Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

[X] Plan: Patience begets Wisdom and Wisdom begets Balance

[X] Plan: Patience begets Wisdom and Wisdom begets Balance

Ditto for flameseeing, I would very much want this plan to pick it instead of alchemy. @Kufufu, would you be open to making such a change?

As for the plan, I think that the themes of Balance and Patience will help us negate our disadvantages as a scrawny warrior Orc. I see Grok'mash becoming a Sun Tzu style of officer, a warrior who wins through preparation, planning and insight, and a reform-minded political leader. All of these require an Orc with a balanced temper, keen mind and the patience to wait out the right moment.
Are... are you saying we are now...

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[X] Plan: Patience begets Wisdom and Wisdom begets Balance

I really like this plan. Trying to upgrade the sword a bit shows our immediate utility to the clan, and the earth binding demonstrates us as a good long-term investment + I think the aspects chosen fit well with our current characterization. Also the lightning strike location is super hype and the flamesight is also super hype.
Grok'mash will in his later years wander Orgrimmar when he becomes bored, seeking young orcs who are bigger and stronger then him, who also dont yet know who he is.

Just so he can provoke them into a fight and lay them out on the ground.
As mentioned I'll note discuss some of the plans with more comments, though further discussion is encouraged.

References have been made to strength, and yes you could potentially have some sort of strengthening enchantment, or alternatively, this could be spiritual strength or conviction, that sort of thing, these are intentionally vague.

@Kufufu's plan has been referenced and the narrative commented on, which I find unusual as there isn't any narrative in the post currently and it'll be ignored along with the votes for it unless there's some narrative in there.

Connect to the elemental's own anxiety from being born out of a happenstance one-in-a-million lightning strike, a thing of chance, coming from a different element, even. Become a shared soul to the elemental, as a physically unimpressive warrior in a race of greatest fighters, born into the most ill-fated clan of those people. Give it a promise of power elsewhere, away from this forgotten, unneeded place, powering Grok's blade, and claiming victories together, instead of sulking in brokenness.
Would an abandoned watch tower of Tirisgarde work? What the place lacks in absolute "holyness" it would make up for in symbolism for Grok'mash's past successes and battles. An abandoned tower set ablaze could make for a powerful Fire Elemental, and it would tie in heavily with the theme of Transformation (as well as the theme of Destructon, tbh).
I find the narrative of the first quote very interesting, it's one of the ways you might start with the 'Many Flames' idea I brought up in the shaman info post, bringing an elemental out and effectively training or socialising it. You're not necessarily enslaving it in the manner of arcane mages and elementals, but equally you're not just leaving it as it is to sit around doing its own thing.

The second post here with the write in I also find interesting. Both of these would give an unusual elemental rather than the normal 'big rock monster' from a big boulder or similar. I've got my own notes for each of the locations indicating what sort of aspect of the element they represent. As has been guessed, the lightning tree is more representative of fast, brief power. In this case I've got 'nuking, air combo?' written in my notes because as mentioned there's the potential for a double elemental rather than just one (this is potential, not guaranteed). Comparably the forge has again correctly been guessed as a more industrial focus. Something like this tower elemental is interesting because it might represent change, victory, that sort of thing which is both transformation and destruction.
As mentioned I'll note discuss some of the plans with more comments, though further discussion is encouraged.

References have been made to strength, and yes you could potentially have some sort of strengthening enchantment, or alternatively, this could be spiritual strength or conviction, that sort of thing, these are intentionally vague.

@Kufufu's plan has been referenced and the narrative commented on, which I find unusual as there isn't any narrative in the post currently and it'll be ignored along with the votes for it unless there's some narrative in there.

I see, I see. Alright then, I suppose I should get on that, shouldn't I. -_-

[X] Plan: Patience begets Wisdom and Wisdom begets Balance
-[X] Beneath a lightning-struck tree
-[X] Enhance your sword, you could perhaps fashion a pommel out of the totem which you think would further strengthen the sword's enchantment.
-[X] Balance, fire is a perfect balance between destruction and creation, forces in opposition, yet interdependent

So, I chose to meditate under the lightning-struck tree because in a vast majority of legands associated with meditation and communing with a higher power; success is found in the form of a lightning-struck tree or while meditating underneath it.

