Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Voting is open
And my points on the discussion, thanks for that all, good to have good analysis and so on. Remember that the discussions in thread inform the character's thoughts, its not 121 and it'll rely on the reasoning in the plan posts as well but if the attitude is generally to go on the Horde side that will begin to influence the in-character representations.

(Searing Blade Clan?
They're all BB, I'm not going to gamify it by calling each one a different name. This also means there's actual nuance to it rather than just 'oh its the searing blade lets kill them'. Would the readers like an out of character info post on this or would that be too informative and therefore influence the quest? I like the idea of people making mistakes because of limited knowledge, and I've heard in my GMing research that players can have difficulty not using their metaknowledge.
That said, there seems to be a lot of politicking happening right before our noses.
That was indeed a very nice write up. I'd normally award some sort of bonus in these cases, but I'd also say some of it was fairly obvious, as intended with my inclusion of stuff like the robes thing. Having said that, have a +20 anyway.
The only major BB link in the south of Kalimdor I can think of rn is Desolace
They're more talking about south of orgrimmar, Desolace would be regarded as west
demon puppet (as per FractitiousDay's earlier mention of this)
So in game Neeru describes himself as a puppet of a puppet. I can't imagine he gets much job satisfaction out of that, which means the question becomes 'why does he serve the burning legion?'. If he can maintain or increase his power/position/etc while not serving the legion he'd probably be perfectly happy to do so, I certainly didn't get the impression he's a true believer.
we will prove our strength by surpassing him.
Be less sithy about it and sure, I've mentioned before that he might step aside or break off a portion of the clan for you to command like Blackhand did for his sons.
would we suspect him of wrongdoing or be suspicious of him? I'm of the impression the answer is no.
See the point above regarding the infopost, but yes, confirmed that you have no idea of the true treachery. You are however cognisant that your father is a demonologist and warlock, and therefore there's the obvious issue between the rest of the Horde and the BB.
our mutual animosity.
Yes, but it can be 'fixed'. He doesn't like you because you've historically shamed him because you're weak and therefore you decreased his prestige and made people question his authority, but you were still his son and he presumably still loved you so he didn't drown you at birth like some orcs would have (Blackhand), or exile you as a child (Guldan). If you are demonstrably strong, you increase the power of the clan and bring the clan and your father honour he'd like you a lot more. There's also the disobedience thing but that's more recent and he's already spoken to you about that.

Oh also, I can't remember who was talking about nukes but look what I found in the Warcraft RPG book:

Greater Power — Nuke (Su): Once per day, you may imbue a weapon with devastating energy. Once the weapon is imbued, the fi rst strike with it that successfully hits deals +1d6 points of damage per path level to everything (including you) within a 20-foot radius, ignoring hardness. Everyone caught within the blast must make a DC 20 Refl ex saving throw (for half damage) or suffer full damage. The imbued weapon retains this property for a number of rounds equal to the healer's Spirit modifi er, or until a successful hit, whichever comes fi rst. The weapon itself is destroyed when it deals damage with this ability. Imbuing the weapon is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

I find this most amusing given I did give you a power like the first bit where you imbue the weapon etc.
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What do you mean about the direct speech? It may very well be deliberate but I wanted to check.
You use dots instead of commas.
"I completed my Trials as you directed me years ago." you say, head held high, looking him in the eyes, "I was ordered to deliver my report to Sen'jin [...]"
"The Elements are weak." your father says and with a flick of his wrist the sword sails back to you, "And the Fel is stronger than any blade."
You also ignore vocative commas.
The words of others are as the wind, I would have yours 'Blademaster'.
You make to speak, to greet him, "Father I-"

This is the end of this arc, so please let me know how you think the first arc of the quest has gone as I'd like to have feedback.
It is all very... strategic? Centered around groups rather than individuals?

I tend to like your description of the Horde relations dynamics. Whenever there is politics involved, I get absorbed by the possibilities and implications.
When it isn't, as the case might be with the perusal of the tome, and our botched attempt at shamanism, I find myself struggling to focus. Perhaps this is what was meant by the writing being considered too 'dry'.

I also find that the number of rolls might be a bit excessive. When every critical aspect of the task gets its own roll it just means we don't get much from the action. Most notable with actions like these:
Availability of teacher = 76, capped to 70 due to the elders being busy
Knowledge of teacher = 81, capped to 70 due to the elders being busy
Willingness of teacher to teach you = 7+1 for persuasion, so nope, that's pretty bad fail
Your learning despite this = 70, capped to 50 due to lack of teacher
I can understand a singular failure or success, but the more rolls we do, the more chances we have to botch one.
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Some deliberate, others errors, but thanks for letting me know
Centered around groups rather than individuals?
That's reasonable, and might be due to my general historical training and the emphasis on groups and structures rather than individual agents, but its a reasonable criticism, I'll have a think about it
number of rolls might be a bit excessive.
That's also reasonable, I might keep some of those roles as a guide and use the overall roll to decide things
Be less sithy about it and sure, I've mentioned before that he might step aside or break off a portion of the clan for you to command like Blackhand did for his sons.
This is a fair counterpoint.

