Yeah. To be honest didn't like the idea of dealing with magical prisons given what that involves but since they were on the verge of breaking out it was either do something or let them loose.
We got a fel orc and a water elemental in the process.
The results for the water elemental is interesting.
Then the fel orc is a very powerful warlock. Knows shadow magic.
Shame about this dude. Could have gotten a demon hunter.
We got a fel orc and a water elemental in the process.
The results for the water elemental is interesting.

Ichoron is a water revenant boss located in Violet Hold. If released, she is one of the first two bosses in the instance. The releases are random, so it is possible that you will not fight her.
Her loyalties completely switched to Grok?diplo with Ichoron 35, binding? 100, natural crit! Alleigance to Old Gods replaced!
Then the fel orc is a very powerful warlock. Knows shadow magic.

Lord Malgath
Lord Malgath is a fel orc encountered in the Assault on Violet Hold. During the first two stages of the dungeon, he periodically appears—floating above the ground and protected by a fel barrier—to open portals for Burning Legion forces. At the end of the first two stages, he opens a random...
Shame about this dude. Could have gotten a demon hunter.

Loramus Thalipedes
Loramus Thalipedes is a night elf demon hunter and a quest giver during the Blasted Lands storyline that revolves around putting an end to the dreadlord Razelikh the Defiler.