Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Durotar 2 Results
Adhoc vote count started by FractiousDay on Dec 30, 2020 at 6:22 AM, finished with 29 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan Twice Training
    -[X] Community:
    --[X] Train the trolls: You're a very competent warrior, to the level of many professional soldiers and perhaps you could give some of the trolls a few pointers.
    --[X] Train the trolls (2): You're a very competent warrior, to the level of many professional soldiers and perhaps you could give some of the trolls a few pointers.
    -[X] Train:
    --[X] Meditate and try to strengthen your precognitive abilities
    --[X] Train your body and try and build up your physical conditioning.
    -[X] Learn:
    --[X] Shamanism: Though the Darkspear shaman practice their arts differently, they commune with the elements as all shaman do.
    -[X] Research:
    --[X] Investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.
    [X] Plan Contribute & Learn
    -[X] Go hunting in the region and bring back resources for the village
    -[X] Socialise with the outsiders of the village, including your travelling companions, and the few other races in the village.
    -[X] Scout the Kolkar Crag
    -[X]Train your skill in the sword through sparring, you're sure Vark would be happy to practice.
    -[X] Survival: From jungle to island, and from island to coast the Darkspear know how to survive in the wild.
    -[X] Investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.
    [X] Plan Village Helping and Training
    -[X] Train the trolls: You're a very competent warrior, to the level of many professional soldiers and perhaps you could give some of the trolls a few pointers.
    -[X] Go hunting in the region and bring back resources for the village
    -[X] Socialise with the outsiders of the village, including your travelling companions, and the few other races in the village.
    -[X] Try to strengthen your connection to the elements, you can ask Angrais or one of the Troll shaman, though you expect they might be less willing to help you given how unhelpful the shaman in the Valley of Trials were who'd largely refused you tutoring.
    -[X] Combat: You're good with a sword, but there are trolls here who've fought in many wars that could learn from.
    -[X] Investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.
    [X] Well we are a burning blade after all

Voting closed! Twice Training wins easily!

Rolling for various things, reactions encouraged!
FractiousDay threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Training the trolls Total: 114
62 62 52 52
FractiousDay threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Meditation Total: 20
20 20
FractiousDay threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Physical training Total: 92
92 92
FractiousDay threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Shamanism Total: 234
76 76 81 81 7 7 70 70
FractiousDay threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Flamebender research Total: 40
40 40
FractiousDay threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Regional rolls Total: 228
90 90 40 40 48 48 46 46 4 4
FractiousDay threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunted Total: 75
75 75
FractiousDay threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How does the divination go? Total: 38
38 38
FractiousDay threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Vark and Angrais activities Total: 270
17 17 93 93 66 66 94 94
FractiousDay threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Attack rolls Total: 285
87 87 97 97 22 22 20 20 40 40 3 3 16 16
FractiousDay threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Your duel Total: 265
47 47 51 51 75 75 92 92
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One thing I'd like some feedback on his how much I should be rolling. I'm liking writing a quest much more than I thought I would, and partly that's because I'm rolling for quite a lot rather than having to research and read about things on my own and then make up plots. I'm also not sure about the SV dice roller, I don't like that I can't remove dice from it after I've thrown them if I change my mind on whether I need one in particular, that sort of thing. I'm also sort of winging it on dice rolling in general as I don't want to have to codify everything in a manner I'd consider unnecessary and cumbersome.

Rolls specifics for discussion (and so I can remember them and work out bonuses etc) while I write the next update, also an interrupt for you to vote on later:

Training the trolls (decent success)
First sessions = 64
62 (base roll) +1 (leadership)+1 (persuasion)
Second sessions = 54
52 (base roll) +1 (leadership)+1 (persuasion)

Physical conditioning training Total: 92 (excellent result)

Meditation =
27, narrowly avoiding complete failure
20 (base roll) +7 (spirit affinity)

Availability of teacher = 76, capped to 70 due to the elders being busy
Knowledge of teacher = 81, capped to 70 due to the elders being busy
Willingness of teacher to teach you = 7+1 for persuasion, so nope, that's pretty bad fail
Your learning despite this = 70, capped to 50 due to lack of teacher

Flamebender research = 51, qualified success
Base roll 40+11 for scholarship and fire affinity

Regional rolls, what's going on and does much change?
Sen'jin = 90, large improvement
Echo Isles = 40, minor deterioration
Tirasgarde = 48, minor deterioration
Kolkar Crag = 46, minor deterioration
Merchant Coast = 4, Attack!

