Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Had some good rolls and bad rolls, but overall pretty nice results!

Especially that nice Nat 100! It's always a good day to see a roll like that.

Thanks for the amazing update as always and keep up the good work!
Thematically the honour culture of the orcs is more alike to that of Arabia than Japan, but canonically blizzard has leant heavily, and rather crudely imo into the samurai imagery, such as the shashimono back banner for the Burning Blade and blademasters in general.

Now samurai are famous and stuff but keep in mind theyre mainly famously for dying heroically for meaningless reasons, see the 47 Ronin etc. Maybe not the archetype to emulate.
Ah, well, with our beginning forays into stealth, maybe we'll end up more the Ghost of Tsushima-style fictionalized samurai instead of the Warcraft or historical fictionalized samurai :p
Whew, that was close on the fight, but also exciting as hell, not so great with the hexxed crew, we might need to be relaying on the Warsight to find a spot where the crew is having to take a rest, even if they are hexxed to man the ship they still have to sleep or go into some form of stasis to recover. It'd be really interesting to sneak aboard, and steal the ship in a boarding action if we manage to gather enough free hands for it. Maybe talk with that Vok'Fon fella and see if him and his bois want to go a hunting in the sea. Though the wounded status we got seems like we're going to be laid up more than that though, does that mean doing any physical activity is heavily discouraged or just penalized rather heavily? Cuz we might just wind up having to spend the next few weeks recovering and doing a bit more studying, or at least some introspection of how to avoid getting hit.

Maybe a fire shield that makes people less likely to want to hit us? I don't know how'd we get our air affinity up for dodging or the mirage image that most blademasters can do. Or we can be really insane and use the Spirit of the Wild to take hits and then restore ourselves with it...
Had some good rolls and bad rolls, but overall pretty nice results!
I think I'll do a post about what rolls mean at some point but yes in general it's was quite fortuitous
keep in mind demons will be far more attentive than mongols
might need to be relaying on the Warsight to find a spot where the crew is having to take a rest, even if they are hexxed to man the ship they still have to sleep or go into some form of stasis to recover.
Keep in mind it's my necessarily your responsibility. This is a darkspear thing for darkspears to sort out, you can choose to do your own stuff.

As for the hexxed pirates, I'm going to say they're like zombies I think, untiring etc. Not sure if that's canon but the troll voodoo seems to draw on necromancy so 'hexxed' might mean 'raises by a troll necromancer' in this case
if we manage to gather enough free hands for it
No way, the horde had always been weak at sea and theyve got no major naval tradition
Cuz we might just wind up having to spend the next few weeks recovering and doing a bit more studying
Certainly encouraged, will mention in the next update
how to avoid getting hit.
There are some thing you could immediately do, get armour is one, get subordinates is another. Don't think of yourself as just one person
You hear footsteps on the ladder and as soon as the Kul Tiran's head you're ready, striking him with one of the logs from the beacon.
The verb is missing.
You initially considered this a contraction
After you manage to open your stitches a few days before they're due to be taken out its Master Vornal himself who comes to tend to you.
I am mostly watching it unfold as I have few insights into WC lore, but it's been an interesting read.

When are we expected to follow up on our second set of orders, the ones from our clan?
Durotar 4
You've now spent three months in Sen'jin Village and while you feel you've used your time well in training, aiding the trolls and in other matters, you also know you'll have to depart soon. You were dispatched here to learn about the allies of the Orcish people, specifically the Darkspear and now you've done so. You were also dispatched to assist the trolls and the still-healing wound in your belly certainly shows you've done that as well.

Several days ago a large party of warriors arrived from Razor Hill, over a hundred orcs and a few others of different races dispatched to assist and protect the village in the absence of many of its defenders. This is a formidable force and makes the Sen'jin almost entirely safe, Orcs generally being twice as powerful warriors as those of other races. In addition, Vok'fon has apparently reconciled with his father, at least for the moment, and now leads his forty or so raptor riders in wide patrols around the village.

