Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Maybe we could enchant a bracelet that projects a bubble of silence around your hand? Honestly, that seems useful for a lot of things. Cut a throat? Silence bubble engulfs his head and he can't make noise. Pick a lock, the lockpicks don't scrape and click and make noise. Though admittedly thst might make the picking harder if you need the sound instead of just going by feel. Shoot a guy? The gun is silent. Need to strike a match to light the wick on your emperor assassination bomb without the guards hearing? Silence bubble.
Mathilde isn't, actually. There are grandmasters in the Empire who've spent the lion's share their self-improvement actions studying the blade, compared to Mathilde who's spent most of that time learning magic. Mathilde's ability to claim mastery level swordswomanship largely comes from learning how to best utilize her one-of-a-kind magic sword's advantages. And even then, a grandmaster wielding a Runefang would still wipe the floor with her in a sword-only fight.
I doubt most of the runefang holders have time to fully dedicate to studying the blade either. Also they usually don't need to if your sword cuts though other people's swords that is usually enough so long as you make sure to hold it the right way and swing in the right direction.
Maybe we could enchant a bracelet that projects a bubble of silence around your hand? Honestly, that seems useful for a lot of things. Cut a throat? Silence bubble engulfs his head and he can't make noise. Pick a lock, the lockpicks don't scrape and click and make noise. Though admittedly thst might make the picking harder if you need the sound instead of just going by feel. Shoot a guy? The gun is silent. Need to strike a match to light the wick on your emperor assassination bomb without the guards hearing? Silence bubble.
We're already at the limit of how many magical items we can carry. If we want something like that, we'd need to drop one of our existing magic items - though the idea has merit, I just know in my bones that the moment we replace the Candle of Cleansing Radiance, we'll end up needing it.
I assume Speed of Light only works on people but even if could work on machines, it only actually increases reaction times (Initiative and Weapon Skill), not actual speed (Movement).

...On the other hand, it would be very funny to bring it up just so Egrimm's face could contort in an expression somewhere between exasperation and fear.

I very much want to ask Egrimm about this now.
Anyway, "European medieval fantasy" (or stereotypes of such) is a common enough setting for isekai worlds, and Warhammer Fantasy at a brief glance has a lot of the same elements of such, such as a planet that is essentially just Earth with the serial numbers filed off, really haughty elves , grumpy dwarves, always-evil/destructive Orcs and Goblins with unfortunate undertones, etc.

Tangent: In the form of the Everchosen, WHF even has the stereotypical 'Demon Lord': a powerful and usually two-dimensional evil overlord who (every few generations or centuries or whatever) appears (sometimes reincarnating or resurrecting themselves) and leads a great crusade of evil monsters and peoples against all the 'civilized' people of the world, until they are usually defeated by a very stereotypical prophesized Hero. Repeat ad infinitum.
Now I kind of actually want to see a "genre-savvy" isekai reading fool being dropped into WHF. Cruel? Maybe. But also hilarious.
Mathilde doesn't know what a 'chuuni kuudere christmas cake sensei-chan' is, but she's pretty sure she doesn't like it.
What is the "christmas cake" part a reference to?
I think the present that we should give Eike when she goes on her journey (like 8+ turns from now) is a book of riddles, a la what Yorri and later Thungni did in Runrhikki Strollar, except aimed at a journeyman rather than a grandmaster. Like, for Mathilde's Journey, Regimand got her a mysterious blackmailer and a high position she wasn't at all prepared for, and that ended up being perfect for her. I think Mathilde's Ridiculously Intricate Diary of Damningly Divided Loyalties (Mathilde's RIDDL) would be just the thing to help Eike grow as a wizard. (Granted, that's in the far-off future, so who knows what Boney and the dice will have in store for us.)
[X] Both

I'm seeing this as more of a characterisation vote than a 'which of these options make the numbers go up best' vote - and sacrificing an AP to the altar of 'that is the characterisation I want to see more of' is something pretty appealing to me on occasion.
I guess it isn't a reference to Matrix, but I have no idea what you mean.

To be honest I am seriously considering 'you are better off not knowing' for an answer, but they are common enough that this is not true. Red Pill refers to idiots who take up the cause of extreme performative misogyny and think they are 'seeing the real world' as opposed to a lie that is so old that when it was first told both parities were probably still knuckle-walking.
I guess it isn't a reference to Matrix, but I have no idea what you mean.
Ugh, it kind of is. They use it as a metaphor to mean they've realised the "truth" that... I'm not actually sure, some combination of "men are oppressed", "women like assholes" and just general shittyness. It's not that well defined, more like a blob of unpleasent bigotry. It had it's heyday a few years back, MGTOWs, incels, alpha males, "seduction" artists, the rationals, that whole crowd. Gamergate too. Essentially, the "we hate women" section of the conservative backlash. They've lost some of their prominence these days, since now it seems more about the "we hate trans people" section. Not that there isn't much overlap, or that either wasn't present then, just a shift in focus.
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Sadly for him he is in WHF so if he were really genre savvy he should be screaming and hiding under a rock about now :V
If you find yourself being Isekai's into a Warhammer World (Fantasy, 40K, AoS), the advice is:
  1. Don't panic
  2. Don't think about the daemons
  3. Pray to Sigmar/The Emperor/Order-Aligned god of choice that the daemons don't get you
Not sure what exactly would happen if a cuts-through-anything Runefang parried a Cannonball-blade, or vice versa. But it seems to me likely it would not be good for at least one of the weapons.
I suspect the result would come down to runic cage match to the death between Kragg and Alaric.

You think Mathilde is capable of making a "basic" staff? With her luck—and Eike's, for that matter—she'd somehow make something capable of channeling Battle Magic from all 8 Winds out of a couple twigs and a river rock.

And that is how we would meet the ghost of Frederick von Tarnus. Not sure if he is going to congratulate us, sue us for copyright infringement or both . :V

And on an unrelated note, I'm saving those consumables for the final boss.
....Even though I have already decided to beat him with Speech checks.
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