How does the divination go? = 38, poorly but not catastrophically

Hunted = 75, nothing happens

Vark and Angrais activities
Vark activities = 17, damaging
How do they go? = 93, excellently
Angrais activities = 66, broadly beneficial
How do they go? = 94, excellently
I have never run a quest personally, but as a participant I like more rolls vs less. It keeps things fresh and often pushes the plot in unexpected directions.

Now I have seen QMs highlight that it can quickly become overly complicated and managing abstractions seems to be the real question. The rolls above seem proportional, but as (if) the scale of the quest grows abstraction can be used to keep the total number of rolls steady.
If you want you can also use 3rd party sites for rolling because one thing you as gm want to have is the ability to fudge not too terribly, but it's an option just in case. That said it's a personal rule and idea you have to get a feel for to see if it should be a pass or fail.

Other things would be trying to define that what you roll for can mean high is good when its us and high is bad when it's someone else. The reason for that is that I saw the 94 on the Kolkar Crag place and thought that things were handled and was probably going to be a cake walk, not a literal army ready to mass on our southern border.
Things that stand out:

First off, we did pretty well overall.

Secondly, skills seem like they don't matter much. Five ranks, plus 1 per rank, vs. a d100. A plus 5 is barely noticeable on that scale, and that's only for masters in that skill. Skill bonuses could probably be multiplied by five or so, maybe even 10. You should think about what the chances of a total novice beating an experienced master should be and set the system up like that.

Thirdly, maybe it's just given the circumstances, but learning rolls look like they're going to be very difficult. In order to do better than a 50, looks like you need to roll for availability, teacher skill, persuasion, and then I'm guessing you still might botch the actual roll to learn anyways.
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Durotar 3
Bring on the Jamaican accents! I used an authentic Jamaican dialect translator and definitely not the first google result for this.

Regarding rolls, @RukinSteps makes a good point about who the rolls are actually 'for'. Currently I'm operating thinking that rolls can be made by actors, and also 'about' things. For example, Attacker rolls 100, very good attack, very successful for them, defender rolls against this, so its attacker vs defender rolls. Comparably, I rolled for general situations as well, such as the regional rolls last time. Echo Isles had a high roll, therefore its beneficial to you because nothing bad is going on on the Echo Isles. Ultimately though this is just an abstraction, a way of me writing, not a definite assignment of stuff going on. There's always going to be the option of me rolling more or less for various things, but I'll continue to think about it and feel free to continue to give feedback.

Similarly, a low roll might mean 'you are injured' or merely 'you are ineffective', or 'you dont have chance to do anything'.

Because of the interrupt at the end of this chapter I'm going to leave this as an explanation of rolls, and then I'll do a 'Durotar turn 3.5' to describe what choices you have in the actual turn.


Your first six weeks at Sen'jin village are spent quite productively. Despite not being given specific duties you occupy yourself helpfully, still waiting for Master Gadrin and the rest of the elders to finish their ritual.

Training the trolls (decent success)
First sessions = 64
62 (base roll) +1 (leadership)+1 (persuasion)

Second sessions = 54
52 (base roll) +1 (leadership)+1 (persuasion)

You specifically decide to assist the village by training some of the villagers. There are a few troll warriors around, but many have other duties or their own training to attend to. As such you approach one of the battlemasters and offer your services as a tutor. You demonstrate your skill with a sword in a practice spar and your help is accepted so each week you spend a couple of days helping with the training, with the result of a faster progression for the forty or so students of the village.

Due to the varying duties of both teachers and students which prevent a regular curriculum your help is useful in filling in where the troll battlemasters can't, however you wouldn't regard your help as particularly influential. You also question whether you can do more in this area, and whether training is the best use of your skills. Nevertheless, you think you've learnt a bit more about leadership and persuading others during your activities, as well as kept your own skills sharp.

