Starfleet Design Bureau

I really hate to say it, but four nacelles might be the most straight-forward option that still has some future-proofing. I shudder at the cost, and really dread to see is what the prototype phase cannons will cost, but experimentals... they're risky.
My problem with this argument is two-fold - one, we don't know what level of tech optimization might be available post-War (who knows what might get salvaged from Romulan Warbirds, or picked up from our allies, after all), and two, the last ship we worked with in either thread that had four nacelles was the Constellation-class. Which, rather notably, had issues when it came to providing power for its warp nacelles and other systems (ie., the old quote of "I can give you shields or Warp 7, but not both"). I'd rather avoid the risk that we wind up with a ship that can do Warp 5 or have hull polarization, but not both.

[X] Three Nacelles (Warp 3.8, 15 -> 27 Industry) [Experimental]
(voting now because I'll be asleep when the moratorium ends)

Dreadnought class comes early! Three Nacelles let's it keep up with the NX at cruising speeds and makes it faster than the upgraded Stingray and at cruise.

Plus it's experimental Nacelles, time for Yolodyne to Shine!
My problem with this argument is two-fold - one, we don't know what level of tech optimization might be available post-War (who knows what might get salvaged from Romulan Warbirds, or picked up from our allies, after all), and two, the last ship we worked with in either thread that had four nacelles was the Constellation-class. Which, rather notably, had issues when it came to providing power for its warp nacelles and other systems (ie., the old quote of "I can give you shields or Warp 7, but not both"). I'd rather avoid the risk that we wind up with a ship that can do Warp 5 or have hull polarization, but not both.
Absolutely valid, I forgot about the Constellation's nacelle and power problems. My main aim of concern though, like I said in another post up above, is the fact that the Stingray refitting didn't involve pulling out its old nacelles, just upgrading the warp engine, so it didn't get the full benefits, and how that might apply to the dreadnought in its own future refits.

I don't want to end up with a snail of a ship a decade or two down the line, when new ships are sailing along, slowing down whoever it's grouped with. Especially an expensive ship like this.
There's no reason a DN needs to go faster than it's lightest escorts, and a 10% reduction in cruising speed is pretty negligible even in the event Sayle insists that Stingrays were always faster than actually listed.

This thing can afford to be relatively slow. It can't afford to waste industry on things that are minimally relevant to its ability to be fielded in combat.
If it wasn't a wartime build I would go with 4, but the more expensive we make this ship, the fewer extra stingrays we will have to back the battleship up.
That was exactly my line of thought in looking up the Industry costs, but honestly a third of a Stingray per ship seems worth it to me. We're not going to be building large numbers of these things in the first place, whether they arrive to a battle first or last seems likely to matter more than whether the Stingray squadron accompanying them numbers six versus seven.
[X] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)

The Stingray was designed as a patroller and quick response craft. Being slower than it is expected.
Honestly, another ding against the 3+ nacelle configuration options is that, in times where you really need to go faster than it can cruise, there's always the option of just... opening up the throttle a bit more. Sure, it's not rated to cruise at those speeds, but if you trust your engineers you can probably eke out a higher warp factor for extended time periods if needed.
[X] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)
We're building a dreadnought not a race car, I'm not going to send like half the budget on the nacelles or put any trust in yoyodyne
[ ] Four Nacelles (Warp 4, 15 -> 31 Industry)

QUAD NACELLES! Also not even prototype which is very nice, can save that for impulse thruster or any possible ones in weapons/internals. But also QUAD NACELLES!
I think either three or two, four is spending a lot of resources for an ability that's not that effective. The big brawler dread does not need to be faster than the fleet, but being slower could produce a situation where it arrives late to fight since the rest might have to sprint ahead. I'm leaning towards three? I don't think we have anything else experimental in this ship?
Capital ships are a bad place to get stingy or creative. It's a massive investment no matter how you slice it. Risking ineffectiveness or catastrophe to save some money just isn't a smart move. Quad nacelles is my call.
[ ] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)

I think this'll be my answer before I bed down for the night. I might be able to be convinced on either of the other nacelle configurations, but I'll need to do a little digging on the capabilities of our other ships.
Stingray-class Light Cruiser Refit [2152]
Tactical Rating: 5
-Average Damage: 2.25
-Max Sustained Damage: 6
-Alpha Strike Damage: 12
-Coverage: 50%
-Maneuverability: High
Defense Rating: 12

Engineering: N/A
Science: 1
Warp (Cruise): 3.4 (39c)
Warp (Max): 4.9 (117c)
Industrial Cost: 25

[ ] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)

According to the Informational post and the Bulwark Spaceframe part 3 post, the DN will still cruise as fast as a Stingray with the two nacelle setup. @Sayle is this a typo?

Edit: Sorry. It actually cruises faster.
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Yeah, some clarification is definitely needed. If its cruise speed is still around that of the Stingray-class, there's little reason to spend more on making them faster. It can only go at the cruise speed of its escorts. The NX-class being faster is fine, they can operate as independent cruisers or forward scout.
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[X] Three Nacelles (Warp 3.8, 15 -> 27 Industry) [Experimental]

I think a battleship does need some legs, especially one that might be sent on the year+ long trip out to Romulan space.

Let's jam another nacelle on top. I'm feeling lucky.