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when do we get to prototype chroniton deflectors?
One of the Federation's strengths, diplomatically speaking, is being able to show up at a disaster zone in a hostile power and say "we're here to help" and actually, y'know, be taken at face value.Ehhhh...in diplomacy there's only so much luxury you can have before it stops being impressive and starts being tacky shit.
As long as that's actually what's done and mission creep is kept to a minimum, then a diplomacy primary rescue secondary isn't a terrible idea.One of the Federation's strengths, diplomatically speaking, is being able to show up at a disaster zone in a hostile power and say "we're here to help" and actually, y'know, be taken at face value.
Making our diplomatic ships also be disaster response ships isn't a bad call.
Being fair, we kind of chose Not to give it everything we could by choosing the sphere.Oh man we flubbed multiple prototype rolls.
Disappointing, but no matter. It will be solved for our warp 8 ships, and hull plating can be easily replaced in the future.
The only really annoying part is Starfleet tactical complaining about lack of fire power, when we weren't even given the choice to have a second forward torpedo. We gave it everything we could! (Bar one useless phasor)
The volume afforded by the sphere would allow us to dedicate more decks to specific non-standard environments than otherwise possible, such as class H, K, or L environments (and we know that as of TOS there are Starfleet accommodations for personnel native to class k environments).Ehhhh...in diplomacy there's only so much luxury you can have before it stops being impressive and starts being tacky shit.
Maybe for controlled biomes like amphibious tanks or whatnot if diplomacy can't be done because of physiological differences, but a general purpose luxury diplomacy ship doesn't use enough space to make ORB the best choice, imo.
It's cruiser-weight. Now, Starfleet doesn't generally call ships warships, but as a cruiser, the Halley is on call to show up on the front lines of a war; by the definitions of anyone but Starfleet, it's a warship.This isn't a warship, it has weapons to protect itself if its attacked.
I think the issue I have is that 'yes we can make it fill in that role tollerably." But I feel like we would have had an absolute diamond had we of not tried to shoehorn it into the additional role.
One day, QM's gonna give us the option to throw in 5x forward torpedos and the thread is gonna catch fire.Oh man we flubbed multiple prototype rolls.
Disappointing, but no matter. It will be solved for our warp 8 ships, and hull plating can be easily replaced in the future.
The only really annoying part is Starfleet tactical complaining about lack of fire power, when we weren't even given the choice to have a second forward torpedo. We gave it everything we could! (Bar one useless phasor)
An Akira has like 10 forward torpedo launchers.One day, QM's gonna give us the option to throw in 5x forward torpedos and the thread is gonna catch fire.
"We don't need it!" vs "But its 5!"
We should design a ship that's just an Orb with torpedo launchers pointing in all directions.
I 100% disagree. A couple of weeks of time to fuel up is a couple of weeks it's not fulfilling its purpose. A couple of weeks, again and again and again and again, is a lot of lost time.Building things is slow, adding a couple of weeks time to fuel up i ultimately going to be a very mall portion of the time it spends on missions. It's basically going to sit in systems and do the same thing for a very long time, as its base functionality.
If it bothers you that much, then write an omake good enough to be made canon where someone looks at the Hailey and starts a design contest to use the hull for a medical-science ship.
A question for the thread - should the new Explorer be the first or second design with the Warp 8 engine? It being the first ship with the new tech would make a great impression, but we don't have a ship for the Cygnus's workhorse role anymore. Should we build a multi role cruiser first, or go straight for the big one? Assuming we aren't going into the Klingon War next, that is.
I say heavy cruiser with 100% phaser coverage, as many forward torps as allowed, and as much sensors as we can.I think we should do our build our do-it-all-damn-the-costs explorer first to do our prototypes on followed by a cruiser using pretty much the same technology and as many of the same components as we can for an A or S manufacturing score.
This is mirroring the relationship of the Constitution and Miranda, or the Galaxy and Nebula class. Also Star Trek Renaissance has this relationship with their Pelagic-class explorer and Martel-class crusier.