Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

... There were more flying units than just dragon riders. Everyone has an Air Force, there's not a shortage, in fact we're way behind on that front.
Azerothian Airforces
... There were more flying units than just dragon riders. Everyone has an Air Force, there's not a shortage, in fact we're way behind on that front.
I would draw a distinction here between airforces and just people flying about on things. I think I've remarked on this before, but while there are aeiral forces, this is differnet from an 'airforce'.

The Night Elves, for example, have aerial units like their monsters, druids and riders.

However, none of these are specialist military units. Their riders are random sentinels who have made friends with an animal and climbed on it's back to use it as a flying mount. They aren't a professional military they're doing the 'high competence militia' thing elves commonly do.

Ironforge and Stormwind would be the only factions to currently have such a force, as well as the more organised beast races like the Blacks etc.
Also closing voting so will roll etc.
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Jun 12, 2024 at 3:11 AM, finished with 48 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Incendiary Bonds
    -[X] Kosh'harg (The Primary Element here will be founding of the Alterac Circle of Elders, with sub circles roughly corresponding to governmental ministries regarding agriculture, industry, commerce, foreign relations, and military matters, with Shaman, Blademasters, and other individuals of import such as Clan Chiefs comprising these Circles as appropriate, and responsible for advising the community and receiving/presenting petitions. This may be expanded to additional Circles representing regions beyond Alterac such as the Silverpine. The Secondary Element will be the inauguration of a new generation of Blademasters from among the Aspirants and the advancement of Grok'mash's take on Dark Shamanism, with reciprocal obligations offered in a similar style to human Knighthood that may be opted into for those willing to swear more personal fealty to the Warchief in return for being his trusted representatives and fiefholders. Tertiary Elements will be to begin discussions on the codification of honor as well as to consider measures to preserve tribal identities, especially for the smaller clans, so as to prevent a shameful end of their cultural heritage.)
    -[X] Lead the Breakers
    -[X] New Blademasters
    -[X] Freedom and Captivity
    -[X] Free Mercenary Action: Assist the Scarlet Crusade in blunting the Scourge counteroffensive in Lordaeron
    [X] Plan Diplomacy and Fighting
    -[X] Freedom and Captivity
    -[X] New Blademasters
    -[X] The Kosh'arg festival (Reforms: Establish a Circle of Elders to be annoying and traditional and advise on matters, thus giving you gravitas; establish a Circle of Blademasters, that can act as envoys to other lands and can be temporarily empowered to speak with your authority when you are not in a location; establish a Circle of Shamans, that will have a representative from each Shamanic tradition (fire, water, earth etc.) and two for Fel Warlocks; establish a Circle of Captains, army officers that are officially allowed to command troop detachments and speak in the discussions during a campaign, although the ultimate decision still lies with you; finally, establish a Circle of Representatives, where we can have an envoy from every people (including the Orcish clans) or piece of land we rule over, e.g. one for Alterac's capital, one for Silverpine Forest, one for the Eastern mountains etc.; humans are included in the last Circle, like any others e.g. the displaced Trolls)
    -[X] Badlands mission
    -[X] Mercenary action: help Admiral Westwind against the Scourge

Koshharg responses

Faction formation for unaligned people
Blackrock Old Guard 21, split between Tagorr's conservatism and Jed's radical stance to support Warchief Grok
New Clan Radicals 42, maintain their status, able to push back against some clan stuff
Frostwolf Isolationists 83, Gol'dir doing some very fast talking
Burning Blade Loyalists 81, Grok exerting significant organic influence

Crowley selling the ideas to Silverpine, 13 poorly. Enforcing authority with Shatterskull? 38, fairly poor, exposes some of the issues. Bloodier than one might like.

Jed with teh trolls 31, not interested, trying again later? 86, careful diplomacy and maybe a few threats, Winteraxe gained, eastern moutains settled

Leading the Breakers, discovering new Dark Shamanism ideas? 70, comfortable pass, various reserach avenues developed

New Blademasters, new ones acclimatising? 80, comfortable pass, all aspirants promoted. Old ones getting in on the ideas? 50, not entirely with your gameplan yet.

