Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

@FractiousDay among other things, i have to wonder why Thrall is ok with having warlocks, especially since they're the reason for the orcs corruption in the first place.

Couldn't he get daemonology and anti demon expertise from other sources?
[X] Plan: Nascent Spellblade
-[X] Prudent (-1CP)
-[X] Honourbound (+2CP)
-[X] Hunted (+5CP)
-[X] Upgraded weapon (-2CP)
-[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)

Good Guy Orc with a strong latent connection to fire, and a more technically focused style to make up for inferior physical strength. One can get away with being a little weaker if you're acting three steps ahead of the other guy and have the potential to really fuck someone up with a touch (If we can tap into that Fire affinity eventually).

The way I see it, while he's not a physically impressive specimen, he has a towering intellect and superlative potential as a captain or general, which is hampered by the fact that Orcs have trouble wrapping their heads around a leader who isn't also the strongest in a straight 1v1 duel.

We'll have to lean hard on the elemental affinities to help compensate for this, but our character's high latent potential in all fields but Air is no fucking joke. Hunted is a dangerous pick--but it also feels right--there's a lot of powers out there invested in keeping the Orcs as a bunch of brutes who can be easily twisted to one cause or another, and seeing someone pop out who could theoretically continue pushing Thrall's agenda once he falls off the wagon would be concerning to some of them.

Now, of course, the other flipside of this is "Potential doesn't really mean anything if you can't rise to the challenge", and poor physical strength and mediocre spiritual resistance kind of makes us catnip for CORRUPTION, which is frustratingly common in Warcraft.

On the other hand, to raise it up requires a brutally expensive premium, and I want our CP to be balanced, so welp.
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Hmm, how dodgy are we talking about here? I am more familiar with Warhammer Goblins and they are just nasty. Warcraft goblins are probably smarter and more devious?
They're not so bad as WFB goblins no. I'll just insert something off the wiki here which explains them pretty well, the main problem is they have no higher ideals and if they can get away with it theyll do it.
Shrewd, greedy, and ruthless, goblins have a long-standing reputation for being neutral in the rest of the world, despite the Steamwheedle Cartel allying with the Old Horde during the Second War and the Bilgewater Cartel joining the Horde after the Cataclysm. Heroes of goblin society are not bastions of honour or integrity. Instead, goblins tend to admire the ruthless acquisition of profit, by any means necessary. Goblins are gifted engineers and accomplished seafarers, but are best known for their unabashed avarice.
Sure but we can only reroll up to 50.
So I really do want to be clear, you can augment yourself.

There are several different ways I can think of immediately, the most accessible of which would be a fel infusion from your clan of warlocks. Some of these methods will have mental effects, others won't, but you have plenty of options.
why Thrall is ok with having warlocks, especially since they're the reason for the orcs corruption in the first place.

Couldn't he get daemonology and anti demon expertise from other sources?
Yes but not really.

So in part this is Blizzard writing. There's a quest in the starting zone which demonstrates that Thrall knows perfectly well that the Burning Blade are disloyal, but he's waiting for... something. He seems to be failing to run some sort of triple agent thing which never really goes anywhere. This partly because Neru Fireblade is portrayed as a complete idiot, so in this fic I'm going to say the loyalty of the Burning Blade has some suspicious elements to it, but no one knows about their true allegiance.

Thrall was mentored by Orgrim Doomhammer, who also tried to get rid of the warlocks. Doomhammer decimated the Shadow Council, but then Gul'dan reminded him that they then had no magic users to fight against the human, elven etc magic which was powerful, and Doomhammer agreed to have warlocks (actually death knights but anyway) again.

Neither the Trolls nor the Tauren have particular knowledge of demonology, though the standard 'throw magic at it' is an option, especially for the trolls who have their own independent magical traditions. Thrall could rely on the Forsaken, but he doesn't trust them anyway and so he wouldn't rely on them being straight with him. I suppose that he accepts that warlocks are probably working in the background, but that this is acceptable as long as no one is drinking demon blood openly or worshiping demons etc.
[X] Plan Warrior Scholar

I like this plan, that said could we swap to reroll the physical? It's rough, but depending on how the story goes we might just need that physical roll. Even if its equivalent to baseline humanity there are things in the world that will turn us into mulch if we're as weak as that.

