Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Okay you may as well retitle this to "Forge an Alliance with Nintendo". Gods, kingdoms are forged by economies but Empires are forged by alliances.

Holy fuck, guys we might be able to do 3D on 8-bit earlier in this timeline. Or maybe even help Nintendo upgrade their handheld to 16-bit. Might even replicate the SuperFX chip earlier in this timeline as well.
Funny to see how those who would have been the most bitter of enemies are now cooperating to bring the best experience for gamers everywhere.

And I can't help but go back to my earlier point about how this collapse of the gaming industry was more thorough than in OTL, since there were still other consoles remaining and Atari was still chugging along there, so while Nintendo did revitalize the industry, it was still going in a somewhat competitive market. Sega had to do the same and compete with Nintendo to the point that they recognized from the beginning that there would be no chance for cooperation. Heck, their initial commercials had them mock Nintendo and claim that they were the next generation of gaming.

Now though, the entire industry collapsed, there is nothing but Nintendo and Sega around. There's basically a growing demand and only two suppliers. As far as they can se, they don't have to compete to get a profit at the moment. Whether it will remain as such depends on the future, but for now, both sides know that they can make more money through alliances and friendship than through competition and becoming enemies.
As for the title: Evil overlord list number 12

One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.
Counterpoint: Mary is anything but ordinary.
We might have to assure everyone we're not going to try for monopolies by teaming up with Nintendo. That we're not trying to inflate prices due to limited choices.
[X] Plan Home Sweet Home
-[X]Modeling for Box Art: So you have a young director at Lucas Arts, Hideo Kojima, who is…. Trying to make a game, and he wants to use you for the cover art. Well you own the company so, why the hell not? DC: ??? (What the hell is a card board box doing here)
-[X]So You Want to be A Madman: A Japanese politician wants to meet you, something about a new political party in japan, and they want to ask for a donation from your staff? What the hell is going on there? DC: ???
-[X]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ???
-[X]Mike Eisner and the Quest for… the hell?: Mike has shown you the nominations for the next academy awards… and you have become a deciding voter in film? DC: 30
-[X]George Lucas, and the Madman's Ideas: So George met some… people from Germany. No not the german actors, but some tech dudes… They want to do something about a CD? What ever the hell that is?: DC:45
-[X]The Apple 2: So Steve… um Jobs, not the other better Steve… or that other other steve… God you have so many Steves… He wants you to film a quick and dirty trailer for the Apple 2. He knows he's asking alot but, he also can't get anyone else… and Sam Raimi, his first choice, is sick with pneumonia. DC: 35
-[X]So Many Memories In Photos: You have missed 6 months of your childrens lives… how much have you missed to be caught in only photos. DC: 0
-[X]Never letting go: Carrie looks more tired than she ever has done. Even before… but she smiles at you, as if nothing was wrong. But something was. DC: 50
-[X]Debbie Reynolds and the TV Judgement: Debbie decided to cash in her newfound rebirth of a career, on Television. Which is fitting. But what is she doing? DC: 45
-[X]Joseph O'Brian, and the quest to Destroy the San Diego Clippers: Your son Joseph has declared war, on the Clippers. Why, you don't know, but something tells you the story will be interesting. DC: 0
-[X]Sarah Did what?: So Sarah… painted a portrait of Carrie… and it was one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen. DC: 0
-[X]The Hollywood Entante: So Roy Disney is calling a meeting, not only to congratulate you but also to talk about other things. DC: 40

So there isn't really much to do here besides select all of the options that are given to us as mandatory. Though next turn I'll mostly go on fluff so Bruce reconnects with his family. The only option I added was to distribute Kurosawa's Ran since it should be done by now.

@Magoose , what will we do for selecting new movies and shows since we skipped both of those turns?
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-[X]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???
--[X] Ran
Wait, aren't we producing this movie? I'm a bit confused, but why are we doing this? Is it supposed to give us some bonus or something?
Id drop Ran for LucasArts projects. There's literally a QM recommendation (for our Sega parlors) on it. Like, seriously just invest in a distribution office for foreign and non LF films instead of wasting precious action points we could instead be using to produce our own stuff. Anyone wants us to handle their works, theyre welcome to come to us.
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Wait, aren't we producing this movie? I'm a bit confused, but why are we doing this? Is it supposed to give us some bonus or something?

The Distributing Deals is the action that needs to be taken to distribute new films. This applies either to imports or in-house, but usually there is a film release in the turn, but there isn't here. I was just distributing it because I had Ran being released in January of '84 in my personal schedule and with the Star Wars mania gone, we should release monthly movies as usual.

If Magoose says that nothing was meant to release this month then I'll stand by it and take that action off.

Id drop Ran for LucasArts projects. There's literally a QM recommendation (for our Sega parlors) on it. Like, seriously just invest in a distribution office for foreign and non LF films instead of wasting precious action points we could instead be using to produce our own stuff. Anyone wants us to handle their works, theyre welcome to come to us.

Distributing movies due to earlier rewards does not cost any action points so the Ran action did not contribute to the action economy. However, the rest of my list is 12 actions with all the mandatory personal and work stuff.
The Distributing Deals is the action that needs to be taken to distribute new films. This applies either to imports or in-house, but usually there is a film release in the turn, but there isn't here. I was just distributing it because I had Ran being released in January of '84 in my personal schedule and with the Star Wars mania gone, we should release monthly movies as usual.

If Magoose says that nothing was meant to release this month then I'll stand by it and take that action off.

Distributing movies due to earlier rewards does not cost any action points so the Ran action did not contribute to the action economy. However, the rest of my list is 12 actions with all the mandatory personal and work stuff.

Ah in that case, carry on good sir.

Also im hoping Roy's gonna propose having us host Disney games on Genesis. So long as it's a fair deal, I wouldnt mind saying yes. Imagine getting rights to have Kingdom Hearts on our consoles.
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The story will be a god damn fever dream the likes of witch gaming will never see.

The cameos... the crossovers...

We'll have Paul teach Luke how to bypass shields so he can shank droideka heartless with keyblades. :V

Then Amuro gifting Sora his own gundam, with a keyhole in the cockpit so he can activate it with his keyblade. 🤔

Then Kaiju heartless start showing up...
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Okay, if that's the case I took Ran off for this turn and the plan is just all the mandatory actions. Producing more Genesis games will be done next turn, believe me.

Also, I really hope we can recruit more directors for Dreamworks soon.
I hope we can try for Henry Sellick personally. Stop Motion animation is kind of our Achilles Heel.

But aside from him and Ricahrd Williams, I'm not sure who else could we get who does not work for Disney at the moment.
Disney: Director Swap?

Dreamworks: Director Swap time man. For the Entante…

Hollywood: For the Entante!
Disney: I'll give you Art Stevens for Brad Bird.

DreamWorks: No way! At least add Tim Burton and George Scribner to the pile.

Disney: Hey, if you're asking for two at least add Clements to it.

DreamWorks: We could give you Bluth-

Disney: FUCK BLUTH!!

DreamWorks: Yeesh, picky much? Alright, look, I'll exchange Musker and Clements if I get Tim Burton and Chris Buck for a season.

Disney: *Ahem*

DreamWorks: Fine! We'll take Stevens as well. Why do we have so many Steves?

Disney: Hurray!
[X] Plan Home Sweet Home

Dammit! You put almost everything that mattered to my plan in your plan already! And I was gonna make a big plan and everything...:cry:

Eh, doesn't matter as long as the Important stuff like all the Lucasfilm activities, some family time and the big studio meeting is there.