Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

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MC is not here to reform orc or anything. It's not trial of his people. I don't think MC need to give a fuck about what the likes of Dawnblade say. They want to condemn him - ok. He can bring forth the light which almost none of his accusers can do, or can do lightly. And because those people believe in light, that it can't choose wrongly, MC, by flaring his ability to summon it and do nothing can roll over all of his haters.
On the other hand why should he appease those idiots? They've no more high ground above him, than bristlebacks have above them. The culture of orc and human are too different to be judged only by one specie.

[X] Retire to your own quarters to reflect on the day's events with your retinue
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Personally all choices are valid. No right or wrong just what you think is best and then the dice rolls decide.

I do feel talking about it with the party is more better than self reflecting or talking with the opposition.
Grok's growing well, to understand the value of lies, 'Honour is never served by stupidity.' because in truth Grok'Mash, an action's moral value is determined solely by its outcomes

[x] Seek solitude and contemplation, venture outside the city to a nearby shrine.

Our earnest contemplation will be rewarded by the Light, in this I have faith. 🙏
A little bit of analysis time:

[ ] Seek solitude and contemplation, venture outside the city to a nearby shrine.
- Easy enough when you play CK3 for a pilgrimage or hiking.
@FractiousDay despite the going at it alone option, would he have someone with him as a companion just to keep watch? I get the feeling he'll also find someone else that'll pay the shrine a visit. Maybe a random hermit or even Tirion.

[ ] Try to find Dathrohan to demand answers to his purposes.
- Very easy. Why not got ask Grok's host what he wants? We know he's sus as a dreadlord hiding in Dan's body but of course Grok doesn't.

[ ] Retire to your own quarters to reflect on the day's events with your retinue
- The fireside chat that Grok has done before with the boyz. Doing it again helps to see what they think of it all.

[ ] Attempt to find some of the more hostile judges to persuade them of your honour.
- This one is going to be rather questionable but also unorthodox because no one will expect this of Grok. If it's not Dawnblade you can try someone else but it's like unknown whether they'll be well received toward an ork even if said ork has actually done more than what other Scarlets have done by dint of his own achievements and bearing the ability to use the light.

Grok's growing well, to understand the value of lies, 'Honour is never served by stupidity.' because in truth Grok'Mash, an action's moral value is determined solely by its outcomes

[x] Seek solitude and contemplation, venture outside the city to a nearby shrine.

Our earnest contemplation will be rewarded by the Light, in this I have faith. 🙏
That one is actually far closer to the option you want.

That shrine is in Andorhal whose human history has lots of religious structures devoted to the light including shrines.
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isn't the entire practice of light as a religion a result of the same mysticism and inspiration as the orcs are undergoing
One issue is that we don't have consistent or clear information about religious development in this fictional world. The Light gets developed and promogated in concert with the expansion of the Arathi Empire and rapidly becomes a universal religion, except in the most provincial regions which maintain some folk traditions (eg the harvest witches of Gilneas). We may assume that the human religion was largely like the Orcish one, being in touch with the natural forces and spirits of the world etc. However, we must also understand that the Church of the Holy Light was created probably as a state building project, and that the Arathi just like in real life used the Church to bolster their state capacity, with priests acting as bureacrats and administrators until we get the system of national churches which we see in 'modern' Warcraft.

To an extent Dawnblade is being a classic elf and is presenting himself and his culture as superior to others given that Quel'thalas were sort of colonised by the Light. Dawnblade is ignoring the basis of the original Church and is not necessarily arguing from a position of historical legitimacy. I'm also though integrating other traditions where there's been splits over inspiration vs philosophy based schisms, like the Mu'tazilism / Ash'arism debates in early Islam which basically discussed whether a Muslim could acheive understanding through philosophical contemplation or through divine inspiration.

However, I would not categorise the process the orcs are going through as the same really. Thrall (as the main spiritual leader) doesn't have the level of authority or centralisation needed to define doctrine and doesn't really have the personal ability to do such a thing. He's trained as a warrior and a shaman and as we've discussed extensively in this quest although he's tried to put in reforms he's not really been successful. The Orcs seem to have some religious organisation but it's very ad hoc. Elders and shaman seem to come togehter sometimes to discuss religious matters or try and do big spells and Blackhand's statebuilding project is one element of this, but we still see it as a non-religious project which is heavily damaged by all the shaman becoming warlocks.