Then again just saw this plan and I rather like it as well... I am down for either I suppose

[X] Plan: Nascent Spellblade
-[X] Prudent (-1CP)
-[X] Honourbound (+2CP)
[X] Hunted (+5CP)
-[X] Upgraded weapon (-2CP)
-[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)
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Don't suppose he could have asked jaina or malfurion for advice/help?
He certainly could have, and may have done so in universe. Malfurion is asleep from roughly the end of the Third War till Cata, so he can't help and wouldn't be inclined to anyway. The Night Elves locked Illidan up for 10,000 years for looking into demon stuff (among other things)

Jaina meanwhile doesn't have anything other than 'practical' knowledge of demons. She does have an attendant with intimate knowledge of demons, but said attendant isn't inclined to help anyone and I don't recall whether they're even interested in the first place.

There aren't really any 'good' sources of demonic knowledge. There's former orc warlocks, among them Drek'Thar, but most of the living ones weren't high up or knowledgeable enough etc. There's the former human warlocks and mages in the undead, which no one trusts (with good reason) and they were mostly outcasts anyway because the Kirin Tor (magic police) banned demonology.
I like this plan, that said could we swap to reroll the physical? It's rough, but depending on how the story goes we might just need that physical roll. Even if its equivalent to baseline humanity there are things in the world that will turn us into mulch if we're as weak as that.
Honestly I would prefer to keep our physical low. It neatly explains why MC would look into other cultures, especially cultures of weaker people and would also explain the diplomacy since he would not be able to use strength to solve his problems.
Overall I think it makes for more interesting character.
Just a reminder to remember you'll want a non-orcy trait to choose non-orcy stuff. That's primarily Curious, Devious or Diplomatic.
In case it needs to be tallied up, I'll make my vote official

[X] Plan Warrior Scholar
[X] The Fugitive
While I don't intend to specifically influence anyone toward a specific position, 'Devious' would be particularly useful with the Burning Blade plot because you'd be able to play both sides against each other.

I'd also note again that some of these things are pretty easy to acquire at a later date. Bloodstone is pretty common as an Old God thing, a totem is also fairly common, though this would take a specific action to get.

Basically there are a few categories, some things you'll get eventually as long as you're a good value member of the clan etc, some things you'll get during your path as a shaman if you progress, other things are very specific and would take a lot to get. The Flamebender's tome is expensive because its immediately useful and also valuable and rare. Comparably, the Elemental Core could potentially be very useful, but also pretty dangerous and require a lot of study.
[X]Plan: Rogue Son
-[X] Prudent (-1CP)
-[X] Devious (-2CP)
-[X] Vengeful(+2CP)
-[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)
-[X] Existing social obligation (+1CP)
-[X] Local Faction Enemy (+3CP)
Well I just woke up and saw everyone making plans left and right...

I really want to pick the Spellblade plan! But I also want to make my own one.

Oh well I will try my hands in making one just in case.

[X] Plan By Blade and Honor
-[X] Honourbound (+2CP)
-[X] Vengeful(+2CP)
-[X] Local Faction Enemy (+3CP)
-[X] Existing social obligation (+1CP)
-[X] Steamwheel Debt (+2CP)
-[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)
-[X] Enchanted weapon (-3CP)
-[X] A bag of money (-1CP)
-[X] Reroll physical(-2CP)

So 10 CP and all of it spent down the drain...Well this looks good enough!

I don't really expect this to win but you never know.
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I've edited the mount option to indicate that you're going to have to feed your mount. It's a massive wolf and while yes it can eat meat and hunt on its own it's quite a high maintenance creature. Fantasy tends to ignore such things with non-horse mounts so I thought I'd point it out.

Also your friend doesn't come with their own mount. You could probably double up on yours though.
Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Grok'mash, Blademaster of the Burning Blade

Character Sheet

Grok'mash of the Burning Blade

Sex: Male: You are superior physically to most sentient races on Azeroth. All other things being equal your strength and mass will allow you to win against any lesser foe and you'll be more able to face large foes such as Vrykul with greater chances of success than if you were smaller. In general you have more significant martial obligations than if you were female, such as being expected to fight in battle if called on.

