I think the framing of us going for faction building vs pushing for collective action is right. The winning plan is more on faction building side which is a fine choice.
Yes, there's a reason I came up with two versions of my plan, one for attempting reconciliation, one for promoting division, as I think that's the salient choice.
It depends on what you think what kind of problem we're facing.
If it's a collective action problem and we need as many people as possible on board, we should go for facilitating a broad but shallow coalition where the neutrals (Iyanden and Ulthwe) can wrangle the extremists on both sides (us, Biel Tan, and Alaitoc) into all pulling in the same direction.
If it's instead, something we can solve ourselves without or despite other factions working at cross-purposes to us, it's makes more sense focus on building a much smaller but much deeper coalition.
One thing that's notable is that the wings of Eldar politics are not symmetrical.
There are two Conservative Major Craftworlds and three Neutral ones. One of the Neutral ones leans in our direction for reasons unconnected to the Radical - Conservative spectrum. There are no Radical Major Craftworlds.
Now, it also matters what kind of problem Iyanden and Ulthwe think this is. If they think they face a collective action where they need to get the largest possible number of Eldar pointing in the same direction, if they have to choose between the Radicals and Conservatives it would seem obvious that they choose the Conservatives. There's just so many more of them.
If, instead it's a problem that can be solved without collective action, picking us rather the Conservatives makes more sense, if they think we bring some unique capabilities that make enough of a difference to outweigh what Alaitoc and Biel Tan and their blocks offer.
Keep in mind beil'tan was not coming to murder us just cause we said they were dumb everyone already knows we are radical cause we told them. Thats why Aletoc also does not like us.
I don't think they know we're Radical in Soul Forging terms. They know we haven't adopted the Paths, but I don't think that's the same. We could still, IC choose a non-Soul Forging approach I think. Same as the Exodites.
We should still be publicly be neutral on that axis, I think, unless we bring the Ishari with us.