Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Yeah. To be honest didn't like the idea of dealing with magical prisons given what that involves but since they were on the verge of breaking out it was either do something or let them loose.

We got a fel orc and a water elemental in the process.

The results for the water elemental is interesting.


Ichoron is a water revenant boss located in Violet Hold. If released, she is one of the first two bosses in the instance. The releases are random, so it is possible that you will not fight her.
diplo with Ichoron 35, binding? 100, natural crit! Alleigance to Old Gods replaced!
Her loyalties completely switched to Grok?

Then the fel orc is a very powerful warlock. Knows shadow magic.

Lord Malgath

Lord Malgath is a fel orc encountered in the Assault on Violet Hold. During the first two stages of the dungeon, he periodically appears—floating above the ground and protected by a fel barrier—to open portals for Burning Legion forces. At the end of the first two stages, he opens a random...

Shame about this dude. Could have gotten a demon hunter.
diplo with Loramus Thalipedes, 42, not itnerested.

Loramus Thalipedes

Loramus Thalipedes is a night elf demon hunter and a quest giver during the Blasted Lands storyline that revolves around putting an end to the dreadlord Razelikh the Defiler.
Hey, Silver lining to taking some heavy casualties.

Our food deficit in Alterac is not as bad now. And yeah, this likely means a bunch of Demon worshippers in our ranks just died.
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I'm not sure what merit is there to getting the rest of the Revantsk out but since they're the leaders it would advance more of the troll civilisation building when the winteraxes have been absorbed.

Still the losses in the prison is to be expected. No honor lost against monsters or dangerous individuals being guarded.

But the decisive battle against the scourge? Absolute honor gained. Lots of the new blademasters and recruits are acclaimed.

The most important thing with the blademasters now is Grok now has trusted blademasters to be sent out and lead instead of himself to remain in Alterac and continue developing infrastructure or diplomacy.
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maybe we can beat the trolls of the vilebrunch tribe and then convince them to join up they do own the second largest city of the forest trolls after zul'aman so theirs likely a lot of vilebrunch trolls but anyway attacking the vilebrunch is likely a way to get some favour with the wildhammer clan of dwarves as well
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We aced the internal rolls, which is pretty great. I want to roll out those reforms and see where we end up and if our state is going to be any more functional than previous attempts.

Mages must think us hulk-smashing brutes and don't want us near their pristine laboratories. We can live with that; we have alternatives to arcane magic and nearly not enough specialists to make use of it on army scale.

Not sure what happened there with the Forsaken. Glad the Scourge is out for the moment; here's to hoping we can get it off the continent in the next couple of turns.

What was that action in Silverspine that went poorly? What was Crowley trying to do there?

I was not even aware New Clan had 'radicals'. What do they stand for, I wonder?

Next turn we should be making good on that invitation by Kul Tiras, and finalizing the Industry action. Beyond that, I don't actually know.
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What Merc action would you want to do next?

Though for the raventusk could that be a merc action too if the raventusk trolls get desperate enough @FractiousDay
Mages must think us hulk-smashing brutes and don't want us near their pristine laboratories. We can live with that; we have alternatives to arcane magic and nearly not enough specialists to make use of it on army scale.
I think we should still work with them.

They may dislike what happened but cooperation is essential towards improving the binding of demons and terrible entities. So another option towards the diplomacy pile.
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What Merc action would you want to do next?
We just did three right? Also gonna mention diplo stuff.

Kul Tiras' trade war makes sense to me to get some kind of naval capacity.

King Magni I would like as well, because it would smooth over out initial meeting (our chance to get good relations for nothin'), and gets us working on the Dragonmaw problem.

I would love to interact with either side of the Elves Vs Trolls fight... though I'd be sad to kill the other as well. We could always just go to the elves and fuck up the Scourge, then dip. (or, light willing, negotiate something other than the current state of war with the trolls, though Zul'Jin's clearly feeling himself, and I've seen that dude get stacked in HOTS, he'll fuck you up)

We could also be the savior of Stormwind if we step in now, shit's been fucky for a while. The Defias we could deal without complication. Maybe integrate black rock orcs? I mean that's further inflaming Rend but you know I think that collision is already guaranteed, unless we about face on it.

Lordaeron diplo to solidify our position officially in the alliance without doing the Stormwind stuff. As far as what that looks like, I say we're the fucking Horde of Alterac, fuck it. Also possibly get Hillsbarad?
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One I can figure is focus on Stormwind since Grok does pay allegiance to Prestor either deal with Black Rock raiders or the Defias. Rather late when Anduin died but we had priorities.
One I can figure is focus on Stormwind since Grok does pay allegiance to Prestor either deal with Black Rock raiders or the Defias. Rather late when Anduin died but we had priorities.
true but we can now get the defies on side we got free time/joking
(while its true I prefer the defies over stormwind both the current leader and his daugther not to sure how we can spin this to work out for them to join us after killing anduin)
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Come to think if it with the dark shaman research trees we have the means to actually prepare a future colonization attempt in the future though it would help to get some assistance with that in Dalaran when they could just as likely use the arcane to conjure up the resources within limits.
A colonization of what and where?
Sometimes the idea is brought up for Grok to go somewhere else once the current conflicts with the scourge and duties to Prestor is over.