The only danger to the village remains the hexxed frigate that Zalazane now controls, moored in Echo Isles. Master Gadrin lies in a long sleep, tended by his acolytes but weak from the powerful magics he called up to destroy the raiders and damage their ship and Master Vornal still leads the village. However, along with the orcish party several Darkspear have come from Orgrimmar including Rokhan, one of the most respected Shadow-hunters of the tribe. You have heard that Rokhan will lead a party to the Echo Isles by night to disrupt Zalazane's activities. You wish him well as you'd planned to go on the mission yourself, but with your wound you're not sure if that's a prudent decision anymore.

In general you feel you've satisfied the requirements of honour in the village and there seems to be nothing left which you could do that a hundred orcs or forty raptor riders couldn't and now the village isn't in dire straits you feel honour call you north to finally deliver your report to Razor Hill and then go on to Orgrimmar and your clan. You only vaguely remember that clef of shadow in the warrens of Ogrimmar's canyons that you once called home, and its possible much has changed in your absence. At latest you'll wait another three months to recover fully before departing the village, though you consider departing before that once you've healed a little. After that you'll spend about six weeks travelling to Orgrimamr, stopping at Razor Hill on the way. Once you reach Orgrimmar you'll report to your father Neeru Fireblade, Chief of the Burning Blade clan, and return the Flamebender's Tome you took without his permission. You consider that it's possible that if you prove worthy of it you'll be allowed to keep it, but you'd have to impress your father for this to happen. You try not to consider the implications of your return and the potential reactions of your father but your mind goes to dark places... you might be exiled, or worse...

You'll spend a maximum of 2 turns in Sen'jin, and 1 turn travelling, stopping at Razor Hill on the way. You can leave earlier if you choose to, which would allow you to spend more time at Razor Hill, an Orcish settlement larger than Sen'jin. After this you will (possibly permanently) give up the Flamebender's Tome. You may also be exiled from the clan depending on your father's reaction, though your actions at Sen'jin are sufficiently worthy to be admitted to other clans if this comes to pass.

You remain injured and can't take any vigorous actions without impeding your recovery. Instead you decide to spend more time learning and in research. You also feel you've satisfied the requirements of honour for the moment and don't feel obliged to assist the Darkspear as you have been previously. Master Vornal also owes you a favour for persuading his son to return to the village.

Your usual 6 actions are reduced to 4 this turn while you recover. They'll be reduced to 5 next turn and back to 6 the turn after.
1 Action limit on research removed while injured.
You are no longer obliged to take communal actions.
1 Action can be boosted using your favour from Vornal. This can be used to oblige someone to teach you and will ensure success in any teaching, or to allow your participation in activities you wouldn't ordinarily be involved in. You don't need to use this favour now, it may be advantageous to keep it for later.

One other event of interest occurred recently. You were greeting some of the orcs who'd just arrived when you saw a massive figure striding between them, the warriors saluting him with clenched fist over heart as he passed. You barely reached his belt and he stood head and shoulders above even the tallest of the orcish warriors, the fur of his hood forming a fearsome grey mane over his head. On his chest you saw the faded symbol of the Horde, a hawk perched on his shoulder and a large brown furred beast followed at his heel.

"I am Rexxar, Last Son of the Mok'Nathal." the Champion of the Horde announced to the village, "Where is my daughter?"

Turn 4


Communal actions

The Darkspear have no direct authority over you, and in fact the balance of obligation has somewhat shifted. Still, there's a few ways you can help the community.

[ ] Echo Isles Expedition: Master Gadrin suggested you join the Echo Isles expedition, but now the circumstances of the mission have changed significantly. For one thing this simply isn't your responsibility and the Darkspear have many resources they can call on if needed. If you do want to go you'll have to use your favour from Master Vornal to get Rokhan to bring you along given your injury.

