Given the fact that they're going to be getting direct attention from Slaanesh actually butterflying their fall probably won't be that easy since even if we prevent the specific events that resulted in their fall in canon there's still going to be a named Keeper of Secrets that's heavily invested in breaching it's defenses.
which is where yeeting that fucker right out of reality comes into play with the second group of prominent adaptionists.
a shame we didn't get void cannons or it would be easy.
@Alectai I really think we should be meeting independents instead of Asuryani day 2. The more time blocks that pass without meeting them and putting it to their heads that they should try to join up with us, the more likely it is someone else convinces them instead and we miss our on a chance to recruit a craft world with a worthwhile relic or hero unit with their allegiance. If not them than Iyanden as a major craft world that's neutral to us rather than having a grudge against us would be better.
Asuryani on the other hand, we can apologize to any day. It might even be better to come on the last day when they have a bunch of effort to draw people in politically over the first few days they won't want to jeopardize by getting into an argument or snubbing us right before.
But yes, I specifically chose the standout names in your faction as Craftworlds who canonically got got by Slannesh at some point after the Fall, on the basis of explaing why the Dark Prince invested in getting those dudes specifically.
Ahh. We are about to join there ranks as worlds that end up high on the chaos gods shit life in a century or two.
I mean, I think we got the Plot Hooks attached to the Independents?
I do want to address Iyanden, I'm just not sure what the right move to make there is.
Their are 3 ways we could go with Iyanden. One is simply dealing with them fairly at the end of day 3 and seeing what comes of it.
Warn them about Beil-Tan's miss deeds and maybe follow up on it as a favor owed post proper moot.
The second is to withhold information but not make too much of a spectacle of Beil-tan visions compared to anyone else. Let Saim-han take the lead on that and just be another potential to be wronged world in the background.
The last is to meet them twice. Day 2 too wow them with our relics, exotics, defensive tech, and the accomplishment of averting Meros's doom. Really sell them on everything amazing about us so they have a whole day to think about what a great ally we'd make and how they might go about courting us.
Then we warn them day 3, earning some gratitude on top of the "wow, what a craftworld" vibes, and leverage that post moot to draw them into our faction on the grounds that their cause is kind of tainted by Beil-Tan's actions and PR of supporting those who have a shot at a real solution to the curses is the best chance they have at a second chance for their cause once the curses have been dealt with.
Really are going for the perspective that while the Chaos Gods might superficially get in each other's way, it's never to the point of making Chaos actually lose in the long run, huh?
The idea that there's 4 Chaos Gods rather than one Chaos Force with four faces is kind of never borne out in the setting.
I think that's a result of their named characters having the fundamental intelligence and hatred of their gods enemies to unify and combine their efforts despite their Gods not really getting along.