We have no idea what the canon NX's Science stat would've been, but our version is definitely a bit lopsided in the Tactical and Engineering, and certainly doesn't have the canon ship's two science labs.
Along with the fact that Engineering doesn't really apply to Science stuff.
So it can defend and take care of itself better, so what?
We're the little guys on campus right now, and our explorers need all they can get.
Besides, Science 4 sounds like a good score for what we have right now, and our needs.
This ship being able to go and survive out there is MORE important than being at the KNIFE EDGE of Scientific Capability, especially when what we have is good.
We don't have the luxury of building the Galaxy-Class here.
and from the sound of it, the NX has A BUNCH of utility we didn't really anticipate, which is good for starfleet.
and my idea for science is to do a refit of the Zheng He and stuff labs into the Cargo Bay, and update the sensors, and let them do some more local science missions.
Or something similar, there has to be some stuff nearby to poke with our science stick, and that way we get to do safe-ish science stuff.
Tell you what. When we get a Warp 7/8 Engine, I'll work with you guys to vote in a more focused Scientific Explorer. By then, we should have better survivability and engineering technology under our belts, and it'll be a better time.