Clan: Burning Blade: Your clan is a complex one. On Draenor yours were the finest swordsmen in the world, using magic and skill to fell even the largest of foes, and using fel energy to enhance your abilities. On Azeroth your clan is split, scattered and broken by the demonic invasion of the Third War many of your clan still serve the Burning Legion, attempting to infiltrate the Horde and bathe the world in green fire once again. Others however are loyal and attempt to root out corruption and infiltrators. Which side to you fall on?

Class: Warrior: It can be said that all Orcs are warriors really. Whether with axe or spear you can stand in a shield wall or duel many opponents and win. Similarly this class makes excellent use of your size and strength. Nevertheless, you're vulnerable to essentially everything you're not such as magic and ranged warfare, and it can be difficulty to find equipment given technological underdevelopment of the Orcs. This class is modified by your clan and the specific martial traditions of the Burning Blade. You are a Blademaster, no longer merely an aspirant, you have proved yoruself and bear both the blade and the banner of your clan.

: For Azeroth: You've observed that regardless of who's fighting, everyone seems to lose. There are great threats to Azeroth and you plan to stand against them, regardless of who you have to fight with, whether Orcs or otherwise. This motivation is modified by your clan and you are particularly aware of the threat of the Burning Legion, while being less aware of things like the Twilight's Hammer.

Social Strata:
Leadership: You are directly related to the Burning Blade Clan's leadership. You receive significant advantages in skill increases and the potential to receive various boons such as equipment from your family. You have explicit responsibilities to fulfil. Specifically, you are the son and heir of Neeru Fireblade, the clan chief of the Burning Blade. Your father is the chief warlock of Orgrimmar and a noted authority on demonic matters, advising the Warchief and being commissioned by various other powerful individuals who rely on his knowledge. You are the heir of a clan specialising in anti-demonic activities within the Horde.

Skills and Abilities

Assume skills progress in 5 levels, each giving a bonus to rolls associated with that skill. For example: Basic Alchemy> Alchemy> Advanced Alchemy> Expert Alchemy> Master Alchemy. I used to have mechanical bonuses to these rolls but I've decided to remove them. For example, 'Basic Riding' no longer gives you a Bonus to rolls associated with that. Use these rather to understand how Grok might perform in particular circumstances.

The different levels of skills give narrative (but no longer mechanical) bonuses. For example, a low roll by a master fighter would still mean you do well because you're a master. Comparably a high roll by an amateur would indicate that you'd done well, proportionate to your small skill in that field.

While the first 2 levels of skill can be trained and learnt, the later levels require practical experience to significantly advance. This represents the importance of using those skills in a real world scenario and also acts as a way to force you to go out and do stuff.

Master Weapon Competency:
Your Clan were always known for their skill with weapons and you're no exception. You spent plenty of time as a child associating with old Blademasters, without question the greatest warriors of the Horde with weapons. You are skilled with a variety of weapons, particularly favouring swords. You've reached a masterful competency with weapons, greater than that of all but the mightiest champions. Bonus to rolls involving weapon handling (for example duels, not battles overall or warfare in general). 50% to next level.

Expert Tactics: You grew up around the leaders of a martial clan, and in addition to your other training you've become as able a tactician as any other officer and can analyse and plan in various tactical situations. You have fought in numerous skirmishes, and commanded two large battles, triumphing over twenty times your numbers on both occasions and using multiple groups and skill sets to reach a victory. Bonus to tactical analysis and battle planning (does not grant wider strategic skill). 15% to next level.

Advanced Slaying: Your clan are known for their warfare against demonic influence. You've gained a wide reaching knowledge of demons and specifically how to kill them due to your Clan's focus on policing the demonic in the Horde, and more recently you've been developing competency against the undead. Bonus to rolls against demons and undead in combat.

Advanced Demonology: Your father is an accomplished warlock and you've picked up both an excellent general knowledge of demonic matters, as well as some of the more specific elements of your clan. Bonus to rolls benefiting from demonic knowledge (essentially academic knowledge, does not give practical spellcraft). +25% to next level.

Advanced Riding: You've ridden about on a warg, especially in your death ride across the burning Barrens, as well as trained a war-drake. You can fight while mounted, though you prefer not to.

