[x] Vicarius Galenstra, to get to know him and his Ward.
[x] Thorek Ironbrow, to witness the arrival of the first Dwarf in Tor Lithanel for over four thousand years.
[x] The Karak Azul Architects, to get involved in the design of your Library in detail.
[x] Qrech, who is putting the finishing touches on his tome on the Chaos Dwarves.
[x] Egrimm, to try to sound out more information about the Alric situation.
Getting to know about the elves is important, and so is keeping tabs on our only dwarven ally in this project. The Library probably isn't totally necessary, but it's OURS. Someone mentioned that Qrech is elderly now so I want to meet him again and find out what information he put in his book. Finally, Egrimm is to learn more about the Light College. Maybe if Panoramia makes Magister, she can help us with the Jade College? I'd like to check in on our fief and the people who got the positions we turned down, but the options I'm voting for feel either important for Waystones or time-sensitive.