Dalaran actions
Tol Barad, vs Svarnos 26, damaging losses taken, Svarnos retreats, vs Occu'thar 52, defeated with losses , diplo vs Argaloth 50, not fully sold, peaceful or violent resolution? violent, binding? 13, unsuccessful, dismissed to the Twisting Nether.
Violet Hold, Diplo with Lord Malgath, 96, recruited, diplo with Loramus Thalipedes, 42, not itnerested. diplo with Ichoron 35, binding? 100, natural crit! Alleigance to Old Gods replaced! , fighting vs Zuramat the Obliterator, 5 going very poorly, +Kirin Tor reinforcements? 15 still not good. Final effort? 63, dismissed with losses. vs Lavanthor autowin, no one is messing about.
Forsaken Prisoners, diplo to get them to chill 24, Intervention? Who is it? B v F, is Fairbanks with an 86 to lead them to the promised land.
Diplo with Dalaran considering you've cleared Tol Barad and the Violet Hold, but alos gotten quite a lot of people killed and done a lot of damage? 23, do not like you. Bare minimum of promised support.

Fairbanks Diplo with silver hand 88, mostly onside even before the inquisition
Dreadlord hiding 67, passed, no suspiscion

Thousands of orcs helping the Crusade, is it decisive? 98, very, Scrouge pushed out

Alliance engagement with the Koshharg? 32, poor at the moment, only fringe people
FractiousDay threw 31 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 1607
21 21 42 42 83 83 81 81 13 13 38 38 31 31 86 86 70 70 80 80 50 50 26 26 52 52 50 50 14 14 13 13 96 96 42 42 35 35 100 100 5 5 15 15 63 63 24 24 86 86 83 83 23 23 88 88 67 67 98 98 32 32
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this is gonna be interesting wonder what diplo with a pitlord will be like after all their blood is what turned the orcs into what they are when they drank manerthoths blood and it is shown that its any pitlords blood that can do this with magtheridan with the fel horde.

edit - I hope that nat 100 isn't for the dreadlord
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this is gonna be interesting wonder what diplo with a pitlord will be like after all their blood is what turned the orcs into what they are when they drank manerthoths blood and it is shown that its any pitlords blood that can do this with magtheridan with the fel horde.
While there are other Pitlords, this one in particular was rightly suspicious and it turned into a fight.
Ichoron 35, binding? 100, natural crit! Alleigance to Old Gods replaced! ,
wait did we get a water spirit I seem to recall this is one
if so we must find fire and air and become the avatar for when the world needs them most they will appear for only they can bend all 4 elements (sorry had to)
also we got winteraxe trolls now which might allow us to diplo with frost king malak of gunduk up in northrend since while the winteraxe are not part of his sphere they are ice trolls he might be willing to listen unlike in cannon where he joined up with the resurgent zandarlari faction led by zul and was all no outsiders allowed

wait inquisition wonder whats going on with the sliverhand to be having problems with the scarlets inqusition
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I would draw a distinction here between airforces and just people flying about on things. I think I've remarked on this before, but while there are aeiral forces, this is differnet from an 'airforce'.

The Night Elves, for example, have aerial units like their monsters, druids and riders.

However, none of these are specialist military units. Their riders are random sentinels who have made friends with an animal and climbed on it's back to use it as a flying mount. They aren't a professional military they're doing the 'high competence militia' thing elves commonly do.

Ironforge and Stormwind would be the only factions to currently have such a force, as well as the more organised beast races like the Blacks etc.
They sorta had one but Death wing killed them all.

Looking at the rolls ouch but a mixed bag of getting a lot of objectives done except for demon busting.

Grok has also absorbed the Winteraxe into the new horde.

Getting control of demons was in fairness 50/50 but we got like two under our pocket?

Wait looking it's actually a fel orc who's part of the shadow council and a powerful water elemental.
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While the magic prisons result aren't exactly ideal, it does involve dealing with a magic prison.

But most of all we dealt with the scourge swimmingly as a crucible for the new recruits and blademasters to blood themselves on.

Kosharg could have been better but we got it.
So, looking at the mercenary/diplo offers we took.
Dalaran's Magical Bounty
The Mages of Dalaran entice the Constable with a tempting bounty of rare and potent magical artifacts. Their request: specialized magical assistance to quell the growing threat posed by the prisoners of the Violet Hold, who are on the brink of becoming uncontrollable. In aiding Dalaran, the Constable can acquire potent artifacts to strengthen Alterac's arsenal.

High General Bridgette Abbendis' Crusade
High General Bridgette Abbendis beseeches Alterac to join the fight against the relentless Scourge in the Eastern Plaguelands. In return for the deployment of substantial forces, she offers critical material support, including weapons and supplies, to bolster Alterac's army.
  • Dalaran: Negotiations for magical assistance, resources or training in exchange for support on specific magical activities that Dalaran hasn't got the miltiary for currently.
  • Lordaeron: Negotiations for the formalisation and recognition of Alterac's surezainty over Silverpine Forest, or negotiations for support by Dathrohan and Lordaeron in the general diplomatic recognition and engagement of Alterac in the Alliance. Negotiations for recognition of the Horde of Alterac by the Alliance. Potential negotiations to purchase or transfer Hillsbarad Foothills to Alterac.
The Dalaran assistance we got was about rare and magical artifacts. I assume they just shoved something into our hands and told us to go away. Maybe if things with the Breakers keep going well and they hear news they might be reluctantly willing to cooperate further just because there's knowledge to be gained.