Basic Leadership +30% to next level
Basic Persuasion +15% to next level

How does the divination go? = 38, poorly but not catastrophically

You've not been told what the elders are actually doing in the largest hut, but you hear raised voices inside and there are strange sounds and smells coming from it whenever you pass nearby. Animals are taken in, and in one case a hooded troll struggling against his captors is dragged in. The prisoner does not return and black greasy smoke issues from the during the next day. You have no idea what the trolls were doing, but clearly it involves sacrificial magic.

After a week the doors of the elders' hut are thrown open and the assembled civilian and spiritual leaders of the Darkspear Tribe speak to their people. Outsiders are specifically prohibited from attending the speech and you, Vark, Angrais and some of the other non-trolls are corralled into a hut on the outskirts of the village. You speak among yourselves, discussing what you've all been up to. There is a single Tauren and a single Goblin in the village, and several other orcs.

After you're permitted to leave the hut following the meeting of the Darkspear you're advised against enquiring about the specifics of the meeting, or what the elders had been doing during their confinement. You abide by this, deeming it dishonourable to abuse the hospitality of your hosts, as well as to intrude upon the culture of others.

Echo Isles = 40, minor deterioration

However, you do overhear a few things, and some trolls mention that the divination of the elders involved the Echo Isles, where the present situation has apparently gotten worse.

Due to the elders now being available, yourself, Vark and Angrais meet with Master Gadrin and Master Vornal, two senior village elders. These trolls are pale and wrinkled, their limbs thin and they carry magical staves instead of weapons. Both trolls advise Vol'jin, the Darkspear chief and you suspect both are what the trolls call witch-doctors and follow that tradition of alchemists and magic users specific to troll culture.

The bleached bone mask of Master Gadrin glints in the torchlight as he reads over the three reports. "Evil seem fi be growing everyweh from di Isles tuh di Valley. Wheneva wi tun 'gainst one antha springs up like a weed."

He reseals the reports and hands them back to you, telling you that you can deliver them to Razor Hill in time. Gadrin thanks you specifically for the work you've been doing and suggests you and the others accompany a scouting mission to the Echo Isles. Apparently this will be a fairly large mission with several purposes from hunting some of the particular wildlife of the Isles, to the recovery of certain artefacts still there. Master Gadrin couches your participation as a suggestion, but you feel this is only because you're an orc and not a troll. While you could simply ignore him and depart for Razor Hill immediately, you don't think it honourable to do so given the clear need of the Darkspear.

Physical conditioning training Total: 92 (excellent result)

You spend several hours a day training your own body. Your teachers in the Valley of Trials impressed on you the importance of regular training and strengthening of the body as well as of your technical skills, and you've tried to follow these directives. You've trained hard, mainly in drilling on the practice grounds with your sword as well as in running and other physical activity. You already feel some improvement and you expect that if you continue this training you'd reach the level of any other warrior.

Basic Physical Conditioning +50% to next level

Meditation = 27, narrowly avoiding complete failure
20 (base roll) +7 (spirit affinity)

In the evenings you sit in meditation, trying to consciously inspire the Sight you've sometimes been gifted by the Spirit of the Wilds. You don't find any particular success in this, but you feel more prepared to continue this meditation in future. You know shaman use various aids to assist in their meditation and you do have a pouch of reagents that might assist in this. Then again, you've only felt the Sight though battle before, so perhaps you should find some way of inspiring your Sight through warfare.

Flamebender research = 51, qualified success
Base roll 40+11 for scholarship and fire affinity

You also study your father's Flamebender's Tome carefully for a few hours each day. Due to your social status you can read the Orcish even if the dialect is somewhat archaic, though there are two other distinct scripts in the text which you can't identify. The Tome describes some of the rituals and practices of the Burning Blade with several diagrams on different pages, as well as commentary, myths and other folklore of Draenor.

You concentrate on the parts of the text dealing with the Burning Blade's particular traditions, but you also see that there's plenty of information on the techniques of the Ogres and Draenei given the proximity of your clan to the capitals of both races on Draenor.