I chose to enhance our sword with fire because as is, it is our greatest resource and our only real tool in combat. Additionally, adding another fire spirit to it is probably going to cause a synergy between the two, granting new effects.

I chose Balance for a few reasons but the primary one would be to help the MC gain some balance for himself, these past few chapters has had him rife with insecurity and literally every combat we've seen has him doubting himself in some way, though with his proformance during said combat; it might just be self awareness.

-[X] Atop a local mountain
-[X] Carry the totem itself, unaltered for the moment.
-[X] Patience, earth is the most solid of the Elements and ever-patient

-[X] Flameseeing: Meditate before a fire and try and strengthen your ability to see through the flames as you had when you looked into the Kul Tiran fort.

I was a bit iffy on choosing to meditate on the mountain top because I think that, as a place where the earth and sky meet, it might have some carry over from Air, but in the end decided it was the best of the options available for what I'm going for since any cavernous caves in the area would be full of warlocks and thus the "holy place" too suffused with the energies of the twisting nether to be useful for us.
I figured that a normal totem might be for the best with earth as none of the other options managed to fit in my eyes. They either felt like they wouldn't fit the Elements at all or they didn't suit the concept of the Element I was trying to harness.

Finally, we come to Patience; which I chose so that we would have a better time of communing with the Elements later. Its been said several times to us already, "the first element you should bind is Earth because it will teach you Patience and Wisdom". While we did bind Fire first, I'm hoping that the fact that its Balance that we bound will make us more amenable to the lessens Earth can depart on us.

I chose Flameseeing because I feel that the more we learn about Shamanism the less we will smell of Fel (which we apparently do) and the better off we will be standing wise. Also, everyone asked for it because no one else wanted to play with a chemistry set :'(
  • The lightning-struck tree is cool.
  • Flameseeing is great, and so is the Earth-as-patience.
  • The sword? What if our sword is removed from us in combat, or we are imprisoned, would we be helpless then?
    (Besides, what if we roll very bad and the 2 spirits of fire tear the sword apart and we lose both? Now, that would be a funny setback)
    IMO having something inconspicuous like a Ring of Fire, that remains on us even if our weapon is knocked out of our hands, would have been better.
  • I would have preferred the fire as "light in dark places", what is this "PERFECTLY BALANCED between creation and destruction" thing, we are not Thanos, but nevermind :tongue: .
I don't think I'll vote for this round, it's too late for another plan and I don't completely disagree with the one above.
Adhoc vote count started by FractiousDay on Jan 19, 2021 at 6:15 AM, finished with 25 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Patience begets Wisdom and Wisdom begets Balance
    -[X] Beneath a lightning-struck tree
    -[X] Enhance your sword, you could perhaps fashion a pommel out of the totem which you think would further strengthen the sword's enchantment.
    -[X] Balance, fire is a perfect balance between destruction and creation, forces in opposition, yet interdependent
    -[X] Atop a local mountain
    -[X] Carry the totem itself, unaltered for the moment.
    -[X] Patience, earth is the most solid of the Elements and ever-patient
    -[X] Flameseeing: Meditate before a fire and try and strengthen your ability to see through the flames as you had when you looked into the Kul Tiran fort.
    [X] Plan Blade of Blackrock
    -[X] By the main forge of Razor Hill
    -[X] Enhance your sword, you could perhaps fashion a pommel out of the totem which you think would further strengthen the sword's enchantment.
    -[X] Transformation, fire transforms fuel into energy
    -[X] Strength, earth represents the foundation of all things and is able to endure the weight of all things
    -[X] Alchemy: There are few true alchemists among the Horde, but there's apparently a human alchemist at Razor Hill. More suprisingly he's a walking corpse, could this be one of the Forsaken you've heard about?
    [X] Plan: A Hero's Journey
    -[X] Beneath a lightning-struck tree
    -[X] Carry the totem itself, unaltered for the moment.
    -[X] Transformation, fire transforms fuel into energy
    -[X] Atop a local mountain
    -[X] Patience, earth is the most solid of the Elements and ever-patient
    -[X] Alchemy: There are few true alchemists among the Horde, but there's apparently a human alchemist at Razor Hill. More surprisingly he's a walking corpse, could this be one of the Forsaken you've heard about?