So, we took some pretty heavy losses in Dalaran, which very much concerns me, since even if we got a lot of reinforcements, we really can't afford to be bleeding Orcs in huge numbers, and Dalaran isn't actually happy with our work. As a silver lining, we do seem to have recruited a pretty powerful Fel Orc warlock, and bound a powerful Water Elemental (that's probably gonna have synergy with our work on the Breakers.) But overall, this feels like it's going to be a pyrrhic victory.

Lordaeron/Scarlet Crusade on the other hand, that went really well. Major material support for Alterac seems just like what we need, moreso if the rewards will be extended to include some of the Lordaeron rewards like overall diplomatic recognition (and maybe transfer of Hillsbarad?)

Still, the losses we likely took at Dalaran really concerns me. We don't have enough Orcs or ability to easily replace the ones we lose to keep taking big casualties.
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So, looking at the mercenary/diplo offers we took.

The Dalaran assistance we got was about rare and magical artifacts. I assume they just shoved something into our hands and told us to go away. Maybe if things with the Breakers keep going well and they hear news they might be reluctantly willing to cooperate further just because there's knowledge to be gained.

So, we took some pretty heavy losses in Dalaran, which very much concerns me, since even if we got a lot of reinforcements, we really can't afford to be bleeding Orcs in huge numbers, and Dalaran isn't actually happy with our work. As a silver lining, we do seem to have recruited a pretty powerful Fel Orc warlock, and bound a powerful Water Elemental (that's probably gonna have synergy with our work on the Breakers.) But overall, this feels like it's going to be a pyrrhic victory.

Lordaeron/Scarlet Crusade on the other hand, that went really well. Major material support for Alterac seems just like what we need, moreso if the rewards will be extended to include some of the Lordaeron rewards like overall diplomatic recognition (and maybe transfer of Hillsbarad?)

Still, the losses we likely took at Dalaran really concerns me. We don't have enough Orcs or ability to easily replace the ones we lose to keep taking big casualties.

Dalaran reaction is low due to the heavy losses. I think we got a bunch of the Dalaran garrisons killed in the fighting. And as a city state, they have manpower issues just like us.
Dalaran reaction is low due to the heavy losses. I think we got a bunch of the Dalaran garrisons killed in the fighting. And as a city state, they have manpower issues just like us.
Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that they're angry at us and so are only giving us the bare minimum reward and won't be particularly eager to engage in any future cooperation.

And I assume that Grok had a lot of Orcs accompanying him for dealing with the Tol Barad and Violet Hold breakouts, who presumably also took heavy casualties in the fighting. And we don't have a reliable way of replacing casualties or really mitigating them when we go on these sorts of missions. We just take the mission and whatever casualties happen, happen, and we just have to accept the losses that can't be replaced unless we find another one of the very finite amount of Orc warbands in Azeroth that can be convinced or coerced into joining up.

Our numbers have managed to keep increasing in spite of that, but I'm worried about how much longer that can be kept up, since we seem to be just about out of big, low-hanging fruit for that. Hopefully we can change that with the organization of the Breakers and Blademasters to act as force-multipliers to reduce our raw Orc casualties.
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I'd say we're at a point that things can go back to consolidation what with making sure the scourge are kicked out.

With the Breaker option done well it can make it that Alterac can start to be self sustaining.
Pretty happy with the outcomes. Especially the 80 on our aspirants. BLADEMASTERS ASCENDANT. FULL CASTERS AND FULL MARTIALS ABOUT TO BE BTFO, SHOWN ERROR OF WAYS.


Even if the Dalaran was kind of fudged we did just get another legendary pokemon powerful elemental. And Fairbanks came in clutch, twice.
On the sort of plus side Grok may have killed more of the Burning Legion loyalists brought in as reinforcements. Hopefully Grand Feldad isn't among them.
Looking at Zuramat:
It took one hundred of Dalaran's finest to subdue Zuramat; it took twice as many to clear the carnage from the killing field.
Yep. Breaking news: Voidlord with title of "The Obliterator" is really good at obliterating his opponents.

EDIT: Hmm, Lord Malgath in the game has something called "The Fel Lexicon." Which apparently has stuff on the language of Eredun. Wonder if we'll be able to make any use of it if Malgath has joined us.
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