OK, simplifying:

[X] Thank Mrs. Shizuki for sharing this with you.
-[X] Tell her Hitomi won't become a Magical Girl, nor see any fighting.

[X] Telepathy Nadia asking about Tsuchiya Ritsuko.

[X] Ask Mrs. Shizuki more about her experience and try to fill in the blanks, including all the problems Magical Girls usually have to deal with.
-[X] Briefy explain your unique Wish and that you plan to change things for the better.
[X] Tell her you actually wanted to have this talk with her and the other parents.
-[X] Ask for help, using the Shiogama girls' situation as an example of the kind of help you need.

I think Nadia should be asked second. Kyuubey may be a monster, but when it comes to completeness of records, he is the monster for the job. Once we know Tsuchiya Ritsuko's status, then we can ask Nadia.
... Why ask Nadia at all, in that case?

My point is that KB is an insidious chronic backstabber and there's plenty of acceptance in thread for it to squirm into our graces, if given half a chance. Our long standing 'no KB' policy is actually pretty good.
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... Why ask Nadia at all, in that case?
Because while Kyuubey might tell us whether she's alive, (and human) he wouldn't tell us where she was if she is.

EDIT: More precisely, he wouldn't be any use getting in touch with her, though we might glean her location. Nadia on the other hand would be helpful in that case.
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[X] The Phoenixian

Kyuubey may be capable of not screwing with us if we ask him for something, or even of screwing with us when we don't, but I prefer not to give him an opening.
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We're going to get derailed here into explaining infinite cleansing and then the Grand Plan.
Uh, no need, we just need to let Haruka know about Grief Seeds, systematic isolation, and in-fighting, so she has context to understand why we are asking for help. The things we had guessed she would already know.

[X] Ask Mrs. Shizuki more about her experience and try to fill in the blanks, including all the problems Magical Girls usually have to deal with.
-[X] Briefy explain your unique Wish and that you plan to change things for the better.
Congrats on 5000 pages! I'm like, super new, but this is honestly one of the best quests I've ever read in any fandom.

Also...there were definitely people further up in the thread suggesting we bring her in on the witchbomb and that...seems like a really bad idea, in case that's still even remotely on the table. Just throwing that out there.

Please remember that Mami has homework.

We could try and address whatever concerns led her to talk to us privately, and then ask if moving back to the more public homework session would be acceptable while we explain the more critical parts of the Plan.

That said,

[X] Onmur
Except in this case it could lead us to falsely believe that this person's childhood friend is dead.

Actually that's not the worst case scenario, Kyuubey could inform us 'she succumbed to greif, witched out, was defeated, and that her grief seed rehatched, we killed her witch again, gave her grief seed to another magical girl, who gave it to Kyuubey when it was full, and he's currently burning it to derive energy from the grief inside, which is an excruciating process for the witch why do you ask?', all while including Mami and all our friends in the conversation.
Actually that's not the worst case scenario, Kyuubey could inform us 'she succumbed to greif, witched out, was defeated, and that her grief seed rehatched, we killed her witch again, gave her grief seed to another magical girl, who gave it to Kyuubey when it was full, and he's currently burning it to derive energy from the grief inside, which is an excruciating process for the witch why do you ask?', all while including Mami and all our friends in the conversation.
Sure, and the worst case for Mami being outside the privacy field is that Kyuubey could witchbomb her at any time.