We'll take them all.

[Q] ( ^ᴗ^)ノ" headpat Nadia.
[ ] Tell Nadia she's cool. We'll receive them any time. Just call before getting here.
[ ] The pantlessians can stay as long as they want.
[ ] Surreptitiously offer Kazumi cleansing. Also, she totally owes you a hug.

[ ] Continue vote in abeyance.
-[ ] Tell everyone about the Shiogama girls. Apologize to the Pleiades for not telling them before, even though they're our guests.

"Oh! Well, there was a Witch-" Kazumi starts to explain their story. She'd been a magical girl before the rest of the Saints, and she'd actually saved them from Witches. Not all at once, contrary to what you remember, and without that bizarre, out of character testing you remember she'd put them through.
This Kazumi is even more Sweet Cinammon Roll than PMKM Kazumi!
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Niko is the worst! :O

You know, we should gift Niko some pants. Then she would be... well, not Best, because Mami is best, but close.

Actually, did Niko's uniform change? I always thought of it more as a jumpsuit or flightsuit than a long jacket, since it has integrated pants. Of course, of any of them, she'd be the one to be actually literally bottomless, since she favors short-shorts even in casual wear...

...Although, now that I think about it, Kyouko also does the hotpants thing, and Kirika's costume has a miniskirt. Even Sayaka's outfit has a rather daring cut to it.

...In fact, Sabrina's uniform is probably the most modest out of any magical girl we've ever seen anywhere. Maybe we've just been a prude all this time? :confused:
ED: With the possible exception of Oriko, who is always maximum classy
Is there a risk of Niko figuring out the witchbomb given that clear seed? If so, should we tell her to call us if she finds anything out so we can intervene? Actually, telling her to tell us if she finds anything is probably a good idea in the first place...
Considering the esoteric magiscience bullshit she's been able to pull off (like extracting the essential core of a witch, which is... all that's left in a clear seed), this is a very real concern. We should definitely keep in touch/keep tabs on her. That said, she's the least likely of the Pleiades to be shaken up by the witchbomb, especially in a SCIENCE trance.
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There isn't anything in a Clear Seed that wasn't already in a Grief Seed. If she didn't figure out the witchbomb by analyzing Grief Seeds, then I don't see any reason she would by analyzing Clear Seeds.
Interference from the rest of the grief, maybe. I could easily see her not realizing there was a core malefica because she lacked the tools to peer past the grief in the seed.
Interference from the rest of the grief, maybe. I could easily see her not realizing there was a core malefica because she lacked the tools to peer past the grief in the seed.
Don't they already know about core maleficas, though? I have this vague recollection that those were a PMKM thing....

Umika can produce "books" that have a bunch of information on the target, and she habitually uses that power on witches. If anything was going to reveal the truth, then you'd think it'd be that.
Throwing out a vote. Let the vote wars polite discussions begin!

[X] Tell Nadia she's cool. We'll receive them any time. Just call before getting here.
[X] The pantlessians can stay as long as they want.
[X] Surreptitiously offer Kazumi cleansing. Also, she totally owes you a hug.

[X] Segue into explaining your overall goals, so you don't have to do it over lunch. Don't hog too much of the conversation, let Kazuza and co. steer the topic as well.

[X] Over lunch:
-[X] Help do introductions.
-[X] Make sure that Mami is okay.
-[X] Keep Homura from drifting away from the group.
-[X] Ask if Umika's 『 S T A N D 』 is 『 Heaven's Door 』.
-[X] And tell them about Cannone Picchio. ;)

-[X] Tell everyone about the Shiogama girls. Apologize to the Pleiades for not telling them before, even though they're our guests.

(Vote in abeyance)

Mmm... What to do after lunch, now that we've got company?
Ask the Asonaro Nutjobs about their powers.

If Umika tells us how the book thing works, make her use it on random people and objects. Then, for SCIENCE, get her to use it on Mami, and check what the Mami book says about Sabrina. See if Mami actually literally explodes.
Maybe we can put on our serious face and ask Kazumi and co to help us.