Advanced Leadership: You have led forces in battles and begin to comprehend the more advanced aspects of leadership, you have a loud voice and confident manner in command, but now you add an awareness and vision to understand your warriors. In addition, you have the skill to bring together multiple parties to acheive results. Bonus to leadership rolls. +75% to next level,

Basic Survivalist: You know how to take care of yourself in the wilds of Kalimdor for a limited time, though you won't be comfortable. Includes basics of hunting, tracking and trapping, as well as skinning and some basic crafting and first aid. Bonus to survivalist rolls including hunting, skinning and first aid.

Basic Stealth: You've learned the basics of quiet movement and stealthy action from the Darkspear of Sen'jin. Bonus to stealth rolls, and the ability to consider stealthier plans which you previously didn't have the training for.

Expert Physical Conditioning: From marching and training you're were as well conditioned as many warriors. Now though you've been through battle, exerting yourself for days and have reached a level of conditioning greater than even professional soldiers. Bonus to rolls involving physical exertion and resisting tiredness. Modified to Master while wearing the Mightstone.

Advanced Persuasion: You've learned to understand and respect other perspectives and can accurately target your own persuasive efforts, as well as reach respectful conclusions with others. You know when to use intimidation, flattery and deception in speech and can effectively employ these to being others to your side.

Advanced Scholarship: You've spent weeks examining the Flamebender's Tome, categorising Kul Tiran material and conducting research projects into specific issues and feel better prepared to confront more complex tasks. You're still largely self-educated, perhaps a more deliberate education would be valuable? Bonus to scholarship rolls, knowledge of orcish and trollish traditions and history, knowledge of human history and religious practices. Languages known include Orcish, Old Orcish, Tirassian, Kalimag and Ered'ruin. +25% to next level.

Warsight: While once you received vague premonitions or flashes of the future which helped you in battle, since connecting with the Spirit of the Wilds you now foresee the future far more regularly, both in battle and associated with war. Bonus to most martial rolls, possibility of meditating to improve this ability or get better rolls. Seers are highly respected in many societies.

War Joy: Not only do you control the battle fury of your kind, embracing but refusing to be controlled by the primal instincts of your clan, you hold joy in it, making battle simple for you. Bonus to direct combat rolls such as duels, but not wider warfare like activity in a siege. You are more able to resist rage-inducing mental effects such as the bloodlust of fel magic.

Shamanism: Your Sight and the formation of your connection to the Spirit of Fire meant you were a shaman, and while once the Spirits seemed to have turned from you, now you feel them again. +60% to next level.

Elemental Connection
You already have a connection with the elements. You'll be able to strengthen this connection as you go on.

You have an existing connection with the Spirit of the Wilds, also known as the Spirit of Life, or just 'Spirit'. This spirit represents the soul of all living things, the most powerful element but also the most complex and unknowable. You'll still have to train this, but even experienced shamans have difficulty doing so. No added elemental ability, modification to Farseeing tradition instead.

You have a connection with the Spirit of Life. This spirit is present in all lifeon Azeroth and binds the other spitits together. Life is most frequently used by shaman for a variety of esoteric purposes such as Seeing, and is the least well known of the Elementals.

You have a connection with the Spirit of Fire. This spirit is present in all fires on Azeroth, and employed in any magic involving fire. Fire is most frequently used by shaman for destructive purposes and is the most active and belligerent of the Elements. Will need training and meditation to discover spells.

You have a connection with the Spirit of Earth. This spirit is present in the stone and soil of Azeroth, and primarily employed in Callings to strengthen and protect. Earth is most frequently used by shaman to enhance their own abilities, or alter the physical world. Will need training and meditation to discover spells.

You have a connection to the Light. You know little about this currently, but you can feel it, a pure fire in your heart. You called on the Light at your death, and used it's strength to strike down Alexandros Mograine. The Light is traditionally used by human priests and paladins to heal, as well as protecting the weak or striking down evil foes. Will need training and meditation to discover spells.

You are a Dark Shaman. While you do not actively pursue the enslavement of Elementals, your experiences with them so far have proven them capricious and destructive, and your doctrine is one of caution, rather than respect. This doctrine is well-practiced among the Blackrock and Burning Blade clans, but is diverse and represents many traditions and cultural variations, but is explicitly conservative and opposed to the reformist practices of the Frostwolves that have become popular under Thrall. In particular you have used this perspective to bind and subjugate Elementals, as well as breaching the Elemental Planes for your own benefit.