I wasn't aiming for 'sithy' behavior, but for a 'teenage rebellion:' I can see our character picking the side of Thrall and the Horde purely out of spite.* Our relationship with our father is strained at the moment, we already have an inferiority complex and the scene with Thrall giving us respect and acknowledgement can lead Grok'mash down some interesting alleys.

For instance, Thrall's progressive and egalitarian tendencies may win us over because his world view aligns more with ours, or we may simply be swayed by the progressive elements of the Horde being more open-minded and accepting of us. I'm curious to see how this will play out.

*Another form of youthful rebellion can involve us getting a mohawk, a leather jacket and dating well below our social station. Not sure which one I'd prefer at this time.
Stuff I found in the RPG books
I've been reading the Warcraft RPG books for material, it's interesting to see how canon has developed over time. I won't necessarily use all this but I'll put it up for comment and inspiration.
Variant Classes

Orcs burn their dead. In a world filled with magic, magic insinuates itself in ritual. Founded in the mysteries of certain cults on Draenor, the pyremaster is the enactor of ritual. This funerary priest guides the dead through fire, through loss of flesh, so their naked spirits may conquer the elements; in order to protect his duties (and his person), he commands both bone and fire. Orc pyremasters are scattered across Azeroth. Places where fire and heat are dominant (particularly in the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge) are cult strongholds.

Far Seer

Far seers are adept at seeing places and events that are distant in both space and time, allowing them to foretell the future to a degree. Many say that they are the pinnacle of shamanistic development. The far seer is an orc tradition, but they sometimes train members of their allied races in its ways, especially tauren. These shaman are wise and often old. Most shaman of this type do not actually earn the title "far seer" until late in their lives, but they must begin training at an early age.

Battle Shaman

One of the shaman's great strengths is his versatility. He wields both defensive and offensive magic and can hold his own in a fight. He can cast spells to heal and support his allies as well as hamper his enemies. Some shaman, though, devote themselves to the warlike aspects inherent in their abilities. They still possess a modicum of magical ability, but train their bodies and reflexes to focus more on combat. In many ways, these battle shaman are the Horde's answer to paladins, and their enemies nervously finger their blades when they see one in the opposing ranks.

Spirit Champion

Description: A spirit champion is a mighty warrior who embraces the spirits, to assist him in his battles. He strengthens his spiritual connection until he can feel the spirits flowing within his body and thoughts, strengthening his arms and quickening his mind. Whispered fragments impart insight into battle as ancestors speak of ways to overcome all foes. The spirit champion ceases to fight for his own reasons; he battles to honor the spirits and to further their wishes. Often, these wishes coincide with his own, but occasionally the spirit champion embarks on a path for reasons that are unclear to him. He does so faithfully, trusting in the spirits to point him in the right direction. The spirit champion is a deadly melee combatant. His spiritual nature strengthens his mind in ways that most warriors ignore. Insight grants him speed and accuracy, and he can call upon native spirits to lend him aid. He is a contemplative warrior, likely to meditate through the dawn before silently lifting his sword or totem and walking calmly into battle.

Spirit Walker

A spirit walker's ancient eyes shine with the light of a thousand souls. His body is a vessel, a conduit from the land of the dead to the land of the living. Through him rushes the power and the knowledge of his tribal ancestors, a rush that both intoxicates and disorients. The spirit walker wields the power of countless minds if he proves strong enough to bear the weight of so many souls. Tauren and orcs revere spirit walkers, but also fear them. The spirit walker lives only partially in the mortal world. His mind roams freely and countless personalities invade his memories and his thoughts. When speaking to a spirit walker, one can never be entirely certain that only the spirit walker replies. He speaks with the voices of the ancients. Elderly spirit walkers sometimes lose all memories of their original selves, slipping from one spirit to the next without warning or control. But in his prime, a spirit walker displays strength and knowledge greater than the most experienced shaman. Most spirit walkers learn of their unique natures during puberty. The young spirit walker experiences intense dreams over the course of a month. In each dream he seems to live someone else's life — an ancestor he recognizes, or a stranger from long ago. The young spirit walker is confused and disoriented upon awakening, unable to decide if he is now awake or if the other life was his real one, and this life but a dream. A shaman can guide the spirit walker through this transition, but spirit walkers apart from their communities do not understand what is happening to them. This leads to fear, even panic, and sometimes a deep distaste for the calling imposed on him. Such spirit walkers may never resign themselves fully to their path after having been so traumatized by their awakening. Not all spirit walkers realize their purpose in youth. Some live normal lives until one night the dreams begin. Even elderly tauren have been known to develop spirit walker powers, sometimes only days before death. The stress of handling so many spirits turns a spirit walker's pelt or hair snow white over the years. Some tribes consider a tauren born with a white pelt to be destined to become a spirit walker. Such children sometimes refuse their destiny, but almost all give in eventually. Fevered lucid dreams fill their nights, and their days seem still to be half-dreams as they remember places they've never been and recognize people they've never seen. Only shaman training affords control over these visitations; spirit walkers who resist training often descend into madness.

