Starfleet Design Bureau

Quark : Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.
I honestly find the decision to get fuel pods absolutely baffling.
We assumed they were going to be kept close to home so we felt okay cutting down tactical ability.
We covered the federation in fueling stations so ships within can easily travel through it.
It feels like we suddenly got amnesia and built this thing in a vacuum. (no pun intended)
If anyone can point me to what argument actually persuaded them, please do so.
Longevity concerns. Not being able to put the warp 8 core into it, I at least was thinking that giving it decent legs would at least allow it to keep up on a strategic level for longer; it will hopefully end up in the "slower, but similar range" catagory to our next generation designs that aren't foucsed on having extra range; which will help it stay viable for a greater period.

[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers
because Archer deserves his day in the light and I am 1000% going shill for a science or better yet diplomatic vessel as "Hoshi Sato class" because my poor girl didn't get a ship named after her even in the timeline where she conquered Earth as a full time Evil Empress, and naming a diplomatic vessel after the lady who essentially single-handedly invented the Universal Translator, probably one of the Federation's most important technological tools diplomatically, strikes my fancy.
Peaceful does not mean harmless.

In general if you can get into space, you have the tools you'd need to wipe out a biosphere.
It's actually harder to find a technology you cannot weaponize.

I imagine it was the "fleet tender antimatter tanker for the Klingon War" hype...
"Especially explosive, poorly defended, High value Klingon target" Is what i jut read.
IMHO: For what people want to do with it, it really needed to be a cargo hauler covered in guns. Not what we built.
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Can any one find that little story "There are two known species in the galaxy that survived discovering and using nuclear weapons before space travel: Humans and Vulcans. Isn't it nice that both are in Federation?"
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@Model DC.14F, now that's ORB is here, any chance to expand on your great "Half-Saucer is for warships, Full Saucer is for generalists" omake with something about "and the Dreaded ORB..."
It was funny and ORB experience is sure to cause further memetic funnies.
Half-Saucer/Arrow are for war and fighting.
Full-Saucer are for explorers and generalists.
Spheres are for support.
Cubes are for...
It feels like we suddenly got amnesia and built this thing in a vacuum. (no pun intended)

To some extent the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind happens every time we start a new project.

Voters tend to quickly get an idea of a vibe they want for a ship, and tend to make choices based around that. (This certainly does produce some really distinctive and interesting designs to be fair.) Also to be fair, one explicit downside of the Pharos is that it is so poorly defended that is not really ideally situated on dangerous frontiers. It's very much a space truck stop, not a star-fort. So more fuel for the Halley might allow it to better support flotillas of ships operating on the frontier, or deeper into enemy territory.

Honestly as much as I was an advocate for the science labs, putting them up against the fuel was always going to be difficult. I do respect the approach taken of making the Halley the absolute best it can be at a particular job - a tireless workhorse for supporting other ships and colonies. As much as the Pharos also helps to do this within Federation space, it can't fly.
"Especially explosive, poorly defended, High value Klingon target" Is what i jut read.
IMHO: For what people want to do with it, it really needed to be a cargo hauler covered in guns. Not what we built.
it was covered in all but 1 of the available guns, so what's your complaint about here? It's also only carrying enough fuel for 1 other ship, hardly a fleet oiler, you'd need one to refuel each escort and capital on it's way to Q'onos. The refueling idea is a red herring, it's all about extending range in a growing Federation.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers
I honestly find the decision to get fuel pods absolutely baffling.
We assumed they were going to be kept close to home so we felt okay cutting down tactical ability.
We covered the federation in fueling stations so ships within can easily travel through it.
It feels like we suddenly got amnesia and built this thing in a vacuum. (no pun intended)
If anyone can point me to what argument actually persuaded them, please do so.
This is a bit of a misunderstanding in the design process.

I, and several others, didn't want it kept close to home - we wanted it kept away from threatening fights, and if ambushed in a fight it couldn't win it would call for help and/or run; surrender and scupper if all else failed. The tactical stuff came after the fact that some made an argument that if it was tough enough, it could work in low-burn conflict zones (like pirates and the aftermath of battles) instead of avoiding them entirely, and it was deemed the extra expense was low enough to be worth a try.

We covered the Federation in fuel stations because that's what's necessary to expand and maintain entire fleets and civilizations - Halley just fills in the gaps where the stations don't have a fast enough throughput or response time to reach.
---And if Halley can carry more fuel in a single go, then that's less time and slot space taken up that could be used for someone else.
---Even then, extra fuel tanks wouldn't have been done at all if it wasn't for the fact that more fuel means more utility, more available services, and less layover time putting the Halley out of action.
---Even then, it still wouldn't have been done at all if it wasn't for the presence of Rec Rooms, which meant we could do all that without driving the crew bugfuck nuts from cabin fever.