[ ] Scout the abandoned Tirasgarde watchtowers: You realise that there might be enemy documents such as orders or maps, or simply other items of interest like armour in a few of the abandoned Tirasgarde watchtowers and wonder whether it would be worth setting off to see what can be found.

[ ] Battle of Kolkar Crag: Rexxar has a great hatred of the centaur and intends to leads the orcish band to destroy them utterly. Angrais will also be there, and Vark is likely to be too as there are fellow Warsong warriors among the recent arrivals. You plan to observe the battle and its aftermath, but you'll have to use your favour from Vornal if you want to participate.

[ ] Leave early for Razor Hill, allowing you to spend more time at that settlement. You have to deliver your orders after all and you've already delayed doing so my three months.

[Write in] You think of another way you can contribute to the community. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Personal Actions:

Social: Everyone is very busy but perhaps you can speak with some of them in their free moments.

[ ] Socialise with high status individuals and see what planning or activity is going on.
[ ] Socialise with low status individuals and learn more about the day to day cares and gossip of the village at this time.
[ ] Socialise with the outsiders of the village, including your travelling companions, and the few other races in the village.
Socialise with the new arrivals including Vok'fon or the Orcish warband.

You've been spending a lot of time with Vark recently as he's been checking up on your recovery. Do you choose to spend more time with him? (Free Action if taken)
[ ] Socialise with Vark
[ ] Do not socialise with Vark

Train: While it's important for a warrior to keep themselves well trained at all times to better serve clan and Horde and you're no exception, you have taken a significant injury so you won't be doing anything strenuous.

[ ] Neither the trolls nor Angrais seem inclined to help you, but you can try to strengthen your connection to the elements on your own.
[ ] Meditate: While you can try to strengthen your precognitive abilities, you felt much closer to the Spirit of the Wild when you were fighting against the Kul Tirans, and as such you aren't sure more time mediating on your own without a teacher will help.
[ ] Study the historical and scholarly elements of the Flamebender's Tome such as its description of Draenei and Ogre societies and magics.

[Write in from existing skills] There are a few skills you can't think of an immediate way to train, such as your basic leadership skills as you aren't in command of anything currently. However, you could seek out ways to train your other skills, for example by offering your tactical advice to the Village's warriors. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Learn: For other skills your understanding is too basic at the moment to learn independently. You can search for a teacher, but many will currently be occupied.

[ ] Shamanism: You can use your favour from Vornal to take another try at learning more about the Elements and forming a connection with one of them.
[ ] Alchemy: The Darkspear are well known for their alchemy, though they might not be as willing to part with their secrets.
[ ] Riding: There are wolf riders among the orcs recently arrived, and you think either they or one of Vok'fon's raptor riders might be persuaded to teach you how to ride such warbeasts.

[Write in a new skill]: You could also try and find a teacher for more fringe arts, like the specific tradition of arcane magic the trolls use, or their traditions of enchanting. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Research: You have the basics of scholarship, and your injury means you should probably spend more time on research at the moment.

[ ] Further investigate Baneshadow's Sword: The sword was instrumental in your battle with the Kul Tirans, you should investigate it further and if necessary seek assistance from one of the magicians among the Trolls.
[ ] Investigate the other items you took from Baneshadow's cave, including the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents
[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate [Write in]. ('Nothing specific' is a permissible write in, but looking for particular things would be more effective that paging through a massive book reading generally.
[ ] Sapta: The Flamebender's Tome indicates that you need to craft a sapta, a sort of potion, to forge a connection with the elementals and then overcome one in battle and bind it to a totem. Research and create this potion in preparation for connecting with the elements.
[ ] Gather, create or barter for various materials you might find useful. Vark's bombs were essential to your success at the Kul Tiran tower, perhaps you can find something useful like [Write in required]
[Write in] You've had your first taste of an outside culture now and there are several things you can think about investigating from the Trolls' voodoo to the human gunpowder weapons. Note: Query the write in with me before putting it in a plan.