Fel Stuff:

The servants of the Burning Legion are a myriad of darkly motivated men and women, servants of some demonic will. Most of those who have become slaves to the Burning Legion have done so by following mystical paths that are not only perilous for one's body, but also for one's soul. Fel-Sworns are those who have begun to transform due to their exposure to the energies of the Burning Legion. Their bodies have warped and twisted to take on a new shape as their souls become more and more evil. While they might start out resembling normal members of their race, their demonic features develop until they are terrifying beings, half humanoid and half demon

Fel Breath (Ex): The fel-sworn can actually breathe a burst of fel fi re from his lungs. This cone-shaped burst of green fl ame deals 1d4 points of fel fi re damage per level of Fel-Sworn. A successful Refl ex saving throw (DC of 10 + the fel-sworn's level + the fel-sworn's Charisma modifi er) results in half damage.

Fel Fangs (Ex): The fel-sworn grows a pair of fangs. These natural weapons infl ict 1d4 + Strength modifi er points of fel piercing damage. Fel

Talons (Ex): The fel-sworn grows a pair of long black talons. These natural weapons infl ict 1d6 + Strength modifi er points of fel slashing damage. Fel

Wings (Ex): Wings sprout from the back of the felsworn. While at fi rst these wings are relatively useless, for every level that the fel-sworn chooses to take this power, the wings grow in effectiveness. The wings begin with a maneuverability of clumsy and a fl ight speed of 20 feet (4 squares). Each time the fel-sworn takes fel wings, he may increase either the maneuverability by one class (for instance from clumsy to poor) or the speed by +10 feet

Hellish Growth (Ex): The fel-sworn grows in size to the next size category. The fel-sworn's space and reach change as appropriate for his new size category (see Table 12–4: Creature Size and Scale). In addition to the standard changes for size, the fel-sworn gains +4 Strength, +2 Stamina and –2 Spirit.

Horns (Ex): Twisted horns grow from the fel-sworn's brow. These horns are natural weapons that infl ict 1d6 + Strength modifi er points of fel bludgeoning damage.

Scabrous Hide (Ex): The fel-sworn's hide grows scaly and thick. He gains a +3 enhancement bonus to natural armor. He also suffers a –3 penalty on Charisma based skill checks, except for Intimidate.

Spiny Tail (Ex): The spiny tail of the fel-sworn aids in balance and grants him a +2 bonus on Balance checks. The tail also sports sharp spines. This natural weapon deals 1d6 points of piercing damage (+ Strength modifi er) in addition to looking pretty cool.

Darkvision (Ex): The fel-sworn gains darkvision out to 60 feet. Sworn (Su): Warlocks may treat fel-sworns as evil outsiders that they can command using the bind special ability (see Chapter 3: Classes, "Arcanist," Warlock).


Spellcraft DC Task

15 + spell level Learn a spell from a mentor (healer and arcanist). Requires 30 min. and 50 gp/ spell level (price may vary).

15 + spell level When casting detect magic, determine the school of magic involved in the aura of a single item or a creature that's visible. (If the aura is not a spell effect, the DC is 15 + 1/2 caster level). No action required.

20 + spell level Learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll (arcanist only). No retry for that spell until gaining at least 1 rank in Spellcraft (even if he fi nds another source to learn the same spell from). Requires 1 hour/ spell level.

20 + spell level Identify a spell that's already in place and in effect. Must be able to see or detect the spell's effects. No action required; no retry.

20 + spell level Identify materials created or shaped by magic, such as noting that a thick stand of thorns is the result of a wall of thorns spell. No action required; no retry.

20 + spell level Decipher a written spell (such as a scroll) without using read magic. One try per day. Requires a full-round action.

25 + spell level Identify a targeted spell after rolling a saving throw against its effects. No action required; no retry.

25 Identify a potion. Requires 1 minute; no retry.

20 Draw a diagram to allow dimensional anchor to be cast on a magic circle spell. Requires 10 minutes; no retry. The check is made secretly by the GM.

30 or higher Understand a strange or unique magical effect, such as the effects of a magic stream. Time required varies; no retry.

1d10 War Experience

1 The character grieves for the loss of a loved one and blames another race for that person's death.

2 The character feels lost in a new or changed land and looks with nostalgia at the life left behind.

3 The character's mind was damaged by the horrors of war, leading to uncontrollable urges and fears.

4 The character was wounded and still suffers pain or disability from the injuries.

5 The character feels cheated by the war and its aftermath and wants recompense for undergoing trials and suffering.

6 Though apparently unharmed, the character wants to leave the war in the past and get on with life.

7 Surviving the war has left the character with an appreciation of life and empathy for others.

8 The character developed an intense camaraderie with others caught in the war and will do anything for those people.

9 The character looks back on the war as a glorious time and wishes to reclaim the excitement of the past.

10 The character owes his life or the lives of loved ones to the actions of an enemy and feels a sense of debt or friendship because of it.
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So some of these strange variant classes might be available to Grok'mash? Nice!
i get the feeling we might even fit the spirit champion mold

But I could also see us try out Pyremaster. You can never have enough people willing to perform the rites to guide the dead.
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I see us more as a Battle Shaman. It will allow us to retain individual agency and comes with not a little prestige by the looks of it. Pyremaster seems a little too priest-y.
So some of these strange variant classes might be available to Grok'mash? Nice!
Well this isn't an RPG which is limited by such things. You don't need to take a level in Ranger to pick up a gun and shoot someone. These are more inspirations based around the shaman class. There's the pretty standard set of warrior, barbarian etc which fit into the normal bits in the rpg books (which are all freely available as pdfs if you google them). Some of them are prestige classes, classes for higher level characters, like 'spymaster' instead of rogue, while others are just more specialised versions of one class, like the battle shaman/far seer divide.