Dawnblade is therefore both historically incorrect, but politically correct in his criticisms. The Orcs are still vulnerable to cultural issues, just as Dawnblade rants about.

@FractiousDay In case I missed it what seemed to be the room's reactions to dawnblade's comments, if Grok was paying attention? I'm sure he'd have gotten a fairly standing ovation about any other orc, but any other orc wouldn't be standing here right now...cept maybe Thrall?
I was writing with ti in mind that Grok is being pretty introspective here and isn't really paying as much attnetion to the crowd behind him, other than the occasional remarks on them in the chapter. In general, everyone important there is aware of Grok and a lot of them have fought with him. He's pretty famous and has gone firmly into 'respected ally' even if he's not someone they're necessarily inviting for dinner. Dawnblade is indeed a deliberate choice by Dathrohan to show such an extreme stance as to look silly and potentially also emphasise Quel'thelas' failure to sort themselves out without help from the Scarlets. Many of the people might agree that Orcs are indeed pretty savage and they don't really like them and would rather they not be around, but they also know Grok's contributions and know that they'll need help in Northrend.
gonna be honest don't think any other orc would stand there even thrall cause this is a group of zealots and racists who we have semi bonds with cause of groks hard work with them

Look I know I'm hard on the guy, but I'm pretty sure if there's any Orc that they'd give the time of day too it's him. + lets be real this is a situation he's more suited for anyway.
Thrall probably has a lot more pride. He's not had as many setbacks, but he also just is a lot more reactionary. Grok is pretty contemplative, for an Orc, and isn't as wed to realpolitik as Thrall.
There is a lot of talk from a group that can't notice a dreadlord 5 cm away/joke
Who knows maybe it involves zapping a certain high crusader with light and discovering the bat winged bastard beneath.
We must assume of course that he's able to resist such a thing. I write him as competent, so he's able to resist Light stuff or being around Light stuff or just avoid it, as he does here by claiming he's spiritually stunted or whatever. He might also say that the Libram he was swearing on was a fake, for example, beacuse how can he possibly risk such a precious artefact? Better to put it in a vault surely etc.
The genuine problem though is Balnazar is doing a...lets be frank frustratingly fantastic job in most regards.

Indeed Balnazar is frustratingly competent. It shows just how insidious Dreadlords are.
I'm quite amused at this. I'm glad he comes across as that as indeed I would like to write characters legitimately rather than as charicatures of a cackling demon guy etc.
How can we stop dancing to Datrohan's tune "for our own good, or else" as naturally dictated by the circumstances?
While I'm consious of the frustration this may cause as a result of the information difference between readers and Grok, I would also hope its fairly realistic. Indeed, even if the Crusade is unsuccessful, Balnazzar may still succeed because he's weakened all parties and that's ultimately advantageous for the Legion. The best way to fail is by removing the possibilities of not succeeding in your aims.
I'm not sure of meeting one of the hostile judges. I get the intent but does Dawnblade feel the same way?
He'd at least be willing to talk to you, certainly Grok's actions have given him that level of tolerance. It woudl also be quite novel for Dawnblade so that might draw him in.
@FractiousDay despite the going at it alone option, would he have someone with him as a companion just to keep watch? I get the feeling he'll also find someone else that'll pay the shrine a visit. Maybe a random hermit or even Tirion.
So as a religious individual, prayer etc for Grok is worth it in and of itself, but yes I had something specific in mind for such an option.
Remarks on conservatism and instituional robustness in real and fictional societies New
I would think every group in wow is vulnerable to cultural issues its all the elves, trolls, orcs, humans ever talk about
I mean, are they? Sure every group might be more or less vulnerable, but my point is that the Orcs because they've had 30 years of disruption, upheaval and reform, are uniquely vulnerable to new forces coming in. None of their cultural instituions are well established enough to resist populism, for example. The shaman couldn't resist the Fel, Thrall's reform agenda couldn't resist Garrosh, and the Horde in general was unable to resist Sylvannus.

