Sarah's Kitten
Something had changed recently that was very important to Sarah. Ginger cat usually played the waving tail game with Sara and her twin Joseph. Ginger would sit above the crib and wave her tail just out of their reach and let them try and grab it, or just watch them follow it with a smile on her kitty face. It was a very good game and she couldn't remember a time when she hadn't played it. Then, when both Sarah and Joseph were tired from playing, Ginger would come down into the crib, snuggle with them, and keep them warm.
The problem was that Ginger was getting heavier and bigger around the middle, didn't fit onto the edge of the crib, and played the waving tail game less. On the other hand, when she got into the crib with Joseph and Sarah, she was bigger, so there was more warm. Ginger was good at being soft and warm and making nice vibrations. Natale, the Dalmatian, was good at being big and warm but not at making vibrations or being soft. Or getting into the crib. Big sister Mary had to go and get help and then make Mummy stop laughing before they managed to get Natalie unstuck.
Ginger being bigger and not playing the waving tail game wasn't bad. There were other fun games to play, like the magic Kermit box watching one where you were quiet and watched the Kermit box or snuck around so that the people watching the Kermit box didn't notice you. or the one where Mary helped her read a book by reading words while Sarah looked at the pictures and pointed. Or the pretty dancing game Joseph liked. In that one Mary did a dance like Daddy or Brandon and Joseph and Sarah tried to copy. But Ginger being bigger was different, so she asked Mary.
Mary knew lots and lots of things, a vast number of things more than Sarah, like six or so. Six was a really big number. Kermit seemed to think so when he played the Sesame Street counting game. But Ginger getting bigger wasn't one of the things that Mary knew about, so they needed to ask Mommy about it. Mommy is the cleverest, so she knows ten more things than Mary. Sarah thought that Ten was an absolutely Ginormous big number. The count on Sesame Street seemed to think so, as that was the biggest number he usually went to. Mary said there were bigger numbers, but she was the only one who talked about numbers called millions or billions. Kermit and the Count didn't. Mary said to ask Wally about the amount of money Star Wars or Indiana Jones made and went off in a bit of a huff to check on Joseph and do some Pretty Dancing with him. Sarah didn't want to ask about numbers. She wanted to know why Ginger was getting fat.
So Sarah had asked Mommy by herself, well, She actually said, "Mummy Ginger Fat". Mommy was a bit surprised, going to check on Ginger. Then, suddenly Shannon Lee was babysitting them, as Mommy needed to take Ginger needed to visit a special doctor for animals.
At dinner, Mummy was saying what had happened, and a disgruntled Ginger sat beneath Mary's chair, glaring at Mummy. Mary said it was because Ginger didn't get a lolly or a sticker, and Mommy said it was because they had to prod and poke Ginger, and she didn't like that. Natalie had a big doggy grin as she watched Ginger Sulk.
Mummy told Mary they had to poke Ginger somewhere uncomfortable to check if she had kittens. Big sister Mary asked if Kitten was like fleas and they had to give Ginger a bath. Natalie had hidden her head under her paws at word Bath. Sarah understood. Bath was not always fun. Bath was too hot to go into and too cold to get out of, and it only happened when you had just gotten yourself appropriately messy, and it undid all that.
Mummy had just laughed and said that kittens meant baby cats. Mary said that Baby Cat wouldn't be fun because babies need a long time to grow big enough to play with. Joseph and Sarah only starting to get funs now and not proper funs like Wally or Brandon. Sarah was insulted. She was proper funs. So she decided to prove it to them by playing the feed Natalie and Ginger game and throwing bits of the meal she didn't particularly like on the floor for them.
Ten minutes later, an exhausted Bruce O'Brian walked in the door to a scene of chaos. Food was on the floor. Ginger and Natalie were enthusiastically "Helping "clean up. Mary was wailing about the mess, and throwing food was not a dinner game. Sarah was sulking, refusing to eat the meal while Carrie tried to feed her. Joseph was sitting calmly, unbothered by his surroundings, with a half-empty bowl dripping stuff down his face on his head, picking up beans from his highchair tray between his index finger and thumb one by one.
