I'm thinking Indoria Starbase, Intel Gathering, RP, SR, and two BR colonies, Academy Expansion, maybe a tech team.

Ship people, are we ready to start Kepler work yet?
The module system isn't ready and survey sensors don't have stats yet so we don't know. In absence of better knowledge we should stick with the plan we voted for and wait until next year at the earliest IMO.
  • Request new Starbase I [KBZ – Shrantet III] 25pp for KBZ
  • Request new Starbase I [Indoria] 27pp
  • Request Mining Colony at Kohl II, 16pp, 25 (30) br & 25 (35) sr /yr, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony at Acacia V, 7pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Piara V, 8pp, 25 (30) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Mica III, 8pp, 25 (30)br /yr, 4 turns
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 40pp
  • Request Academy Development, 40pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Start of Science Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 10pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, [Weapons and Offensive Doctrine] - 20pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, [Starbase and Defensive Doctrine] - 20pp
  • Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 115pp (Mars in Sol System)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Ashidi]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [The Tauni]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Yan-Ros]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Hishmeri Septs]
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Operations, 20pp (Will improve ops teams next time they are required)
EDITS: Have changed to Indorian Starbase and dropped Ferasa shipyard because no one seemed to like it or the Licori Starbase.

@OneirosTheWriter confirms that should be correct.
Last edited:
If the ruins are on multiple planets in the same system, then the people who left them were probably beyond the "pottery" level.

*wiggles hand*

It was a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but high tech devices don't tend to last long on archeological time scales - it's just not economically worth it to apocalypse proof day to day technology with a useful lifetime measures in years of decades. And the more high tech something is, the generally more finicky it is - and that's before we take into account ST level of weird exotic materials. The best preserved artifacts will likely be those of a comparatively simpler nature: solid blocks of nonreactive matter like coffee mugs and whatnot.
@OneirosTheWriter for our information, will the Heavy Industrial Park apply to both San Francisco Yards and Utopia Planitia if put in Sol system, or do we have to pick between Earth and Mars specifically? The wording switches between "world" and "system".
No. Just No.

SDB doesn't want the Kepler project yet, and going for a KBZ starbase now is ... questionable given that we'll be ratifying Caledonia soon and they should get one.

We are waiting on survey sensors and modules.

I'm convinced we can squeeze another Shield out of the design with either.

Edit: There's debate on if we should go with the planned and pre-approved date, or start now so we can rush an escort.

I think we are ready and should go ahead and start. We can get an really freaking awesome ship with what we have right now. Check out these stats:
I've had this Kepler hanging out on my design sheet for about a week. e: Edited for updated version, -5 SR, -1Q build time.

Might be possible to tune further with T2 subframes, but I don't recall what we plan on having researched in 2317/2318. Keeping in mind that we have to develop the Kepler within 5y of setting the goal back in 2313, we have to order the design by 2318, so any research past that point will not be available.
e: Updated with what's available in 2317, which allowed me to reduce engineering frame size while increasing hull frame size and moving to a M computer core to compensate. Anyway, 100/80 is the same cost as the Rennie, and 2/3/4 crew is reasonable for a science ship, and it will build in 2y 1q.

I don't think we get T3 shields, subframes, warp core, hull, coolant, or injectors by that time. We don't even have T2 tactical subframe yet and I don't see it on any research plans.
No. Just No.

SDB doesn't want the Kepler project yet, and going for a KBZ starbase now is ... questionable given that we'll be ratifying Caledonia soon and they should get one.

Note that the world I am naming for the Klingon Border Zone, Shrantet III, is a major colony world with its own seat on the Federation Council. We wouldn't be putting the KBZ starbase in the middle of nowhere; it would protect millions of people!
Wait. Does Sirvik's Bonus apply to the Ambassador twins too? DO WE GET TO TRIPLE STACK BONUSES?!?!?!

That Kepler.

That's Excelsior-level response capability on an escort platform that costs about 40% as much as an Excelsior.

Edit: Objection to plan withdrawn. Mostly. Still think an Indoria starbase is more pressing than a KBZ one. And would like to note that homeworld trumps major colony as a defense priority.
@OneirosTheWriter sorry for more questions, but need to clarify. When does Sirvik's Bonus start applying? To ships currently under construction? To ships that start construction when he's admiral?

If we get the Heavy Industrial Park, what is the delay in getting it organized and what Year/Quarter should we start applying the bonus? I assume that like Chen's bonus, it would only work on ships started after the park is finished?

That Kepler.

That's Excelsior-level response capability on an escort platform that costs about 40% as much as an Excelsior.

Edit: Objection to plan withdrawn. Mostly. Still think an Indoria starbase is more pressing than a KBZ one. And would like to note that homeworld trumps major colony as a defense priority.
A design with modules looks to be about two stat points better, or able to reach S8 with little sacrifice in other areas, but modules are currently not ready for use.