Nope, they can only move at cargo ship speed. One of the many drawbacks of using a design over a hundred years old. But hey, I was assured, by many people in the thread, that we'd never need our engineering teams to move that fast on the previous occasions that I brought up an engineering variant Rennie.
Frankly, I'd like a citation on that, from an Oneiros post please. Because our Ranger hospital ships still move fast enough to attend emergencies.
I'd like to know where the fuck we're supposed to build another 4-6 Reneisances starting about 4.5 years ago to get that Engineering platform out there.
I have a thought I'd like to run by our more scientifically minded members.

From what we saw, the Konen ships put out SOMETHING at some point...It registered as a Solar Wind Spike, but It was something sensors could pick up... So could Federation Ships still hit Konen ships if we had Non-Starfleet ships telling the Starfleet ones which 'ghosts' were Konen Vessels?

and I'm not sure we need to debug our sensors totally to fix the issue, we just have to find specifically what the Konen ships are putting out, because they put out enough to be labeled as SOMETHING by Starfleet Sensors, and make a special subsystem/subroutine designed to check for that in surrounding space....I may be wrong, which is why I'm dropping these thoughts here.
From what we saw, the Konen ships put out SOMETHING at some point...It registered as a Solar Wind Spike, but It was something sensors could pick up... So could Federation Ships still hit Konen ships if we had Non-Starfleet ships telling the Starfleet ones which 'ghosts' were Konen Vessels?

and I'm not sure we need to debug our sensors totally to fix the issue, we just have to find specifically what the Konen ships are putting out, because they put out enough to be labeled as SOMETHING by Starfleet Sensors, and make a special subsystem/subroutine designed to check for that in surrounding space....I may be wrong, which is why I'm dropping these thoughts here.

The second is the classic anti-stealth measure.

The first is probably possible but vulnerable to being jammed.
With the Maybe-Pedophiles encroaching on our borders, we're going to be pushing the Nice Warhamz, Dune, & Speak Hebrew.
The ravenous blue amoeba is already scheduled to engulf spirit science, sexytimes, snek waifu, and drama queens within the next few years.
I was thinking about Ratifications first.

IIRC the Spirit Science still haven't ratified yet, same with a few others.

Otherwise IIRC we have been pushing RWBY and Nice Warhammerz... in fact I think one or two more dedicated pushes for each will get them too us and then we've got their super ships, even prettier designs for our own ships and Super Security guards :D... and super wildlife damn I think that's a theme in quests I like.

Best description of the Federation I've heard in a long while.

Somebody please, please tell me they're going to have another major power use that term in an update or omake!
Yeah this needs to happen...
That's the Romulans and Kleignons right?

I think I asked this, but didn't get an answer but is there a protocol to peacefully absorbing rival powers like them via ratification and the like?

The Federation has never absorbed a peer power.

The closest its ever come to doing that - aside from the initial ratification of the Federation Charter by the original four - was with the Apiata.
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The Federation has never absorbed a peer power.

The closest its ever come to doing that - aside from the initial ratification of the Federation Charter by the original four - was with the Apiata.
So is it technically possible?

BTW sound out on introducing the seen some shiters to the maybe pedos?

They seem like the kinda guy's who'd do unsanctioned and dangerous experiments on innocent sentients... and puppies.

Or has this been discussed at some point?
So is it technically possible?

BTW sound out on introducing the seen some shiters to the maybe pedos?

They seem like the kinda guy's who'd do unsanctioned and dangerous experiments on innocent sentients... and puppies.

Or has this been discussed at some point?


1. This is a universe with literal space gods who turn reality inside out for the lolz, so anything's possible. Even in such a universe, however, "requires literal divine intervention" should not be taken as an encouraging sign.

2. There may or may not have already been a war between the two at some point.

3. Yes.
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Frankly, I'd like a citation on that, from an Oneiros post please. Because our Ranger hospital ships still move fast enough to attend emergencies.
I'm pretty sure it's from Oneiros, let me check.

Well, looks like he never explicitly says as such, but I got the implication from a couple of posts.

Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 2155
Where he talks about the Ranger being the equivilant of us building a WW2 tank chassis.

Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1943
Where the NX=01 has to strain her engines to keep up with the Ranger class Enterprise, implying that the Ranger would have to strain to keep up with the Constitution and Excelsior class Enterprises.

Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1165
Where Oneiros tells us that there will be hell to pay if we dared to make a new class of starship based on the Ranger.

Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1007
And of course, the better D value of all the potential replacement hospital designs.

Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 926
The fact that Rangers are only 450kt, and thus have small, relatively underpowered, warp drives.

@OneirosTheWriter, we need some clarification here. How fast are the Ranger based engineering team ships? Do two Rangers have more room than a single Renaissance? Do two Rangers offer more redundancy? What effect does only having half an Engineering team have on a project if one of the Rangers breaks down? Can half an engineering team even function with only half of their equipment available? How likely is a Ranger to break down? How easy are they to repair? What are their stats?
Speaking of Harmony... they are not Goauld, but I think I know who they are - and still Stargate reference. Aschen.


And "we are farmers now" are probably Nox...
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