Bruce sighed, smiled at the look of relief on his wonderful wife's face and went to run a bath.
By the time the Twins Mary, Natalie, Ginger and the kitchen were clean, dry and sorted out properly, it was time for bed. Bruce scrounged the ingredients for a quick sandwich for himself, ate it and climbed into bed facing his wife. No discussion of vet visits or Dune preproduction happened, merely two tired people still very much in love with each other, getting themselves ready for bed and finally allowing themselves to fall into an exhausted sleep facing each other.
Something else changed with Ginger after she got to a ginormous size, bigger than she had ever been before. She kept meowing at and following Mummy when she was home. Mummy didn't like that game much and made a nest for Ginger out of a cardboard box for her to sit in instead. Ginger usually liked cardboard boxes but didn't like this one. Instead Ginger went to funny places around the house. She would try to be in a hidey place all the time. But it had to be in a room that mummy or daddy was in and would leave the room and follow mummy or daddy when they left.
Sarah thought they were not good hidey places because Sarach could see Ginger but not get to her and pet her. Ginger's latest place was a gap between two bookcases in the corner of the room. Sarah could fit her head in the gap, but if she did, her arms wouldn't fit, so she couldn't pet Ginger, which was the point of the game. Ginger would hide, and Sarah would find and pet. Ginger was soft and warm, so petting was fun.
After trying to fit herself for a while, Sarah decided that if Ginger wouldn't let her play Pet Ginger, then Sarah would play another game with someone else. Joseph was having a turn with Kermit, so she decided to see if Mary could play with her instead. Mary usually played good games and could do the Ah ha ha of the count from the Kermit box very well and liked it when Sarah repeated whatever she had said. So Sarah pulled a book off a shelf and bought it to Mary. Mary was playing a reading game herself. She had a ginormous yellow and green book. But it wasn't an interesting book all it had were numbers and diagrams of things in black and white.
"Mary read?" Sarah asked, dragging over her book.
"Hello Sarah. Do you want to read the McMaster-Carr catalogue with me? It has lots of interesting things."
"No. Read Grover." Sarah said, dropping her book across the open catalogue.
Mary looked grumpy, so Sarah smiled at her like Mary did to Mummy and Daddy when she wanted more cake. Mary closed her eyes, turned away, and huffed.
"Pweease." Sara said, making sure to make her eyes extra big and her lip wobble.
Mary huffed again but turned and opened one eye to look.
"Okay. but only once."
"Yay," said Sarah, immediately moving to see the book properly.
"Grover's book of Cute Little Baby Animals by BG Ford and illustrated by Tom Leigh."
Mary read the book, and Sarah looked at the pictures, entranced by the images of small fuzzy things and her sister's voice. This was better than Ginger who wasn't playing the hiding game properly. She felt like she could stay like this forever or at least until the book was finished and it was HER turn with Kermit.
Then, there was a strange high-pitched meowing sound from the bookcases. Ginger didn't make sounds like that. So Sarah abandoned Mary and crawled over to investigate. Ginger was still in the corner between the bookcases but was in a funny, twisted-up position. Sarah still couldn't get in, but she could see Ginger, and now there were some new little things around her.
Ginger moved strangely, and then there was another one. It was black and white, with a burglar mask across its face and its eyes were shut tight. Unlike the other little lumps, it wasn't making a high-pitched mewing sound.
Ginger finished licking it and then turned back to the other lumps. The black and white lump stuck its head up and unsteadily crawled away from Ginger, right into Sarah.
Sarah was delighted. This was a warm, soft being was with these sharp but not cutting things at the end of its feet. And it was Snuggling Her cheek. this was to good to keep to herself. And she wanted a picture to remember it forever or at least next week too. So she needed help.
"Mary." she yelled.
"What Sarah? I am doing readings as good as I can. Why did you go away?"
Sarah felt Mary stomp up behind her and heard an indrawing of breath as Mary could finally see what she could see: the small lumps and the warm thing rubbing itself in Sarah's face .
Mary then yelled excitedly and ran out of the Lounge. "Kittens. Mum, Mum, look Kittens."