Relates to how easy you find it to connect to different elements, but does not guarantee you a connection.

Assume decimalisation of affinity added to relevant rolls, for example, you might get +10 to trying to connecting with Fire, but only +1 to doing things with Air.

Fire Affinity (87+20)=107
Air Affinity (2+10)=12
Water Affinity (74+5)=79
Earth Affinity (84+5)=89
Life Affinity (72)=72
Decay Affinity (72)=72


Ragefire: Using your connection to the Spirit of Fire you lure out the destructive energies of the Firelands, using your rage to bind them to your will. Currently you can only use this to enhance your sword when striking at opponents.

Flameseeing: You look into the flames and perceive the lands and peoples of the world. Beware, they may perceive you too.

Blades of Fire: You call upon the fire within yourself to imbue the weapons of your allies with fire.

Warsight: You can meditate and receive visions of the future.

Elemental Conjuring: You can conjure and bind Elementals, with difficulty and success chances depending on the Elemental in question.

Purefire: You called on the Light in Naxxramas and received felt benevolence. You can channel this power into a healing fire that sears wounds closed and burns away sickness, you having successfully used it on the Worgen Curse, as well as in restoring the recently dead to life.

Soulfire: Through a means presently unknown, you can cloak yourself in a glorious fire to enhance all aspects of yourself.

Firecalling: Building on the rites learned in the caverns of Orgrimmar, you know the spells and rituals of Firecalling, an Orcish funerary tradition. You can summon up and dismiss feiry spirits of the recently dead, but mainly use this skill in performing funerals.

Myzrael: Though not a spell as other calls of shamanism might be termed, your bond with Myzrael, Princess of the Earthen Realm, means you can perform almost any spell of Earthen origin. These include calling an earthquake, summoning and hurling boulders, altering terrain, or using the earth to sense people around you.

Oreseeker: You have gained proficiency in the art of Oreseeking, a Blackrock practice involving Shaman drawing up useful resources from the depths of the Earth

Specific items Grok'mash maintains on his person.
  • Fireblade, Grok'mash's sword, an ancient blade of Draenor.
  • Bloodstone, an amulet taken from a warlock's corpse, the Bloodstone absorbs magic readily, especially the baleful enegies of shadow and fel magic.
  • Mightstone, created by Castilian the Mage, the Mightstone elevated the physical abilities of it's wearer when worn.
  • Banner, the Banner of the Burning Blade inspires respect in all who recognise it.
  • Paste, an older Orcish decoration, these ancient marks denote your rank, clan and occupation, and inspire approval in more conservative members of Orcish society.
  • Bracer of Myzrael, a elementium band binding the spirit Myzrael.
  • Bolvar's Writ, a letter of safe conduct commanding all loyal citizens of the Alliance to treat you well.
  • Strange Crystal, a fist sized stone taken as a trophy from Alexandros Mograine, this stone was said to have been taken from a warlock by the paladin, before being used as part of the Ashbringer, Mograine's mighty sword.
  • Chunk of Elementium, an unbreakable material pulled from the Stonecore itself, this unworked nugget has a greater value than some kingdoms.
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Some remarks on the current leading plans
Adhoc vote count started by FractiousDay on Dec 24, 2020 at 5:11 PM, finished with 46 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Warrior Scholar
    -[x] Curious (-3CP)
    -[x] Diplomatic (-3CP)
    -[X] Mount (-3CP)
    -[x] Friend (-2CP)
    -[x] Hunted (+5CP)
    -[X] Existing social obligation (+1CP)
    -[X] Steamwheel Debt (+2CP)
    [X]Plan: Rogue Son
    -[X] Prudent (-1CP)
    -[X] Devious (-2CP)
    -[X] Vengeful(+2CP)
    -[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)
    -[X] Existing social obligation (+1CP)
    -[X] Local Faction Enemy (+3CP)
    [X] Plan: Nascent Spellblade
    -[X] Prudent (-1CP)
    -[X] Honourbound (+2CP)
    -[x] Hunted (+5CP)
    -[X] Upgraded weapon (-2CP)
    -[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)
    [x] The Fugitive
    [X] Plan By Blade and Honor
    -[X] Honourbound (+2CP)
    -[X] Vengeful(+2CP)
    -[X] Local Faction Enemy (+3CP)
    -[X] Existing social obligation (+1CP)
    -[X] Steamwheel Debt (+2CP)
    -[X] Flamebender's Tome (-4CP)
    -[X] Enchanted weapon (-3CP)
    -[X] A bag of money (-1CP)
    -[x] Reroll physical(-2CP)
    [X] Plan: The "Weakling" Son

