Starfleet Design Bureau

the Federation's shuttle complement will make that much of a difference when it's going from 12 to 14 shuttles among the task group.
Well, the implication is 4 extra shuttles, but given the Miranda went for them too and it's likely to make a big part of any task group it's just a rather small drop in any bucket (assuming 1x Fed with a shuttlebay and 4x Miranda with equivalent sized ones you'd be looking 40 shuttles, and with a cargo Fed and the same number of Miranda 36).

Meanwhile large cargo is a unique capability the rest of the fleet simply won't have.
Quite, and something that (if Starfleet were willing to) could also help with provisioning somewhat during wartime (by an explicit word of god), though at the cost of about half the usable volume of the cargo bay.

EDIT - I would also not underestimate the usefulness of those cargo workabees acting like tugs and potentially pushing a disabled friendly (or enemy) ship into a better location (IE stable orbit) for repairs.
I don't think we're quite at TNG era tractors where a ship can pull thousands or tens of thousands of times its mass with a beam, but that should be doable, especially if they've been cut up during battle.

Miranda runs dual shuttlebay (so expanded, basically).
Thanks, that clears quite a bit up.

If Federations can drag out prefab defense infrastructure, that changes the Miranda's consolidation metric to favor massed action closer to the frontier rather than contraction

Especially with Excaliburs playing at Explorer.

Plus it's a paradigm that allows for the Miranda's Warp 7 to be less of an impediment for consolidation for such things...
Well, the implication is 4 extra shuttles, but given the Miranda went for them too and it's likely to make a big part of any task group it's just a rather small drop in any bucket (assuming 1x Fed with a shuttlebay and 4x Miranda with equivalent sized ones you'd be looking 40 shuttles, and with a cargo Fed and the same number of Miranda 36).

Quite, and something that (if Starfleet were willing to) could also help with provisioning somewhat during wartime (by an explicit word of god), though at the cost of about half the usable volume of the cargo bay.

I don't think we're quite at TNG era tractors where a ship can pull thousands or tens of thousands of times its mass with a beam, but that should be doable, especially if they've been cut up during battle.

Thanks, that clears quite a bit up.
I mean, it's a zero G frictionless environment. You can, in theory, push any size ship with any amount of force and get movement. It's just a matter of how long it takes. If you have a workabee tug it can go out and pull on a starship for a few hours and it will have it's velocity changed.
If the Miranda has a lot of shuttles then if the Federation took the cargo option then it would be synergistic if there are ever fleet actions (or I guess large scale disasters as well).

Miranda's use the Federations cargo for triage until the archers start to arrive with the actual replacement parts in the cargo pods. It could also work well in reverse where Federations arrive at a location to drop off infrastructure to fortify it while the Miranda's actually put the stuff together on site.

I'm starting to like the cargo option a lot more then I thought I would.
I don't see how carrying larger cargo containers will turn this into a construction ship. This is starting to remind me of when the thread convinced itself that a machine shop would allow the Excalibur to be a torpedo factory.
[X] Expanded Cargo Bay

Two hours have passed.

I don't see how carrying larger cargo containers will turn this into a construction ship. This is starting to remind me of when the thread convinced itself that a machine shop would allow the Excalibur to be a torpedo factory.

Because it can carry prefabricated parts of space infrastructure and we can give it a reasonably high engineering score. Basically any ship with a high engineering score can construct stuff.
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[X] Expanded Shuttlebay

going to stick with my guns here
definitely also works to have the cargo bay - but I don't like the idea of the best ship in starlet to be hauling cargo
also the shuttle bay will defiantly create synergies and maybe different options down the line
and the shuttle bay will definitely help on the border
Does anyone else envision mounting a large cargo pod along the underside of the roll bar, or is that just me?

Even if she didn't carry one by default the ability to do so (especially if she's escorting already slow archers) would be massive.

We would block the aft phaser, but that was an option for the Archer so clearly Starfleet is not entirely opposed to a phaser we need to drop the cargo pod to use.

And it would let us haul basically the entire core of a space station into place. We DID give the Federation 240% maximum thrust meaning we can mount an additional 20% of the ship's entire mass before she starts to slow down.
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An expanded cargo bay will allow this ship to make the most of its high speed, able to bring volatiles (including neutronic fuels - antimatter and matter) and prefabricated infrastructure from within the core of the Federation, or any number of mid point starbases and facilities, rapidly to the frontier to shore up our missions and presence there. Additionally it'll also allow us to better make use of border facilities, hauling great quantities of whatever they've got available to disaster sites and conflict zones - only the old Archer, slow and weak, could otherwise do this and they'd naturally be at a disadvantage.

Speaking of the Archer, it'd be able to take many of the extra-large cargoes consigned to that class (because the other option would have been to put even slower and weaker civilian haulers on the job), only keeping he truly massive bulk goods under their domain - freeing them up to rebuild and further build out our infrastructure, not needing to take on high risk missions for Starfleet.

The shuttlebay option would give the Federation 4 extra shuttles and 2 worker bees, bringing the number of shuttles up to 8 - the Miranda-class, which this ship and many others will likely be operating alongside will carry as many. That means the shuttlebay is just duplicating what another ship (one produced in far greater numbers) can do, and what most future ships will likely be able to do by default - consigning the Federation to a niche that will rapidly close, unlike the expanded cargo bay, which outside of supermassive ships like the Ambassador and Galaxy classes of nearly a century later will likely never be fulfilled by default by a ship simply existing.

[X] Expanded Cargo Bay
[X] Expanded Shuttlebay

I can see it fitting in with the design as far as aesthetics are concerned.
And we did give the Federation 240% thrust. We can in theory mount 20% of the ship's mass as cargo without actually slowing her down.

20% of the ship's mass is something like 60ktons. A small cargo pod is 43ktons and should not slow the ship down at all. A large cargo pod is 120ktons and would slow her down, but she doesn't need to haul one into combat and she would STILL be maneuverable for her size with one mounted.
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[X] Expanded Cargo Bay

Federation Express Overnight Shipping is something we don't really have, always useful, and unlikely to go obsolete. Even if Starfleet doesn't go for a large order, it will give us a better chance of avoiding the fate of the Radiant - capable, but forgotten.