Starfleet Design Bureau

Imagine being the poor bastard who has to go in front of a procurement board and explain to them that, for the third design in a row, the Starfleet Design Bureau has elected to design a ship which in peacetime will be dedicated to science. How they'll cringe as the procurement officers remind them that the light science cruiser that the bureau just designed is currently being tasked with anti-piracy patrols instead of colony site investigation, and that the Excaliburs are expected to be used as surveyors once San Francisco's very practical Miranda class are able to free them from patrol duty, and that the Keas were recently refit and anticipated to remain in service for decades further.

Don't do that to our poor presenter. Give them something to show off that Starfleet will want to order.
Stop being ridiculous. Tactical/Science isn't a mutually exclusive set of design principles. Yes, we had to choose between extra lab space and extra tactical on the Attenborough, because the Attenborough was the size of a shoebox.

Frankly, we have a more pressing need for science vessels because there are so many more sub-specialties for scientific study than for engineering, and we've made this generation's perfect engineering vessel already. All the Fed needs is a little around the edges to account for rapid response, because the Archers will cover everything else.
Sir, you are wrong, we voted for [ ] Fabrication Workshops (+12 Engineering) [Fabrication] as the huge Lower-Decks module of the Halley/Archer.
Hmm, you are right, I was mostly remembering the bit where the Cargo Pod was worth Engineering 10.

Although if the Internal Science (Kea), Internal Engineering (Archer) and Tactical Optimized (Excalibur) slots are filled that would largely leave something like 'Just be a jack of all trades' as what's leftover. Or focus onto External Science or somesuch.
[X] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

We don't need a fleet of shuttles just yet. (Consider how often that was ever useful in the show.)
I'm honestly torn. I kinda want this to be a generalist ship, but there is literally another generalist ship being built right now.
That's generalist engineering, we could do this generalist science, rather than specific fields?
But with its cruise, it's prefect for a secondary cargo as well. Science and cargo don't go super well together.
I think this until we see module choices and synergies it is all empty debate.

Perhaps we just go generalist and be so successful that we replace the Miranda class in Federation history. That's a good goal.
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The Attenboroughs are planetary survey and bioscience specialized, the Atwaters geophysics
Neither of them do the general space science job very well as we see with the Humboldt getting Voyager'd by a space anomaly and getting no sensor records worth the name
Yes, that's what the Excalibur's stellar dynamics suite is for:
As the Constitution has a high cruise speed and range it seems inevitable that it will spend time outside Federation space or on combined exploratory/investigative patrols near the border. Being able to catalogue the local stars and pick out any interesting spaceborne phenomena from range will be a useful feature.
The Keas will still do good science but near the heartlands, where its safe[r]
The 2275 Refits are three decades away at this point and Starfleet cant afford to gimp its science mission for that long
Yes, that's what our previous two ships are for. Excaliburs catalogue new systems, and the light science cruisers follow up on anything interesting. Starfleet has made it pretty clear how many more of those they think they need, and it's not many.

The Federation then constructed another eighteen Archers between 2245 and 2260, a rate of around 1.2 a year
By the time this ship enters service in the mid-2250s, there will be more than 30 Archers in active service
I dont use the term Archerswarm lightly

Thats in addition to the Newtons that are still in service, and Project Miranda which San Fran is working on to help replace them

We definitely arent short of Engineering resources, just raw warship numbers
Now, this is some logic I don't follow. Why would Starfleet order 18 more last generation ships if they didn't desperately need the engineering resources?

Starfleet pointedly makes minimum Science and Tactical demands on both the Miranda and the Federation
Note that in the Archer, Starfleet already has a great dedicated engineering ship they are already pumping out in series production for the next decade and half in addition to their design work on the Miranda class

Instructions to the Project Miranda crew to prioritize engineering and tactical on that design

That appears to be why Engineering is the one area that doesnt get a comment on the Federation
Tactical gets a minimum requirement; Science gets a minimum requirement
Engineering does not
This is also quite strange reasoning, in my opinion. The obvious reason that Starfleet doesn't have requirements for engineering here is that they expect the Miranda will be constructed in large numbers to fill that role, while they specifically mention that the scientific capability of this ship will not matter because we've just built two science ships.

Just saying, the Keas are set for decommissioning in two years from this vote.

Though I do agree (specific module dependent) that Science should be a lower priority to Engineering this time around. I mean, between a third small cargo hold and advanced sensors, I'm picking sensors 9/10 times!

Imo ideally we should be prioritizing like this:
Speed/Operating Distance -> Tactical -> Engineering -> Science

Edit: lmao nvm got my dates mixed up
The Keas are expected to remain in service until 2292, unless that's been retconned. The Sagarmathas are being decommissioned in 2250, is that what you were thinking of?