The tally doesn't seem to have counted all the votes properly but in any case patience wisdom balance seems to be leading. Voting remains open for the moment but I'll close it later today
And voting closed. Will use this post for rolls.

Step 1 rolls, Meditation, elemental power, confrontation

Step 2 rolls, research, binding attempt, item creation

Step 3 rolls, meditation, ability power, ability utility

Flameseeing, base, target, power

If anyone's interested here are my notes for various locations:


[ ] The town's central firepit (communal? Joining, fire as communal assistance?)
[ ] Near the braziers of the gate guards (watchful?)
[ ] Atop a local mountain (steady personal isolated power, or air combo?)
[ ] On the plains of southern Durotar (steady, weak? Earth retains sun's heat?)
[ ] By the main forge of Razor Hill (industry, earth combo?)
[ ] Beneath a lightning-struck tree (nukes, air combo?)
[ ] By the town's wood store (fire as energy)


[ ] The canyons of Norther Durotar (upheaval, earth as violent)
[ ] In one of the caves nearby (earth as secret, darkness, safety, water combo?)
[ ] At the base of the town's walls (communal strength)
[ ] Atop a local mountain (steady personal isolated power, air combo?)
[ ] By the main forge of Razor Hill (industry, fire combo)
[ ] On a crossroads south of Razor Hill (earth as facilitator)
[ ] By a large standing stone near the town (individual strength, steadiness)

Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Jan 15, 2021 at 5:55 PM, finished with 61 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Patience begets Wisdom and Wisdom begets Balance
    -[X] Beneath a lightning-struck tree
    -[X] Enhance your sword, you could perhaps fashion a pommel out of the totem which you think would further strengthen the sword's enchantment.
    -[X] Balance, fire is a perfect balance between destruction and creation, forces in opposition, yet interdependent
    -[X] Atop a local mountain
    -[X] Carry the totem itself, unaltered for the moment.
    -[X] Patience, earth is the most solid of the Elements and ever-patient
    -[X] Flameseeing: Meditate before a fire and try and strengthen your ability to see through the flames as you had when you looked into the Kul Tiran fort.
    [X] Plan: Storm, Earth and Fire, Heed My Call!
    -[X] Connecting with the Spirit of Fire: Drink the Sapta and open your spirit to the Elements. You find a holy place and battle the Fire Elemental there to acquire a token. FIRE STEP 1
    -[X] Connecting with the Spirit of Earth: Drink the Sapta and open your spirit to the Elements. You find a holy place and battle the Earth Elemental there acquire a token. EARTH STEP 1
    -[X] Create a Fire Totem: You could perhaps strengthening your sword, or maybe using the proof of your victory over the Fire Elemental in some other fashion. FIRE STEP 2, REQUIRES STEP 1
    -[X] Create an Earth Totem: You could perhaps strengthening your sword, or maybe using the proof of your victory over the Earth Elemental in some other fashion. EARTH STEP 2, REQUIRES STEP 1
    -[X] Deepen your connection with the Fire Elemental bound in your totem, after all power is useless without control. FIRE STEP 3, REQUIRES STEP 2
    -[X] Deepen your connection with the Earth Elemental bound in your totem, after all power is useless without control. EARTH STEP 3, REQUIRES STEP 2
    [X] Plan Blade of Blackrock
    -[X] By the main forge of Razor Hill
    -[X] Enhance your sword, you could perhaps fashion a pommel out of the totem which you think would further strengthen the sword's enchantment.
    -[X] Transformation, fire transforms fuel into energy
    -[X] Strength, earth represents the foundation of all things and is able to endure the weight of all things
    -[X] Alchemy: There are few true alchemists among the Horde, but there's apparently a human alchemist at Razor Hill. More suprisingly he's a walking corpse, could this be one of the Forsaken you've heard about?
    [X] Plan: A Hero's Journey
    -[X] Beneath a lightning-struck tree
    -[X] Carry the totem itself, unaltered for the moment.
    -[X] Transformation, fire transforms fuel into energy
    -[X] Atop a local mountain
    -[X] Patience, earth is the most solid of the Elements and ever-patient
    -[X] Alchemy: There are few true alchemists among the Horde, but there's apparently a human alchemist at Razor Hill. More surprisingly he's a walking corpse, could this be one of the Forsaken you've heard about?
FractiousDay threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Fire Total: 66
27 27 36 36 3 3
FractiousDay threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Earth step 1 Total: 122
36 36 83 83 3 3
FractiousDay threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Fire step 2 Total: 57
24 24 5 5 28 28
FractiousDay threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Earth step 2 Total: 104
47 47 33 33 24 24
FractiousDay threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Fire step 3 Total: 148
14 14 90 90 44 44
FractiousDay threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Earth step 3 Total: 58
9 9 38 38 11 11
FractiousDay threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Flameseeing Total: 205
25 25 98 98 24 24 34 34 24 24
FractiousDay threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Special fire roll Total: 61
61 61
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Neeru: sent his failson to get in shape or die to spare the family embarrassment.
Grok'mash: "Instructions unclear, discovered nuclear fission by accident. Please love me, father."
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Rolls done, will write the update now.

