Spreadsheet index:
ToBoldlyGo CustomShipWorkbook2 [ask
@OneirosTheWriter for a link in a personal conversation]
Function: Custom design of new ship classes, also used for other our members, affiliates and other powers (though they can have their own parts with different stats).
Completeness: Complete with regard to currently existing rules because it defines what those are. Inclusion of future parts varies. Secret parts used by other powers not included.
Currency: Marking of parts as currently unavailable may reflect the state at the start of a design process rather than the latest in game date.
Copy the whole spreadsheet if you want to work without interfering with anyone. You can try out some things on the main sheet if no one else is currently using it, or copy only the main sheet if you want your design to be immediately accessible to others, but be aware that this might cause slowdowns for everyone and be sure to delete any sheets that you don't need anymore as soon as possible. Also see
Sci-Fi - Starfleet Ship Design Bureau ("To Boldly Go...")
Starfleet Economy [used to be available through ShipWorkbook, currently no officially sanctioned way of getting the URL? You could ask Oneiros.]
Maintainer: abandoned?
Function: tracking Starfleet logistics and assessing freighter needs.
Completeness: ???
Currency: Seems to have been abandoned?
Usage: Difficult to even understand what any of it means.
Database for To Boldly Go
Function: Track characters, ships and planets.
Completeness: Tries to be complete vs actually available data, but of the data that would belong there is currently unavailable.
Currency: Updated very frequently, often multiple times a day.
Information sheet. Mark characters you wish to be tracked in rat-race posts in yellow. If you came up with a character you might want to add missing details, particularly year of birth.
Boldly Go Shipbuild
Function: Planning ship building and berth usage, also Starfleet fleet strength projections.
Completeness: Usually complete for the next year or two and for mile stones like prototypes, builds several years down the line usually don't represent concrete plans but placeholders to access possible crew and/or resource shortages.
Currency: Reliably updated well before the ship building phase, essentially always up to date regarding our plans because it largely defines what those plans are, but plans can and do change on short notice.
Information sheet, copy the spreadsheet if you e. g. want to propose a plan of your own or play around with resource income assumptions.
ToBoldlyGo Audit Ledger
Function: Track income and help double-check for the official EOY reports.
Completeness: Generally complete, missing data is rare.
Currency: Generally up to date in time for EOY reports.
Usage: Information sheet.
To Boldly Go Council Members
Function: Overview of the composition of the Federation Council
Completeness: Complete
Currency: Updated for the 2314 election, which should make it up to date until 2317.
Usage: Information sheet.
To Boldly Go Ships & Deployments
Function: Tracking and playing around with deployments, viewing aggregate stats of task forces/fleets
Completeness: ???
Currency: ???
Usage: Probably best to copy the spreadsheet if you want to avoid interfering with other people?
Boldly Go Shipyards
Function: Federation-wide overview of shipyard berth sizes.
Completeness: Complete for Starfleet and full members, incomplete data for affiliates.
Currency: ??? (seems reasonably up to date as of 2316.Q1)
Usage: Information sheet.
Boldly Goes-Member and Affiliate Fleets
@Void Stalker
Fuction: Track Starfleet, member and affiliate fleet strength.
Completeness: ??? (seems reasonably complete as of 2316.Q1)
Currency: Usually updated after quarterly MWCO reports.
Usage: Information sheet.
To Boldly Go-Neutral and Great Power Fleets
@Void Stalker
Fuction: Track fleet strength of other powers.
Completeness: Limited by available intelligence data.
Currency: Marked on the sheet.
Usage: Information sheet.
To Boldly Go-Civilian-Member and Affiliate Fleets
@Void Stalker
Fuction: Track civilian fleet strengths.
Completeness: ???
Currency: Usually updated after quarterly MWCO reports.
Usage: Information sheet.