You don't actually perform any of the rituals the Tome mentions, but you do learn the basics of how you'd go about doing so. Further study will be required to learn more of the Tome's secrets.

You are particularly drawn to the parts of the text dealing with fire magic and feel a connection to the Spirit of Fire. You learn you can brew a 'sapta', a sort of potion which will increase your sensitivity to spirits and allow you to more easily connect to elemental forces. The Tome directs the initiate to drink the sapta in a place 'close to fire' such as a volcano or high mountain and then to overcome the spirit of the place in battle, seizing some token of it, usually its elemental core which can then be used to connect the initiate to the Spirit of Fire.

Basic Scholarship +15% to next level

Availability of teacher = 76, capped to 70 due to the elders being busy
Knowledge of teacher = 81, capped to 70 due to the elders being busy
Willingness of teacher to teach you = 7+1 for persuasion, so nope, that's pretty bad fail
Your learning despite this = 70, capped to 50 due to lack of teacher

While many of the elders shaman of the Darkspear were busy with their divinations, you managed to speak with one of the more junior shaman, Mishiki. While busy with some sort of alchemical process she speaks to you in one of the breaks and is quite knowledgeable. Due to her skill with herbs you ask her what you'd need to make the sapta you need to strengthen your connection to the elements.

"Who send ya tuh aks fi dis?" Mishiki asks you, eyes narrowed.

"No one," you admit freely, but looking at Mishiki you decide it would be best not to mention the precise method given she seems hostile to the idea already. "I've learned of them from my Clan's traditions."

Mishiki sneers, "Me tink mi smell evil an yuh, get away now mi nah teach yuh!"

You leave Mishiki's hut feeling that you've mortally offended her somehow, or rather than your Clan's traditions have. You're aware the Burning Blade are known as one of the orcish clans which had most enthusiastically adopted the Fel but surely that didn't disqualify you from ever learning Shamanism as Mishiki had suggested?

You suspect given Mishiki's reaction that none of the other Troll shaman will teach you, and you instead decide to raise the issue with Angrais as she might have a different perspective.

The Mok'Nathal is kneeling on the beach, the sand under her dry and the waves unnaturally flowing around her. "Patience and wisdom are the first things a shaman learns." she remarks, "That's why we form a connection with the Earth first. The other elements are more difficult; fire is chaotic, water malleable and air ephemeral. Earth is solid and enduring. You have to be patient, you have to be wise, but most of all you have to be humble, you can't force the elements, you have to respect them."

You don't learn anything more of Shamanism specifically, but given your discussion you do learn some things about Shamanism.

Vark and Angrais activities
Vark activities = 17, damaging
How do they go? = 93, excellently

Vark has been amusing himself in hunting down the patrols out of Tirasgarde. Apparently ignoring their usually passive nature Vark has gone out and killed several of the humans, taking their equipment and crudely cutting up and stitching together their armour into a cuirass more suited to his massive size. The orc is rather pleased with himself, and seems to have ignored the provocation this could cause, claiming that he left none alive to report his actions.

Angrais activities = 66, broadly beneficial
How do they go? = 94, excellently

Angrais has been being a shaman, with all the mystery that entails. You're not entirely sure what she's been up to but you've seen her working with the troll shaman several times and she seems to be well regarded among them. One notable area she helped out was by opening a deep trench to sit logs of the palisade in.

Other regional rolls
Sen'jin = 90, large improvement

Your training and the trolls own work improves the village's situation significantly. Some of the buildings are torn down and the lumber used to rebuild most of the palisade. You are on hand during one attack and you witness several trolls riding raptors ride up to the wall, hurl insults in their own language at you once they see your face, and then ride off. There are a few missiles thrown or shot from both sides but no injuries. You query who the trolls were afterward and learn that Vok'fon, the son of Master Vornal, as well as a few of his associates have turned to banditry and are now harassing the village. Vok'fon is an outcast from the Darkspear tribe because he openly spoke against association with the Horde, saying that they would make the Darkspears weak. He is broadly regarded as honourable however, and many trolls hope he can be persuaded to return to the community and remove the dishonour his actions cause his father and the Darkspear people.

