Dammit, Redshirt Army! Dammit, Vebyast!
[X] Present yourself as you actually are: cheerful dweeb who wants to help but can back that attitude up.
-[X] Use your sort-of-surname this time; you're still getting used to it.
-[X] Goal: Get a "Great, there's two of them".
[X] Introductions! Explain your powers, showboat a bit, and tell everyone about clear seeds.
-[X] Refresh Seeds for anyone staying behind.
--[x] If you have time, offer to make a Clear Seed (or partial) really quick.
-[X] Make sure the food survives the trip. Apply physics-based Grief contraptions if necessary.
-[X] Segue into explaining your overall goals, so you don't have to do it over lunch. Don't hog too much of the conversation, let Kazuza and co. steer the topic as well.
[X] Over lunch:
-[X] Help do introductions.
-[X] Make sure that Mami is okay.
-[X] Keep Homura from drifting away from the group.
-[X] And tell them about Cannone Picchio.