At the rate we're going, I'm not sure there is ever going to be a point after this that we won't have visitors; it's only a matter of time until we start getting meguca refugees coming in from around the world, now that we've announced ourselves and gave Nadia permission to tell everyone to "give us your poor, your huddled masses" etc etc. Or are you just talking about the Sciencegucas Pleiades?
I'm talking about the Pleiades.
We don't know how much time or practice it would take because we've never brought it up.
And thus, relying on it being simple and easy is foolish.
[X] Patch it through to Mami. Tell Nadia she's cool. We'll receive them any time.
-[X] Telepathy the Shiogama girls to confirm their arrival and welcome them, along with Mami if she isn't busy. Be sympathetic for thier loss.
[X] Telepathy Oriko. Ask for permission to use her furnished warehouse as housing for the first group of incoming refugees.
-[X] Ask for advice on purchasing home furnishings as a teenage girl.
[X] While traveling to Mitakihara, confirm the Pleiades stay.
-[X] Surreptitiously offer Kazumi cleansing.
Be insistent that you do it soon if she declines. Also, she totally owes you a hug.
-[X] Explain your overall goals, things everyone else knows.
[X] Over lunch:
-[X] Help do introductions.
-[X] Make sure that Mami is okay.
-[X] Keep Homura from drifting away from the group.
-[X] Tell everyone about the Shiogama girls.
Discuss where you're going to house them for the time being.
--[X] Would the Pleiades be alright tagging along while you
work out housing after lunch, until school ends? Or would they prefer to just sightsee,
or do something else?
-[X] Ask if Umika's 『 S T A N D 』 is 『 Heaven's Door 』.
@Onmur , I'm not sure why you're apologizing to the Asunaro girls in your vote? Providing housing to incoming refugees fits perfectly with the earlier "explain your overall goals" vote segment, and is nothing to be apologetic for?