Looks like I picked the wrong evening to hang out late with friends, volunteer to give people rides home, and then collapse immediately upon getting home. Ah well, more to wake up to; this was a charming update.
consider he entire corpus of writings
he -> the
Well, if you are to avoid the mistakes of the past, then perhaps it is best to break entirely with the way they've done things. The philosophical exactitude of the division is irrelevant, what matters is whether it helps or hinders those looking for books on a specific topic. Any set of divisions will do as long as it is easily comprehended and is consistently and universally applied. All philosophical questions about the nature of knowledge and its most natural divisions can and must be disregarded, as you are not pursuing some abstract truth, you need a robust system of division for the books that exist here and now, in an imperfect world and written by imperfect beings.
delights me. Mathilde is recognizing the distinction between taxonomy and ontology, and I really like how much it makes sense for her as a wizard of Ulgu: setting aside the pursuit of an ontology (a hard-and-fast truth written into the world itself) in favor of taxonomy (a categorization system that is socially constructed) feels right for a wizard of ambiguities and edge cases.
Magic, of course, will need to be its own section, as to do otherwise would be to run immediate afoul of the accords.
This sentence confuses me on two points: "immediate afoul" reads wrong to me, though it might just be a stylistic touch I've not encountered before, and should "accords" here be "Articles"?
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
-[X] Eonir of Laurelorn
-[X] Weaving Spider silk
This seems good to me; we get more information about the Eonir from their own perspective (helping us navigate their culture) and information about textile production (hopefully benefiting Karak Eight Peaks). Since the weaver guilds of the Karaz Ankor have boycotted Karak Eight Peaks, we need all the help we can get.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
-[X] Eonir of Laurelorn
-[X] Beastmen
This is an alternate idea if people are really resistant to textiles as a topic; Beastmen are relevant to our interests for reasons of both Karag Dum and the Waystone project.
[X] [PURCHASE] +1 Patron Gods of Laurelorn: Asuryan, Isha, Vaul, Hoeth, Hekarti. Eonir: Romance. (300g)
I really like this idea.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
No need and we don't have spare CF.
[X] [DWARF] Runed pistols
I agree with Andres that, while it's not going to be the best possible option for our ranged slot, we don't have a compelling reason
not to put an order in at this time. It's strictly better than what we currently have at no cost but the expectation to keep killing enemies of the Karaz Ankor, so why not?