Starfleet Design Bureau

[ ] UFS Selachii. For Earth's sharks.

Still have about half an hour on the moratorium, last I checked. Nonetheless, since it's replacing the Skate, I want to stick with a sea-based name for the ship.
I feel like naming a ship for a Vulcan weapon might not actually be good representation given what the Vulcans value, which is definitely not warfare. This ship is made for war with almost no compromises; it's not the sort of ship a Vulcan would be proud of, I expect.
Honestly love that the Soyus looks like something we could have seen out of a TOS episode a a minor federation ship
Also like as far as representation goes, almost all member-states keep their own naval forces except United Earth. Mixed crews still seem to be an experimental rarity rather than established fact. I'd save naming a class of ship in a non-human language for some important symbolic point when it is actually warranted rather than rush ahead now.
Also like as far as representation goes, almost all member-states keep their own naval forces except United Earth. Mixed crews still seem to be an experimental rarity rather than established fact. I'd save naming a class of ship in a non-human language for some important symbolic point when it is actually warranted rather than rush ahead now.

I think the Andorians would apreciate having a ship named after an important part of their culture, the Ushan-tor is a dueling weapon and an ice mining tool so its kind of the perfect name for a starfleet warship I think. Its the one I'm voting for anyways.

[ ] UFS Ushaan-tor
One question about the ships complement: How large is its expected crew?

1 Captain
1 Commander
2 Lieutenant Commanders (Chief Engineer, Ship's Doctor)
2 Lieutenants (Heads: Tactical, Security)
6 Lieutenant Junior Grades/Ensigns (Helmsman, Operations - 3 Shifts)

So 12 officers, 36 enlisted crew. Cook, transporter operator, engineering staff, able crewmen, etc. That's my feeling, anyway. Obviously the bigger the ship the more the officer ranks tend to elevate because department heads and bridge crew on-shift have to manage more people and other lower-ranked officers.
There will not be that joy there was when individual Stingray class ships, such as the Munk's Pygmy were namedropped during the Romulan War.
YOU may not feel that joy. Some of us don't have that issue.

[X] UFS Lirpa. For the Vulcan ceremonial weapon. (The classic)
[X] UFS ushaan-tor (Andorian weapon seen in an ENT episode)

I feel like naming a ship for a Vulcan weapon might not actually be good representation given what the Vulcans value, which is definitely not warfare. This ship is made for war with almost no compromises; it's not the sort of ship a Vulcan would be proud of, I expect.
The primary use of the Lirpa is in mating duels, specifically the Koon-ut-kal-if-fee.

What do you do when you don't want to be forced into sex with someone against your will? You fight. We do it with guns. Vulcans, having standardized the process somewhat, do it with lirpas.

I think a people as devoted to logic as Vulcans can appreciate naming a ship after a tool to defend yourself from someone trying to fuck you.

But if that's a bit too raw, I'm fine with some other weapon names.
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[X] UFS Lirpa. For the Vulcan ceremonial weapon. (The classic)
[X] UFS ushaan-tor (Andorian weapon seen in an ENT episode)

I like naming our ship after member planets ceremonial weapons.
[Y] UFS Lirpa. For the Vulcan ceremonial weapon. (The classic)
[Y] UFS ushaan-tor (Andorian weapon seen in an ENT episode)

We're going to have the UFS Ushaan-tor versus the IKS Mek'Leth, and the UFS Lirpa vs the IKS Bat'Leth.
I'm here for it.

EDIT: Changed vote later
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