Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I am firmly of the opinion that what we need to do is wait until Eike becomes a Journeywoman, and then give her Mathilde's hat from the start of the quest.

...And also maybe a sword. Who knows.
I have wondered, more as a hypothetical given it's years off in-game, whether we'd (arguably) spoil Eike (like Panoramia's Mum/Master did) and turn her a Staff for her Journeying, or wait until she graduated as Magister. And if we went all-out, a valuable Dragonbone staff in the hands of a Journeywoman would also be a tempting target for ne'er-do-wells.
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I have wondered, more as a hypothetical given it's years off in-game, whether we'd (arguably) spoil Eike (like Panoramia's Mum/Master did) and turn her a Staff for her Journeying, or wait until she graduated as Magister. And if we went all-out, a valuable Dragonbone staff in the hands of a Journeywoman would also be a tempting target for ne'er-do-wells.
We could make a basic +1 magic staff for her Journeying, then make her a fancy one once she becomes Magister.
I have wondered, more as a hypothetical given it's years off in-game, whether we'd (arguably) spoil Eike (like Panoramia's Mum/Master did) and turn her a Staff for her Journeying, or wait until she graduated as Magister. And if we went all-out, a valuable Dragonbone staff in the hands of a Journeywoman would also be a tempting target for ne'er-do-wells.

I personally don't think we should dump a bunch of bling on her, not really the done thing and I don't think it would be good for her growth. Maybe a minor enchanted item like that one we found and gave back to the Bright's when she starts journeying.

A staff when she graduates to Magister seems quite reasonable though, since the only reason we didn't get one was a turner wasn't available.
Maybe a minor enchanted item like that one we found and gave back to the Bright's when she starts journeying.
Okay, just to be accurate, Doomfire Rings are not in any way minor.

That is a tabletop item that (at least in 7th edition) was able to cast Battle Magic. Even by a non-wizard. And they were made by Teclis's personal students in the Bright College.

(It's not necessarily what they do here, but it's certainly not minor. Moderate at minimum)
Okay, just to be accurate, Doomfire Rings are not in any way minor.

That is a tabletop item that (at least in 7th edition) was able to cast Battle Magic. Even by a non-wizard. And they were made by Teclis's personal students in the Bright College.

(It's not necessarily what they do here, but it's certainly not minor. Moderate at minimum)

Fair, it's a solid item. My memory was biased a bit by the guy we turned it over to being a bit dismissive about it. But iirc that was just in comparison.
I have a vague memory that the fire-ring we found in days of yore was a lesser version of the BM blasting Doomfire Ring. It cast a fire ball, but not fireball, so to speak.

When we gave it over to them they gave us a crown of fire in exchange, so I would guess it's probably using Fires of U'Zhul as both of those are in the relatively simple range. Though it could have been the moderately complex level fireball as well.

Either way I think I would classify it as a moderate enchantment since it's in the wind specific range. Minor enchantments to my mind are more the petty-lesser range.
I have a vague memory that the fire-ring we found in days of yore was a lesser version of the BM blasting Doomfire Ring. It cast a fire ball, but not fireball, so to speak.
Yup! This is one of those things where the RPG and the tabletop differ. The Doomfire Rings that show up in the Empire 7e book launch The Burning Head, which is legitimately nothing to sneeze at.

Meanwhile, the RPG doesn't do Battle Magic, but it does have a lot of spells which are named very similarly to Battle Magic spells. So the Doomfire Rings that show up in the RPG launch Fire Ball, which is, within DL's framework, Moderately Complicated instead of the BM Fireball.

Don't you love it when something or someone uses the same name for different things? I don't.
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I think a good Journeying gift for Eike would be a Runed Dwarven revolver with the kickflip Runes paid for by AV. It would give her multiple shots between reloading without having to rely on an unreliable human-made von Meinkopt and synergies nicely with her Pistols skill. Plus it would me a nice memento of her master and could, a symbol of trust from Mathilde that she is worthy of such an exotic and unique gift, and that if worst comes to worst and her magic fails her she always has eight shots of Dwarven engineering and Runecraft to get her out a tight spot.
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Now that I'm thinking about it, we might be able to use Windherding to enchant Runic revolvers with stuff like Illusion to act as a perfect silencer. The runes on the revolvers are only on the firing mechanism and revolving cylinder
At first glance your revolvers appear unchanged, but taking out the cylinder reveals two runes, a Rune of Fire on the firing mechanism and a Rune of Stone on the cylinder itself. The Rune of Fire ensures that the blackpowder will always catch and will burn hotter, faster and cleaner, allowing for more of its energy to be directed to the projectile itself instead of vented out the sides or left unburned, and the Rune of Stone ensures the cylinder is able to withstand the greater forces involved. Simple changes, but extremely well-tested ones, and they make for a projectile that hits harder and flies truer than it otherwise would.
And we know you can put enchantments and Runes on the same thing so long as the Runes and enchantments are on different parts so that the Runes don't eat the enchantments.
There theoretically could be runes on an entire gyrocopter the same way there are runes for an entire stone thrower, but it would require runes built specifically for the gyrocopter. Currently the only runes that could be applied to gyrocopters are ones on specific parts, which would only prevent enchantment of those parts.
As long as the Illusion enchantment is placed somewhere other than the firing mechanism and revolver cylinder we could create a hard hitting yet silent eight shot Dwarven revolver. Mathilde would have no need for an Illusion of silence since she can just cast Illusion on demand but it would be useful for a journeywomen who can't cast Illusion yet. I believe Windherding would help here since it would be getting multiple magical effects to work on a single object despite the fact they would normally disrupt each other if they come too close together, although an enchantment being eaten by a Rune is a less catastrophic failure mode that an enchantment turning into dhar upon touching into another enchantment it's still a failure mode based off different magics being too close so similar techniques of keeping the magics separate should apply.

@Boney, would this be a viable project, adding an enchantment of Illusion to silence the gunshot of a Runed kickflip revolver?
Whatever we give Eike for journeying (if anything) shouldn't be something that can be done with grey magic. The whole point of the journey is to get good with that stuff and we won't be sending her to a battlefield where there's a need to put prioritization on not dying over getting educated (which is presumably why the bright mages give fancy shit to their journeymen).

My thoughts go to either we-spider silk which is a raw material that Max has shown can be turned into chainmail even by his inexperienced hands. Basically giving Eike the raw materials to make something of herself (how appropriate for journeying). She could enchant it, sell it, turn it into armor, etc.

The other is the Candle of Cleansing Radiance. If she ends up using it Mathilde can act smug and knowing about how it was the perfect gift. If Eike doesn't use it but ends up having to drag it around anyway it makes for a funny joke about the usefulness of light wizards.

The third thought is perhaps a fancy dwarf pistol (that has a rep requirement to buy), but I think Eike should either get the rep for that herself or just settle for a normal dwarf or human pistol. Magic and runic items are also things I think she should probably try to earn on her own.

The obvious mastery gift is a staff. I imagine votes for that will be pretty overwhelming.
A something made of spider silk that can go under her robe would be pretty good, it could work as armor with out anyone expecting it.

That said a spider silk robe, blatantly showing what it is might be a good way to introduce the silk to more of the empire
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