[X] Punitive: You could pull these four out of these cages right now. The Cult of Khaine is not particularly strong here. It would be difficult, but you have little doubt that you could fight your way out of here. But that might not even be necessary. Hultressa is an incredibly powerful spellcaster. Could she not provide illusions of a sort to make it seem like the prisoners are still there? Perhaps. But you aren't here for just them, you're here for Sadrina. Instead, you might provide some small bombs. It wouldn't do much. It would be as much to make them trust you than anything else, and in the most horrific of needs, to provide a way out if you can't actually rescue them. On the darkest, most ruthless level, them managing to do that much to themselves in the auction would be bad for Alyssa as well.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.
[X] Punitive: You could pull these four out of these cages right now. The Cult of Khaine is not particularly strong here. It would be difficult, but you have little doubt that you could fight your way out of here. But that might not even be necessary. Hultressa is an incredibly powerful spellcaster. Could she not provide illusions of a sort to make it seem like the prisoners are still there? Perhaps. But you aren't here for just them, you're here for Sadrina. Instead, you might provide some small bombs. It wouldn't do much. It would be as much to make them trust you than anything else, and in the most horrific of needs, to provide a way out if you can't actually rescue them. On the darkest, most ruthless level, them managing to do that much to themselves in the auction would be bad for Alyssa as well.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.

Everything is still far too delicate for any rapid action so soon. Best to lie in wait.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.
Slaves trundle about with spikes driven into them that connect to platters kept upright with more metal and bone reinforcements, steadily bleeding but never so much as to die outright as they carry a multitude of refreshment for the Druchii to partake in. All of which appears to have a bit of blood in it, whether in the drinks or in the food. To a mere layman, it would look like nothing more and nothing less than the sorts of thing you would see at a Chaos cult's gathering, but of course, all of this goes to Khaine and the Cytharai instead.

All around you are the victims of the Cult of Khaine in various states of disassembly and death. On hooks, on spikes, in cages with internal spikes, or sawing blades, or raised up on boards and peeled open, half of the victims all around you are still alive. Including one weeping man who's lower half appears to have been twisted about into a purpled and mashed mass, from which two trickles of piss and shit continue to flow out of cuts and slits made. You know thanks to Arthur that the Cult of Khaine in the Old World speak much of extending out their kills as much and as painfully as possible, and it appears to be something they share with the Druchii. It is not as if there are just humans here, either. You see and hear some dwarfs, their legendary stoicism ground down enough to make them scream and plead, a pair of ogres who are chained up just far enough away from one another that they cannot reach the other. Meanwhile, there are deep scars all over their bodies from where they are being slowly sliced away at, and as you watch, a Witch Elf laughs as she tosses the cut of ogre flesh from one ogre to the next.

I will not risk condemning those that followed us to a fate like this.

[X] Punitive: You could pull these four out of these cages right now. The Cult of Khaine is not particularly strong here. It would be difficult, but you have little doubt that you could fight your way out of here. But that might not even be necessary. Hultressa is an incredibly powerful spellcaster. Could she not provide illusions of a sort to make it seem like the prisoners are still there? Perhaps. But you aren't here for just them, you're here for Sadrina. Instead, you might provide some small bombs. It wouldn't do much. It would be as much to make them trust you than anything else, and in the most horrific of needs, to provide a way out if you can't actually rescue them. On the darkest, most ruthless level, them managing to do that much to themselves in the auction would be bad for Alyssa as well.

To be clear, this option does NOT:
  • Involve breaking them out right now
  • Alter the existing plan of buying them and then rescuing Sadrina after the auction
  • Guarantee that the bombs will be used
  • Give them a failsafe in case something goes wrong at the auction
It risks:
  • The bombs being discovered
  • The Brettonian in particularly bad shape detonating too early
  • Putting Hultressa on a short list of potential individuals involved with the pyramid explosion
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[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.

I hate doing this but we have to hope that once the bombs start going off they will understand that we are the real deal.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.

Not only cause we don't want to tip anyone off, but because I'm confident we can get them out and with us safely.

Can't believe that Kerillian had come to care for us so quickly, so we got to reward that trust.
Can't believe that Kerillian had come to care for us so quickly, so we got to reward that trust.

It's kind of more that as she saw someone that was an ally be presumably turned into a horrific abomination thing like a terror, soul-bound and abused.

You know, like if you saw someone you knew, just, in general, show up one day as a frankenstein thing while another person stroked a jar containing their brain right in front of your face.
It's kind of more that as she saw someone that was an ally be presumably turned into a horrific abomination thing like a terror, soul-bound and abused.

You know, like if you saw someone you knew, just, in general, show up one day as a frankenstein thing while another person stroked a jar containing their brain right in front of your face.
Fair enough, thought granted I still sometimes figure that most Wood Elves would view our passing as 'an unfortunate loss of a good tool' more than anything else. Though given this is the Dark Elves we are talking about, any decent being would hate what they do to people.
[X] Punitive: You could pull these four out of these cages right now. The Cult of Khaine is not particularly strong here. It would be difficult, but you have little doubt that you could fight your way out of here. But that might not even be necessary. Hultressa is an incredibly powerful spellcaster. Could she not provide illusions of a sort to make it seem like the prisoners are still there? Perhaps. But you aren't here for just them, you're here for Sadrina. Instead, you might provide some small bombs. It wouldn't do much. It would be as much to make them trust you than anything else, and in the most horrific of needs, to provide a way out if you can't actually rescue them. On the darkest, most ruthless level, them managing to do that much to themselves in the auction would be bad for Alyssa as well.

I was leaning toward patience, but I've decided to give them the bombs.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.
[X] Patience: Too much amiss, and you might miss out on your chance to rescue Sadrina entirely. Horrifically, the Handmaiden might well be worth more to most interested parties than either Kerillian or the remaining Whitewings. On the other, more positively looking hand, if you make sure that nothing is too much wrong with them such as trying to hide bombs in their mouths or anything like that, Hultressa might well be able to more smoothly purchase them and bring them to immediate safety. She is more than wealthy enough, and has announced her desires already, so it can't be taken remiss if she wishes to purchase them. If you judge matters incorrectly, either way, it would be bad for these prisoners regardless. You just have to hope you're making the right decision in letting them be as they are, even if it is only for a short while longer.
Since Sadrina is being personally held until she is shown off, that might mean we will be close enough to take out Ark's leadership if we time things right with bombs and such, which will help a ton in chaos for escape.

Just have to make sure rest of auction goes well and quickly.