So, I don't like playing the odds, but what
are the odds if we restrain her while she's lightning-ized, then she won't be able to escape simply because Mami Tomoe is there?
[] Restrain Hijiri. Then take her Gem; explain she can't leave without it.
-[] Give the Gem to Mami and leave her guarding Hijiri; ask the Pleiades to pick her up.
-[] If you can't contain her:
--[] If she goes to Anri, Gem both with extreme prejudice.
--[] If she goes away, tell the Pleiades; they'll catch her.
[] Simultaneously:
-[] Ask the Pleiades to pick up Hijiri. Explain she tried to escape.
-[] Ask Mami to guard Hijiri until she's picked up.
-[] Go face Anri alone.
-[] Ask Oriko if she could talk Anri down, and what does she need in that case.
[] Grief armor underlayer., and protect your Gem.
[] If Oriko answered...
-[] No: Gem Anri with extreme prejudice.
-[] Yes: Try to comply if Oriko had any instructions, and buy time for her to arrive.
--[] Potential actions (Anri):
---[] Re-introduce yourself. Apologize for earlier.
---[] Ask about her. Who is she; what does she want; why does she believe
--[] Ask Mami to provide sniper support, outside hearing range, just in case.
Ah. No, I was talking about casually dropping that we hoped we've met someone like us.
That's sneaky. You Mr McSneakyPants, you.
But it's true.