I should clarify regarding 'nukes', this refers to fast, high damage spells not to actual nukes. In comparison a spell might provide a defensive enchantment, a strength buff, or a slower damage over time spell in the form of a poison or something.
@FractiousDay remind me, how does the dice system work? I want to say that we did good on flameseeing, but with a number of fairly low rolls, I have doubts.
Depends on who's doing it, and also what I write as the 'question' the dice roll is answering. If its 'how Does your attempt go' a high roll is a success, but if it's another active participant and they're the actor rolling then a high roll would be a success for them.

For flameseeing specifically you rolled very high on the target, which in this case was a beneficial one. If you'd rolled low you might have seen some random thing that wasn't of any benefit. Comparatively though you did just get a lot of low rolls this turn, which means your attempts haven't been as successful as you might like.

The rolls do basically just work as an abstraction though. They direct the narrative and prevent people from saying im being arbitrary as the GM
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Rolls and rolling
Thought I'd do a quick infopost on rolls.

Rolls are rolled whenever there's a meaningful decision or challenge. They also rely on specific conditions and are mediated by them. For example if you were fighting a giant even if you got a high roll you still might not do a lot because you're one guy. Comparably, if you rolled low fighting a gnome you'd still probably win because you're a decent fighter.

Similarly, rolls will be adjusted depending on various things. I've previously capped rolls with floors and ceilings to prevent you doing too well or too badly. For example, if you have a skilled teacher you're going to learn a minimum of stuff, whereas if you have an unskilled teacher you'd have difficulty learning everything.

Criticals are 1 and 100, and artificial criticals aren't a thing.

Rolls are rolled to answer questions, therefore their effects depend on what that question is. If you're in a larger fight I'll roll several rounds with attacker and defender rolling, whereas with a more minor fight I'll just roll one roll to determine how the battle goes.

Rolls are also dependant on traits and abilities. Say you were doing some specialist activity, you'd only be able to perform to your own skills, so even a critical success wouldn't mean you do incredibly. As an example, you had a look at your magic medallion, but you did this with your basic scholarship trait, so even though you rolled high you might have gotten it completely wrong because you were an amateur at the time.

Successes and Failures in rolls will be modified by what's realistic and probable to happen in any instance. For example, a low roll might mean the action is ineffective, not that a meteor crashes down and kills you. Comparably, if you try and persuade a king to give you their kingdom and roll a 100 they'll think its a funny joke, not actually give you the kingdom because that would be such a ridiculous suggestion they're just not going to do it.

I see my role as GM as one of adjudication and while I make lots of rolls I tend to not necessarily use them all in the interest of having interesting things happen rather than relying entirely on the rolls to say whether so and so wants to do something. Generally I'll have 1 overall roll for an action and a series of other minor rolls to give me direction on other issues.

Someone mentioned the bonuses you get to rolls are pretty small. This is indeed so. I tend to dislike quests where most actions are successes and I want to have threatening failstates which will force you to take various actions you might not want to normally. However, you can stack various rolls, currently you have a +11 for fighting, but I might actually do away with them all together as I've started to find it annoying to have to tabulate everything and include all the bonuses, but that would then mean skills would be done away with, which I don't really want to do. Currently considering it.

Questions welcome so I can develop this post as necessary.

Also, @Kir the Wizard and @Guiding Bolt are awarded a bonus of +20 for some future roll. This will be a way I reward interesting ideas and participation in future.

@Algalon gets one for good analysis.
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