Merry Christmas all,

Results so far are as follows. In the event of a tie I'll probably break it with my own preference, not really sure what one does in such an instance. I'm going to close voting tomorrow morning I expect unless there's a lot of discussion going on in which case I'll extend. I thought I'd weigh in on a few of the points here that hasn't necessarily been considered by the options.

Firstly, I'd like to make it clear that some picks can 'cancel' each other out. For example, a few people have probably seen the +5CP of Hunted and jumped for it, not necessarily realising that this is pretty serious. Similarly, Faction Enemy and Steamwheel Debt will also potentially cancel out some options. Steamwheel is a particularly obvious one, because if you go to any goblin towns, or even just towns with a large goblin presence, they might take some of your stuff as payment of your debts. The authorities are going to largely ignore this because they don't really understand debt in monetary terms rather than as obligation and would see it as a private matter. Similarly, if you're being hunted by someone (or dare I say it something!) which wants to kill you then the friend you choose might also get ganked when the Scourge jump out from behind a bush.

Similarly, you can also cancel out things in a more positive manner. Diplomatic is particularly good for this because you could potentially resolve the Local Enemy and Bounty options peacefully by talking the relevant people down. For 'Bounty' you could say, for example, 'I've just been in basic training what could I possibly have done, I've been to busy for crimes' etc. Similarly, Merchantile+Steamwheel Debt could be worked off over a longer period, and it might even let you say 'actually let me go more into debt because we can work together later' or similar.

As I've mentioned before, you might be given some of the bonus items in future. The Flamebender tome is explicitly described as being handed down within the clan, so your father might give you it if you don't pick it now and you make him proud etc. Your clan might give you a sword, upgraded gear or even enchanted stuff if you prove you can handle it.

Also, I'm rather surprised that some of the options aren't being chosen. The travel voucher option would give you the fastest start if you wanted to just leave and go off adventuring, though obviously this would also take you away from your home and support structures etc.

Another point about items, given the heavily communal nature of Orcish society you also might have things confiscated, legitimately or otherwise if you aren't using them 'properly'. This might mean you're perceived as too young, weak, unwise or whatever for various items, and while Orcs generally don't steal things, they might think themselves more worthy of them. You can be conscripted and if some Horde officer sees a young orc with excellent equipment he might conscript you and send you off to the Barrens or Ashenvale to fight, which you could escape but with certain obvious consequences. This is particularly important with the mount option as mounts are relatively rare, which is why the mount option isn't higher, as it comes with its own obligations to feed it etc. If you're planning to do a lot of travelling, go with it, but if you're planning on sitting around doing training someone might come along and say you don't deserve the mount and that real warriors of the Horde need it. You're less likely to have specialised equipment confiscated, and you can always refuse, flee, or volunteer to serve as long as you can keep your stuff etc. Again we're exploring agency here, you're socially obliged to do certain things.

Similarly on CP costs, they vary depending on the items' value, rarity, utility and other things. The Flamebenders Tome would indeed be valuable, rare and useful, whereas something like a Shaman's Totem might be relatively more common, of less immediate use give you're not a Shaman (yet) and its not massively valuable. Items also aren't necessarily 'neutral'. The Flamebenders Tome and the Searing Collar are both Burning Blade items which may affect you, the word 'corrupt' is relevant here although it's not necessarily accurate.