Pandemonium ensued. Mary wanted a look. Joseph wanted a look Natalie the Dalmatian wanted a look, and Mummy made Sarah get out of the way before she was ready. Worse, she made Sarah leave HER Kitten behind and had to watch Ginger ignore her and put Sarah's Kitten back into the corner where she couldn't reach or even see.
She was upset. She wanted the little furry thing that had rubbed against her cheek back. It had only been out of sight for a minute, and already she missed it. Sarah's lip wobbled, and then she howled her distress to the world.
Crying didn't Get her Kitten back. It did get mommy to cuddle her.
"Yes, Sarah, she is adorable, but she needs to have a drink of milk from her mother now so she can grow up big."
"Mean. Want big now." Complained Sarah
The authoritative voice of her sister answered her "Baby not fun. Must wait till big and help grow properly. That means teach and not play the funnest games until they are big enough to not hurt. It hard work."
Sarah didn't understand why her mother was suddenly laughing. She just wanted her warm furry thing now.
Then Daddy came home and was very surprised there was kittens at all. Silly Daddy.
The lounge room had been rearranged. Mommy had cleaned in the corner while Daddy had moved heavy furniture. Ginger now had the corner back but with some additions.
The nest that Mommy made Ginger was now in the corner, and a fence in front kept Sarah and Joseph out. Ginger could still get in and out, and Mommy could get in to change the sandbox and towel thing in front of the bookcase. Still, Sarah couldn't get in to see or hold the kittens, not even her favourite black and white one, which Mummy said looked like a Lamington. Mary said she thought she could get in but wouldn't try because it would be wrong if someone touched the kittens, as it might make Ginger forget they were her kittens.
Sarah thought that was silly and only Mary said that, so Mary read to her from a big book with many words but only a few pictures of kittens that said the same thing. Sarah still didn't think that it was right. HER Kitten, Lamington, had rubbed itself on Sarah's face and Ginger hadn't forgotten who it was. Then Mummy agreed with Mary and Sarah didn't like that much.
Sarah needed to sit on the couch and be high enough if she wanted to see the kittens. Kittens not being a touch game and only a look game made Sarah annoyed because they could be SO much more fun. But it meant she could watch the Kittens from Fort Couch and then go back to watching Kermit and his friends on his Magic box. Watching kittens was fun, but she really wanted to cuddle with them.
One of the weirdest things that happened was that Ginger was allowed to eat in the Lounge all the time, not just as a special thing. When she asked why and if she could always eat in the Lounge, Mummy said no, and it was special for Ginger because Ginger needed to stay and keep the kittens warm.
Sarah didn't see the logic. Ginger could bring the kittens to her crib, keep Sarah and Joseph warm, and let Sarah play with the kittens. If Ginger brought the kittens, Ginger could see that they were still hers and wouldn't forget, and Sarah could play with them.
Ginger didn't bring the kittens. Despite how nicely Sarah asked, she stayed in the Lounge in her nest between the bookcases. She had tried the wobbly lip and everything. So Sarah could only play the watch game. It also meant that Ginger wasn't in the crib to cuddle and keep Sarah warm, so she woke up early. When Mommy came to get Mary for breakfast, Sarah stood up and came too. Joseph stayed asleep, so Mommy said he could have breakfast later when he woke up.
Getting up early like Mary had Sarah hear funny things. Like Mommy going I love you to Daddy and Daddy going I know and then Mary going AWW. When she slept in like Joseph, she didn't hear that happen.
After Daddy left, Mommy made breakfast for the people awake. Mommy had Cereal. Sarah had pureed apple. Natalie had dog food. Mary had Cereal and some Brussels sprouts left from last night, and Ginger had cat food. Then Mommy opened the front door so Natalie could go out and made a funny yell. Then Mummy got a dustpan, picked up half a Jerry frm the mat, and put it in the rubbish bin.
"Not good, Mummy?" Mary asked
"No, the half-eaten mouse is not good at all. We have to put it in the Bin."
"Okay, Mummy. Natalie and I talk to Eddie cat then, and he leaves better bail for Ginger.
"Yes, Mommy?"
"What is an Eddie cat, and why would it be leaving half a mouse for Ginger."
