Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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[X] Plan Friendship and Apartments.
-[X]The Company Clerk of Larry Linville: The Veteran TV Actor is someone you know precious little about. He thinks that the dimensions of the character he played fit well into a comedy. Maybe a pep talk might work? DC: 10
-[X]The Best of Times, and the Swift of Times: Loretta is one of the people who just work with you, and you were quiet and happy that she was not joining the others in hazing you on set. In fact, she was clearly distressed at some of the signs that others were taking things too far. Especially to a young man. DC: 20
-[X]Work on your Comedy: This, looking at the first draft of the scripts, is a comedy series. And while you are a good actor, you know you are not good at comedy, even if your timing has gotten better. DC: 20
-[X]Johns TV Troubles: You see some of Johns's roles and realize that Brooks was involved. Seemed he had friends as well. Or maybe he saw your success and sought to take a risk on unproven talent. DC: 10
-[X] Helping Around the Building: You are going to make this apartment building the envy of LA. DC: 25/45/65/90
-[X] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

TBH we have pretty bad stats in both directing and writing I would wait to direct an episode and try to sell pitches until we are a significantly better writer and director.

And I am risking it with the instruments thingly, knowing magoose dice we have a coin toss of being awesome or terrible, but it will significantly expand our range for musicals or musician biopics in the future
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[X] Plan Friendship and Apartments.
-[X]The Company Clerk of Larry Linville: The Veteran TV Actor is someone you know precious little about. He thinks that the dimensions of the character he played fit well into a comedy. Maybe a pep talk might work? DC: 10
-[X]The Best of Times, and the Swift of Times: Loretta is one of the people who just work with you, and you were quiet and happy that she was not joining the others in hazing you on set. In fact, she was clearly distressed at some of the signs that others were taking things too far. Especially to a young man. DC: 20
-[X]Work on your Comedy: This, looking at the first draft of the scripts, is a comedy series. And while you are a good actor, you know you are not good at comedy, even if your timing has gotten better. DC: 20
-[X]Johns TV Troubles: You see some of Johns's roles and realize that Brooks was involved. Seemed he had friends as well. Or maybe he saw your success and sought to take a risk on unproven talent. DC: 10
-[X] Helping Around the Building: You are going to make this apartment building the envy of LA. DC: 25/45/65/90
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with): George Romero

TBH we have pretty bad stats in both directing and writing I would wait to direct an episode and try to sell pitches until we are a significantly better writer and director.

NGL, this was my original design before I switched to the pitch because I thought getting our foot in the door right when pitches come in would be most important. I'm more than fine if people prefer this and add a vote if it's above me.
Tv Pitch: The Huntsman
Welp here's a TV Pitch

Prompt Name: The Huntsman
Genre: Western Horror
Sub-Genre: Supernatural
Format: Serial Drama
General Idea: Bloodborne/Hunt: Showdown. basically; In 1890s Texas an infestation is corrupting man and beast alike. The State has hired Bounty Hunters, Huntsman, Mercenaries, and even some convicted criminals to find out what is happening.

Notable Characters: Halsey Wolfe; the gun toting, silver sword carrying, stoic acting main lead.
By the way, If we want to network with someone, wouldn´t be better to try with Spielberg? He has already directed several TV Episodes and a movie, and since we are already good friends with Lucas he seems to be the next logical step...
..we don't have experience with the horror genre. How does one prepare for that?

(And no, we're not doing that one Camcord Movie that made the teen actors have mental issues just from their experience in the production of the film).
Horror is a vast genre with many sub-genres. We could easily use out connection with Hong Kong cinema to make some campy Chinese Horror movies.

Who's up for Bruce fighting Dracula on top of Mount Rushmore?
Tv Pitch: Oversimplified
Who's up for Bruce fighting Dracula on top of Mount Rushmore?

That should take place after Bruce's rendition of Kung-fu Kid. Where he goes on a class field trip and..well the rest is history.