We need to buy Niko some pants.

(And Mami a dress while we're at it).

Hey, actually, if we wanted to buy something nice for Mami, Kazumi is the perfect person to go with us on the trip.

So... at rist of looking too :V, proposing:

[X] Tell Nadia she's cool. We'll receive them any time. Just call before getting here.
[X] The pantlessians can stay as long as they want.
[X] Surreptitiously offer Kazumi cleansing. Also, she totally owes you a hug.

[X] Explain your overall goals, things everyone else knows.

[X] Over lunch:
-[X] Help do introductions.
-[X] Make sure that Mami is okay.
-[X] Keep Homura from drifting away from the group.
-[X] And tell Kazumi and co about Cannone Picchio. ;)

-[X] Tell everyone about the Shiogama girls. Apologize to the Pleiades for not telling them before, even though they're our guests.

[X] After seeing everyone off, ask Kazumi and co if they'd help you buy a dress for Mami.
-[X] ... And some pants for Niko.
At the very least we should probably mention to them that flying around like that means they're flashing half the city.
She could just be wearing very short shorts underneath. Besides, Magical Upskirt Protection is a canon thing in this quest, so it's not an issue.

Don't be oppressive about pants. Be accepting of diversity!

Point it at the feather!
While an intriguing idea, that could very well lead to her getting Witchbombed.
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We should probably start talking to Shiogama now over telepathy instead of waiting until they're here in person. Following multiple conversations is easy, so why not?
We should probably start talking to Shiogama now over telepathy instead of waiting until they're here in person. Following multiple conversations is easy, so why not?

[X] Tell Nadia she's cool. We'll receive them any time.
-[X] Telepathy the Shiogama girls to confirm their arrival and welcome them.
[X] The pantlessians can stay as long as they want.
[X] Surreptitiously offer Kazumi cleansing. Also, she totally owes you a hug.

[X] Explain your overall goals, things everyone else knows.

[X] Over lunch:
-[X] Help do introductions.
-[X] Make sure that Mami is okay.
-[X] Keep Homura from drifting away from the group.
-[X] And tell Kazumi and co about Cannone Picchio.
-[X] Tell everyone about the Shiogama girls. Apologize to the Pleiades for not telling them before, even though they're our guests.

[X] After seeing everyone off, ask Kazumi and co if they'd help you buy a dress for Mami.
-[X] ... And some pants for Niko.
If the pantlessians can stay as long as they want, does that mean we have to kick them out as soon as they realise the glory of pants and acquire some?
Godwinson your fic is leaking


Oh great now Firn is rating me insightful and I have to say something smart.

Alright, here's the question of the week, then:

Godwinson originally wrote this for PMAV:

I shut off my ability to feel pain and leap back and away from the fight, landing on top of a dead streetlamp. I resist the urge to start ranting about truth and justice.

Firnagzen is acting as beta/editor for PMAV, and he expanded that to this:

I shut off my ability to feel pain and leap back and away from the fight, landing on top of a dead streetlamp. I resist the urge to start ranting about truth and justice. I mean, it's the thing to do when perching on top of a streetlamp. Unless you're Batman, then the thing to do would be to brood about your dead parents.

And now, in PMAS, we have this:

Heh. It makes sense, but magical girls do tend to gravitate to high places. Scaling tall buildings comes naturally to you, and you get a commanding view of the surrounding area. It just comes with the territory, you suppose. Good thing that Asunaro isn't more gothic, or you'd be wrestling the urge to start monologing about dead parents while perching on a gargoyle. Your probably-parents aren't even dead!

On the other hand, the thing to do would technically be to start ranting about love and friendship and hope, you suppose. You are a magical girl, after all.

So, to you I ask:

Which came first? The Firnagzen... Or the Godwinson? Is PMAV's famous paragraph the offshoot of a moment Firn had been planning for some time? Or is PMAS' latest chapter partly the product of Godwinson's personal Sailor reference?

We may never know...