"Grandma have drink and say story of Eddie. That Eddie sing and entertain and leave lady with baby because Coca-Cola want it to happen. "
"Eddie cat Same. Peter lady from down street come and try and steal Ginger. She get stuck in bush when Daddy Yell at her. Then when daddy not there Lady bring Eddie cat. Eddie cat is bad cat. He sing and make Ginger happy but then he sit on her and bite her ears. Then Ginger hit him in face and he run off and find new Cat. Then Ginger get big and have kittens."
"And why is he bringing a mouse now?"
"Because Natalie and I chase him up tree and if he no give good bail then we do it again." said Mary going back to the last of her Brussels.
"Why is Bringing a mouse for Bail money."
Mary finished her sprouts and looked frustrated. "That what it called. Saw on Kermit box. Bad Daddy who doesn't come home and be's Daddy to the wrong people Gives Mummy Bail money to Mommy or Police put him in jail. No police for cats so Natilie and I chase him up tree instead. Cat not have money but can catch mouse. Ginger likes mouse so Eddie cat catch Ginger mouse for Mouse for Bail money."
A complicated expression crossed Mummy's face.
"Mary Dear, some mice are not good for cats to eat. Please don't feed them to Ginger. And don't tell Grandma about Eddie cat yet."
Mary started sadly "Sorry Mommy I already told Grandma. But…" and Mary brightened "Grandma Makes funny faces like you when I tell story too."
A thump at the window, and a large grey cat with folded ears holding a Jerry in its mouth appeared. The cat looked in the window, suddenly panicked, and jumped down again.
"Look Mommy Eddie cat. I tell Eddie cat not to bring more mouses. Natalie come."
Natalie perked up and followed Mary as she raced out of the dining room.
Mummy suddenly looked like she was having a all children need to play quiet games day.
"Sarah, would you like to go watch the kittens while I tidy up here?"
"Sarah Watch Lamington Kitten." It looked like mummy was finished making funny faces, so Sarah would do more exciting things. But if today was normal and she missed out on things like this by sleeping in like Joseph, she would get up early tomorrow, too.
When she got to the Lounge, she and climbed onto Fort couch and sat down. From here, she could see the Kermit box and the kittens. She also had Kermit, and as no one else was in the Lounge, she didn't have to share. She might even get Kermit to do his magic and make Lamington appear on his box or, even better, in her lap.
"Kermit Lamington, "she said clearly, and hopefully, she looked towards the Kermit box. No Lamington. Twisting her head the other way, she could see the nest full of sleeping kittens still in the same place.
A thought hit her. She couldn't see Ginger. She looked left and then right, and then there was a thump. A pillow had landed in her lap. A big pillow, which made her a bit stuck.
Then Ginger cat appeared, and there was a kitten in her mouth. A black and white kitten with a coat of intermixed short black fur, flecks of long white fur, a black burglar's mask, and eyes were finally open.
Lamington kitten was out of the nest. Lamington kitten had her eyes open. Her beautiful blue eyes. Lamington kitten was on her lap. Sure Sarah was stuck and couldn't get up to play but she could reach Lamington kitten.
"Hello Lamington. I Sarah."
Ginger put Lamigton down on the cushion trapping Sarah in place
Lamington stood and unsteadily walked over to Sarah and rubbed against her face.
Sarah giggled in delight and petted her back.
If this was the reward for getting up early, Sarah would do it all the time.
Ginger sat back satisfied, partially sitting on the now-forgotten Kermit as the TV rolled on unnoticed. The child was looked after, and Kitten was sorted. She turned her head, checked the nest full of other sleeping kittens, and departed. A quick peek into the kitchen showed Carrie had tidied the table and was now attempting to feed Joseph his breakfast.
The Excited shouts of Mary and Natalie from an open door suggested that a certain Cat may have been chased up a tree. Her Ears perked up, which might mean a mouse had been dropped. Worth investigating for a cat with a litter of kittens to feed, especially as mice that she didn't have to hunt herself might suddenly become a scarce resource.
One last glance towards the Lounge, a child and Kitten safely entranced in each other, and Ginger was off. There was a potential mouse with her name on it.