Think carefully about the choices in this chapter as you're now on a clock much more than you were before. Feel free to ask about the specifics of some of these and clarify anything. I'll answer in character questions in an in character fashion, such as things like 'Will there be Orcish shaman willing to teach us at Razor Hill'.

Posts proposing plans for the first time will be ignored and uncounted without decent reasoning. I encourage the posting of draft plans which can then be voted on 'properly' once discussed in thread.
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I think we ought to get as much use out of that book as we can while we still have it.

We should be ready to give it up permanently, so that ties can be more cleanly cut if need be.

That and survival training are the most urgent things I think.
survival training are the most urgent things I think.
So I've taken this off the list because of your injury. Going without food in the wilderness or wandering about living rough woudn't be great for your recovery. You can choose it as a write in if you like and learn some stuff about the village. I'm perfectly happy to ask questions about what you'll be up to in future though, you aren't particularly likely to get stranded somewhere soon for example and need to use your survival rolls.
I am mostly watching it unfold as I have few insights into WC lore, but it's been an interesting read.

When are we expected to follow up on our second set of orders, the ones from our clan?
I actually answered these but the post doesn't seem to show. That's weird, oh well. Thanks for the typos btw.

On the first point, regardless of insight, in general I'm dealing with a lot of fairly obscure lore so knowledge of wow isn't as useful. I intend to establish most important things in text anyway, like I've already said in threat that most of your clan are demon worshippers, but you don't know that as the character etc.

And yes as mentioned in the chapter you do have your other orders yea.
So I've taken this off the list because of your injury. Going without food in the wilderness or wandering about living rough woudn't be great for your recovery. You can choose it as a write in if you like and learn some stuff about the village. I'm perfectly happy to ask questions about what you'll be up to in future though, you aren't particularly likely to get stranded somewhere soon for example and need to use your survival rolls.
Ah, my impression from the text was that he was getting lessons on survival tips and tricks from the trolls, so I wasn't thinking of it as a strenuous activity, more that he was getting a secondhand theoretical basis.

Laying the foundation that later practice would build on.

Unless we've already exhausted that avenue?

Outside of that, I'd advocate for sitting on that Master Vornal favor, socializing with Vark because we owe him a favor of our own, and heading to Razor Hill early so we can spend more time there if it has good opportunities.

It would be good to have a favor we can call in if we find ourselves suddenly Clanless.
Ah, my impression from the text was that he was getting lessons on survival tips and tricks from the trolls, so I wasn't thinking of it as a strenuous activity, more that he was getting a secondhand theoretical basis.

Laying the foundation that later practice would build on.

Unless we've already exhausted that avenue?
I see what you mean. To some extent it depends on what you're learning. For survival specifically you can learn some things in theory but in the end the most effective way is to go out and do stuff. Same for sword fighting etc, you could talk to a master swordsman and get, at most, a 10% skill increase because he's described some stuff, but you still need the muscle memory, experience and so on to actually advance in levels. You picked up a few persuasion exp bits in the last two updates but you went up a level because you actually used it in practice. Survival includes a reasonable variety of things but for primitive societies there's not necessarily a distinction between theory and practice. You get taught to go out and skin animals, identify common plants in the area, stuff like that. Higher level survival would enable you to identify a plant as poisonous or not without having seen or heard of it before because you know things similar to it etc.

good to have a favor we can call in if we find ourselves suddenly Clanless.

This is a good point, though generally you should avoid clanless if you can. If the demon police exiled you people are going to maleness assumptions about you.

Also in thralls new horde clanlessness is a lot more common, there's a fairly large urban class of orcs who aren't necessarily nice exiles but just don't identify with a clan because of the melting pot effect. Also you're a martially capable verified seer, you'd get picked up by the wider horde bureaucracy (such that it is)

If you do get exiled though they'll probably confiscate your burning blade stuff like your sword
It would be good to have a favor we can call in if we find ourselves suddenly Clanless.
Agreed, even if the option to observe Rexxar's battle is tempting. I'd like to use our convalescence to go all-in on studying the Flamebender's Tome, specifically the part that is connected to our aspiration of becoming a samurai blademaster. Not so sure that I want to multiclass into a shaman at this point, though.

