I don't know, it's like finding out a good friend of yours has been keeping millions in offshore accounts.…You know, everything I learn about Loec just makes me hope he really is Ranald even more.![]()
Is this supposed to be southern Middenheim or southern Middenland? I'm assuming southern Middenland personally. Specifically the towns running alongside the River Taub branching off from the Talabec, which includes Eldagsen, Bad Hohne, Holtdorf, Unterguard and ending at Grimminhagen. This is assuming that the expansion is running along Talabecland and the Old Forest Road, which would make sense considering the EIC's connections running along the Old Dwarf Road.
If the expansion is running along Altdorf territory, then I would expect it to focus on Delberz and the surrounding towns leading to it. Either way this expansion is alleviating a lot of my concerns about the EIC's lack of reach in the northern provinces. Wilhelmina seems to be taking advantage over Talabecland and Ostermark fighting over the River Stir and the Eastern sections of the Empire to expand northwards along the riverine sections of Middenland. There's less competition here than Altdorf and I assume Wilhelmina would be quite happy to corner the market on the Empire's new trade allies, the Eonir.
Next turn we need to talk to a few of the elf houses and wards.
[ ] Spend time assisting or ingratiating yourself with someone else: specify who and how.
this is not like the colleges or the rune smiths where mathy has enough in character knowledge to start with the right people.
We don't know shit about these people, we first need to find out what they are like and what kind of things they might want before going to the deal table.
I honestly think The Ward of Frost is the one we have to do first and foremost for political reasons, they are the ones that reached out the most from the start, so it would be bad manners to go for someone else first.Right. I forgot about that option existing, and I basically thought we had to choose blindly.
So, which one do we go for? The low-hanging fruit or the more xenophobic houses that come from Saphery
[ ] Ostermark, because you're curious about this Shirokij business.
I am super curious what this might be. I don't want to say it's everchosen business, but it could be. Besides, if the province is mobilising, even only a partial mobilising, that's big news. Especially since the Chamberlain said that Ostermark was one of three provinces capable of mobilising (alongside Hochland and Talabecland) in case of war with Marienburg. Everyone else is tied up with internal troubles; orcs, vampires, beastmen, skaven, the Eonir etc.
According to Realm of the Ice Queen, the Hierarch of Taal in Kislev presides over that branch of the faith from a great stone circle inside the Shirokij Forest. Unfortunately we don't know that, as it might IC be a reason to do it to get the Cult of Taal onside.
Five silvers says that stone circle is either a waystone, or linked to one.