Stop being ridiculous. Tactical/Science isn't a mutually exclusive set of design principles. Yes, we had to choose between extra lab space and extra tactical on the Attenborough, because the Attenborough was the size of a shoebox.

Frankly, we have a more pressing need for science vessels because there are so many more sub-specialties for scientific study than for engineering, and we've made this generation's perfect engineering vessel already. All the Fed needs is a little around the edges to account for rapid response, because the Archers will cover everything else.
Have we been reading different updates?

Starfleet is stretched thin. They lost so many utility cruisers in the war that they're using ships which want to be doing science as internal patrol cruisers just so the surviving utility cruisers can focus on logistics. Starfleet will not be working on expansion—what science ships do in practice—until the 2250's, and the ships it will use to do that have already been designed. They didn't see the need for more than a dozen dedicated science ships prior to the war, so what makes you think they'll want more than two dozen now?

Like, what specific fields of science do you think we need to cover? Dilithium prospecting is one module. There's almost no way we're going to be able to justify a large, expensive science ship to Starfleet, which has a bunch of ships earmarked for scientific missions which currently cannot do science because we don't have enough tactical or engineering vessels.
I'm honestly torn. I kinda want this to be a generalist ship, but there is literally another generalist ship being built right now.
That's generalist engineering, we could do this generalist science, rather than specific fields?
But with its cruise, it's prefect for a secondary cargo as well. Science and cargo don't go super well together.
I think this until we see module choices and synergies it is all empty debate.
Let's put together a wish list:

-Pharmacology Lab
-Dilithium Prospecting Module
-Lateral Sensor Array? (While we're parked over a colony, could be useful for deep scans to lock transporters onto Timmy down in the coridium-lined well, or finding that a lava dragon has laid eggs in the planet's mantle, or...)
-Small or Medium Cargo Bay (Large would likely be excessive with the Archer existing)
Perhaps we just go generalist and be so successful that we replace the Miranda class in Federation history. That's a good goal.
I mean, San Fran's Newton is more famous than our Archer, which came out at the same time. So it's only right we return the favor this time lol.
The Keas are expected to remain in service until 2292, unless that's been retconned. The Sagarmathas are being decommissioned in 2250, is that what you were thinking of?
Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of.
[x] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

I just can't really see the point of a flight deck on this to be honest, less than being able to build a true explorer.
[x] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

I also don't like reducing our maximum warp by nearly half a factor because it's going to incentivize a faction to go hard for sprint-nacelles to claw that speed back, and I want a cruise configuration on this.
It'll also cause us to go full sprint to try and get back the lost top warp and gimp the ships efficient cruise.
This is true. Fuck I wish got to vote for things instead of against things more often. Not today, though.
Maximum Warp is for close emergency response and for combat pursuits, either side.

As a lynchpin of a fleet, the Federation has no business engaging in pursuits when it has buddies, and the amount of force required to make retreating a better call than standing and fighting is going to be significant.

I'm not saying higher Maximum Warp has no value, but the value it provides isn't in "faster ships cover more ground." It's a very different calculation than Efficient Cruise, which is almost always what our ships are going to actually be using.
I mean, you're correct (you're almost always correct, actually, we're generally very much on the same wavelength, but for once I find myself disagreeing because) [1] see above regarding the inevitable sprint nacelle config faction if flight deck wins, and [2] as regards combat pursuits when you have buddies, the foe doesn't actually need to be able to outrun all of you, it just needs to be able to outrun enough of you that it can beat the remainder. It's quite easy to imagine a foe that has to flee a fleet of Mirandas anchored by a Feddie or two but could absolutely pick off Mirandas without the Feddies, so the Mirandas can't chase faster than the Feddie can without overextending and making themselves vulnerable.
Also, every time a 'flight deck' is mentioned people start talking about 'carriers' and thinking about space fighters, and I oppose that nonsense on general principles.
...valid, ngl. It does get old.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, space fighters are dope as hell in general, but they're about 0% thematically-compatible with Star Trek and I have 0 desire to try and shoehorn them into it anyways.
Also also, lacking a proper deflector may actually hurt cruise speeds if/when this thing ever gets properly refit with next-gen nacelles.
SUPER valid, imo.
Theres a need for more Science in the fleet
I mean, I agree, but clearly Starfleet procurement doesn't, given we were told we could dump Science beyond the bare minimum.
And its one of the ways to get Starfleet Procurement to buy more Federations is very clearly not
Frankly I was hoping we would get the option of an oversized deflector to help deal with extra fast speeds, given we got the option for extra large warp core.
there's currently no need for an oversized deflector; the highest sprint our current core+nacelle combo is capable of is easily handled by the current standard-size deflector. There might theoretically be call for such with the new nacelles- we did pick one option for the core that will specifically synergize with them for increased sprint speed, so if we also wind up with sprint-biased nacelle design choices, very good rolls on them, and a sprint-optimized nacelle layout/configuration, there might actually be call for an oversized deflector...but that's a bit farfetched given how much the current max-cruise cap chafes and how thread opinions are currently trending more toward the cruise end of the preference spectrum.
You must include basic science for the ship, even if you dont go any further, and tactical capacity is of paramount importance, but engineering is not mentioned at all

