Remarks on conservatism and instituional robustness in real and fictional societies
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- United Kingdom
I mean, are they? Sure every group might be more or less vulnerable, but my point is that the Orcs because they've had 30 years of disruption, upheaval and reform, are uniquely vulnerable to new forces coming in. None of their cultural instituions are well established enough to resist populism, for example. The shaman couldn't resist the Fel, Thrall's reform agenda couldn't resist Garrosh, and the Horde in general was unable to resist Sylvannus.I would think every group in wow is vulnerable to cultural issues its all the elves, trolls, orcs, humans ever talk about
To use an irl example, ancient Sparta was an extremely conservative culture. Their instutions including the wealthy Spartan heiresses, the ephors and the dual king system all contributed to a system which was slow to change, very difficult to reform and ultimately collapsed due to these issues.
Conservatism is one of the advantages people sometimes ascribe to consitutional monarchies in general, the idea that you can have an apolitical figure who can somehow restrain reactionary forces. I don't agree with this but my point is that some states or communities have instituions which make them inherently conservative, which give greater power to historical precedent. It's really difficult to change the US Constituion, as another example.
Stormwind appears to have some sort of oligarchic/noble assembly (which in this quest got blown up lol), Ironforge might be more monarchist but is also full of dwarves who tend to be very conservative anyway because they're all stony, and the Trolls have a series of different instituions which moderate changes. If one Loa gets too powerful, or if an immoral monarch is ruling, or if there's some sort of popular movement then all the other instituoins will resist.
The Orcs don't have institutions that are powerful enough to do that sort of thing. We have the Clans, the Shaman and the Warchief really, but none of them seem to be able to effectively constrain the others if there's issues.
I should also say this is to say nothing of the non-state instituions of the Orcs. There are very few of them, there's no non-clan military forces which might hold anyone to account, there are relatively few NGOs like the Earthen Ring.
How would this be resolved? We've discussed constituionalism in WoW before but one key thing would be to decide whether it's desirable to build up the clan system and strengthen it, or to build up more 'Horde' forces, eg orcs being commanded by non-orcs, but as far as we can tell that's just very difficult because the orcs are just so much more powerful than the trolls or tauren. Thrall specifically excludes Caine as a successor candidate as he's not an orc, though he later evidently realises this is problematic and appoints Vol'jin.
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