Library Purchases:
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
-[X] Eonir of Laurelorn
-[X] Dwarves of the Karaz Ankor
Eonir definitely a safe pick, but while I appreciate textiles over geography, that isn't really what I think we should ask for. They are elves. Ask for something elven:
Let's see what the Elves know and think of dwarves from their perspective, their culture and history. This stuff reaches back thousands of years. Let's see how Laurelon sees dwarves. That might be relevant soon. And in what they write us, we shall see how good elven diplomacy is. Such a library will help Mat with dealing and knowing those opposed to cooperation with dwarves. Having a list of people who were there and nobles who might have lost family in the War of Vengance might be helpful to ongoing diplomatic efforts.
And since it will all be in Eltharin, we might not have to worry about any Grudges from it, for a while. This stuff is going to come out eventually if someone like Mat doesn't find it and bury it first.
Dwarf Favour Purchases:
@Boney How about something like this:
[X] [DWARF] Consult between Wilhelmina and the EIC, and the Engeneering Guilds of the holds of the near Empire Worlds Edge Mountains, like Zulfbar and Karak Kadrin. Ask if the Dwarves of those holds need more saltpeter. Offfer to negotiate/arrange for additional supply of Dwarf Quality Niter/Saltpeter through the EIC buying out and organizing more Gong Farmers and Saltpeter of sufficient quality, and supplying the dwarves with it. (TLDR: See if there is intrest to expand the existing trade route, either in weight of goods, or scope to include more holds)
It's high time Mat starts using these in the way it was meant to be used. As a dwarf that contributes to the system. This is very much a Win-Win-Win situation that Mat can make come about that even the Grey Order can't grumble about, because it's not about money, it's about giving dwarves more gunpowder. Mat just has to be careful to leave enough for local needs in Stirland and Sylvania.
I'd think this would be the "explore/set up" action, which would be then followed later by an EIC action to set it all up, once the dwarves approved of the idea.
The action order suggested being:
1) Float idea for interest among dwarves -favor action
2)Get EIC to buy/establish more Gong Farmers -EIC action
3) Create more EIC dwarf backed Niter production sites - EIC and Favor Action
4) Establish new trade lanes. - EIC Action, though maybe not one Mat needs to make herself. This is more for Wilhelmina.
5) Everyone Wins
Does that sound doable, or would it be going backwards? Does it take a different kind of action to check for intrest over more niter among EIC adjacent dwarven holds?
Because I'm pretty sure that once the idea is up and running, or being built, asking the dwarves for a favor to set up the niter factor to their standards after having a clear and present need for more niter from a nearby dwarven Engeneering Guild won't be a problem. If I understand how the new dwarf favor system works.
College Favour Purchases:
[X] [COLLEGE] Inquire about a Demon Banishing artifact from the Hysh College. Like the one used on you when you dropped Quickish for Demon-checking. Having one, either on you, or in the Library/College Branch so you can check someone suspicious if you really need to isn't paranoia, it's just good sense. Sooner or later, some Chaos Demon is going to try something. You'd rather be ready for it, with what you're working on and the enemies you've made.
Other Purchases
[X] [PURCHASE] Mundane Lab equipment for the Laurelon Lab. It will be much easer to set up if you are just moving it, instead of trying to build it on the spot. You do not want a repeat of Wizard Chic. Hire a temporary warehouse for it at a convenient location near Laurelorn so you don't have to ship it all the way from K8Ps when you have the rooms ready.
The last one might be premature, but might as well, right? I figure Mat would have done this anyway when we vote for setting up the lab, but getting stuff lined up in advance shouldn't hurt and it might help.
Approval voting on this as well:
[X] [PURCHASE] +1 Patron Gods of Laurelorn: Asuryan, Isha, Vaul, Hoeth, Hekarti. Eonir: Loec, Romance. (350g)
[X] [PURCHASE] +1 Laurelorn books on Asuryan, Isha, Vaul, Hoeth, Hekarti, and Loec (300 gc)