To use an irl example, ancient Sparta was an extremely conservative culture. Their instutions including the wealthy Spartan heiresses, the ephors and the dual king system all contributed to a system which was slow to change, very difficult to reform and ultimately collapsed due to these issues.

Conservatism is one of the advantages people sometimes ascribe to consitutional monarchies in general, the idea that you can have an apolitical figure who can somehow restrain reactionary forces. I don't agree with this but my point is that some states or communities have instituions which make them inherently conservative, which give greater power to historical precedent. It's really difficult to change the US Constituion, as another example.

Stormwind appears to have some sort of oligarchic/noble assembly (which in this quest got blown up lol), Ironforge might be more monarchist but is also full of dwarves who tend to be very conservative anyway because they're all stony, and the Trolls have a series of different instituions which moderate changes. If one Loa gets too powerful, or if an immoral monarch is ruling, or if there's some sort of popular movement then all the other instituoins will resist.

The Orcs don't have institutions that are powerful enough to do that sort of thing. We have the Clans, the Shaman and the Warchief really, but none of them seem to be able to effectively constrain the others if there's issues.

I should also say this is to say nothing of the non-state instituions of the Orcs. There are very few of them, there's no non-clan military forces which might hold anyone to account, there are relatively few NGOs like the Earthen Ring.

How would this be resolved? We've discussed constituionalism in WoW before but one key thing would be to decide whether it's desirable to build up the clan system and strengthen it, or to build up more 'Horde' forces, eg orcs being commanded by non-orcs, but as far as we can tell that's just very difficult because the orcs are just so much more powerful than the trolls or tauren. Thrall specifically excludes Caine as a successor candidate as he's not an orc, though he later evidently realises this is problematic and appoints Vol'jin.
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ah, so you mean it as in theirs no real structure to resist these things kinda like how the trolls couldn't really resisit hakar or zul whole recreate the empire cause they put so much on popular opinion like sure they resited better then the orcs did but still kinda fell for it because they mostly relied on centrel figures
[X] Retire to your own quarters to reflect on the day's events with your retinue
Looking back it is bit humorous how sometimes unintentionally, undermining Thrall position. Which while at times I can be positive toward Thrall, lot of his problems in the Quest and canon are problems at least partly of his own making. Also don't know when things will come to a true breaking point between Thrall and Grok, but will be interesting when we eventually return to Durotar. What's changed there and in the Northern Barrens.
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ah, so you mean it as in theirs no real structure to resist these things kinda like how the trolls couldn't really resisit hakar or zul whole recreate the empire cause they put so much on popular opinion like sure they resited better then the orcs did but still kinda fell for it because they mostly relied on centrel figures
To be fair, it seems that whenever troll societies fail (which all of them have) it's because of cannibalism. I don't know if the idea of the trolls eating their own gods can somehow be interpreted as a political metaphor, but yea the trolls end up sabotaging their own institutions. This is clearly resisted though and for example the whole Zandalari questline is about that resistance and how Zul, Bwonsamdei and Rezan are competing for influence over Zandalar and its institutions.
To be fair, it seems that whenever troll societies fail (which all of them have) it's because of cannibalism. I don't know if the idea of the trolls eating their own gods can somehow be interpreted as a political metaphor, but yea the trolls end up sabotaging their own institutions. This is clearly resisted though and for example the whole Zandalari questline is about that resistance and how Zul, Bwonsamdei and Rezan are competing for influence over Zandalar and its institutions.
maybe the ubermech god is dead and we have killed him that zul and his followers think they are better more deserving of the power granted that could be a far reach on my part
So quick question for anyone willing to answer, what are Grok's scores at now compared to when he started off? Like what scores would he have physically now compared to quest start?
There are generally 5 tiers of given skill or ability. e.g Basic Alchemy> Alchemy> Advanced Alchemy> Expert Alchemy> Master Alchemy.

We started at basic physical conditioning and through natural effort achieved the 4th tier of Expert, and modified with an amulet bringing us up to 5th tier. We've got amazing tactical/strategic power, good magic, are an amazing blademaster.
[x] Seek solitude and contemplation, venture outside the city to a nearby shrine.

Thought about it and it's tempting to go visit a shrine to advance light powers.
do wonder if we might get balnazar and mal'ganus to be revealed before northrend what would happen like the scarlets would be done so that might reflect badly on us
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