OTOH, since Grok'mash seems like the scholar/leader/tactician type, we could also use this time to learn all that we can about our clan and its traditions, to reform it after/if we save it from its demonic masters. Also, leveraging our honor and knowledge of our clan traditions may save us from exile, especially if we find a convenient 'trial by combat' clause in there somewhere.
I want to go all in on the tome, but I also want to get our air affinity up so we can do more esoteric blade-master stuff like turn invisible, walk through walls, move so fast we cannot be seen by the naked eye etc.
We know that there are diminishing returns for spending more than one action on the same thing, so while we can justify spending 2 or 3 on the book, I'm less sure about spending as many as 4 on it in a single turn.

Since we don't have a cap on research this turn, I'd like to go for spending our last action on investigating the rest of the stuff we took from that cave. Not knowing what we're carrying around is bothering me a bit, and if there's any kind of chance we can identify something serving as a tracking device, or as having a corruptive effect, I'd like to find out so we can destroy or ditch it sooner rather than later.

As for the book itself, we have the "Further investigate" action to use, but also the "Study the historical and scholarly elements" action to consider as well.
My instinct is to split the difference and do both while using the "Further investigate" action to search it generally, but there's also the option of specifying some part of it to focus on as a write in.
I'm going to go back over those sections and look for specific subjects to learn about.

So I've come up with a few possible things to specifically search the book for:
We could look for ways to strengthen our lacking affinity for the air element, though that seems premature given we aren't even connected to fire yet.
We could look for techniques that leverage our existing connection to the 'Spirit of the Wilds'.
We could look for blade techniques that make use of a blade covered in fire.

I'm not really attached to those options though. I think I might actually prefer just searching generally.

For now, here are these:

[ ] Plan In Progress
-[ ] Leave early for Razor Hill, allowing you to spend more time at that settlement. You have to deliver your orders after all and you've already delayed doing so my three months.
-[ ] Socialise with Vark
-[ ] Study the historical and scholarly elements of the Flamebender's Tome such as its description of Draenei and Ogre societies and magics.
[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate [Write in]. ('Nothing specific' is a permissible write in, but looking for particular things would be more effective that paging through a massive book reading generally.
[ ] Investigate the other items you took from Baneshadow's cave, including the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents

[ ] Plan In Progress 2
-[ ] Leave early for Razor Hill, allowing you to spend more time at that settlement. You have to deliver your orders after all and you've already delayed doing so my three months.
-[ ] Socialise with Vark
[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate [Write in]. ('Nothing specific' is a permissible write in, but looking for particular things would be more effective that paging through a massive book reading generally.
--[ ] Spend 2 Actions
-[ ] Investigate the other items you took from Baneshadow's cave, including the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents
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We know that there are diminishing returns for spending more than one action on the same thing, so while we can justify spending 2 or 3 on the book, I'm less sure about spending as many as 4 on it in a single turn.

Since we don't have a cap on research this turn, I'd like to go for spending our last action on investigating the rest of the stuff we took from that cave. Not knowing what we're carrying around is bothering me a bit, and if there's any kind of chance we can identify something serving as a tracking device, or as having a corruptive effect, I'd like to find out so we can destroy or ditch it sooner rather than later.

As for the book itself, we have the "Further investigate" action to use, but also the "Study the historical and scholarly elements" action to consider as well.
My instinct is to split the difference and do both while using the "Further investigate" action to search it generally, but there's also the option of specifying some part of it to focus on as a write in.
I'm going to go back over those sections and look for specific subjects to learn about.

