Master Rune of Ignorance/Skalla Honestheart: A mist, a shade, a veil falls upon the sorcerers of Tzeentch, and when it touches them, when it finds them, when it binds them, it settles, like a blanket, on their mind, keeping them from casting their treacheries on the field. Only killing the one who holds the banner will allow them to regain it; and that is easier said than done.
Master Rune of Truth/Skalla Honestheart: Here is the truth: every lie whispered in the dark, every treachery plotted in shadow, every deceit hatched in vile places, will be revealed one day or another. This Rune makes weapons burn like the sun in the sky, and the servants of Tzeentch are forced to march towards it, even though they know that fire will burn them like nothing else.
Master Rune of Uncertainty/Skalla Honestheart: Beware destiny, for it is rarely what you think. A veil of protection falls on those who fight within the structure bearing this Rune, growing even stronger against the forces of Tzeentch as his seers and prophets and soothsayers find their arts fail against the Dwarfs within.
Master Rune of Stasis/Skalla Honestheart: There is one path forward. This Rune marks the ammo fired from this warmachine to fly unerringly forward, unperturbed by the winds or by magic or by anything, until strikes true and strikes home. Further against the forces of Tzeentch it often strikes their weakest point, shredding them to bits.
Skalla Honestheart is a young, notable talent, if behind luminaries such Snerra Magnassdottir. Tzeentch believed he could stir that up into envy and ambition by offering himself as path to surpass her. Instead Skalla dedicated her energies to creating Runes to spite the god of lies.
Master Rune of Hope/Morek Hopebearer: A gleam, a glint, a glow, falls on the weapon bearing this Rune, one which flares to a bright life against the servants of Nurgle. The weapon seeks their heart, their core; and then, when it finds it, it burns it out.
Master Rune of Rejuvenation/Morek Hopebearer: Mortal blows, horrifying blows, mighty blows rain down upon the bearer. They fall. And yet they then rise up again, scarred perhaps but the stronger for it, the bright glow of the talisman suffusing them with a new strengtth.
Master Rune of Life/Morek Hopebearer: This banner allows those who march under it to face the most horrific of environments without fear, whether that be a bleak and vile swamp loaded with all manner of disease; some windswept, sun-scarred desert; or the bleakest, most horrific volcano scarred pit.
Master Rune of Improvement/Morek Hopebearer: As the battle carries on, this War-Machine or other cunning contraption will, in fact, function the better: Faster firing, more accurate as it does fire, and less likely to break down whether in ways little or big.
Master Rune of the Robust/Morek Hopebearer: The walls of this structure are clad in a mystical field of energy and rightness that, aside from strengthening the Dwarfs and allies within, also wards away ammunition shot at the walls.
The inventions of Morek Hopebearer, student of Vragni Silverbrand. He was infected with one of the vile Urfather's diseases during a lesser incursion. As he seemed on death's door, yet he refused to despair; and on the seventh day Valaya healed him. No dwarf is entirely without some spite for a crime of this magnitude however, so he invented a bevy of anti-Nurgle Runes, freely shared with his master.