Tirasgarde = 48, minor deterioration
Kolkar Crag = 46, minor deterioration

You've heard that both the Kul Tirans and the centaur have increased their patrols in both size and frequency recently, sometimes coming close to the village.

Merchant Coast = 4, Attack!

You're meditating in the communal hut one day and you're suddenly overtaken by a vision of thunder and blood. You put a hand to your head, stumbling to your feet and seizing your sword, Vark at your side having seen your alarm.

"What's wrong?" he demands, axe in hand.

You draw breath to speak but then you hear the thunder for real this time, booms out to the east in what you realise is a barrage of cannonfire!

"Down!" you manage to shout and you both throw yourselves down on the hut's floor as several others inside do the same.

Barrage = 87

The initial barrage from the sea is devastating. Even from what you assume is a smaller ship the shots still rip through the crude huts of the trolls and soon you see fires springing up and hear screaming.

Enemy landing = 97

The enemy come from the sea and you hear what you assume are humans shouting across the village and the report of musketry. The scream come again, this time from the shore as the raiding party swiftly cuts its way through the village, burning as they go.

Troll defence = 22

Due to the chaos of the attack, the ferocity of the enemy and the general lack of experienced warriors in the village the troll defence goes poorly. A score of fishermen run in shouting and are shot down immediately by the advancing enemy, while only a few of the raiders are killed in the defence by ambushes by troll axe-throwers.

Your actions during the attack = 20

You're no coward, and you and Vark both rush toward the sea to oppose the raiders. However, you find yourself lost in the ruins of several large buildings and instead of fighting end up helping the villages escape from the rubble of the buildings. Once you get the most injured free you go toward the sea again but find the battle almost over.

Your opposition = 40

After freeing the villagers Vark and yourself continue through the village. Just as you turn a corner you encounter three figures stepping out of one of the elder's huts.

Your attack = 60
Base roll 47+3 for competency, +2 for tactics, +3 for Warsight, +5 for Battle Fury

Vark's attack = 51

You charge with a wordless cry, Vark at your side, axe raised. Baneshadow's sword burns into a raging fire as it streaks toward the enemy, slicing clean through one of the raider's arms as he raises it instinctively to defend himself. Vark sinks his axe into one of them as you surge forward, sword striking up into another raider, slipping into the tranquil rage of battle, dodging right without clear reason, but a musket ball whipping past your ear.

Enemy reaction = 55
Base roll 75, -20 for surprise and intimidation.

There are three of them left and their eyes are on your burning sword and Vark's massive form. You're on them before they can prepare any significant defence, though as you strike out at another one of them manages to get another shot off and this time you can't dodge, the ball clipping your arm.

Your follow-up = 105
Base roll 93+13 for bonuses.

Your practiced fury dulls the pain and as Vark kills another with a swing of his mighty fist, you leap toward the leader, his pistol smoking. You execute one of the traditional cuts of your Clan perfectly, your sword sweeping through his neck before he even manages to draw his sword.

Enemy withdrawal = 3

As you advance toward the shore you find more of the enemy dead. Some of them have been killed by the axes or spears of the trolls, others appear to have been mauled by beasts, or burned to death. Still more, especially those found dead in clumps appear to have had the life sucked out of them, their corpses grey and dry. When you reach the shore you see the enemy's ship sailing away in the sunset, lanterns glowing. But then the wind picks up and you hear an evil voice booming out. Master Gadrin is standing there, power glowing in his hands, staff twisting and lashing like a serpent and you suddenly see a massive shape in the water! It rears up, too dark for you to know what it is and smashes down on the deck of the ship, masts falling and sailcloth tearing as the waterbeast rips into the ship.

Troll recovery = 16

While the trolls are a resilient people, capable of even regenerating limbs, so much misfortune in a single period has deeply wounded them. Many are dead and buildings have been destroyed. The raiders appear to have been searching for something, though you don't know what, and they burnt everything they didn't take, or try to take. The village is severally damaged and its people even weaker than when you first arrived, and Master Gadrin has been wounded by peeforming his last spell. It will take significant effort to repair all the damage, heal the people and make the village defensible again.
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Early set backs give main characters motivation, even the dice know that MCs need an early semi dangerous event
Durotar 3.5 (the one where you vote)
And here's the bit you actually vote on. FYI this is potentially a very precarious situation. While I won't kill the main character just yet I have no problem with devastating villages. You control you, you don't control the Darkspear, think about what you want to do and how best you can maximise your utility, if that's what you want to do.