So I've come up with a few possible things to specifically search the book for:
We could look for ways to strengthen our lacking affinity for the air element, though that seems premature given we aren't even connected to fire yet.
We could look for techniques that leverage our existing connection to the 'Spirit of the Wilds'.
We could look for blade techniques that make use of a blade covered in fire.

I'm not really attached to those options though. I think I might actually prefer just searching generally.

For now, here are these:

[ ] Plan In Progress
-[ ] Leave early for Razor Hill, allowing you to spend more time at that settlement. You have to deliver your orders after all and you've already delayed doing so my three months.
-[ ] Socialise with Vark
-[ ] Study the historical and scholarly elements of the Flamebender's Tome such as its description of Draenei and Ogre societies and magics.
[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate [Write in]. ('Nothing specific' is a permissible write in, but looking for particular things would be more effective that paging through a massive book reading generally.
[ ] Investigate the other items you took from Baneshadow's cave, including the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents

[ ] Plan In Progress 2
-[ ] Leave early for Razor Hill, allowing you to spend more time at that settlement. You have to deliver your orders after all and you've already delayed doing so my three months.
-[ ] Socialise with Vark
[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate [Write in]. ('Nothing specific' is a permissible write in, but looking for particular things would be more effective that paging through a massive book reading generally.
--[ ] Spend 2 Actions
-[ ] Investigate the other items you took from Baneshadow's cave, including the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents

Could we simply try to focus on gathering the materials for the Septa? Cuz I feel like with it we might be able to try and get some additional insight on the burning blade weapon we got from the cave, to begin with. Could even see how there is a connection between fire and Fel as I recall there being a bit between Thrall and Drek'Thar where they focused on Earth cuz otherwise they are boned spiritually. At least add in the septa study for that, could also use the Flamebender's tome to gain more insight specifically to try and see what offensive abilities could be used here or something defensive since we are worried about defense. Not sure how easy it would be to try and simply find or equip heavier armors.

Would heavier armor lead to disadvantages and the like?

I'd imagine it would plus it would somewhat clash with our goal of being a blademaster at least, could find inspiration[Read; Steal] from those knights we fought cuz we found that plate armor is actually pretty dang tough!
Once you reach Orgrimmar you'll report to your father Neeru Fireblade, Chief of the Burning Blade clan, and return the Flamebender's Tome you took without his permission. You consider that it's possible that if you prove worthy of it you'll be allowed to keep it, but you'd have to impress your father for this to happen.

Ah, so we definitely need to focus our attention on learning all that we can from the Tome. It will aid us a lot later on in our journey and having the chance to keep it is a great boon indeed. Let's just hope that we can train up to an acceptable level with it.

"I am Rexxar, Last Son of the Mok'Nathal." the Champion of the Horde announced to the village, "Where is my daughter?"

Hahahaha! Nice to see one of my most favorite characters in Warcraft here! It was a blast playing him in Warcraft 3 Campaign!

[ ] Plan In Progress

I'm gonna go with this plan later on once the votes are open.
@FractiousDay, is it possible to red through the entire Flamebender's Tome while we're convalescing?
Think it's a huge book that'd take literal months if not a whole year, we're on a time crunch so we might be only getting the gist of things. That said using flame blade techniques or even just finding out how or where to get that fire connection would be a grand idea. Little worried that the Baneblade shadow thing we have is infused with Fel and we'll need to either cleanse it for a normal fire elemental connection or scrap it and find a new blade to infuse with flame. It'd bite but going on an epic quest to reforge and renew the current blade is my jam and butter story wise.
I'm very much interested in researching our blade more, and I am willing to pair it with the Tome to figure out how it work, exactly. That said, my intent is to make ourselves familiar with the contents of the whole tome to better direct the next three-to-four training sessions we may have with it.
It'd bite but going on an epic quest to reforge and renew the current blade is my jam and butter story wise.
Nah, we should get our own blade. Grok'mash's Blade. It'll have cool decals and a wicked sticker job.
[ ] Plan Look See
-[ ] Scout the abandoned Tirasgarde watchtowers: You realise that there might be enemy documents such as orders or maps, or simply other items of interest like armour in a few of the abandoned Tirasgarde watchtowers and wonder whether it would be worth setting off to see what can be found.
-[ ] Socialise with the new arrivals including Vok'fon or the Orcish warband.
-[ ] Socialise with Vark
-[ ] Study the historical and scholarly elements of the Flamebender's Tome such as its description of Draenei and Ogre societies and magics.
-[ ] Shamanism: You can use your favour from Vornal to take another try at learning more about the Elements and forming a connection with one of them.
-[ ] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents.