One idea is to go settle Northrend which I have huge doubts on and finding an island somewhere around the world to settle for navy purposes. While those are far reaching and presumes a lot of things I don't see why not establish the building blocks to get the settlement kits prepped when there's an opportunity to.

Doesn't have to be those places. Whatever the journey takes Grok in Alterac will lead him to other places eventually to give his new horde opportunities to do it.

For now it is simply to continue developing Alterac. The rest will build itself in place.
true but we can now get the defies on side we got free time/joking
(while its true I prefer the defies over stormwind both the current leader and his daugther not to sure how we can spin this to work out for them to join us after killing anduin)

Stormwind will be out for blood with the death of Anduin.
The Stormwind issue is quite complicated because there's the two levels of analysis on whether or not you know that Prestor is Onyxia. For her, the strategic imperative of her rule is to delay and disrupt any threat to Blackrock Mountain. Anything is secondary to that. She wants to maintain the ability of the vast majority of the Black Dragonflight, who are situated in Blackrock Mountain, to exist and build up. There are secondary elements to that, for example maybe Onyxia wants to use Stormwind's military or financial recources to acquire magical stuff to send to Neferian etc, but again that's secondary to her really. She wants to maintain lots of low level conflicts to distract the Kingdom, and wasn't expecting the Defias to strike at Stormwind directly.

Another way to reduce Stormwind's power, as she does in game, is by sending armies out to various places to be ineffective, or to fight on fronts far away. That's why she's happy to send reinforcements to Lordaeron, because it reduces the capability of Stormwind to respond at home.

The Defias are more complciated, or at least how you might deal with them. They have legitimate grivances and have become radicalised by Prestor's manipulations. Perhaps you could sort some sort of amnesty and exile to bring them up to Alterac, thus sorting Stormwind too. Grok wouldn't find it difficult to infiltrate and destroy their base in the Deadmines but if you killed VanCleef presumably his organisation would just fragment into dozens of bandit groups etc.

It's very similar to Grok's logic around his own clan. If Thrall had taken down Neeru then in theory you'd see a big breakup of warlocks, unable to conduct their magic socially acceptbaly, wandering about being bandits.

Grok does pay allegiance to Prestor
Grok pays alligance to Queen Katrana of Alterac and in his capacity as Constable of Alterac. You've already been massively exceeding your formal authority. Grok in theory has no formal duty toward Stormwind.
Grok pays alligance to Queen Katrana of Alterac and in his capacity as Constable of Alterac. You've already been massively exceeding your formal authority. Grok in theory has no formal duty toward Stormwind.
Prestor's the surname she uses for her fake noble house but yeah.

What I'm trying to say is the position of paying some allegiance does require some relationship boosting if only to keep and expand that position while she looks the other way.
In the end Gork is basically dooing his own thing that happens to massively benefit Alterac.
But really the orc is quite simple when you boil down to his core motivation.
1-figure a way to have Orc society to be truly stable.
2- get more resources.
Grok pays alligance to Queen Katrana of Alterac and in his capacity as Constable of Alterac. You've already been massively exceeding your formal authority. Grok in theory has no formal duty toward Stormwind.
Having 20,000 Orcs probably does wonders for one's autonomy.

Not sure how much we could work with Defias diplomatically though. I mean, I'd be perfectly willing to, but Defias has a very personal grudge against Stormwind for very good reason, and I could only see them agreeing to an exile to Alterac if the situation was absolutely hopeless for them otherwise.

And Grok I feel would try to avoid getting involved in the Defias conflict. That's a human internal revolt from his perspective. He's focused on the plight of the Azerothian continent Orcs and fighting omnihostile forces like the Scourge. So the offer of what Grok/Alterac/the Breakers' Horde gets in exchange for intervening would have to be really good.

For her, the strategic imperative of her rule is to delay and disrupt any threat to Blackrock Mountain. Anything is secondary to that. She wants to maintain the ability of the vast majority of the Black Dragonflight, who are situated in Blackrock Mountain, to exist and build up.
Hmm. So what does she think of how Grok keeps poaching Neferian's meatshields? Granted, Grok is another Black Dragonflight pawn (at least in her eyes), but this does feel like some inadvertent left hand vs right hand.
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All I can think is giving the defies what they were promised and for what they can offer good builders and architects I think
Oh I'd love to get the Defias on-side, but I think the conflict has escalated beyond a chance for peaceful resolution, and Grok doesn't really have the right skillset or resources to sort things out diplomatically.

Though, this is probably gonna make things complicated for Prestor/Onyxia. She kinda needs to do something decisive about Defias now, otherwise she could severely lose political standing. After all, the Assassination of Anduin signals to the rest of Stormwind nobility that was happy to keep doing court shenanigans and ignoring the rest of the world that they aren't safe either. And Black Dragon mind manipulation will only go so far.
I think if we offered the Difias a way out of stormwind and into a new land with an actual future, they would probably take it. Gotta remember, these are the tradesman who rebuilt Stormwind from ash and cinders and only took up swords because after all their work, they were stiffed payment.

They have families to support, and they're going to prefer amnesty and government support in setting up their trade in a new land over endlessly playing bandit with the hopes of one day squeezing out what they're owed from the rock that is Varian Wryn.
Maybe, having a relatively loyal human population would help with the whole settling a new autonomous faction.
Fair getting true non puppet varian to negotiate is like genn greymaine making a good decision not gonna happen at least this early in varians arc