This is Alectai's quest, everyone else is just visiting, based on the voting track record.

Yet. He could still fall from Grace in the following Votes. My Plans did not win much attention either. Which is better for the Threads Stress Level i guess. If you want to know what i mean look at my Plan from Creation, 2 of 2.

[x] Plan: Memes are the DNA of the Soul 2.0! BANANA HOGALOO!
- [x] Armada (-2 points)
- [x] Killing Blow of the Murdiously Shining Sword, Sword of Vaul class Relic Warship (-5 points)
- [x] Plentiful Industry (-2 points)
- [x] Huge Shipyard (-2 points)
- [x] Seerstone Tower (-1 point)
-- [x] Seer Council (-2 points)
- [x] Bonesinger Choir (-1 point)
- [x] Shrine of Khane (-1 point)
- [x] Vaulic Academy (-1 point)
- [x] Relic Vault (-1 points)
- [x] Psychomaton Forge (-1 points)
- [x] 4xExtra Industry (-1 point per level, 4 levels Max)
- [x] Stroke of Brilliance (-2 points)
- [x] 2xExtra Starcrystal Farm (-1 point each, max 2)
- [x] 2xExtra Fateforge (-1 point each, max 2)
- [x] Massive population (-5 points)
- [x] Ally with Cairas Mythar (-5 points)
- [x] Ally with Stel-Uit (-4 points)
- [x] Ally with Tir-Val (-4 points)
- [x] Ally with Arach-Qin (-3 points)
- [x] The Edge of Terror (8 points | Double if Ulthwe is Hostile | Triple if Ulthwe is Hated)
- [x] Haywire Weapons (-1 point)
- [x] Holo-fields (-1 point)
- [x] Grav-shields (-3 points)
- [x] Hateful Relationship (5 points)

- [x] Hateful Relationship (7 Points | +50% for every additional Hateful relationship) =17,5
- [x] Hateful Relationship (7 Points | +50% for every additional Hateful relationship | +25% for every other Hostile Craftworld) 19,25

- [x] Hostile Relationship (3 points | +50% for every additional Hostile relationship | +100% for every other Hateful Craftworld) 9
The Ork
- [x] Purge the Stars (6 points)
The Necron
- [x] Respect (-1 point)
The Man
- [x] An Eye, When it can be Spared (-1)
The Other
- [x] Desperate Times Make Strange Bedfellows (-2 points)
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Y'know, you could make your own plan to compete with Alectai's instead of complaining.

He did:

[X] The More the Merrier - Reconciliation
- [X] His Sons
- [X] Dragonlord Amar-Ithil of Quilan
- [X] Draylin of the True Sight, Seerlord of Meros
- [X] Seer Araeniel of Meros
- [X] Yranne Kal, the Mothwing Lord of Arach-Qin
- [X] Forgemaster Xenael Wraev of Zahr-Tann
- [X] Special Bodyguards
- [X] Elite Bodyguards
-- [X] Reduce this
- [X] Weight: Escort Heavy
- [X] Configuration: Cruiser Squadron
- [X] Special: The Serpent of the Stars

Being able to read and follow the Plans and Threadmarks would not hurt the Quest either.
[X] The More the Merrier - Reconciliation

Disappointing that the winning plan isn't including the flagship or the sons.
I must say that i quite like the theme of this quest, especially the curse part . If this gets out it will probably have major implications on Eldar.

Now in regards to current vote, my opinion is that regardless if we bring Ishari with us, or not i believe Eldar will probably take the curses seriously regardless if they are conservative, or not. Especially if we present a compelling proof and some not conservative Eldar check it out.

Now that is not to say that bringing Ishari will be without a consequences because we will bring a clear political message and the way i see it besides accepting the existence of the Curses i see Ishari probably being formally denounced by rest of the Eldar at upcoming conferences due to Conservative push back, plus us failing to create any sort of united response among the Eldar due to this.

So in short we may attract fringe Eldar groups to us at the expense of being isolated from rest of the Craftworlds, don't know weather that is good, or not though, but I'm leaning towards bad as divisions among Eldars are probably last thing we want.
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I doubt it's going to be that bad, but the point has been labored back and forth, again and again. I distinctly doubt that the Harlequins would put us in contact with a faction where knowing we were in contact with them would drive us to be shunned by every other Craftworld to the point of ignoring important information because it Came From Us.

Things haven't ossified yet, the shock of the Fall is still in relatively recent memory, and I'm not willing to kowtow to the maximum extremist conservatives out of fear that theirs are the only voices that matter here. Because they'd hate us for everything else we're doing anyway, and surrendering advantage to them out of fear that somehow this will be the deciding element regarding the success (Or lack thereof) of the Aeldmoot feels like a huge exaggeration.

The ones who matter the most in this debate--Ulthwe and Iyanden--are both neutral towards us. They're the ones who we need to flip, and bringing more evidence to the table only helps our cause.
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This is Alectai's quest, everyone else is just visiting, based on the voting track record.
That usually happens in quests. One or two people come up with the majority of the plans because they are willing to put them together *and* people like the plans/trust the plan makers.