But I could also see us try out Pyremaster. You can never have enough people willing to perform the rites to guide the dead.
I was rather surprised at how specialised it was. Then again, the rpg books have stuff like 'techslayer' in them.

Also, I would generally say that warcraft doesn't have the same widespread problems with necromancy as something like wfb does, meaning proper funerary professionals aren't as necessary.
Also, I would generally say that warcraft doesn't have the same widespread problems with necromancy as something like wfb does, meaning proper funerary professionals aren't as necessary.
Not until we fight the Scourge, then every one counts.

Though I am unsure if proper rites do anything to prevent raising.
Orgrimmar 1
Orgrimmar Turn 1

You sit now at the threshold of your family's tent. The Cleft is in shade as always with only a small patch of sunlight in the centre of the arena. Many of both your clan and the Shattered Hand occupy tents like your own, or live within the many smaller caves around the Cleft. Even more live underground entirely in the large system of caverns under Orgrimmar.

Reflecting on your situation you realise you have much to be thankful for, but equally much to be apprehensive about. You'd apparently gained favour with the Warchief and therefore the wider Horde, but equally lost some favour with your father and the Burning Blade. Looking back at the situation you now recognised that Thrall had indeed used you to improve the standing of his faction, the supporters of the Horde's new direction, by representing you as the return of the Blademasters, yet at the same time you knew he'd once refused the Blademasters' service and insulted the Burning Blade in doing so. There were clearly many subtle matters you weren't aware of, but for the moment at least you were safe, your possessions including the Flamebender's Tome, and social position maintained, your father at least willing to entertain the idea of you succeeding him.

In the immediate future your father has mentioned hunting down the renegade members of the Burning Blade, but you know there's a lot of other things you could get up to. Furthermore, being situated in the capital of the Horde and perhaps the only true city in Kalimdor there are many opportunities around you…

A few notes on this chapter before we begin. Firstly, you're back home and you weren't exiled, good job! Secondly, you find yourself peripherally involved in events much greater than yourself, consider your actions carefully, you don't want to make a bad impression after all. Write ins are generally encouraged but must be approved, for example, 'learn warlock stuff from Feldad' would be fine as an action and would have nice narrative possibilities. All the previous rules on voting apply including the voting being open, votes without reasoning being ignored, and draft plans and discussion highly encouraged.


Communal actions

You serve two communities at the moment, the first being the wider Horde, the second being your clan the Burning Blade. While the two groups aren't openly hostile, you've observed the tension between them, whether from the insults of the Warchief toward the traditions of your clan, or from your father's embrace of demonic magics.

Horde Actions

The Warchief has apparently taken personal interest in you, perhaps you might increase this interest and benefit from any ensuing patronage.

[ ] Get orders: Speak with the Warchief's advisor Nazgrel and set about whatever tasks he might have for you.
[Write in] You consider some way to serve the Horde.

Burning Blade Actions

Your father has certain expectations of you and you think it best to devote a decent amount of time to solidifying your position in your clan.

While you remain in your position as clan heir you can choose 1 Burning Blade action to boost, which will significantly improve the chances of success, in some cases almost guaranteeing it. For example, you could request temporary command of a small warband, help in learning a particular topic known to the Burning Blade, or assistance in other matters. Indicate this by writing 'Boost' after the action or something similar. These boost incur no obligation costs because you're already obliged as the clan heir to lead the clan well etc.

[ ] Investigate the Renegades: While you could simply set out and hunt down the renegades, perhaps it would be better to understand why they've left the clan first?
[ ] Purge the Renegades: Lay the heads of these traitors at the feet of your father.
[ ] Meet with the Blademasters: The older tradition of the clan, you've always looked up to the Blademasters. Now you've returned perhaps you might arrange a meeting with a few of them to learn about them properly?
[ ] Meet with the Warlocks: The younger tradition of your clan, best represented by your father, is that of demonology and shadow magic. While you might disapprove of the art its power is undeniable and perhaps you should meet the warlocks of the clan.
[Write in] You consider some other way to serve the clan.


You've recently arrived in Orgrimmar after many years away, you should spend some time getting to know people again and refreshing old acquaintances.

[ ] Familiarise yourself with Orgrimmar: You should take a look around and see what's changed in the city.
[ ] Socialise with your father: The bond between you is strained, but perhaps more time together would help you understand him better?
[ ] Socialise generally with the Burning Blade clan members: You've been away for several years and you'd better get to know the clan you might lead one day.
[ ] Socialise with the Shattered Hand: These gloomy folk share the Clef of Shadow with your own clan, perhaps you can get to know your neighbours?
[ ] Seek news of the wider world to better inform yourself.
[Write in] You choose to socialise with some other person or group. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.


It's important for a warrior to keep themselves well trained at all times to better serve clan and Horde. You're no exception, and you can train some things without a teacher, though for others your understanding is too basic at the moment to learn independently and you'll have to search for a teacher to learn something new.

