Sure but it's not really making her more safe or family more likely to unite and work together.
Sure but it's not really making her more safe or family more likely to unite and work together.
Bringing the Ishari is a necessary battle. We need to establish here and now that they're just as much Eldar as the rest of us.
Our third objective is to show our faction off so we can draw more craftworlds and exodite worlds int our orbit. Thus making it harder for Biel-Tan to enact bloody revenge in the future and expand our factions capabilities. Many hands make for light work and so on and so forth.
So the problem with trying to appease everyone is that, in the end, you appease no one.It's not; to me it's like going to a climate conference with a bunch of opessive states there and meming a big deal about their human rights issues.
Also, as I've said repeatedly, no one in canon ever suggests that I'm aware of ever suggests that Eldar who've modified themselves aren't Eldar. Just that they're Eldar who've done something disgusting and/or morally wrong. That's not great; but it's also a totally different problem that should be solved in a totally different way.
The objection a Conservative might have with the Ishari being here isn't that they're not an Eldar, but that they don't want to share a platform with someone they consider analogous to a child abuser, or some other particularly heinous criminal. The neutrals may no longer care about those old moral values, but the Conservatives still seem to, and they're potentially around 40% of the Craftworlds and some unknown but potentially even higher proportion of the Exodites (who are the original Eldar Reactionaries who reject modernity so much that even labour saving technology is too radical for them).
You're as far as I can tell, tilting at a windmill, trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
And this is where you lose me. Building our own faction and drawing stronger dividing lines is not what we want to prioritise here; I think we want to prioritise pushing the idea that the Curses are species wide problems and that we should be working together as a species to try and solve them; or at least not get in each others way.
The ideal outcome here to me, much more important than self-aggrandising attempts to build our own faction* is to ensure that the first Aeldmoot isn't the last. I want to take this opportunity to try to make an Eldar UN, a forum in which collective action can be agreed and disputes resolved without resorting to open war. This is something Iyanden and Ulthwe will need to take the lead on, but it's less likely to work if we make a point of pissing off two of the five major Craftworlds and people who agree with them.
* that will probably already be a minnow compared to a Major Craftworpf.
So the problem with trying to appease everyone is that, in the end, you appease no one.
A general forum is also useless for us.
We have two major craftworlds that are willing to go pretty damn far just to spite us, and they would have central positions that they can use to fuck with us and our faction ?
They pretty much would deadlock it just to spite us, no matter the general benefits.
I honestly do not agree with the climate conference metaphor?That's how successful climate conferences work. Everyone goes a bit unhappy because they've had to compromise and give up on some other priority.
Hell; it's how all multi-lateral diplomacy works.
Drawing strong dividing lines is how you make those conferences fail and break up without agreement. It's basically the classic failure mode, and you're trying to deliberate induce it.
Alaitoc now stands against you—not enough to make war, no, but any opportunity to vex you, they will take, for your rejections of Asuryan's Paths were just slightly too sharp, too loud, or too many, and needled has their pride been.
This is less a climate conference and more us informing everyone about the spies of the enemy in our midst we just uncovered.Biel-Tan is still the step above that.
But yes they will do everything short of going to war with us to fuck us over.
There is no common ground with someone that if given 2 choices that consist of: work with the other or spite will always pick spite even if that hurts them.
This is less a climate conference and more us informing everyone about the spies of the enemy in our midst we just uncovered.
lot of talk about how bringing the Ishari will divide the Eldar but what about how not bringing them will divide our own faction. Who we bring is about the message it sends and the message we send by not bringing the Ishari is that they are not Eldar. I don't know about all of you but being told i am not a person and don't get representation would piss me right off.
I honestly do not agree with the climate conference metaphor?
Climate action depends on collective action for the common good; because the actions of indviduals or smaller groups can have a negative impact on the whole. Thus you need collective action.
But our actions and choices to counteract the three curses will exist independent of each other. How we choose to counteract the curse will neither help nor harm how another craftworld chooses to do so. If Alatioc implements the paths system, and its not as ideal as our system, then the only thing that will truly impact is Alaitoc.
This isnt like the climate where smog on on side of the planet can impact the health of someone on the other side.
How we are choosing to handle things is not the only way to handle things. Its what *we* have chosen based off of our own culture and mindset. We are acting in a way that is in line with how we view things: We prefer proactive approaches to reactive ones. That doesnt mean that a reactive one wont work, it worked for at least ten thousand years. It just means that its not how we prefer to do things.
Other than maybe the problem with Isha, which I think everyone will agree will require an invasion of Nurgles mansion to retireve Isha from her captivity, how someone chooses to deal with Tzeentch and Slaanesh will only reall have an effect on them.
I feel like people are underestimating just how huge a thing we actually did.
They already like us quite a bit thanks to us treating them with respect and our willingness to help the Exodites.[ ] Saim-Hann (1 point)
By proud Saim-Hann you are well regarded, if only for treating them with the full measure of respect they deserve as one of the greatest Craftworlds still in existence, without calling them savages under your breath. As sad as it is for basic courtesy to be notable. That you have not in the slightest hesitation to aid your and their Exodite kindred will also stand you in good stead, and so Saim-Hann of all Major Craftworlds will be the simplest to convince. And will not require a moderately dangerous voyage near the Great Wound in the process.
Even if they too are a bit disturbed by the Ishari I doubt it would disturb them enough to wipe out all the other bonuses we should be getting from our choices.[X] Dragonlord Amar-Ithil of Quilan
Fiery Amar-Ithil is going, whether you would have her or not—and Aresh-Vul is many things, but fool enough to deny a Dragonlord in her chosen course is not among them. Some will without doubt sneer, at least when they think she isn't looking, but her presence will at least be a boon with Saim-Hann if none other.