I'm going to open voting from the start as that seems the easiest thing to do, but I expect if you're writing plans that you put some explanation there if you're the one proposing the plan.

Also, some comment on two points which have come up:

skills seem like they don't matter much. Five ranks, plus 1 per rank, vs. a d100. A plus 5 is barely noticeable on that scale, and that's only for masters in that skill. Skill bonuses could probably be multiplied by five or so, maybe even 10. You should think about what the chances of a total novice beating an experienced master should be and set the system up like that.
I'll firstly note that I'm not using any specific system for deciding what the results of rolls are. Sometimes a 70 might mean you kill your opponent, other times it'll be wound, that sort of thing. In general I'm using rolls to guide the narrative, but I'm subsequently developing that narrative as the QM.

On a side note, I despise the automatic success +20s all over the place tend to give. Yes individually a +5 doesn't have a significant effect, even out of character creation you have several skills which provide bonuses. I do want to make it clear though that you can fail, and that your decisions may lead you to this if you're not sensible. Comparably, if you get a load of magical enhancements, items and so on even if you rolled low that wouldn't matter because you're just so powerful. To put that into perspective here, you have a magic sword which could cut though anything your enemies were wearing, which meant that even though you didn't roll particularly high you were still able to kill your enemies fairly easily.
learning rolls look like they're going to be very difficult. In order to do better than a 50, looks like you need to roll for availability, teacher skill, persuasion, and then I'm guessing you still might botch the actual roll to learn anyways.
This is a good point, and one I want to emphasise. Learning, especially magical stuff, is difficult. Here I'd made it clear all the elders were busy, but you still got access to a really good teacher. Now you subsequently rolled very low for their willingness to teach you before you just wandered up and asked them about stuff. If you were somewhere like Dalaran you'd have gotten a minimum score of 30 or something because Dalaran has magical teachers who's job it is to teach people. If you had a proper teacher you'd also have a minimum actual learning roll based on their competency.

The availability, depth, openeness and ease of learning, especially magic, is unequally distributed across the world and as an Orc you have essentially no existing academic culture to all back on. Also, I combine actions sometimes rather than having everything completely separate, so here you'd just read the Flamebender's Tome and went over with that sort of thing which offended the troll because they use different shamanic traditions and you're not particularly diplomatic.


Communal actions

While the Darkspear have no direct authority over you, during this time you feel more obliged to help the community rather than yourself. Having said that, you still haven't received any specific duties.

[ ] Echo Isles Expedition: The Darkspear had planned a large expedition to the Echo Isles for various purposes, and Master Gadrin suggested you join it. Scouts report that the ship that attacked the village headed in that direction, perhaps they've moored there to repair? However, is it really such a good idea to be out on the water in a Troll war canoe when you know there's a hostile cannon-armed warship about?

[ ] Train the trolls, part 3: Though several are dead, the remaining trolls who were learning to be warriors will be continuing to train alongside rebuilding the village. Offer your assistance again.

[ ] Help with repair work, especially repairing the recently destroyed parts of the village. You realise this is necessary for the defence of the village, but you know you'll be shamed if others hear you've been doing peon's work given your station. Furthermore, most of the trolls will be doing this work anyway so an extra pair of hands might not be that useful.

[ ] Go hunting in the region and bring back resources for the village

Now is no time for passivity, and you know you have a duty to try and pre-empt the various enemies around Sen'jin if you can. The Trolls will be sending for help, but you don't know where it'll arrive. Act now and scout more aggressively. After you've decided which threats to pursue you'll consider how exactly you'll deal with them. (Specify where, one mission = one action)

[ ] Search for the bandit Vok'fon. You can think of several ways of dealing with this bandit, for example by simply duelling him as you're quite a strong duellist. However, given he's reputed to be honourable perhaps you could simply persuade him to re-join the village given its current need?
[ ] Scout the Kolkar Crag, the centaur are still a threat and the last thing you need is them galloping in at this time.
[ ] Scout Tirasgarde Keep, the humans have been patrolling recently and they might see Sen'jin's weakness as a chance to attack! Furthermore, Vark has requested your help in taking some of their larger patrols and you feel honourbound to assist a fellow warrior.
[ ] Scout the Merchant Coast, you think you could make it to Rachet and back in a few weeks, though you're not sure leaving the village for an extended period of time is sensible.