Here's a TV pitch and I have some others I just made for us to balance the scale of Movies vs TV Shows.

Prompt Name: Oversimplified
Genre: Education, Oversimplification, Comedy (?)
Sub-Genre: Educating History
Format: TV Episodes/Shorts
General Idea: The focus of this prompt show is to educate anyone the history the episode is based on with oversimplified animation. Examples of this are: Napoleonic Wars, Battle of Hastings, WW1 and WW2.

"..Why did he have to keep saying 'I'm just average height for the time!' Bruce?" Robin laughed as he read one of the lines you just thought would be funny for Napoleon to say.

"Just thought of it." You shrugged, honestly you thought the joke was too literally..but then again it was written instead of being said by you with your own vocal chords.

N/A: I'm going to guess Magoose reaction after reading the prompt: Banging head to wall/table.
TV Pitch: Epic History TV
low-effort shitposts! :V

Prompt Name: Epic History TV
Genre: Education, In-depth dive, Military History
Sub-Genre: Educating Military History
Format: TV Episodes
General Idea: The focus of the prompt is to educate the viewers with animated formations when tactics, military positioning, the likes. (Here is sample: Napoleonic Wars: March of the Eagles (1805-09)) | So for example, there is an episode dedicated to The Battle of Austerlitz with the positioning of the French and Coalition forces, with explanations on the conditions of the battlefield, conditions of both forces, and how the battles are played out.

Additionally, the start of the seasons (decided by what is the main theme of the season..which in this case Napoleonic Wars), there is a background to get the viewers to not be lost in context as they have some idea of how it impacts the episodes and the War itself.

N/A: Since my head's at its limit, stopping creating prompts until some time later.
Why not try to bring in some native american myths like Cyote or a windego?
I know that things like these are the go to for most people, but there is genuinely so much more out there for Amerindian myth that is actually fucking terrifying. I've been collecting as many myths, story, legends, tall tales, cryptids, fearsome critters, folk tales, urban legends, local legends, folk practices, cultural icons, and so much more from all across North America for a while now for a personal project of mine and I remember off the top of my head one Amerindian myth from out West where there is a lake where they mass drowned a bunch of babies to avoid starvation and now the zombie babies are all haunting the lake and will drag you underwater to drown. That's fucking nightmare fuel.
I know that things like these are the go to for most people, but there is genuinely so much more out there for Amerindian myth that is actually fucking terrifying. I've been collecting as many myths, story, legends, tall tales, cryptids, fearsome critters, folk tales, urban legends, cultural icons, and so much more from all across North America for a while now for a personal project of mine and I remember of the top of my head one Amerindian myth from out West where there is a lake where they mass drowned a bunch of babies to avoid starvation and now the zombie babies are all haunting the lake and will drag you underwater to drown. That's fucking nightmare fuel.
I wrote an entire story about an immortal homunculous born in WW1 fighting actual monsters through the 1930's.

Most american ones.

Oh boy do they scare the shit out of me.
TV Pitch: Roads Not Taken
TITLE: Roads Not Taken
GENRE: Alternate History
SUBGENRE: Drama, Intrigue, Action
FORMAT: 1 hour TV episodes with each story told in arcs of 2-3 episodes. About 13 episodes per season.

Roads Not Taken is an Alternatehistory anthology series with the main premise within each season are 4-6 Arcs that cover a different alternate timeline and have self-contained stories that explore the world of that timeline through a limited narrative revolving around a protagonist who is involved in a contemporary issue, event or cultural movement. The Arcs are not meant to explain fully in detail the history of the world and the journey and development that lead to the story, rather it is meant to explore what life would be like in alternate timelines as well as tackle different themes for each arc that are relevant to the story at hand and reflect the national and global times and issues.

