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- Singapore
[X] Bow
[X] Heavy Polearm
[X] Heavy Polearm
Nah, I meant that Ling Qi's physical combat side is kind of set aside for the spiritual combat side. We upgrade Arts more than we upgrade weapon (which we only have those knives).... Ling Qi trained her throwing Knives mastery more than nay others beside Dodge, and she only ever upgraded knives, not any other weapons. Knives are also her only weapon that's supported by two of her arts.
I'm not just sure what is going on here.
Polearm is not just DV, it also it's AoE, it's its reach, it's also it's style. It's like saying "this weapon's only advantage is that it's a really good weapon". I mean, if your argument is we should go bow/unarmed, fair enough. But as long as you want to vote for an actual melee weapon as one of your choices, polearm is not any worse than any of them- and arguably much, much better for what it does.
Well yeah, I really want to get some nice spine/heart techniques that hobble enemies when we hit them with our pole arm/bows/etc. Sadly people are trying to turn Ling Qi into some kind of cliche protagonist.But still, we probably would level our debuff and buff Arts faster than we can do with weapon arts, because of Exotic Talent.
Acrobatic dance-like kicking martial arts, and if pressed, aikido-style minimal-touch throws.True be told I don't like the standard gambit of weapons for the most part. Which is why I tend recommend unusual weapons. I have to wonder how do you guys think Ling Qi actually fights hand to hand?
True, if we can get non-specific weapon Art that adds some manner of debuff on enemies...Well yeah, I really want to get some nice spine/heart techniques that hobble enemies when we hit them with our pole arm/bows/etc. Sadly people are trying to turn Ling Qi into some kind of cliche protagonist.
The point of the polearm isn't to get arts tailored to it, but to get arts that include both it and knives/bows incidentally. SCS already does some of that, and a lot of heart arts might do that too if we look right. We shouldn't look for polearm-specific things, really, just things that help our polearm as much as other stuff.
Spine/heart self-buff as well as debuff on enemies are the kind of things that can work well on that.
Two way ties between unarmed/Heavy Polearm as far as I can see. Clearly we need people to realise the glory that is of having either a real mastery of your body or a real battlefield weapon and tie between the two.
I like knives and I imagine we won't immediately buy new weapons to replace them but if we do need better alternative might as well have some say in it+coughs+
It's, not that we won't be training Unarmed anymore, you know? This is just asking what new weapons Ling Qi wants to get new Masteries with, or what old weapons people want to keep focus on.
Hmm, not much interest into refocusing on Knives.