We are wounded, use the time to loot an empty compound, and use the Tome to investigate our mystery Fel stuff.
"I am Rexxar, Last Son of the Mok'Nathal." the Champion of the Horde announced to the village, "Where is my daughter?"
Reading about Rokhan was a nice surprise, iirc he really didn't have much to do with the plot after Rexxar's campaign in the old game

But this? This is freaking great.
Excellent discussions all, The voting is and has been open, just wanted to make sure you've been thinking about it rather than just picking stuff. Some points on a few questions below:
Not so sure that I want to multiclass into a shaman at this point, though.
That's fine, its up to you, but I'm interested in why not
leveraging our honor and knowledge of our clan traditions may save us from exile, especially if we find a convenient 'trial by combat' clause in there somewhere.
There is indeed this sort of tradition, but keep in mind that mere martial prowess won't necessarily impress your father.
stuff like turn invisible, walk through walls, move so fast we cannot be seen by the naked eye etc.
Way way in the future sure, not immediately or in the next few turns though
there are diminishing returns for spending more than one action on the same thing, so while we can justify spending 2 or 3 on the book, I'm less sure about spending as many as 4 on it in a single turn.
You do indeed, this is to represent you hunting for 6 weeks solidly and getting bored and running out of prey etc. However, if you took 'look for fire stuff in the book' and then 'look for air stuff in the book' though would count as two different actions and have no diminishing returns because they're specific
Not knowing what we're carrying around is bothering me a bit
THe idea you've been wearing a fel artefact casually around you neck all this time does amuse me, but I think its probably been in your bag. Having said that, that's where you sleep and sit when you're not busy so not necessarily great.
I'm going to go back over those sections and look for specific subjects to learn about.
interested in researching our blade more, and I am willing to pair it with the Tome to figure out how it work
Feel free to ask me about what it contains, whether it contains specific stuff etc. For instance, from looking over it previously you know it contains

Stories and legends of the Burning Blade
Descriptions of traditions
Stuff about Draenor, from stories and notes on enemies like the ogres, to other stuff
Blacksmithing stuff (how they make the cool swords)
Stuff on elemental connecting and binding
Stuff on elementals in general
Some stuff you think is probably demonic notes but its in the demon language which hurts your eyes to look at because its all evil and stuff and you can't read it
Notes in another language (you dont know what)
Stuff about fire magic
Stuff about air magic
Alchemy stuff
Divination (Flameseers)

additional insight on the burning blade weapon
You know what it does, but not how it does it. Specifically you don't know whether its an enchantment, whether its an elemental bound into the blade, that sort of thing, but there's more about it in the Tome.
focused on Earth cuz otherwise they are boned spiritually.
Shaman connect with earth first because its solid and doesn't change much, and it grounds them yes, connecting with the other elements is more difficult, usually shaman do it Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Spirit, with even experienced shaman having difficulty connecting with spirit
fire and Fel as I recall there being a bit between Thrall and Drek'Thar
I think I recall something similar, probably because they're both burny?
Not sure how easy it would be to try and simply find or equip heavier armors.

Would heavier armor lead to disadvantages and the like?
Depends really, Razor Hill has a large smithy, and there's Kul Tiran armour lying about in roughly your size (you're small remember). I'll say there's a reasonable amount of stuff, its not a rare thing, especially not in cities.