I don't know the secret sauce to get everyone behind one of your plans. I think you need to be flexible and willing to make changes to your plans. Even if you don't like it (See Alectai willing to make changes to his plan).

If you look in HeroCookys quest you can see Laurent tends to make most of the plans. Laurent also accepts criticism and feedback rather than presenting only the plan *they* think is optimal. There are things they think are important and are willing to discuss them and so far people trust them because of how they react to any push back on those things.

It's a complicated matter that cannot be distilled into a how-to easily as most human social things are. But if you want examples...

It just happens that Alectai has filled that role for this quest.
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I doubt it's going to be that bad, but the point has been labored back and forth, again and again. I distinctly doubt that the Harlequins would put us in contact with a faction where knowing we were in contact with them would drive us to be shunned by every other Craftworld to the point of ignoring important information because it Came From Us.

Things haven't ossified yet, the shock of the Fall is still in relatively recent memory, and I'm not willing to kowtow to the maximum extremist conservatives out of fear that theirs are the only voices that matter here. Because they'd hate us for everything else we're doing anyway, and surrendering advantage to them out of fear that somehow this will be the deciding element regarding the success (Or lack thereof) of the Aeldmoot feels like a huge exaggeration.

As i said i don't think they'll ignore the information but they also will probably refuse to cooperate with us due to us announcing that we are quite fine with more "extreme" solutions. They probably accept the warning, but generally denounce Ishari and go to seek solution on their own. I generally don't see us achieving any form of unity with rest of the Eldar.

If we go in this meeting with politics we can expect that everyone else will push their political agenda and Conservatives probably outnumber us and will have enough influence to push their views. If we go in with the idea that we can get Ishari represented and accented then it's logical to assume that reverse can be possible and Conservatives can push for them to be denounced.
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@Mechanis would you be willing to share the base EP of the vehicle chassis available to us an the costs of altering the weapon slots?
As i said i don't think they'll ignore the information but they also will probably refuse to cooperate with us due to us announcing that we are quite fine with more "extreme" solutions. They probably accept the warning, but generally denounce Ishari and go to seek solution on their own.

If we go in this meeting with politics we can expect that everyone else will push their political agenda and Conservatives probably outnumber us.

Then that's their problem, we've already made our own feelings plain by now, if they're going to suddenly get even snittier with us because "Oh wait, you were actually serious?" Then there is no hope left for the Asuryani and I want to know that now.

Politics are unavoidable, and if we're going to think the Conservatives are an unstoppable block, we shouldn't have bothered to set this up in the first place.
I must say that i quite like the theme of this quest, especially the curse part . If this gets out it will probably have major implications on Eldar.

Now in regards to current vote, my opinion is that regardless if we bring Ishari with us, or not i believe Eldar will probably take the curses seriously regardless if they are conservative, or not. Especially if we present a compelling proof and some not conservative Eldar check it out.

Now that is not to say that bringing Ishari will be without a consequences because we will bring a clear political message and the way i see it besides accepting the existence of the Curses i see Ishari probably being formally denounced by rest of the Eldar at upcoming conferences due to Conservative push back, plus us failing to create any sort of united response among the Eldar due to this.

So in short we may attract fringe Eldar groups to us at the expense of being isolated from rest of the Craftworlds, don't know weather that is good, or not though, but I'm leaning towards bad as divisions among Eldars are probably last thing we want.
The Aeldari accepted the Drukhari as kin, they will accept us. Even if they will be making snide remarks under their breatha and not hurrying to our aid when we get in trouble.
I think the framing of us going for faction building vs pushing for collective action is right. The winning plan is more on faction building side which is a fine choice.
Keep in mind beil'tan was not coming to murder us just cause we said they were dumb everyone already knows we are radical cause we told them. Thats why Aletoc also does not like us.
Then that's their problem, we've already made our own feelings plain by now, if they're going to suddenly get even snittier with us because "Oh wait, you were actually serious?" Then there is no hope left for the Asuryani and I want to know that now.

Politics are unavoidable, and if we're going to think the Conservatives are an unstoppable block, we shouldn't have bothered to set this up in the first place.

I don't really know what to say about it. I mean i pretty much prefer to keep tensions at minimum and to create some sort of united front against Chaos opposed to creating divisions. Especially since saving Isha will require cooperation of all Eldar but then again we probably may as well severe our ties with Eldar and God's in general.

As for politics being unavailable? That's true us calling a conference is part of the politics. But conflict and unnecessary creation of new enemies/further divisions are avoidable. By not bringing Ishari we wouldn't be appeasing anyone opposed to keeping our opinions and cards to ourselves while fostering cooperation. Opposite of that is factionalism and further divisions.

As for us calling for this conference? I was under impression that we want to create a united front and that generally requires both sides actually containing themselves and keeping their private opinions to themselves. It's kinda naive to assume that we are free to push our own political agenda here while trying to call for greater unity.

The most probable outcome is once again us attracting all fringe and more extreme groups to ourselves while being shunned by the rest of the Eldar. Which is fine as Elves were always divided in factions.
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