Prompt Name: The Lorax
Genre: Animated, Comedy, Philosophy, Musical
Sub-Genre: Corporate Morality, Rags to Riches to Rags
Format: Animated Movie (2D or 3D would be fine)
General Idea:
The movie starts in the town of Thneedville, where
this song is being played as it pans through the town. This version of The Lorax is a pseudo-epilogue as we follow through Ted's plot of materialistic want, wanting to impress a materialistic girl that wants a tree because she views it as an accessory rather than something necessary. He goes out to discover the ruined fields of Truoutside of Thneedville where he discovers a lone house where he meets an old man (his face is not seen) named the Once'ler.
This portion of the movie then goes on with the Once'ler telling his tale (There will be two perspectives, the Clean and Innocent one from the 2012 adaption will be what he tells Ted. The second perspective is a mix between the 2012 and Cartoon version, which is actually shown on the screen.)
Perspective 1 will only be shown through dialogue.
Perspective 2 will be shown after Ted leaves, showing what really happened behind the scenes as Onceler kept cutting down trees even with the promises he made. It was until his family arrived that the amount of trees being cut down increased with the development of Thneed factories. The Onceler (who is actually this nice guy and means well) begins his own
rise to power (this storyboard and song will be used).
Act three ends with the Unless scene, where both perspectives merge into one (the storytelling/dialogue merges with what is shown.) Ted returns to Thneedville, slightly still this materialistic lad who wants to impress a girl that likes materialistic things. It was until when the tree was planted and grown that he shows her..she begins gushing out about the aesthetics of the tree as he tells her facts about the Truffula Trees he learned from the Onceler only to feel frustrated as she seems to not care the interesting facts about it and had a single moment to realise with his self-awareness that his reason for wanting to plant the trees is now different compared to when he began.
Getting more seeds from the tree after she left, the movie ends with him working towards planting more trees while the populace remains sceptical, some downright furious at him trying to demolish the infrastructure and aesthetic beauty of the city. After all his efforts causing the trees to be cut down by the others (mostly O'Hare), he leaves the city as he tells them one final quote. "Unless someone who cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Extra Notes: O'Hare will not be some random annoyance like the 2012 version, rather he is not seen, gives out grey-morality reasons why his company exists and why it will not shut down anymore shops, making the people aside from Ted feel indebted to him. (Sounds familiar?)
Onceler will also recite reasons he gave to the Lorax why he continued building his company and not quit (such as: Not wanting to get thousands of people out into the streets, giving the people a warm place to live in, etc.) He also goes through the one realisation in the "Unless Scene" and the reason he never planted much was the fact not receiving The Lorax's forgiveness and the friends he made on the way are gone made him feel tremendous guilt and remorse.
(Optional) He also gives a quote: "That's why I am Onceler, because there I only have one chance in life. Afterwards it's all set in stone."
The Onceler's family is also part of the movie..all they do is just come over, offer no advice, and just leaves after the entire corporation collapses after the Truffula Trees are all gone. (Up to interpretation of the Message)
(May or may not be removed down the line) Biggering scene will be played as a backflash and truth after Onceler gives Ted the last Truffula tree as he feels remorse at having to slightly lie to him as the camera pans out to reveal he was the one who built Thneedville.
The point of the film and why the Ted segment exists is because there will be youngsters and adults who will not relate with the Onceler (many of them would actually separate themselves from the Onceler as there is no face and some will deny they are young Onceler). Unlike the 2012 version this one actually goes through a character development and self-awareness realisation. This tackles two things: Environment Awareness and Consumer Awareness.
More to be added/removed/created/etc. Later when picked.
This version of Biggering's Storyboard can also be combined with the original version (except the beginning of this version.)
N/A: Decided to create a mix of 2012 and Cartoon Lorax..and create a film that will burn down the curtain that separates Consumers and Companies. It also is in our theme of essentially creating a revolution in Hollywood as this would be a very ambitious movie in my point of view. Also screws over Hollywood companies and others that is just there to create money and nothing else.
I wonder what Disney and the others will think of this version of The Lorax..