of Slaanesh if you ever do die. In the OTL, the alternative for the Dark Eldar was either having a Soul Stone (a rare resource that was very difficult and dangerous to obtain more of) or the Paths, which even the proponents of find to be extremely difficult to bear at best, excruciating and unbearable at worst.

We aren't preventing anything in regard to the dark Eldar.
They are pretty much just pre fall Eldar that kept going with what they were doing 0 regrets, the sadistic torture is pretty much just something they do as part of their main entertainment and then just found out they can also use that to counter the soul drain.

At least to my understanding that is the situation there.
I'm not aware of anything we'd want to put in our System slots other than defenses, so unless Bulky CF takes up more than 5 System slots there should still be space for one.
If we take Grav's 3 as baseline, Bulky Conversion Shields are likely to be worse. 4 or 5 seem most plausible for a vehicle, 6 on the outside.

So, yes, if nothing else turns up we might want to fit into our fighters, we could use the conversion fields instead of grav. Should be cheap, at least.

I think it's entirely possible something else will turn up, depending on how quick we are to design fighters, though. A targeting computer, maneuvering jets, higher end sensors all being things that could be quite useful on an interceptor.
I gotta say, looking up Charnac with Google and finding it to be the name of both an Eldar Exodite World and a Necron Tomb World answers a lot of questions no one wanted to ask.
Technically the Tombworld is Carnac, no "h".
We aren't preventing anything in regard to the dark Eldar.
They are pretty much just pre fall Eldar that kept going with what they were doing 0 regrets, the sadistic torture is pretty much just something they do as part of their main entertainment and then just found out they can also use that to counter the soul drain.

At least to my understanding that is the situation there.
Not exactly. There are a large number of Aeldari in Commoragh who either weren't super into the whole murderfucking thing to begin with or were scared off by the Fall, the problem is that the rich people with all the weapons were the worst of the worst of the Dominion's excesses. As seen with the partial birth of Ynnead, there are a lot of Deldar who would switch teams if even remotely possible even after it became a millennia old cultural status quo.
Since CIWB weapons are bigger than PD weapons that would actually fit with the theory that larger weapons take up more "time" than smaller weapons especially since the CIWB eats up more System slots than the PD battery which indicates they take up more space despite having fewer weapons and costing less on paper (1000EP for 10 SH Starlances vs 1200EP for 60 Las-cannons).
It would also explain the Megalance bearing combat brig taking more turns than 2 battle carrocks to build, which leans in favor of doubling up or better on megalances when it comes to combat brig refits to save AP constructing time consuming battleship that can use them in favor of refitting what we have and making our future battleships heavy weapon focused instead.
Carrack hulls can be made into reasonably formidable cruisers, boasting a pair of heavy weapons batteries, six standard weapons batteries, and eight system slots.
Slots: 8 System | 6 Weapon Batteries | 2 Heavy Weapon Batteries
The core strength of your heavy combatants, these ships carry a heavy Starlance and three batteries of Fatetwister Cannons, along with a set of Fatesheer Cannons which can engage fighters or in close-range attacks on other Voidships. With three Aethersails these ships are quite nimble for their size, and the backup plasma drive makes them more difficult to disable. Unfortunately the advanced active-defense systems originally fitted to the ship have ceased to function in the wake of the Fall.
• 1x Heavy Starlance
• 3x Fatetwister Cannon Weapons Batteries
• 1x Fatesheer Cannon Close-In Weapons Battery
• 3x Æthersails
• 1x Plasma Drive
Construction Time:
• 3 Turns (single unit)
• 5 turns (Batch of 2)
Special Resource Requirement:
• 350 Starcrystals
• 214 Fatebender Psy-Scopes
Swap both heavy weapons out for two standard weapon slots and two system slots.

Drop the fatesheer cannon close in.

Go for a mix of 4 starlance weapon batteries and 4 Fatetwisters weapon batteries for an exotics cost of 50 starcrystals and gain of 14 fatebender scopes per refit. Total exotics refit cost 2700 star crystals and gain of 756 fatebender scopes.

3 sails, 1 Plasma thruster, 2 PD, 1 Holo Field, 1 Grav shield

That's the thing. I'm not aware of anything we'd want to put in our System slots other than defenses, so unless Bulky CF takes up more than 5 System slots there should still be space for one.
Not worth it. 2 or 3 reinforce is likely worth more for lowering damage than a single bulky conversion field designed with infantry in mind.
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Not worth it. 2 or 3 reinforce is likely worth more for lowering damage than a single bulky conversion field designed with infantry in mind.
It's only designed for infantry in the sense that it's easiest to produce as equipment for them, rather than integrating it into armour or a vehicle. It's effectiveness as a shield is the same no matter who or what we put it on. If we have the slots available it could be viable.

And if we can't put Hull Reinforcement on our ground vehicles I doubt we'd be able to put it on strikecraft.
If we take Grav's 3 as baseline, Bulky Conversion Shields are likely to be worse. 4 or 5 seem most plausible for a vehicle, 6 on the outside.

So, yes, if nothing else turns up we might want to fit into our fighters, we could use the conversion fields instead of grav. Should be cheap, at least.

I think it's entirely possible something else will turn up, depending on how quick we are to design fighters, though. A targeting computer, maneuvering jets, higher end sensors all being things that could be quite useful on an interceptor.
I feel like if they were an option we'd have seen them when we did vehicle design, though I guess the bomb bay at least is an example of something strikecraft specific. Though 6 slots definitely seems high as an estimate.
EDIT: Like, I'd expect Bulky to increase the slots needed by the same amount that Compact decreases it by e.g. 3->2/4, or 1/5.
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We are Vau-Vulkesh. Our jib was carved with only the finest of chisels and the weightiest of hammers, painstakingly, by a hundred grand-master carpenters since before the Fall, from a timber that once grew by the moat just outside of the Palace of Asuyran himself.

Of course he likes it.

FWIW, a jib is a particular kind of sail on a boat, not a thing normally made of wood. Though maybe this is a sculpture of a sail.

The cut of a jib refers to the sail's shape and position, and maybe the idiom is from identifying ships at a distance by their jibs (something of military value). I guess it could also refer to "trim": the shape of the sail in the current wind. A well-trimmed sail catches the wind the way you want it to, usually that just means maximising boat speed.
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