Note, I've amalgamated the training and learning sections into one, there didn't seem to be much difference between them. Also, Orgrimmar has far more teachers and possible things to do than Sen'jin did, so write ins are encouraged. The lack of certain options doesn't mean they aren't available, it just means they aren't immediately obvious to you.

[ ] Combat: Train your skill in the sword through sparring, your clan are fine warriors and there are no doubt many in Orgrimmar who wouldn't mind a few spars.
[ ] Demon magic: The power of the green fire is clear and your clan are the Horde's experts on the demonic.
[ ] Shamanism: You had little success in your pursuit of the more traditional path of the Shaman and had to learn on your own, but perhaps you can try again. Seek out the orcish shaman of Orgrimmar.
[ ] Meditation: You are a seer and a shaman. Meditate to improve your skills (Pick 1: Flameseeing/Fire Connection/General precognition).
[ ] Physical conditioning: Train your body and try and build up your physical conditioning.
[ ] Tactics: You're good with a sword but you know there's more to victory than the ability to swing a weapon.
[ ] Alchemy: The Darkspear are well known for their alchemy and there are plenty of trolls in Orgrimmar, as well as a reasonable number of other races practicing this art.
[ ] Stealth: The Shattered Hand are known to be a dishonourable lot, striking from the shadows and using poison and though you don't intend to adopt their methods you might at least learn them.
[ ] Intrigue: It's said the Shattered Hand can kill with a whisper in the right ear, seek out this power.
[ ] Scholarship:
[Write in] Your father has commanded you to be strong, perhaps strength can be found in another skill?


You've hit a breakthrough in your studies and feel ready to take on more complex projects. LIMIT OF 2 ACTIONS PER TURN

[ ] Magic books: Work with your father to examine the magical books.
[ ] Kul Tiran translation: Seek out a translator and get an idea of what's in the papers you took.
[ ] Read up: Your father has a good library for an Orc. Spend some time going through the different books to see what sort of thing he has and whether it might benefit your future research projects.
[ ] Spend some time trying to work out the specifics of the intrigues around you between the Horde and the Burning Blade. You have an inkling already, but it's unwise to fight a battle with only a candle to light the way.
[ ] Research elementals more closely and consider how best to subjugate the defiant Earth Elemental, Proudpeak.
[ ] Gather, create or barter for various materials you might find useful. Vark's bombs were essential to your success at the Kul Tiran tower, perhaps you can find something useful like [Write in required]
[Write in] You've had more than your first tastes of outside cultures and there are several things you can think about investigating from the Trolls' voodoo to the human gunpowder weapons. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.
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Hmmm you know I just thought of something. Do the Orcs have something similar to the Ember/Pine/Ash Resins of Dark Souls? Something to smear on a weapon to temporarily imbue it with elemental damage?

I remember using the quick use version a lot and it was pretty good for a few swipes before fading out.
Tentatively, let's name this [x]Plan: Connections

Yeah, I say we further ingratiate ourselves with the warchief. Not just so we're secure on his good side, but also for the meta reason of maybe influencing him later to prevent Garrosh from getting into the hot seat.

Plus, our standing in the Horde will probably get a good boost from some more successes.

[ ] Get orders: Speak with the Warchief's advisor Nazgrel and set about whatever tasks he might have for you.

I think we may also need to first investigate the renegades before we start purging them, just to make sure we know who's who and not accidentally kill Feldad's rivals for him. I don't want to have to wait around too much for fear of someone else being sent in to deal with them unquestioningly.
[ ] Investigate the Renegades: While you could simply set out and hunt down the renegades, perhaps it would be better to understand why they've left the clan first? BOOST

Other than that, we may want to consider improving our skills with the blade and talk to more experienced practitioners. Personally, I'd love to get in touch with the older traditions rather than the fel stuff, but that's just me.
[ ] Meet with the Blademasters: The older tradition of the clan, you've always looked up to the Blademasters. Now you've returned perhaps you might arrange a meeting with a few of them to learn about them properly?

Ok, so here's the risky part. We can socialize with people now. In character, I think it'd best to talk to our own clan first. we need to see who's still around, any old faces, some new faces, get to know what the whole family is going through and what their thoughts are. Basically, read the room and see what direction the clan is in and see if we like what we see. But additionally, I think it's also probably a good idea to get some contacts in the shattered hand. Not just so we can get someone who's good at intelligence gathering on our side (because having some juicy intel about places we want to go and target discretely would be nice), but if we ever come across a some earth shattering secret about, I don't know, Feldad, maybe nice to pass it along to someone in the intelligence community if we can't find Thrall?

[ ] Socialise generally with the Burning Blade clan members: You've been away for several years and you'd better get to know the clan you might lead one day.
[ ] Socialise with the Shattered Hand: These gloomy folk share the Clef of Shadow with your own clan, perhaps you can get to know your neighbours?

I'm going to skip training and go straight to Researching Language Common, if @FractiousDay doesn't mind the write in being combined with Kul Tiran Translation. But I'd love to get back to studying Shamanism next turn.