[ ] Get orders: Gadrin is wounded but you could seek out one of the other elders and offer your services. Find Master Vornal and follow his orders.

[Write in] You think of another way you can contribute to the community. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Personal Actions:

Social: You still barely know anyone and no one really has time to socialise currently, but perhaps you can offer to help out while getting to know some of the others?

[ ] Socialise generally in the village to gain a basic and general knowledge of the people and activities around the area.
[ ] Socialise with high status individuals and perhaps learn the strategic direction of the village, as well as news from the wider world that they're aware of.
[ ] Socialise with low status individuals and learn more about the day to day cares and gossip.
[ ] Socialise with the outsiders of the village, including your travelling companions, and the few other races in the village.

Train: It's important for a warrior to keep themselves well trained at all times to better serve clan and Horde. You're no exception, and you can train some things without a teacher.

[ ] Train your skill in the sword through sparring, you're sure Vark would be happy to practice.
[ ] Neither the trolls nor Angrais seem inclined to help you, but you can try to strengthen your connection to the elements on your own.
[ ] Meditate and try to strengthen your precognitive abilities
[ ] Train your body and try and build up your physical conditioning.

[Write in from existing skills] There are a few skills you can't think of an immediate way to train, such as your basic leadership skills as you aren't in command of anything currently. However, you could seek out ways to train your other skills, for example by offering your tactical advice to the Village's warriors. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Learn: For other skills your understanding is too basic at the moment to learn independently. You can search for a teacher, but many will currently be occupied.

[ ] Combat: You're good with a sword, but there are trolls here who've fought in many wars that could learn from.
[ ] Alchemy: The Darkspear are well known for their alchemy, though they might not be as willing to part with their secrets.
[ ] Survival: From jungle to island, and from island to coast the Darkspear know how to survive in the wild.
[ ] Ranged Combat: Trolls primarily use spears and throwing axes in ranged combat, though a few use bows.
[ ] Stealth: The Darkspear are known for their Shadow Hunters and are well versed in stealth. See one of their practitioners out and learn from them.

[Write in a new skill]: You could also try and find a teacher for more fringe arts, like the specific tradition of arcane magic the trolls use, or their traditions of enchanting. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Research: You have the basics of scholarship and can devote one action toward researching various matters.

[ ] Further investigate Baneshadow's Sword yourself
[ ] Further investigate Baneshadow's Sword, and seek assistance from one of the magicians among the Trolls, though most will be in the elders' ongoing conclave.
[ ] Investigate the Burning Blade Medallion: A magical object you believe enhances the bearer's connection to the fel.
[ ] Investigate the minor reagents that you took from Baneshadow's collection.
[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.

[Write in] You've had your first taste of an outside culture now and there are several things you can think about investigating from the Trolls' voodoo to the human gunpowder weapons. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.
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[x] Train and Investigate
-[x] Train the trolls, part 3: Though several are dead, the remaining trolls who were learning to be warriors will be continuing to train alongside rebuilding the village. Offer your assistance again.
-[x] Search for the bandit Vok'fon. You can think of several ways of dealing with this bandit, for example by simply duelling him as you're quite a strong duellist. However, given he's reputed to be honourable perhaps you could simply persuade him to re-join the village given its current need?
-[x] Scout the Kolkar Crag, the centaur are still a threat and the last thing you need is them galloping in at this time.
-[x] Socialise with the outsiders of the village, including your travelling companions, and the few other races in the village.
-[x] Meditate and try to strengthen your precognitive abilities
-[x] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.
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I'll hold off voting on plans for now. In the meantime, here are some typos I noticed.
You already feel some improvement and you expect that if you continue this training you'd be able
The end of the sentence is missing.
You're meditation in the communal hut one day and you're suddenly overtaken by a vision of thunder and blood.
A score of fishermen run in shouting and are shot down immediately but the advancing enemy,
As you advanced toward the shore you find more of the enemy dead.
mixed tenses
Master Gadrin has been wounded by preforming his last spell.
If you'd rather move on and not edit existing updates, please let me know and I'll stop making a note of them.
If you'd rather move on and not edit existing updates, please let me know and I'll stop making a note of them.
Thanks for these, I blame copying and pasting stuff to and fro.