I personaly am somewhat sad that more people didn't vote for "Plan: Allies and Bling" but I guess Aelctai plan isn't that bad. I would prefer it dropping to squadron squad as we are going to peaceful gathering, and our battleships aren't that good.
Not to mention that squad of heavy crusiers would represent united coalition better.
Our light cruisers are terrible, being basically technicals. Our heavy cruisers are naked but actual military stuff.
I think we're sleeping on Saim-Hann's reaction a bit here and what it could mean for us.
Yes, but they also treat Saim-Hann like shit. We literally already got Saim-Hann on our side simply by showing them the courtesy they were owed as a major craftworld, and by not muttering under our breath 'filthy barbarian savage' every time they opened their mouth.I think that they'll generally be on the friendly side, but I also think the Harlequins' backing has taken the threat of Biel Tan attacking off the table anyway.
The way I'm looking at it, we're trying to get things done at this conference, not just play defence.
While I think they would make it clear that destroying us is not acceptable I don't think think they'd pick a fight with Alaitoc and Biel Tan to actively support other policy positions of ours that they don't otherwise support in face of greater Conservative opposition. They're more of a shield than a sword.
While they may like us, we're still much smaller and less influential than the Conservative block, and they have their own interests they'll want to support.
For example, they probably want Alaitoc and Biel Tam to put more effort into supporting the Exodite Worlds in their part of the galaxy. If they wanted, a combination of two major Craftworlds and their own allies can simply offer a lot more to advance Saim-Hann's objective than we can, at much less relative effort.
Yes, but they also treat Saim-Hann like shit. We literally already got Saim-Hann on our side simply by showing them the courtesy they were owed as a major craftworld, and by not muttering under our breath 'filthy barbarian savage' every time they opened their mouth.
Like sure Saim-Hann could help more craftworlds by parntering with other majors, but those other majors tend to treat them like crap and disrespect them. We do not. Yes helping Exodites is an overriding concern of theirs but they also have their own pride and self respect. They arent going to sacrifice that to the other majors just for their help some of the time.
To true. This is the time to be bold. To step forward. We might be able to move up in size later on, but right now we have the chance to equal or exceed the Major Craftworlds in influence.We are literally never going to have more clout than we do right now, unless we somehow manage to singlehandedly break one of the three Curses on our own. There's shepherding resources and then there's not exploiting advantage. We are offering something even Biel-tan wants, a way to overcome the weakness and lethargy afflicting the entirety of the Eldar.
I don't think the Harlequin's are necessarily considering every possibility. it's less that every world is going to shun us and more that it provokes push back against the main agenda of the Aeldmoot because of their involvement. the harlequin's had no way of knowing we'd discover the curse this early, and no way of knowing we would hold an Aeldmoot. if it weren't for this, we might have spent a century or three without ever ending up in contact with any conservatives besides Biel-Tan more than passingly, and it's not like Ishari will be serving in naval positions in our ships.I doubt it's going to be that bad, but the point has been labored back and forth, again and again. I distinctly doubt that the Harlequins would put us in contact with a faction where knowing we were in contact with them would drive us to be shunned by every other Craftworld to the point of ignoring important information because it Came From Us.
it doesn't need to be that significant for the pushback to potentially push a narrow success into failure. the simple fact of the matter is this makes things harder on us when it comes to getting our research accepted and much harder on organizing a unified response to any part of the problem.Things haven't ossified yet, the shock of the Fall is still in relatively recent memory, and I'm not willing to kowtow to the maximum extremist conservatives out of fear that theirs are the only voices that matter here. Because they'd hate us for everything else we're doing anyway, and surrendering advantage to them out of fear that somehow this will be the deciding element regarding the success (Or lack thereof) of the Aeldmoot feels like a huge exaggeration.
we can succeed at convincing them something needs to be done and still fail to convince one or both of them we are the side to be working with. without the Ishari conservative pushpack would be light enough that getting either of them would be enough to draw in most of the Aeldari worlds.The ones who matter the most in this debate--Ulthwe and Iyanden--are both neutral towards us. They're the ones who we need to flip, and bringing more evidence to the table only helps our cause.
there certainly not unstoppable, and without the Ishari, the nature of the curses is enough that only the most die hard conservatives would have refused to work with us with even a reasonably vague pitch and demonstration of strength and early success. we could have consolidated all of the moderates and most of the light radicals and conservatives behind us, strong arming some of the extremist to just sign on from lack of strong patrons to side with instead.Politics are unavoidable, and if we're going to think the Conservatives are an unstoppable block, we shouldn't have bothered to set this up in the first place.
in canon. we had a chance to avoid that here, and we let it go for the sake of taking a political stance, and we will probably regret it in the future as billions of Eldar Souls are consumed by Slaanesh rather than saved.The most probable outcome is once again us attracting all fringe and more extreme groups to ourselves while being shunned by the rest of the Eldar. Which is fine as Elves were always divided in factions.
in canon. we had a chance to avoid that here, and we let it go for the sake of taking a political stance, and we will probably regret it in the future as billions of Eldar Souls are consumed by Slaanesh rather than saved.
What? What are you talking about? Everything we do is political, the only question we have to answer is what are our politics and what do we want to present to the world. Or more specifically the canon. we had a chance to avoid that here, and we let it go for the sake of taking a political stance, and we will probably regret it in the future as billions of Eldar Souls are consumed by Slaanesh rather than saved.