I'll also make a few statements on the traits and the agency effects of them, some of this will be obvious, and I'm not surprised no one's chosen 'reverent' given it would be one of the more agency reducing traits. I'll say that Devious would probably currently provide the greatest utility, and would enable you to navigate the complex arrangements of Orcish obligation cultures more easily. It has general utility, but some immediate utility here as well. It would allow you to sort of do other trait stuff as well because it allows all methods, though especially indirect ones. Devious and Diplomatic are similar, but also pretty different. Devious would be more personally focused, 'how do I benefit', whereas diplomatic would be more communal, 'how do we benefit'. As some have noted, Vengeful is some good free points, though its not quite free, you would be compelled to avenge yourself on people that have wronged you, your clan, the Horde, whoever you identify with, even if you could gain a lot by cooperation etc, so its a double edged sword there.

I will say that Devious+Curious would be a particularly powerful combination. I'm not locking you into anything, this is Agency Quest, however the plans currently will certainly make you more inclined to go down particular paths, and for me to write what seems obvious. Keep in mind also that you've got the skills to consider, you have good combat skills and the utility skills of Persuasion and Scholarship, which would allow you to attempt at least to resolve issues using those skills. For example,

Warrior Scholar: Somewhat of a wanderer due to Curious, constrained by Clan obligations and not really able to avoid them without breaking them off significantly, wouldn't automatically follow orders like 'Traditional' might force you to, but hasn't got traits to modify orders much, though can try to resolve things peacefully vs enemies. Sometimes this won't be possible.

Rogue Son: Very interesting ways of dealing with obligations and navigating orcish culture, could potentially drop Flamebender's Tome and pick up 'Curious' to optimise the plan, as not currently inclined to go outside the existing Burning Blade traditions much for their own sake, rather than as a means for vengeance etc, and because you migth be able to get the Tome later. Vengeful creates interesting possibilities as well. If I was a quester I might suggest replacing Faction Enemy with Hunted, and adding Friend to have an outside source of help. However this doesn't mean you have to, its entirely your choice.

Nascent Spellblade: Given Alectai's mentions of using various compensators for weaknesses I'd point out that Honourbound can increase vulnerabilities substantially. For example, in Thrall and Garrosh's Mak'gora, Thrall cheated by using the elements, just as in Durotan and Gul'dan's own duel Gul'dan again cheated. Both of the victors used their magic, rather than simply martial power which is required, to fight. There was some speculation that Thrall lost his connection to the elements over that, and Honourbound would mean if someone less honourable challenges you to fight without your normal prep etc you'd find it difficult to refuse them. You've got 'Prudent' which would make you rush in less etc, but this doesn't stop people from trapping you with your Honourbound trait.

I'll also note that I'm quite interested in the friend option, and I'm inclined to make it the Mok'Nathal shaman, which likely means a direct relation to Rexxar. It sounds interesting to me, so if you want to choose that the friend in question would definitely be above average and pretty useful to you.

Again though, these are all your choices. If you have a specific idea of what you want to do then great, I'm able to oblige with various potential narrative paths, but just be aware there are some obligations you'll have almost immediately. For example when you get back to dad you'll probably be sent to kill some troggs who canonically got into Ragefire Chasm. If you're diplomatic that wouldn't help because they're Troggs, if you're curious or devious you might be able to go into areas you're not usually allowed to, like the demon summoning sections of RFC, which would probably be forbidden to you otherwise. To use another example,

You might be commanded to go deal with an ogre who's been making trouble or something. Generally speaking you'd be obliged to go an do this because you're from an authoritarian martial culture. You're commanded to bring back its head or something, with the implication being you've been ordered to fight it directly rather than trapping it or something.

Diplomatic: convince it to leave, speak to it to see why its there and resolve the problem, maybe even recruit it
Devious: kite it over to something dangerous, poison it or similar, then just claim you duelled it.
Honourbound: approach it openly and duel it (no special options really)
Brash: You'd have to charge at it immediately, potentially into any traps the ogre has set
Prudent: Scout it, find that its got traps or friends, go back and get reinforcements
Curious: You still have to kill it but you could also examine its stuff for magic loot or whatever

With any of these this just gives you more options than you've normally have, even if you're devious you can still choose to duel it if you want.

Questions welcome, as mentioned I'll close voting at some point tomorrow. Happy Christmas all!
Whoa I didn't expect to see a three-way tie in this voting phase.

Seems like someone should vote for one of the three most popular plans or some people might have to change their votes...

Hmm...Oh well my plan isn't gonna win anyways so I think it's better if I jump boats.

[X] Plan: Nascent Spellblade