That says things to me
This is certainly one of the hot takes of all time. How on earth you can read "you have explicit permission to dumpstat Science" as "Science is required but you can dumpstat Engineering" is just absolutely baffling.
once the refits with the Warp-9 engines happen, I believe the smaller-than-optimal Navigational Deflector of the shuttlecarrier would penalize the refit ship even more than just -0.4 Maximum Warp Factor. Maybe it would even affect Starfleet's decision to bother refitting the Federation-type at all...
Not guaranteed but fairly likely, yes. I think this is a valid concern.
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[X] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)
As much as a Flight Deck would be really cool and provide some novel utility, It feels too niche for what we're building here and I agree with some of the concerns raised.

Maybe we can experiment with a Flight Deck later though, it does sound cool.
The Procurement Board:
The second proposal is for the other end of the scale. Project Federation envisions a cruiser more along the lines of the Kea-class, using a higher mass than other contemporary starships to produce powerful defense fields and a depth of capability in vital areas of interest. This idea of a line cruiser would then be able to weather any conflict it takes part in, acting as a lynchpin for a small task force or the main force of battle in a larger engagement.
As far as I can tell, the reference to the Kea-class is in size, not capability. (I.e. how important Science is for us to choose)

As far as "Depth of capability in vital areas of interest" imo that could go several different ways, since we're mainly relying on Newtons, Archers to hold Federation territory together.

Imo that means procurement is asking for Thunderchild 2, Warp 8 Boogaloo without specifically telling us to make a new Thunderchild.

So if we can leverage the undoubtedly F- cost into A+ Tactical, B- Science, and B- Engineering, We're golden.
It does! If we'd done the Miranda and let SanFran take the Federation, for example, I'd be super tempted. Just doesn't fit well here imo.

Ah well, maybe someday.

Eh, I'm honestly happy that SanFran got the Miranda, as it's something that is well within their wheelhouse to build: I can easily see them building the dull but vital little thing, and I think we might need just that out of the Miranda.

Meanwhile the Federation has the capability to go to some weird or amazing places, and THAT is our wheelhouse.
My angle is that we're going to have a lot of space for pretty big modules once we have a modern tactical suite, and in that space I want: the big cargo bays we were advertised as coming with the big disc, basic engineering capability to supplement the cargo bays, moderate science and diplomatic facilities to fill all the rest of the spare space. Roughly in that order of priority, resulting in what should hopefully be a fairly general-purpose ship. It's going to be big and expensive, and in my mind that means that for that kind of investment we don't want the sort of ship that might be useless under a given situation. kinda middle-of-the-line at everything with good tactical and good legs is I think what this ship wants to be, so that it can act as a quick long distance problem-response ship to as broad a set of situations as possible.

In the ideal form, I want this ship to be able to sit at earth or vulcan and, when word arrives of some random federation planet coming down with a bad case of spicy diseases/space god practical jokes/klingons/exploded water treatment plant it can always get there faster than any other non-local ship and be able to at the very least stabilize the situation until slower response is done. Coincidentally, this also makes it basically the same set of demands as Explorers will ask for in a couple decades, so it's good practice even if it never actually leaves federation space.
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[X] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

I saw the need for efficient cruise, and I won't change it for a flight deck, so Conventional Secondary Hull is my pick for this.
The Archer is an excellent Engineering vessel, but it's S-class Engineering capabilities are represented by it's cargo capabilities. Just like how the Darwin project yielded an A+ Science, but it is represented in the form of superb biosciences - An Attenborough isn't finding any new mineral deposits or examining matters outside the scope of 'biology'. It's why we build it even though the Kea with an S-class science capability exists.

Similarly, this ship could be S-Rank in Engineering from a different angle to that of the Archer - We could for example make it an actual dedicated fabrication workshop ship. Not like, one module worth of extra repair shops that makes Sayle frustrated, but like entire lengths of the ship dedicated to manufacturing or somesuch.
This I could get behind. Something with both storage and vast manufacturing ability, to jump-start colonies. You could easily tweak that to be a fleet tender/deep space repair ship as well. Something with Starfleet-grade warp, that'll spend at least 6 months on-station cranking out colony facilities and then move on to its next target or return to base for refuel and reloading.