As for disadvantages, it'll make you heavier and slightly slower, especially if you take it off a corpse and its been mass produced etc, but if it fits well and so on it'll be fine, no disadvantages. As with other stuff it'll make you louder as well so you wouldn't be wearing plate and trying to sneak about clanking around.
it would somewhat clash with our goal of being a blademaster
You know the old blademasters relied extensively on their elementally powered speed yes, and sometimes refused to wear armour.
entire Flamebender's Tome while we're convalescing?
it's a huge book that'd take literal months if not a whole year
It's large, quite dense, but also quite wandering. Generations of Burning Blade have added to it and its been rebound several times and has at least 3 different languages in it, you've flipped through it and you have a vague idea of what it contains but to read it all and comprehend it would be the work of years.
Reading about Rokhan was a nice surprise, iirc he really didn't have much to do with the plot after Rexxar's campaign in the old game
He's in BfA and now is the new Darkspear leader I think, he also showed up a few times in other places, but Blizzard aren't great at giving their characters actual character. For example he's in Dragonblight hunting dragons and you could replace him with just 'Generic Troll Hunter quest giver' and that would be fine.

Meanwhile the writing for Rexxar was worse as he makes a stupid speech about jaina and completely fails to understand the war he's just joined in BfA
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[X] Plan In Progress
-[X] Leave early for Razor Hill, allowing you to spend more time at that settlement. You have to deliver your orders after all and you've already delayed doing so my three months.
-[X] Socialise with Vark
-[X] Study the historical and scholarly elements of the Flamebender's Tome such as its description of Draenei and Ogre societies and magics.
[X] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate [Write in]. ('Nothing specific' is a permissible write in, but looking for particular things would be more effective that paging through a massive book reading generally.
[X] Investigate the other items you took from Baneshadow's cave, including the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents

Alright I'm choosing the 1st plan made by Enthusiast#117. Seems proper enough for this turn and we do need to learn all that we can from the Tome in order to impress our character's father.

Also, delaying our mission further seems like a bad idea so participating in the battle might not be a good choice.
[X] Plan Look See
-[X] Scout the abandoned Tirasgarde watchtowers: You realise that there might be enemy documents such as orders or maps, or simply other items of interest like armour in a few of the abandoned Tirasgarde watchtowers and wonder whether it would be worth setting off to see what can be found.
-[X] Socialise with the new arrivals including Vok'fon or the Orcish warband.
-[X] Socialise with Vark
-[X] Study the historical and scholarly elements of the Flamebender's Tome such as its description of Draenei and Ogre societies and magics.
-[X] Shamanism: You can use your favour from Vornal to take another try at learning more about the Elements and forming a connection with one of them.
-[X] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan. You've read through most of it and have a good idea of what it contains, you choose to investigate the Burning Blade Medallion and the Minor Reagents.
He's in BfA and now is the new Darkspear leader I think, he also showed up a few times in other places, but Blizzard aren't great at giving their characters actual character. For example he's in Dragonblight hunting dragons and you could replace him with just 'Generic Troll Hunter quest giver' and that would be fine.

Meanwhile the writing for Rexxar was worse as he makes a stupid speech about jaina and completely fails to understand the war he's just joined in BfA
Mmm sounds like it's a good thing I never got on the WoW train then, now I'm wondering if reading the novels would be worth it. Specifically War Crimes and then Shadow of the Horde
Mmm sounds like it's a good thing I never got on the WoW train then, now I'm wondering if reading the novels would be worth it. Specifically War Crimes and then Shadow of the Horde
I'd make the point that you sort of have to separate the game stuff and the other stuff. Some of the writing within wow is remarkably poor but if you wanted to know more I'd probably say to just listen to some videos on it which summarise the novels. I've read Lord of the Clans which was Thrall's origin story and was perfectly clear and interesting, but not a particularly ambitious novel.