Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)

I'm actually fine with either options winning and considering it's happened before I think there's a chance were a refit replaces this.
Spectral analysis is anti-synergistic imo. If we're going to be doing cargo milk runs, there will be less random stuff to study and a much higher likelihood of a science ship available to study it. Stopping to randomly do science also lessens its cargo throughput.
No no, reread my friend. You miss the beauty.

The Spectral Analysis will function while at warp, and will ALWAYS be on. Gathering useful survey data and sensor readings while in flight between destinations. Not only do we get to be the fastest hauler in the fleet with the second largest capacity behind the fleets dedicated Mule, but every. Single. Trip. Will provide valuable scientific data just by virtue of us flying past things.

It's... glorious.

[X] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)
It doesn't really do anything one of the probably tens of thousands of telescopes the Federation has pointed around the border/likely targets of expansion doesn't, beyond the newness of the data but even then new is relative on a astronomical scale.
I wish we'd get rid of the Antimatter Storage. 314 LY is the distance from Deep Space Nine and Earth.

It's nice and far, we can do other things than just logistics.

[X] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)
Spectral analysis is anti-synergistic imo. If we're going to be doing cargo milk runs, there will be less random stuff to study and a much higher likelihood of a science ship available to study it. Stopping to randomly do science also lessens its cargo throughput.

Meanwhile, as much as I hate it, antimatter makes us into a great border supply runner.

[X] Antimatter Storage (Range: 314ly -> 628ly)
As before, a concern should be just how quickly that Spectral Analysis suite will become outdated and lose its value. We've seen similar things happen to Science based modules more than once in our designs.
Stopping to randomly do science also lessens its cargo throughput.
Please reread. The ENTIRE point of this upgrade is that we DONT have to stop to use it, just alter course a bit to get closer and zoom on past at max cruise.

It is passive Science while the Federation does whatever else needs doing. Gathered in flight in interstellar space.

Also do not forget, telescopes can only do so much so quickly, and space is very. Very large.
It doesn't really do anything one of the probably tens of thousands of telescopes the Federation has pointed around the border/likely targets of expansion doesn't, beyond the newness of the data but even then new is relative on a astronomical scale.
Space... is big, mindblowing yes, meaning having new data from a FTL capable ship is a lot more valuable then on the ground telescopes.

Let me repeat, space is so big light takes a long as time when your measuring things in lightyear, so being able to see something from 100 lightyears away dont mean much when your data is 100+ years outta date.

A ship with decent eyes traveling along where its at can get new data instantly. With subspace communications reporting of recent developments means a whole lot.