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Hm.I don't know where you got those statlines from, but the front page says they are wrong. Ainsworth is the Low Diplo Medium Politics, while Lathriss is Medium Diplo Low Politics. So he would be better suited to coordinating the various fleets in the GBZ.
Plus, most of our issues in the GBZ so far have been with the Amarki commander, who is also low diplomacy. Appointing the seniormost Amarki officer in Starfleet to GBZ Commander could help with that.
Yes, I switched the stats. My apologies for discommoding you.
So, maybe I should present a different, and yet substantially equivalent, argument:
If part of the reason we keep wanting to replace a "Low Diplomacy Medium Politics" is her diplomatic goofs, are we sure "Medium Diplomacy Low Politics" is the way to go?
My main argument isn't that Lathriss is better or worse than Ainsworth. It's that insofar as their profile 'stats' tell us anything about their character and likely performance, they are interchangeable. Lathriss will be good at about the same things Ainsworth is. And while he may make different mistakes in dealing with the various other groups and leaders in the GBZ, there isn't much reason to expect him to make fewer mistakes. If we want someone who can handle the internal dynamics of the GBZ command like a smooth mofo, we need someone with "High Diplomacy High Politics," not "Low/Medium" or "Medium/Low." Someone like Gorac Crogan.
Now, Lathriss is still probably a pretty good choice for the job... IF we're comfortable with the job Ainsworth's been doing. On further reflection, I think I am- but others may not be.
Uhura: "I'm not surprised, Mister Spock."Spock: That argument is statistically suspect, and therefore highly illogical.
I wouldn't worry about this specific issue. Right now, if the Sydraxians get aggressive in the SBZ we haven't got anything to give Crogan to fight them with, unless we do something like peel off one of T'Lorel's component task forces- and we took considerable pains to give all those units good officers who would be good ready-made combat commanders fighting the Sydraxians....Gorac Crogan, yeah he could be good, but I'd also like an able commander in case we decide to contest the Gretarians alongside the Yrillians and the Sydraxians get it into their head that they have to meet our challenge.
And if we move Crogan over to the Gabriel Expanse, we'll get a chance to raise up a new sector commander in his place- and we have a fair number of promising candidates for that role.
As far as I can tell, though, Science checks typically aren't rolled on a fleetwide basis, though- it's either "best ship" or "whichever ship is present" or maybe "average of all the ships in the fleet."I mean, you could say the same thing for Federation Science, though. We already have the fleet so packed with Science that any more science bonus is also likely to be minuscule in usefulness.
Again, I strongly suspect Courageous, as an explorer with the latest, greatest hardware and one that does not have a specific role in the existing command structure, is going to be our go-to ship for special operations. And by that I don't just mean commando raids, I also mean emergency diplomatic missions and so on. The kind of stuff we'd normally send Enterprise to do, except that Enterprise is tied down serving as a task force flagship.
As such, Courageous is unusually likely to have to roll Presence checks. Or espionage checks Also more likely to be endangered by "Event-type" threats that mandate a Hull check, as opposed to "Combat-type" threats against which the ship's Evasion stat matters.
I'm a bit reluctant to follow that line of reasoning. Remember that we got some damn good results by stacking Nash's bonus (effectively, +1 to all stats) on top of the already Veteran crew of the Enterprise. We know that Hard events (the ones even an Elite-level explorer can struggle with) tend to have the most valuable bonuses (like colony sites).As for the 5YM, the Courageous is already so good (Excelsior-A and Veteran crew) that it hardly needs Captain stat bonuses to do the job. The Higher the ship's stats, the less an extra +1 is likely to help. That's why I'd like to give Sulu the new ship.
And as @lbmaian notes, I strongly suspect we may start seeing 'difficulty creep' in Explorer Corps events within the next 5-10 years, if we haven't already.
[X][FYM1] Captain Demora Sulu
[X][FYM2] Captain Samyr Kanil
[X][EC] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
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