Train and Investigate
Could you put some reasoning at the bottom of your post given you're the one proposing the plan? I don't mind people just voting for plans but if you've proposed the plan it would be good to have reasoning for others to agree or disagree with.
Thanks for the update and keep up the good work!

Also, here is my plan.

[X] Plan More Training and Halping!
-[X] Train the trolls, part 3: Though several are dead, the remaining trolls who were learning to be warriors will be continuing to train alongside rebuilding the village. Offer your assistance again.
-[X] Scout Tirasgarde Keep, the humans have been patrolling recently and they might see Sen'jin's weakness as a chance to attack! Furthermore, Vark has requested your help in taking some of their larger patrols and you feel honourbound to assist a fellow warrior.
-[X] Train your skill in the sword through sparring, you're sure Vark would be happy to practice.
-[X] Train your body and try and build up your physical conditioning.
-[X] Combat: You're good with a sword, but there are trolls here who've fought in many wars that could learn from.
-[X] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.

Pretty standard stuff that I picked. 2 Action for helping out, 3 actions for personal trainng and 1 for the Flamebender's Tome.
I'm rather curious about why the training troll option is so popular. What are you trying to achieve?

Also you could modify the options and combine them, for example, 'taken command of kul tiran attack, bring student trolls and command in battle'

I think the reason why a lot of us players are opting for more training is because our character is still somewhat weak.

Some of us would want our character to grow stronger and more skilled before taking on dangerous missions and whatnot.

But it might just because this Quest is just in it's beginning stages.
I think the reason why a lot of us players are opting for more training is because our character is still somewhat weak.

Some of us would want our character to grow stronger and more skilled before taking on dangerous missions and whatnot.

But it might just because this Quest is just in it's beginning stages.
That's a all fine, and is certainly recommended, but I'm also trying to make it clear that this may not be the best or most appropriate time for training. The dark spear have specialisms in alchemy and stealth, and a few others, but they aren't a training hub and their village just got burnt down.

Also I'm particularly interested in why training the trolls is so popular, that's you training others and although yes you can train your leadership skills there, there's still others ways you could train that

Keep in mind that this is a formative time for you. You traits are subject to change, and may do so based on your actions here.
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[X] Provide for our Hosts
-[X] Go hunting in the region and bring back resources for the village
-[X] Scout the Kolkar Crag, the centaur are still a threat and the last thing you need is them galloping in at this time.
-[X] Get orders: Gadrin is wounded but you could seek out one of the other elders and offer your services. Find Master Vornal and follow his orders.
-[X] Socialise generally in the village to gain a basic and general knowledge of the people and activities around the area.
-[X] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.
-[X] Investigate the minor reagents that you took from Baneshadow's collection.

Might want to learn Alchemy a bit to find out about the reagents we looted
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-[X] Alchemy: The Darkspear are well known for their alchemy, though they might not be as willing to part with their secrets.
-[X] Investigate the minor reagents that you took from Baneshadow's collection.

Might want to learn Alchemy a bit to find out about the reagents we looted

I'll also note that during this quest I intend to have things happen that you don't necessarily desire or have chosen specifically. If there's no reasoning given behind a particular vote then the inclinations of the character and past history will effect things. For example, here you've chosen alchemy specifically to understand the reagents, so the character would take the reagents to a shaman and ask there for identification, that sort of thing. Comparably if you'd chosen the flamebenders tome then you might read up on reagents in it to learn about the reagents.
Sounds like we ought to try and solve some of the issues here and try to help out, why not go and knock some heads on those bandits and get them to resolve things or we could go swimming to echo island and see what we can do