*edit: since GM suggests we use a training slot for this, and apparently opens up a research slot, I suppose we can use that extra for some father and son time studying that magic book we found! We'll get to know each other well enough for a sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
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I'm going to skip training and go straight to Researching Language Common, if @FractiousDay doesn't mind the write in being combined with Kul Tiran Translation.
Sure, decide whether you want it in train or research though, train would be more learning the language, research would be more looking into the documents specifically. Would suggest putting it in train so you have another research slot open.
Tentatively, let's name this [x]Plan: Connections

Yeah, I say we further ingratiate ourselves with the warchief. Not just so we're secure on his good side, but also for the meta reason of maybe influencing him later to prevent Garrosh from getting into the hot seat.

Plus, our standing in the Horde will probably get a good boost from some more successes.

[ ] Get orders: Speak with the Warchief's advisor Nazgrel and set about whatever tasks he might have for you.

I think we may also need to first investigate the renegades before we start purging them, just to make sure we know who's who and not accidentally kill Feldad's rivals for him. I don't want to have to wait around too much for fear of someone else being sent in to deal with them unquestioningly.
[ ] Investigate the Renegades: While you could simply set out and hunt down the renegades, perhaps it would be better to understand why they've left the clan first? BOOST

Other than that, we may want to consider improving our skills with the blade and talk to more experienced practitioners. Personally, I'd love to get in touch with the older traditions rather than the fel stuff, but that's just me.
[ ] Meet with the Blademasters: The older tradition of the clan, you've always looked up to the Blademasters. Now you've returned perhaps you might arrange a meeting with a few of them to learn about them properly?

Ok, so here's the risky part. We can socialize with people now. In character, I think it'd best to talk to our own clan first. we need to see who's still around, any old faces, some new faces, get to know what the whole family is going through and what their thoughts are. Basically, read the room and see what direction the clan is in and see if we like what we see. But additionally, I think it's also probably a good idea to get some contacts in the shattered hand. Not just so we can get someone who's good at intelligence gathering on our side (because having some juicy intel about places we want to go and target discretely would be nice), but if we ever come across a some earth shattering secret about, I don't know, Feldad, maybe nice to pass it along to someone in the intelligence community if we can't find Thrall?

[ ] Socialise generally with the Burning Blade clan members: You've been away for several years and you'd better get to know the clan you might lead one day.
[ ] Socialise with the Shattered Hand: These gloomy folk share the Clef of Shadow with your own clan, perhaps you can get to know your neighbours?

I'm going to skip training and go straight to Researching Language Common, if @FractiousDay doesn't mind the write in being combined with Kul Tiran Translation. But I'd love to get back to studying Shamanism next turn.

*edit: since GM suggests we use a training slot for this, and apparently opens up a research slot, I suppose we can use that extra for some father and son time studying that magic book we found! We'll get to know each other well enough for a sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
I do like this plan although using alchemy or finding some way to fashion a blade that can handle our elemental connection would be really great any ideas on what might work with that? I was thinking we could try to well, this might heretical to Thrall, but use that earth elemental core as ore to fashion a blade and bend it into form to better channel our fire connection. Long term to work towards would be doubling down on our fire connection to replace the more air focused abilities of the blade masters, instead of wind copies what about flaming copies that explode?
I do like this plan although using alchemy or finding some way to fashion a blade that can handle our elemental connection would be really great any ideas on what might work with that? I was thinking we could try to well, this might heretical to Thrall, but use that earth elemental core as ore to fashion a blade and bend it into form to better channel our fire connection. Long term to work towards would be doubling down on our fire connection to replace the more air focused abilities of the blade masters, instead of wind copies what about flaming copies that explode?
my understanding is that we may need to learn smithing first and some advanced smithing to be able to channel these elemental powers effectively.

Not sure if the earth core would necessarily make good smithing material, and i'd rather we didn't do anything to Proudpeak that could end up killing him. That said, I'm sure we'll find some other exotic or rare materials for crafting later in our adventures so we can improve our connection to fire.

I'm reticent about simply doubling down on the fire though. While I do like that it's our main power, I would like to expand into other elemental abilities just to have a greater degree of flexibility, though I do like the idea of making mirror images that are on fire and capable of taking the enemy with them. I'm under the impression this sort of illusory ability is best performed with wind based powers synergizing with fire.
[X] Plan Heir Apparent
-[X][Boost] Investigate the Renegades: While you could simply set out and hunt down the renegades, perhaps it would be better to understand why they've left the clan first?
-[X] Meet with the Blademasters: The older tradition of the clan, you've always looked up to the Blademasters. Now you've returned perhaps you might arrange a meeting with a few of them to learn about them properly?
-[X] Meet with the Warlocks: The younger tradition of your clan, best represented by your father, is that of demonology and shadow magic. While you might disapprove of the art its power is undeniable and perhaps you should meet the warlocks of the clan.
-[X] Write-in: Train in language: Common Human
-[X] Kul Tiran translation: Seek out a translator and get an idea of what's in the papers you took.
-[X] Magic books: Work with your father to examine the magical books.