It was a case where the base model/purpose had much better synergy with its components than we expected, so we had a surplus of capacity for other things we had to fill in somehow.

I can tell you right now, I was not expecting BALL to give us Escort Carrier + Mobile Factory + Luxury RV capabilities all in one hull, with the secondary granting even more.
It was funny and ORB experience is sure to cause further memetic funnies.
I'm flattered, but I'm honestly not sure where to take it. The obvious option would be that ORBs are for Support and Civilian Ships, which I believe is actually the case based on some one-off ships in canon. The problem is, as we can see with this ship, is that the ORB trades tactical viability for sheer volume, so us making any exceptions to that is unlikely.

So while I could make a joke about Starfleet making a hypothetical DOOM-SPHERE that they claim isn't a Battleship but just a Mining/Engineering ship, ala The Death Star was just an Asteroid-Mining Station that created its own Asteroids, or maybe a joke about a Custom Inspector or Patrol Ship letting a Borg Sphere past without caring because it was obviously just a civilian ship, I don't know if I could extend it out to a full length omake.
As much as the Pharos also helps to do this within Federation space, it can't fly.
Depending on just how much Sayle is willing to draw from secondary sources, it should be possible (at least by the late 24th century) to make a Pharos scale Starbase that can fly about the Federation*.

*Per STO as of 2410 the Tzenkethi have mobile battle stations, at least one, which was brought up to Bajor to crack DS9 and the defending fleet when they tried to protomatter torpedo the planet and eliminate the still hibernating Drantzuli/H'urq attendants they thought were on it.
I'm flattered, but I'm honestly not sure where to take it. The obvious option would be that ORBs are for Support and Civilian Ships, which I believe is actually the case based on some one-off ships in canon. The problem is, as we can see with this ship, is that the ORB trades tactical viability for sheer volume, so us making any exceptions to that is unlikely.

So while I could make a joke about Starfleet making a hypothetical DOOM-SPHERE that they claim isn't a Battleship but just a Mining/Engineering ship, ala The Death Star was just an Asteroid-Mining Station that created its own Asteroids, or maybe a joke about a Custom Inspector or Patrol Ship letting a Borg Sphere past without caring because it was obviously just a civilian ship, I don't know if I could extend it out to a full length omake.
Using the experience of the Halley as an example, I think ORB hull only has 3 actually viable roles it's worth the expense of filling in;

---Mobile Factory, which we did here
---Dedicated Research and Mobile Hospital, which it could easily be if some votes were different
---Raw cargo and passenger space

All of them useful roles, but very specific ones that don't allow a lot of leeway for other things.
Using the experience of the Halley as an example, I think ORB hull only has 3 actually viable roles it's worth the expense of filling in;

---Mobile Factory, which we did here
---Dedicated Research and Mobile Hospital, which it could easily be if some votes were different
---Raw cargo and passenger space

All of them useful roles, but very specific ones that don't allow a lot of leeway for other things.
I could also see it being useful for a Diplomatic ship as you can make so many conference rooms and go full luxury
I honestly find the decision to get fuel pods absolutely baffling.
We assumed they were going to be kept close to home so we felt okay cutting down tactical ability.
We covered the federation in fueling stations so ships within can easily travel through it.
It feels like we suddenly got amnesia and built this thing in a vacuum. (no pun intended)
If anyone can point me to what argument actually persuaded them, please do so.
There were, in fact, many Different arguments in favour of it, and the arguments against/in favour of the alternative weren't terribly compelling.
Sort of like the argument for switched electrical outlets (and not the silly "we didn't put lights on the ceiling so need to be able to turn on the lamp on the far side of the room from the door" type found in the USA): it gives lots of small advantages that add up, and there's really no good reason not to.

Basically, it gives Starfleet a lot of extra options for how to apply the strengths of the ship, rather than giving it the ability to be bad at (rather than incapable of) tasks that aren't it's job in the first place.
I could also see it being useful for a Diplomatic ship as you can make so many conference rooms and go full luxury diplomacy there's only so much luxury you can have before it stops being impressive and starts being tacky shit.

Maybe for controlled biomes like amphibious tanks or whatnot if diplomacy can't be done because of physiological differences, but a general purpose luxury diplomacy ship doesn't use enough space to make ORB the best choice, imo.
Oh man we flubbed multiple prototype rolls.

Disappointing, but no matter. It will be solved for our warp 8 ships, and hull plating can be easily replaced in the future.

The only really annoying part is Starfleet tactical complaining about lack of fire power, when we weren't even given the choice to have a second forward torpedo. We gave it everything we could! (Bar one useless phasor)
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