[X] Plan: Allies and Bling
We really should give that Bandwagon a Name, if we play that many Concerts together.
This is Alectai's quest, everyone else is just visiting, based on the voting track record.
Y'know, you could make your own plan to compete with Alectai's instead of complaining.This is Alectai's quest, everyone else is just visiting, based on the voting track record.
Y'know, you could make your own plan to compete with Alectai's instead of complaining.
Y'know, you could make your own plan to compete with Alectai's instead of complaining.
Would have been a fun quest, that.
That usually happens in quests. One or two people come up with the majority of the plans because they are willing to put them together *and* people like the plans/trust the plan makers.This is Alectai's quest, everyone else is just visiting, based on the voting track record.
I doubt it's going to be that bad, but the point has been labored back and forth, again and again. I distinctly doubt that the Harlequins would put us in contact with a faction where knowing we were in contact with them would drive us to be shunned by every other Craftworld to the point of ignoring important information because it Came From Us.
Things haven't ossified yet, the shock of the Fall is still in relatively recent memory, and I'm not willing to kowtow to the maximum extremist conservatives out of fear that theirs are the only voices that matter here. Because they'd hate us for everything else we're doing anyway, and surrendering advantage to them out of fear that somehow this will be the deciding element regarding the success (Or lack thereof) of the Aeldmoot feels like a huge exaggeration.
As i said i don't think they'll ignore the information but they also will probably refuse to cooperate with us due to us announcing that we are quite fine with more "extreme" solutions. They probably accept the warning, but generally denounce Ishari and go to seek solution on their own.
If we go in this meeting with politics we can expect that everyone else will push their political agenda and Conservatives probably outnumber us.
The Aeldari accepted the Drukhari as kin, they will accept us. Even if they will be making snide remarks under their breatha and not hurrying to our aid when we get in trouble.I must say that i quite like the theme of this quest, especially the curse part . If this gets out it will probably have major implications on Eldar.
Now in regards to current vote, my opinion is that regardless if we bring Ishari with us, or not i believe Eldar will probably take the curses seriously regardless if they are conservative, or not. Especially if we present a compelling proof and some not conservative Eldar check it out.
Now that is not to say that bringing Ishari will be without a consequences because we will bring a clear political message and the way i see it besides accepting the existence of the Curses i see Ishari probably being formally denounced by rest of the Eldar at upcoming conferences due to Conservative push back, plus us failing to create any sort of united response among the Eldar due to this.
So in short we may attract fringe Eldar groups to us at the expense of being isolated from rest of the Craftworlds, don't know weather that is good, or not though, but I'm leaning towards bad as divisions among Eldars are probably last thing we want.
Then that's their problem, we've already made our own feelings plain by now, if they're going to suddenly get even snittier with us because "Oh wait, you were actually serious?" Then there is no hope left for the Asuryani and I want to know that now.
Politics are unavoidable, and if we're going to think the Conservatives are an unstoppable block, we shouldn't have bothered to set this up in the first place.