While pursuing both shamanism elements, along with demon magic shielding abilities etc. all seem pretty juicy for the multi-class guy that Grok is, I see that there is a number of obligations Grok'mash has to fulfill. Namely: get back the standing with Burning Blade Clan. The Horde Command is already aware of Grok's loyalty, seeing how he prioritized the Sen'jin mission even while the Clan would prefer that he ignored it. Let's prioritize the Clan over anything else this turn, picking up a whooping three actions to establish how the two traditions work, what's the holdup with the renegades, etc. This by itself may open up further leads and hooks for other quests (for example, Grok won't have to search for a demon shield trainer / Eredun or Common linguist, because he met an educated warlock eager to help, or perhaps a Blademaster offered up a contact for shamanism etc. while Grok did the Clan actions). Socializing with Dad and the Clan also is interesting, but... Well, they are kind of pissed at Grok'mash for now, let him show some eagerness for helping the clan first. Additionally, while Grok and Neeru have unpacked resources on their hands (Kul Tiran and magic books), Grok can start working on dicephering that stuff, while (maybe) getting contacts on both Common and Arcane from the prior warlock meeting. Putting the training in Common Human prior to KT translation project might also help somehow, mayhaps?

TL;DR: Full focus on Clan, which may provide Grok'mash with trainer's contacts for a future training session in things he's interested in (blademastery, shaman-y enhancement, demon-y enhancement and lore (totally for being experts on how to fight them demons, of course), languages).
EDIT: Basically, if Grok meets the Warlocks, Blademasters and whoever else first, it may get easier on that "AVAILABILITY OF WILLING TRAINERS" roll... I hope!
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Putting the training in Common Human prior to KT translation project might also help somehow, mayhaps?
I was under the assumption these could be combined into one action. @FractiousDay , did you perhaps mean something else?

On another note, next turn, though, i think we'll probably want to start studying the intrigues between the Horde and our Clan. I mean, seeing as how we're kind of suspicious about some things and wondering why the warchief would want to use us in such a way probably is going to make us curious.

Honestly, next turn could be spent just learning more about the political activities and connections in Durotar and the world in general. We could take actions for learning more about Orgrimmar and the many kinds of people there. It'd help us catch a glimpse into potential struggles and culture clashes in our homeland. On top of that, we have the option to also learn more about the world, which, given we're For Azeroth, would be in character for us. We want to protect the world, so we'd best get an idea of what's going on in the other parts.
[X] A Future for the Blade?
-[ ] Investigate the Renegades: While you could simply set out and hunt down the renegades, perhaps it would be better to understand why they've left the clan first?
-[ ] Burning Blade Write-in BOOST: Instruction in the shamanistic portions of Burning Blade lore
-[ ] Familiarise yourself with Orgrimmar: You should take a look around and see what's changed in the city.
-[ ] Meditation: You are a seer and a shaman. Meditate to improve your skills (General precognition).
-[ ] Physical conditioning: Train your body and try and build up your physical conditioning.
-[ ] Magic books: Work with your father to examine the magical books

Leaving this provisional until @FractiousDay approves the write-in. Let's plumb our clans lore are bit, get to work, and maybe find common ground with dad.
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Posting from phone, so I'll likely vote or go more in depth at a later date.

But I like the ideas floated thus far, and think with our actions at Sen'jin and Thralls backing we can spend this turn researching/doing clan missions.

I am enjoying the shamanism elements immensly, and want that to continue. Personally; I want to work towards using the totems / elements to see if we can 'ground' Fel. Basically making it more Azerothian, and less focused on the Burning Legion.

Warlocks are cool, but them being naturally drawn towards a world destroying cult kinda sucks. Let's play up the narrative differences between our knowledge of Feldad and our characters naivete to see if we can forge a new path.

So yeah, my vote is for magic, and researching into Burning Blade stuff so we can kill the actual crappy break-aways and save the rest through the power of FRIENDSHIP, and HONOR
I was under the assumption these could be combined into one action. @FractiousDay , did you perhaps mean something else?
It's two different fairly large actions. For example, think about someone coming into your building and stuffing all the loose papers in a sack. If they did it with my house they'd get various government letters (mostly about covid), notes I've made while wfh, random bits of paper like a shopping list or something, a couple of posters I haven't put up, and probably a load of other random stuff. Consider adding to that all the texts in your phone because a medieval person would use paper to communicate things like that obviously. None of this is a book designed to teach you the language, like a picture of a pig and then 'PIG' written underneath. For example if you saw '3/20' written on a letter you might not know it was an american date format and therefore there being 20 months would make no sense because that's an illogical way of writing down dates.

These will be multi action actions btw, you can't learn to speak and write a language in a week which is roughly what's represented by a single actions devotion to something. If you take them together you'll be learning them at the same time, which will save a bit of time and enable you to get more of an idea of what's in the papers. If you learnt the language first and then went through the papers yourself that would take longer but you wouldn't have to share the stuff, and you wouldn't have to trust someone else to read it all properly for you and not potentially conceal anything.
-[ ] Burning Blade Write-in BOOST: Instruction in the shamanistic portions of Burning Blade lore
Approved, that's an interesting one actually because you'd either have to talk to the Blademasters who represent the older tradition of quasi shamanism, or the actual shaman, all of whom are now warlocks. If you're boosting it maybe I'll create another character who used to be a shaman but didn't turn to warlock magic. Zuulhed of the Dragonmaw did that so there's precedent.
I'm worried that the plans being pushed at the moment don't do anything to improve Grok'mash's immediate combat power while we are getting ready to deal with a (presumably) militant opposition group.