Some major ideas for the series arcs are:
  • In a world without the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation remaining in place, most of the American states exist as independent nations and the story focuses on a diplomat from Ohio trying to prevent a war between two alliances of American Nations lead by Virginia and Massachussets respectively. Themes are the Cold War and Nationalism.
  • Also in a world without the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation remaining, either within the former timline or a new one entirely, shows the outbreak of World War I in 1914 of North America as most of the American Nations are aligned with the Central Powers or Entente and are dragged to war through the alliance system. Themes are war, jingoism, nationalism, and industrialization.
  • In a world where the Soviets landed on the Moon first, the Space Race is still intensely hot and the story arc takes place sometime in the early 21st century. Plot focuses on a Romeo and Juliet style romance between a male American astronaut and a female Russian Cosmonaut who are stationed at their nation's respective moon bases as scientists, but as the Cold War heats up both nations wish to militarize the moon and it may become a new battleground. Themes are Cold War, espionage, space exploration, militarization.
  • It is the year 1968. Nazi Germany reigns supreme over Europe, engaged in a Cold War with the United States. The Holocaust has been implemented and two generations of Germans have grown up with Adolf Hitler as their Fuhrer. Everything seems all fine and rosy, until one depressed secretly half-Jewish Wehrmacht officer who is responsible for the Wehrmacht's finance in the Chiefs of Staff, discovers that the Nazi economy is built on lies and is soon doomed to collapse. When Hitler dies and his heirs fight to succeed him, the protagonist discovers he has the ability to bring about the downfall of Nazi Germany through math and finance. Main theme is destroying the myth of Fascist efficiency and showing how unsustainable a Nazi victory is.
  • In a world where World War I never happened, the majority of the globe is still ruled by European Empires and Monarchy in its many forms are the dominant form of government. At the wedding of the Russian Crown Prince and Austrian Archduchess in the 1960's, the Archduchess is assassinated during the reception, and everyone is pointing fingers. A top American detective is brought in as a neutral party to solve the murder, for if he does not then a world war may break out. Arc is a classical Who-dun-it with the perpetrators being a Anarchist organization who wants the world's empires to go to war. Themes are Imperialism, Monarchism, Nationalism.
  • In a world where the British East India Company never lost control of India, Cyberpunk arrives a century early in a sort of way where the mid 20th century sees much of the world dominated by Mega Corps, the most powerful ruling over nations and having private armies with the world as a whole featuring Dieselpunk tech. Main plot focuses on a Indian man who serves as a middle manager for the East India Company, swept up in the middle of the Indian Independence movement with a divided family. Main theme is Corporatism, independence and violent versus nonviolent opposition.
  • In a timeline where Mars is green and full of life, America sends an expedition to create a colony, only to discover that Mars is full of primitive life on a 16th century tech level. Arc is divided into three parts or generations, showing the spread of colonization from Earth to Mars from a family's point of view and how the natives struggle to survive in the face of a superior people. Main theme of colonialism, and history repeating itself.

I can probably come up with more ideas, but these are sort of the big ones that I thought of at the moment. General gist is that if made, we can cover any sort of topic we want and use it as a sort of grounded Twilight Zone focused on alternate history.

You know what, +5 to SP, I'm to tired right now to come up with more rewards right now.

Tomorrow will see more rewards.

I'm sorry. I was actually aiming for other types of rewards and had this idea in the backburner. It's just that TV pitches were introduced in the turn and others were posting low effort ones, so I just wanted to push this out there as a legitimate show to make so that Alternatehistory can become mainstream, and I was heavily inspired with the Format from how Andor structured its show.

I'm more than fine waiting for proper rewards if you just want to rest and do it tomorrow.
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I'm more than fine waiting for proper rewards if you just want to rest and do it tomorrow.
Fine, only because I'm getting exhausted and out of ideas:

[]I am Really surprised this got picked up this quickly? (Lucille Ball came to you personally to get this idea up and running. Gain 100,000 Dollars, and the show immediately begins production)
[]So How much money did HBO Pay? (The Pitch is picked up by HBO, and their deep pockets.)
[]Wait... We have... Ideas (Unknown Effect)
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