[X] Plan Home Sweet Home
-[X]Modeling for Box Art: So you have a young director at Lucas Arts, Hideo Kojima, who is…. Trying to make a game, and he wants to use you for the cover art. Well you own the company so, why the hell not? DC: ??? (What the hell is a card board box doing here)
-[X]So You Want to be A Madman: A Japanese politician wants to meet you, something about a new political party in japan, and they want to ask for a donation from your staff? What the hell is going on there? DC: ???
-[X]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ???
-[X]Mike Eisner and the Quest for… the hell?: Mike has shown you the nominations for the next academy awards… and you have become a deciding voter in film? DC: 30
-[X]George Lucas, and the Madman's Ideas: So George met some… people from Germany. No not the german actors, but some tech dudes… They want to do something about a CD? What ever the hell that is?: DC:45
-[X]The Apple 2: So Steve… um Jobs, not the other better Steve… or that other other steve… God you have so many Steves… He wants you to film a quick and dirty trailer for the Apple 2. He knows he's asking alot but, he also can't get anyone else… and Sam Raimi, his first choice, is sick with pneumonia. DC: 35
-[X]So Many Memories In Photos: You have missed 6 months of your childrens lives… how much have you missed to be caught in only photos. DC: 0
-[X]Never letting go: Carrie looks more tired than she ever has done. Even before… but she smiles at you, as if nothing was wrong. But something was. DC: 50
-[X]Debbie Reynolds and the TV Judgement: Debbie decided to cash in her newfound rebirth of a career, on Television. Which is fitting. But what is she doing? DC: 45
-[X]Joseph O'Brian, and the quest to Destroy the San Diego Clippers: Your son Joseph has declared war, on the Clippers. Why, you don't know, but something tells you the story will be interesting. DC: 0
-[X]Sarah Did what?: So Sarah… painted a portrait of Carrie… and it was one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen. DC: 0
-[X]The Hollywood Entante: So Roy Disney is calling a meeting, not only to congratulate you but also to talk about other things. DC: 40
So there isn't really much to do here besides select all of the options that are given to us as mandatory. Though next turn I'll mostly go on fluff so Bruce reconnects with his family. The only option I added was to distribute Kurosawa's Ran since it should be done by now.
@Magoose , what will we do for selecting new movies and shows since we skipped both of those turns?