Our Ragefire skill is good, but it's more of a trick than a tactic at the moment, and we have been shown pretty consistently to be incapable of using our sword in its current status for combat. If we expect our campaign to have any military component, or if we think we have any immediate threats (like a force hunting us, like Fel'dad wanting to test our merits by having assassins strike at us or other members of the Horde wanting to make a power play on us after Thrall's show), I think that's something that we should take a more immediate look at.

Talking to the blademasters or the warlocks is a good step and I am all in favor for it, but I think that there are other opportunities to accomplish what we want there (bringing a former blademaster-turn-warlock or a former shaman-turn-warlock with us as a companion when we leave for the campaign should have similar benefits, but that's not so much a replacement as it is something we should strive for either way) whereas I don't think we're likely to have very many more training periods before our next confrontation. If we were taking a more actionable 'receive training from XXX' option with one of the groups, I would be more in favor, but I think that's also risky: it's guaranteed Fel exposure and those are both arts that might take a while for us to learn. If we don't care about Fel exposure, then we're built to be a better Warlock than we are a Blademaster, but that's sacrificing a lot of our former progress on the Elements. On a more OOC-level, I am opposed to going down the path of becoming a Warlock or really interacting with Fel magic/Demonology at all, but if that is the prevailing wind among other voters I have some ideas for how we can develop on it.

Depending on the mechanics of our Fire-connection, we might be able to do that even if we do go experiment with the Fel. Ragnaros is a bit bonkers and it seems like our Fire is more in the line with Elementalism than it is actual shamanism, which might still be usable. We're channeling the Firelands through tapping into rage, rather than using a mediating spirit like the Spirit of Life in traditional shamanism/using Decay in dark shamanism, so it's unclear how that would change when Fel is brought into the picture.

I would very much like to avoid <> Get Orders and <> Purge Renegades for the time being. I think <> Investigate the Renegades is important, but we might be able to do it in a different way than the option presented right now if we're trying to be safer (through use of our Farsight/Warsight/Flameseeing and through access to the other Seers in the clan). That being said, that may appear cowardly, and I'm not opposed to more physical investigation option if we take steps to improve our combat situation first. I'll note that the vote option isn't entirely clear on what 'investigating the renegades' actually means here, but I am expecting it to involve conversations with other members of the clan who we do not know much about the real loyalties behind and some elements of intrigue/subterfuge that we are not skilled for.

Before I write any sort of plan, I have some write-ins I'd like to propose.
[] Training: Ragefire. Shamanism is an art that takes years to practice, learn and progress in. As it stands, we don't have years. Dig further into the Ragefire that we use our blade to channel and attempt to develop other ways to call the power of the Firelands to our will without reliance on the blade.​
First, I am willing to commit my +20 boost to this option or to a similar option to ensure good results on the training. Second, I believe that developing our Ragefire so that it can be channeled through other mediums is a necessity. The writing on the character sheet is a little ambiguous on whether we can only channel the Ragefire through our current weapon or if we can channel Ragefire through any weapon, but I would like to develop away from any of those limitations ASAP and hopefully develop other Firelands-based techniques. In my perspective, this is the most immediately available magic for us to pursue and it is one that lends itself very well to a martial-caster mixed position.

I would also support a research option dedicated in this area to try and make sure what we end up with is actually useful, but we can probably push that research back a bit further.

[] Burning Blade: Flameseer's Tools (Boost). Besides the Flameseer's Tome that we have learned from, the Burning Blade has many other artifacts useful to the development of their spellcasters. The Searing Collar is an artifact of the Burning Blade used to improve the wearer's connection to the elements and attune the wearer to power. Flameseers traditionally have "Flameseer Summoning Components," which we are inexperienced with but have obvious implications. We should contact the Flameseers of the clan to secure these components for our use and to learn more of the lore.​

The Searing Collar & the Flameseer Summoning Components were both offered to us in character creation. They fit into our character archetype and our natural tools for our progression. It isn't exactly clear how much immediate power either of them bring, but they do both suggest a scaling component (the Collar explicitly attunes over time, while Summons usually scale either in power of summon or in number of summons). The (Boost) option should ensure that we succeed in receiving the materials/receiving some level of instruction in them, and we could double down with a dedicated research option.

Of relevance on the Searing Collars:
This is also the case for the Medallion and Sword themselves. You find references to Searing Collars, enchanted items binding minor Fire Elementals which acolytes of the Burning Blade would wear to increase their attunement to the Spirit of Fire while worn, but nothing about an amulet. Your search for references to swords is fairly successful though and you find several references to the Burning Blade's Flamebenders (or possibly Flamebinders, the text is unclear in some places) infusing weapons with elementals of a higher rank than those of the Searing Collars. This binding you realise is what gives you sword its fire, rather than any arcane enchantment as you understand are performed by Ogre and Draenei mages when they use enchantment.

I am unsure what area we'd want to put it under or if it's something we can just passively do while we're in Orgrimmar, but we should pick up a second sword that better fits our physical strength.
Voting is open