But far less knowledge to be taught. Wasn't the point of all this to preserve and spread knowledge of runes, not end it?
I don't understand how you can say and belive things that are so wrong. Sooo:

Big one. For runesmithing "becoming increasingly useless and irrelevant to the Karaz Ankor".
Because from where I'm standing, plenty of people, inculding us as Mat, think of Runes as very usefull and relevant. Which is why both us and so many others go to so much trouble to get runes.
So some citations are really needed for how you got to runesmithing being useless and irrelevant.
When the argument of "save a people by culling the weak and the ones that hold us back" genuinely comes up as the right choice, there is no further argument to be had. History says it is a wasteful, monstrous and ineffective arugment.
Or, you know, find a worthy apprentice, like he's been trying to all this time, and pass on his secrets. Then finally be ready to let go, since he knows he trained a successor. Which is how it's supposed to work.
No, what it does is lie about the final words of another dwarf to serve his and ours goals while also killing Runelords. He has reached his judgement. But Thorek is not the Grandmaster of the damn Guild. Kragg is. He doesn't get to decide what the guild should be for all other members.
Actually, it's great crime was demonology and consorting with a Beastman demigod and possibly/probably using dark magic. Do you think other runelords should hire beastmen warheards?
Does that matter if through the conquest of Karaks, and increast dwarven births/numbers there are more dwarves/more talents/better talents/ worthy apprentices appear?
The alternative is we let the High King start his new age, get more dwarves being born. As their numbers rise and the whole Karaz Ankor looks to the future, lead by their High King, the runelords will more look to pass on their teachings. Which means more aggressively trying to find a worthy apprentice instead of churning out runes for the final days of the kingdom.
After all, why look for an apprentice/successor if these are the final days of the dawi?
But if there is to be a new age of rebirth, then suddenly they need to seek out worthy successors.
Remember, the High King was on a Slayer Oath for his whole people, more or less. You think the runelords didn't notice?
And as dwarven women start having larger families(assuming the moral boost takes), more dwarves means more chances for a good, worthy talent to appear.